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1.He will start abusinessnextmonth.

2.She willremit thefinetomorrow.

3.I shallnotgo toSpain.

4.I willread anoveltomorrow.

5.Willyou do meafavor?

6.I willmeet youat4o’clock.

7.Themechanic willfix mycar.

8.Thestudents willtake theexam.

9.Thegardener willplant theseedsinhisgarden.

10.Thestudents willread booksinthelibrary.

B:“I will get (get)it.”
2.Joanthinksthe Conservatives will win (win)thenext
3.A:“I’m moving house tomorrow.”
B:“I will come (come)andhelpyou.”
4.If she passes the exam,she be)veryhappy.
5.I will be (be)thereat four o'clock, I promise.
6.A:“I’m cold.”
B:“I will turn (turn) on the fire.”
B:“Don't worry she will come (come).”
8.The meeting will take (take)placeat6p.m.
9.Ifyoueatallofthatcake,you will feel (feel)sick.
10.They will be (be)athomeat10o'clock.

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