Reading Comprehension Level 2 - 2 (2 Files Merged)

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2 2

Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Read and answer the questions Read and answer the questions

My Garden Every Morning

I have a garden. My garden is I get up early in the morning and
beautiful. It has many plants and brush my teeth. Then I take a
one big tree. There is one rose bath and wear my school
plant with beautiful roses. One uniform. I like to have bread in
jasmine plant and marigold plant. the breakfast. I pack my bag
The tree is of neem. It gives us and fill my water bottle. My mom
shade. Plants and trees are very packs my lunch box. Pom pom!
important they help us in many My school bus has come. I have
ways. I water them daily and to go to school.
take care of them.
Questions Questions
What all plants are there is the garden? What do you do after getting up in the morning?
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Who gives shade? What do you like to have in the breakfast?

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How we should take care of the plants and trees? How do you go to school?
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