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This project is developed for user to learn more about python and check their
knowledge level on programs. This project conveys the following project:

 It asks the user to proceed with the program only after signing up and then
logging in.
 If they have already signed up, they can directly log in.
 Then the programs assigned for level 1 will be displayed.
 Each level contains two questions and if the user completes the program
then they can be move on to the next level.
 In total there are 4 levels with a bonus question in the end
 The programs included are:

1. LEVEL 1 – Question 1: Max, Min and Sum

Question 2: square of number using math module

2. LEVEL 2 – Question 1: Palindrome number

Question 2: Check if a number is odd or even

3. LEVEL 3 – Question 1: Armstrong number

Question 2: Fibonacci sequence

4. LEVEL 4 – Question 1: Patterns

Question 2: LCM and GCD

 In the end after the levels are passed a congratulated message is displayed

1. Modern operating system:

i) Windows 7 or 10

ii) Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, 64.611

iii) Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64 bit

2. Processor:

i) X86 64-bit CPU(Intel/AMD architecture)

3. Memory:

i) 4 GB RAM

ii) 5 GB free disk space

1. Windows (7/8/10)/Mac/Linux

2. Stable internet connection

3. Anaconda packages for S2/64-bit with python 3.7 or above

4. Microsoft Excel

5. Python IDLE

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