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XP TO SPEND Elite Advances At Rank XP cost

Primaris Psyker

Current Rank: TOTAL XP SPENT

Career Start XP:

Savant Secundus Scholar Secundus Characteristic

Heroic Master
Advances (+5%)
Career Start XP = Career Start XP =
Weapon Skill 2000 2500
Ballistic Skill 2000 2000
Savant Primaris Scholar Primaris
Strength 2500 3500
XP Level to enter this XP Level to enter this Toughness 2500 2500
rank: Previous Rank rank: Previous Rank
Agility 2500 2500
Starting XP + 5500 XP = Starting XP + 5500 XP =
Intelligence 1500 1500
Preceptor-Savant Scholar Empyrean Perception 1000 1500
Primaris Primaris Willpower 1500 2500 Ascended Psychic Power Rank Advances At Rank XP cost
XP Level to enter this XP Level to enter this Fellowship 1000 3500
rank: Previous Rank rank: Previous Rank
Starting XP + 5500 XP = Starting XP + 5500 XP = Primaris Psyker
Ascended Traits
Preceptor-Savant Scholar Empyrean
Alpha Aplha
Scholastica Psykana Failsafes
XP Level to enter this XP Level to enter this
Choice Traits
rank: Previous Rank rank: Previous Rank
Starting XP + 8500 XP = Starting XP + 8500 XP = Psychic Soldier
Untainted Core
A Ghost in the Warp
Alpha Secundus

XP Level to enter this

rank: Previous Rank
Starting XP + 8500 XP =
After transition the Psyker gains the first Ascended Rank based on the career path branch chosen from the Imperial Psyker career.
Alpha Primaris Characters at Preceptor-Savant branch will start at Rank of Savant Secundus while those at Scholar Empyrean branch will start at
XP Level to enter this Rank of Scholar Secundus.
rank: Previous Rank
Starting XP + 8500 XP =
Any characters from some other career than Imperial Psyker will start at rank of Savant Secundus.
Peer (Astropaths) 500 Talent Fel 30
Savant Secundus
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Peer (Inquisition) 300 Talent Fel 30
Ascended Psychic Power 1000 Talent Psy Rating 5+ Psychic Power 300 Talent Psy Rating 3+
Revolutionary 600 Influence Talent — Psychic Power 350 Talent Psy Rating 3+
Warp Lore Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special
Resistance (Psychic 250 Talent Psy rating 4+, WP 35
Melee Weapon Expertise 1400 Paragon Talent —
Rival (Adepta Sororitas) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Ciphers (Inquisition) 250 Skill —
Rival (Ecclesiarchy) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Ciphers (Occult) 200 Skill —
Sound Costitution 250 Talent T 35
Common Lore (Imperial
100 Skill Common Lore (Imperial Creed)
Creed) +10 Strong Minded 300 Talent WP 30, Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Common Lore (Imperial
200 Skill Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10
Creed) +20
Savant Primaris
Common Lore (Imperium)
100 Skill Common Lore (Imperium) Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Member of the Tyrantine
Common Lore (Imperium) 400 Influence Talent Some Roleplay needed
200 Skill Common Lore (Imperium) +10 Cabal
Sleeper Agent 800 Influence Talent —
Forbidden Lore
300 Skill Forbidden Lore (Warp)
(Daemonology) Observation Mastery 400 Mastered Skill Special
Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10 200 Skill Forbidden Lore (Warp) Pistol Expertise 550 Paragon Talent —
Forbidden Lore (Warp) +20 350 Skill Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10
Forbidden Lore (Officio 450 Skill Peer (Government)
Invocation +20 450 Skill Invocation +10
Psy Rating 6 400 Skill Psy Rating 5 Literacy +20 400 Skill Literacy +10

Psyniscience +20 450 Skill Psyniscience +10 Reduce Corruption Points

350 Special —
by 1d5
Search +10 200 Skill Search
Reduce Insanity Points by
Secret Tongue (Inquisition) 250 Skill — 200 Special —
Security +10 300 Skill Security
Combat Sense 450 Talent Per 40, Blademaster
Sleight of Hand +10 200 Skill Slight of Hand
Enemy (Adepta Sororitas) –400 Talent Rival (Adepta Sororitas), Some Roleplay needed
Tech-Use +20 250 Skill Tech-Use +10
Good Reputation
400 Talent Fel 50, Peer (Inquisition)
Reduce Insanity Points by (Inquisition)
200 Special Some Roleplay needed
Insanely Faithful 200 Talent —
Exotic Weapon Training
250 Talent — Labyrinth Conditioning 350 Talent Strong-Minded
(Choose One)
Lightning Attack 400 Talent Swift Attack, WS 35
Exotic Weapon Training
250 Talent — Mnemonic Purging 350 Talent Int 45, WP 45, Total Recall, Labyrinth Conditioning
(Choose One)

