Fig 1. Ogouchi Reservoir Bathymetry.: Depth (M)

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The operation of selective withdrawal

(SW) system and vertical curtains (VC) can

alter the water temperature distribution of Depth (m)
the Ogouchi Reservoir (1). However, the
effects of these facilities on turbidity flow
and suspended sediment transport have not
been fully studied yet. Proper management Selective Withdrawal
of sediment releases can prolong the
Vertical Curtain
reservoir’s storage life and regulate the 0 1 2 3
nutrient supply for the eutrophication km Observation Point
process. In this study, the vertical
distribution of temperature and turbidity Fig 1. Ogouchi Reservoir bathymetry.
after a flood event was observed in the field. 0
Further, numerical simulation was carried 10
out to determine the best possible combined
operation scheme for effective sediment 20

1 day
management in the reservoir.

30 after peak
The study area ( ), located at Tokyo, 1 100FT U
Japan is the Ogouchi Reservoir, which 0
serves largely for the city’s water supply. It
has an effective storage capacity of 185 10
Mm3 and a water surface area of 4.25 km2 at

normal water level (NWL) of 101.5 m from 7 days

dam bottom. A SW facility, spanning up to 30 after peak

a depth of 40 m from NWL is in operation. 40
Meanwhile, two successive VC’s with 1 100FT U
depths of 2 and 10 m, respectively are 50
0 1000 2000 3000
installed across the main tributary. m (m)
Distance from river mouth

Fig 2. Vertical distribution of water temperature and

turbidity after flood peak.
Temperature and turbidity were measured
in the four sampling points ( ) using AAQ. Turbidity (FTU) was converted to suspended
sediments (kg m-3) from the data obtained from sediment sampling. Actual flood with peak of 200
m3 s-1 occurred on 09 September 2019. Field observations were made 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days
and 20 days after flood peak.

A 3D hydrodynamic simulator, was used, where equations of continuity and
3D Navier-Stokes with incompressible and Temperature (ºC)
Boussinesq approximations are employed, 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20
together with temperature transport. The 00
equations were discretized based on a
collocated finite volume method. The 20

sediment transport model utilizes the
advection-diffusion equation while applying

and considering the Stokes’ theory of
settling. Initial calibration of suspended A- B- C-
sediments (SS) suggested that the settling 80
velocities for sediment particles with sizes 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20
below 10 µm be set 10 times lower than their SS kg/m 3
theoretical value. These particles were then
SS kg/m3 Temperature (ºC)
assigned with appropriate values of settling
Fig 3. Simulation results for temperature and turbidity
rate during the actual simulation process.
9 days after flood. All cases include the operation
of the VC but differ with SW, where Case A: SW
During field observations, the two VC’s gate at 10 m below NWL, B: 20 m and C: 30 m.
were in operation while the SW system was Table1. Sediment release rates based from simulation.
set at an outflow level of about 15 m below
NWL. As shown on , the VC strongly A (10 m) B (20 m) C (30 m)
affects the temperature difference All Particles 8% 19% 14%
specifically near the water surface between Particles <10 µm 17% 41% 31%
the upstream (colder) and the downstream
(warmer) layers. The VC also guides the turbid water to flow along the reservoir’s middle layer. One
day after flood peak, the maximum turbid flow after the VC is located around the depth of 10 to 20
m. After 7 days, the turbid layer drops to the depth of 15 to 25 m as the coarser sediments settle
through time. The turbid layer appears to move further horizontally above the thermocline, which
coincides with the SW outflow level.
The results of simulations provided in reveal that the SW plays a crucial role in the turbid
layer location, which is closely associated with the SW outflow position. Although no significant
change is observed in the temperature profiles among the three cases, the turbid layer is seen to
move horizontally above the thermocline, a simulation finding consistent with the field observation
data. Furthermore, provides the relative percentage of the sediments released out of the
reservoir. From the simulation, largest reduction of sediments in the reservoir, especially for the fine
ones is possible with the Case B configuration, followed by C, with A having the least sediment
release. Maximum amount of sediments can be discharged out of the dam when the SW outflow is
set relative to the bottom edge of the turbid layer of incoming flood flow.

The turbid flood water is guided towards the reservoir’s middle layer through the VC and is further
horizontally moved above the thermocline, which is located along the SW outflow level. With the
two VC’s in place in the Ogouchi Reservoir, the SW outflow depth should be set at the bottom edge
of the turbid layer of the incoming flood water to facilitate maximum sediment release.

1) Duka, M.A., Yokoyama, K., Shintani, T., Iguchi, K., Iwasaki, H., Ueno, T., Chiba, T., 2019. Influence of
water control facilities on thermal stratification of Ogouchi Reservoir for 58 years.
, 685–690.
2) Veerapaga, N., Azhikodan, G., Shintani, T., Iwamoto, N., Yokoyama, K., 2019. A three-dimensional
environmental hydrodynamic model, Fantom-Refined: Validation and application for saltwater intrusion in a
meso-macrotidal estuary. . 141, 1–20.

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