Innox Structural Units

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INNOX may have multiple departments or units that work together to foster innovation and entrepreneurship on

1. Entrepreneurship Center: This department often focuses on supporting students and faculty in developing
entrepreneurial skills, launching startups, and providing resources for business development.

2. Incubator/Accelerator: Some innovation centers have dedicated spaces or programs to incubate and accelerate
startups, providing them with office space, mentorship, and access to resources.

3. Technology Transfer Office: This department focuses on the commercialization of university research, including
patenting and licensing of intellectual property developed by faculty and researchers.

4. Innovation and Research Labs: These are dedicated spaces for students, faculty, and researchers to work on
innovative projects and conduct research in various fields.

5. Maker Space/Fabrication Lab: Provides access to equipment, tools, and expertise for building prototypes and
experimenting with new technologies.

6. Business Development and Support: Offers services related to business planning, marketing, financial modeling,
and other aspects of entrepreneurship.

7. Funding and Grants Office: Helps connect innovators with sources of funding, such as grants, venture capital,
and angel investors.

8. Corporate Partnerships: Facilitates collaborations between the university and external organizations, including
corporations interested in innovation and research.

9. Innovation Workshops and Events: Organizes workshops, seminars, and events to promote innovation,
creativity, and entrepreneurship on campus.

10. Commercialization and Licensing Office: Focuses on bringing university-developed technologies to the market,
including licensing agreements and partnerships with industry.

11. Student Innovation Programs: Supports student-led innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives, such as
student-run businesses, competitions, and innovation challenges.

12. Data Analytics and Research Support: Provides resources and expertise for data-driven research and

13. Marketing and Outreach: Handles the promotion of the innovation center's activities and connects with the
broader community.

14. Legal and Intellectual Property Services: Offers legal support for innovation and entrepreneurship activities,
including patents, contracts, and legal advice.

15. Networking and Alumni Engagement: Connects innovators with alumni and industry professionals who can
offer guidance, mentorship, and support.

16. Sustainability and Social Impact Initiatives: Focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship for social and
environmental impact.

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