Logis Implant 300 Talent Int 35 Peer (Administratum) 700 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Government)
Peer (Navigators) 700 Talent Fel 30, Peer (Government)
Major Arcana 350 Talent Master Sorcerer, Dark Path
Rival (Cult (Specific)) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path
Sound Constitution 350 Talent T 35
Minor Arcana 250 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path
Psy Rating +1 800 Talent Psy Rating 6
Minor Psychic Power 150 Talent Psy Rating 1
Preceptor-Savant Primaris Scholar Secundus
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Enemy (Ecclesiarchy) –400 Influence Talent Rival (Ecclesiarchy) Ascended Psychic Power 1000 Talent Psy Rating 5+
Hidden Cultist 700 Influence Talent — Warp Lore Mastery 400 Mastered Skill Special
Decadent Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special Charm 150 Skill Fel 25
Forbidden Lore Mastery 750 Mastered Skill Special Charm +10 350 Skill Charm
Investigation Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special Ciphers (Inquisition) 250 Skill —
Resistance (Psychic Powers), Strong-Minded, WP 40, Armour Command 350 Skill Fel 25, S 30, T 25
Soul of Stone 400 Paragon Talent of Contempt, Fearless, Insanely Faithful, Jaded, Resistance Common Lore (Imperial
(Fear), Unshakeable Faith 100 Skill Common Lore (Imperial Creed)
Creed) +10
Secret Tongue (Inquisition) 500 Skill Secret Tongue (Inquisition) Common Lore (Imperial
200 Skill Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10
Creed) +20
Peer (Void Born) 700 Talent — Common Lore (Imperium)
100 Skill Common Lore (Imperium)
Good Reputation 400 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Administratum)
Common Lore (Imperium)
200 Skill Common Lore (Imperium) +10
Good Reputation 700 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Navigators)
Dodge +20 400 Skill Dodge +10
Peer (Cult (Specific)) 500 Talent Fel 30,Some Roleplay needed Logic +20 250 Skill Logic
Rival (Recidivist Search +10 250 Skill Search
–200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Organisation (Specific))
Secret Tongue (Inquisition)
Rival (Underworld) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed 500 Skill Secret Tongue (Inquisition) +10
Security 300 Skill —
Preceptor-Savant Alpha
Speack Language (High
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites 300 Skill Speak Language (High Gothic) +10
Gothic) +20
Ascended Psychic Power 1200 Talent Psy Rating 6, Psy Rating +1 Trade (Artist) +10 400 Skill Trade (Artist)
Conditioned Intellect 500 Paragon Talent — Basic Weapon Training
200 Talent Basic Weapon Training (SP)
Storm of Blows 500 Paragon Talent WS 45, Ag 40, Ambidextrous, Lightning Attack, Swift Attack,
Basic Weapon Training
250 Talent —
Ciphers (Inquisition) +10 350 Skill Ciphers (Inquisition) (Flame)
Talented (Command) 450 Skill Command +10 Discipline Focus (Choose
350 Talent Psy Rating 5+
Enemy (Cult (Specific)) –300 Talent Rival (Cult (Specific)), Some Roleplay needed
Major Arcana 300 Talent Master Sorcerer, Dark Path
Good Reputation (Military) 800 Talent Fel 30, Peer (Military), Air of Authority, Command +10
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path
Peer (PDF) 700 Talent Fel 30
Minor Psychic Power 150 Talent Psy Rating 1
Resistance (Possession) 400 Talent Resistance (Psychic Powers)
Minor Psychic Power 150 Talent Psy Rating 1
Sound Constitution 400 Talent —
Psychic Power 300 Talent Psy Rating 3+
Psy Rating +1 700 Talent Psy Rating 6
Psychic Power 300 Talent Psy Rating 3+
Resistance (Possession) 450 Talent Strong Minded
Rival (Adepta Sororitas) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Rival (Ecclesiarchy) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Good Reputation
300 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Academics), Medicae +10, Master Chirurgeon
Scholar Primaris Scholar Empyrean Primaris
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Member of the Tyrantine Ascended Psychic Power 1200 Talent Psy Rating 6, Psy Rating +1
400 Influence Talent Some Roleplay needed
Enemy (Ecclesiarchy) –400 Influence Talent Rival (Ecclesiarchy), Some Roleplay needed
Revolutionary 850 Influence Talent Some Roleplay needed
Common Lore Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special
Sleeper Agent 800 Influence Talent —
Decadent Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special
Forbidden Lore Mastery 400 Mastered Skill Special
Forbidden Lore Mastery 700 Mastered Skill Special
Conditioned Intellect 500 Paragon Talent Fel 30, Int 40, Foresight, Total Recall, Logic
Investigation Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special
Ciphers (Inquisition) +10 350 Skill Ciphers (Inquisition)
Observation Mastery 550 Mastered Skill Special
Talented (Forbidden Lore
500 Skill Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10 Scholastic Mastery 500 Mastered Skill Special
(Warp) )
Resistance (Psychic Powers), Strong-Minded, WP 40, Armour
Trade (Artist) +20 500 Skill Trade (Artist) +10
Soul of Stone 400 Paragon Talent of Contempt, Fearless, Insanely Faithful, Jaded, Resistance
Reduce Corruption Points (Fear), Unshakeable Faith
350 Special Some Roleplay needed
by 1d5
Trade (Select one) +10 400 Skill Trade (as selected)
Reduce Insanity Points by
200 Special — Peer (Void Born) 700 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Good Reputation
Reduce Insanity Points by 400 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Administratum)
200 Special Some Roleplay needed (Administratum)
Good Reputation
Enemy (Adepta Sororitas) –400 Talent Rival (Adepta Sororitas), Some Roleplay needed 700 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Navigators)
Exotic Weapon Training Psy Rating +1 700 Talent Psy Rating 6
300 Talent —
(Choose One)

