Summer Camp Ideas

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Food, Friends, fireworks:

Food- rub your belly and say "mmmmm"

Friends- hold out both arms wide and say "heeeeyyyy"
Fireworks- clap both hands over your head and then say "shhhhhhhh" as you slowly
lower your arms to your sides.
Kids stand back to back, on three they turn around and make one of the
gestures/sounds, if they get it they say Yayy!, if not, they say “d0oh!”. They repeat a
couple of times with the same partner, then change partners once.


First sit everyone down them have them all close their eyes tight. Tell them that you
are going to tap one person on the head and they are the frogger.
The frogger's role is to stick their tongue out at people. When they do this it will
"freeze" that person.
There will also be a detective chosen before the frogger they will leave the circle as
the frogger is chosen then come back and try to guess who the frogger is. The
detective should be given 3 guesses.
If one of the campers sees that the frogger has stuck there tongue out at them they
should wait ten seconds before they freeze. Once frozen, the camper should make a
funny face and hold it.
The game continues until the frogger is discovered or the detective runs out of

Guess Who

One person writes down a person’s name, stands in front of the group and describes
the person one by one, the kids who don’t fit the description sit down.

Hit the stick

a popsicle stick in the middle, and the kids try to hit it with a ball, even better if the
stick bounces in the air and flips over.

Make a piñ ata

with a balloon, papier machet, kids make a piñ ata

The group starts in a circle with one person in the middle.

This person tries to get others to laugh by saying “Honey if you love me you’ll smile”
The person on the outside must respond without smiling or laughing saying,
"Honey, I love you but I just can't smile."
The person in the middle can do various things, without touching anyone, to get
another person to smile.
If the person does smile then they will become the center person.

Human tic tac toe

kids answer questions to get to play, when they answer correctly they can stand on
the board and play for their team(without talking to their team mates)

Hot Seat
Have one person sit facing the group. (This person is in the "hot seat.") The
counselor will write a vocabulary word on a piece of paper and hold it up behind the
contestant in the hot seat for everyone to see. Then the group has to try and get the
hot seat contestant to guess the word by giving hints and clues.


Start by soaking an old sheet in water and then hanging it on a clothesline or

draping it over a fence.
Get out various tempera paints and applicators -- sponges, paintbrushes, squirt
bottles -- and go at it, creating pictures, tic-tac-toe grids, or just colorful designs.
You can also mute and mix colors with a water-filled spray bottle. Whenever you
don't like what you see, simply hose down the canvas and start over. For art on a
smaller scale, try the same techniques with a pillowcase or an old T-shirt

Materials Old bedsheet, Tempera paints, Paint brushes, Sponges, Squirt bottles

Make a catapult, with various materials to choose from, kids build a catapult and try
to see whose can shoot things the farthest

Alibi game

Puff paint
1. First, put some glue into a small disposable container.
2. Then add food coloring to the glue.
3. Next, add some shaving cream to the glue and food coloring mixture.
4. Stir until all shaving cream is colored, You might have to add more food coloring.
5. Make all sorts of different colors in separate disposable containers.
6. Paint pictures with your mixtures. But paint it on THICK so it is puffed up off of
the paper.
7. Let dry and see your magical puffed shaving cream art.
glue, shaving cream, food coloring, paint brushes

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