Good Reputation
700 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Astropaths), Peer (Nobility) Scholar Empyrean Alpha
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Insanely Faithful 200 Talent —
Worthy of the Calixian Elite 500 Influence Talent Peer (Nobility), Peer (Governmentr), Peer (Inquisition)
Int 40, WP 45, Literacy +10, Jaded, Insanely Faithful, Strong-
Intellectualization 350 Talent
Minded, Peer (Academics)
Ciphers (Inquisition) +10 250 Skill Ciphers (Inquisition)
Major Arcana 300 Talent Master Sorcerer, Dark Path
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path
Trade (Select one) +20 550 Skill Trade (as selected) +10
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path
Peer (Govenrment) 500 Talent Peer (Nobility) or Peer (Administratum)
Minor Psychic Power 150 Talent Psy Rating 1
Peer (Administratum) 400 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Nobility) Polyglot 400 Talent Int 40, Fel 30
Peer (Administratum) 700 Talent Fel 30 Sound Constitution 800 Talent —
Peer (Navigators) 400 Talent Fel 35, Peer (Nobility) Speed Reading 500 Talent Literacy +10, Int 40, Total Recall
Peer (Navigators) 600 Talent Fel 25, Some Roleplay needed Total Recall 300 Talent —
Peer (Nobility) 250 Talent Etiquette Trait Psy Rating +1 700 Talent Psy Rating 6
Psychic Supremacy (Choose Unnatural Intelligence (x1) 1000 Trait —
750 Talent Discipline Focus (as chosen)
Unnatural Willpower (x1) 1000 Trait —
Rival (Cult (Specific)) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Sound Constitution 500 Talent —
Talented (Literacy) 400 Talent Literacy +10
Talented (Logic) 500 Talent Logic +10
Psy Rating +1 700 Talent Psy Rating 6
Alpha Secundus Alpha Primaris
Advance Cost Type Prerequisites Advance Cost Type Prerequisites
Ascended Psychic Power 1700 Talent Psy Rating 6, Psy Rating +1, Psy Rating +1 Fel 50, WP 30, Command, Air of Authority, Iron Discipline,
Heroic Leadership 500 Paragon Talent
Into the Jaws of Hell, Master Orator
Ally of the Departmento
400 Influence Talent —
Munitorum Diplomacy 800 Skill Fel 45, Worthy of the Calixian Elite

Fel 30, Peer (Government), Peer (Administratum), Some Select a new Psychic
Lord of Domains 400 Influence Talent Dsicipline and gain one
Roleplay needed 800 Special Psy Rating 6
freely selected Power from
Worthy of the Calixian Elite 700 Influence Talent Peer(Government), Peer (Inquisition) it
Enemy (Recidivist Rival (Recidivist Organisation (Specific)), Some Roleplay Enemy (Adeptus Arbites) –300 Talent Some Roleplay needed
–300 Talent
Organisation (Specific)) needed Enemy (Government) –300 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Good Reputation (Nobility) 800 Talent Fel 50, Peer (Nobility)
Good Reputation (Void 400 Talent Fel 40, Peer (Void Born)
Major Arcana 300 Talent Master Sorcerer, Dark Path
Major Arcana 300 Talent Master Sorcerer, Dark Path Peer (Chartist Captains) 700 Talent Fel 30, Some Roleplay needed
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path Peer (Cults (Specific)) 700 Talent Fel 30, Some Roleplay needed
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path Peer (Rogue Trader) 700 Talent Fel 30, Some Roleplay needed
Minor Arcana 150 Talent Sorcerer, Dark Path Rival (Cult (Specific)) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed

Minor Psychic Power 150 Talent Psy Rating 1 Enemy (Cult (Specific)) –300 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Enemy (Officio
Minor Psychic Power 150 Talent Psy Rating 1 –700 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Peer (Imperial Navy) 700 Talent Fel 30, Peer (Navigators), Some Roleplay needed Good Reputation (Chartist
400 Talent Fel 50, Peer (Chartist Captains)
Psychic Power 300 Talent Psy Rating 3+
Good Reputation (PDF) 400 Talent Fel 50, Peer (PDF)
Psychic Power 300 Talent Psy Rating 3+
Good Reputation (Rogue
Rival (Cult (Specific)) –200 Talent Some Roleplay needed 400 Talent Fel 50, Peer (Rogue Trader)
Unnatural Willpower (x1), OR WP 55, Fearless, Resistance Psy Rating +1 700 Talent Psy Rating 6
Unnatural Willpower (x2) 1500 Trait
(Possession) Rival (Recidivist
–200 Talent Some Roleplay needed
Organisation (Specific))
Unnatural Willpower (x3) 2000 Trait Unnatural Willpower (x2)

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