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Submit a Manuscript: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/ World J Hypertens 2015 May 23; 5(2): 14-27
Help Desk: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/helpdesk.aspx ISSN 2220-3168 (online)
DOI: 10.5494/wjh.v5.i2.14 © 2015 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.


Endocrine hypertension: An overview on the current

etiopathogenesis and management options

Reena M Thomas, Ewa Ruel, Prapimporn Ch Shantavasinkul, Leonor Corsino

Reena M Thomas, Ewa Ruel, Leonor Corsino, Division primary aldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, cushing’
of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition, Department of s syndrome, hyperparathyroidism and hypo- and
Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, hyperthyroidism. They comprise 5%-10% of the causes
United States
of secondary hypertension. Primary hyperaldosteronism,
Prapimporn Ch Shantavasinkul, Division of Nutrition and
Biochemical Medicine, Department of Medicine, Ramathibodi the most common of the endocrine cause of hypertension
Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok often presents with resistant or difficult to control
10400, Thailand hypertension associated with either normo-or hypokalemia.
Author contributions: Thomas RM, Ruel E, Shantavasinkul PC Pheo­chromocytoma, a great mimicker of many conditions,
and Corsino L had made substantial contributions to the drafting is associated with high morbidity and mortality if left
of the article or revising it critically for important intellectual untreated. A complete history including pertinent family
content. history, physical examination along with a high index
Supported by NIH/NIDDK training to Dr. Ruel, No. T32DK007012-
36A1; a visiting scholar grant from Mahidol University, Thailand of suspicion with focused biochemical and radiological
to Dr. Shantavasinkul. evaluation is important to diagnose and effectively treat
Conflict-of-interest: The authors report no conflict of interest. these conditions. The cost effective targeted genetic
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was screening for current known mutations associated with
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external pheochromocytoma are important for early diagnosis
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative and management in family members. The current review
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, focuses on the most recent evidence regarding causes,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
clinical features, methods of diagnosis, and management
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and of these conditions. A multidisciplinary approach involving
the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/ internists, endocrinologists and surgeons is recommended
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ in optimal management of these conditions.
Correspondence to: Leonor Corsino, MD, MHS, FACE,
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Key words: Primary aldosteronism; Hyperaldosteronism;
Metabolism and Nutrition, Duke University Medical Center, Box Adrenal; Adenoma; Pheochromocytoma
3451, Durham, NC 27710,
United States. leonor.corsinonunez@dm.duke.edu © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Baishideng Publishing
Telephone: +1-919-6843841
Group Inc. All rights reserved.
Fax: +1-919-6681559
Received: October 4, 2014
Peer-review started: October 5, 2014 Core tip: This is an invited manuscript to present a
First decision: November 14, 2014 summary of the most recent information on the etiology,
Revised: December 6, 2014 diagnosis and management of endocrine diseases as a
Accepted: March 4, 2015 cause of secondary hypertension.
Article in press: March 6, 2015
Published online: May 23, 2015
Thomas RM, Ruel E, Shantavasinkul PC, Corsino L. Endocrine
hypertension: An overview on the current etiopathogenesis and
management options. World J Hypertens 2015; 5(2): 14-27
Abstract Available from: URL: http://www.wjgnet.com/2220-3168/full/
v5/i2/14.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5494/wjh.v5.i2.14
Endocrine causes of secondary hypertension include

WJH|www.wjgnet.com 14 May 23, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 2|

Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

known as primary adrenal hyperplasia. This is thought

to be a micro or macrondular area of hyperplasia in the
Secondary hypertension, a term used for the hypertension zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland that is limited
for which there is an identifiable cause, accounts for 10% [3]
to only one rather than both adrenals . Further, 2% of
of all patients with hypertension . Endocrine conditions patients have a familial hyperaldosteronism syndrome
as a cause of secondary hypertension comprise 5%-10% [3]
type 1 or 2 . Type 1 is glucocorticoid-remediable
of all patients with hypertension . Although this form of aldosteronism (GRA) and type 2 familial aldosterone-
hypertension is rare, identification and treatment of the [6]
producing adenoma or IHA . These are further
underlying cause, might lead to the cure or significant discussed in the section on genetic disorders. The
improvement of the hypertension, thereby decreasing remaining rare categories of aldosterone producers (1%)
the cardiovascular risk and morbidities associated with are adrenocortical carcinoma, or ectopic production of
hypertension. [5,7]
aldosterone such as ovarian or renal source .
The endocrine conditions causing secondary hyper­
tension are primary aldosteronism, pheochro­mocytoma, Clinical presentation: The classic patient with primary
Cushing’s syndrome, acromegaly, hyperparathyroidism, hyperaldosteronism presents with difficult to control
congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypothyroidism, hyper­ hypertension and hypokalemia. If severe, hypokalemia
thyroidism and renin-secreting tumors. Current evid­ may be accompanied by muscle weakness, cramping,
ence shows no benefit of screening for endocrine headaches, palpitations, and polyuria. Hypokalemia may be
causes of hypertension in all patients presenting with unmasked with the addition of diuretics. The presentation
hypertension. However, it is important to maintain a of hyperaldosteronism varies and many patients may
high index of clinical suspicion based on the knowledge present with hypertension without hypokalemia. A higher
of the clinical features and presentation of these index of suspicion is necessary in order to make the
conditions. diagnosis.
In this review, we will focus on the etiopathogenesis, Screening for PAH should be considered for hyper­
diagnosis and treatment of the most common endocrine tensive patients with the following presentation:
causes of hypertension-primary hyperaldosteronsim hypokalemia, difficult to control hypertension on 3 or
(PAH) and pheochromocytoma. more anti-hypertensive drugs or hypertension of ≥ 160
mmHg systolic and ≥ 100 mmHg diastolic, or those
with hypertension and an incidental adrenal mass,
young onset of hypertension, or those being evaluated
Introduction for other causes of secondary hypertension . The

PAH is one of the most common causes of secondary Endocrine Society Guidelines published in 2008 echoed
hypertension . As such, it is recommended that this these recommendations adding that screening should
condition be considered in the differential diagnosis also include those with hypertension and diuretic-
of patients with uncontrolled hypertension. With the induced hypokalemia, those with family history of early
advent of more refined testing, it is widely quoted to onset hypertension or stroke at age < 40, as well as all
account for 5%-13% of the population with age of onset hypertensive patients with a first degree relatives with
between 30 and 60 . A recent prospective study of primary hyperaldosteronism .

1180 patients with newly diagnosed hypertension found

a prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism of 4.8% . APA: Patients with APA tend to be younger and present
PAH is due to either idiopathic hyperaldosteronism with severe symptoms in terms of degree and frequency
(IHA) or due to aldosterone producing adenoma (APA). of hypertension and hypokalemia, respectively. Bio­
IHA involves bilateral adrenals and accounts for an chemical analysis reveals higher plasma levels of
estimated 60%-66% of diagnosis. APA, the classic aldosterone (> 25 ng/dL plasma aldosterone)
case first discovered by Conn over 60 years ago, is a
unilateral adrenal adenoma and makes up the majority Cardiovascular and renal effects: Recent evidence
of remaining cases of primary hyperaldosteronism has called attention to the increase of cardiovascular
(30%-35%) . However, the prospective study events associated with hyperaldosteronism. Specifically,
described above found that the exact make up of what in a study with case matched patients with essential
constitutes the majority of primary hyperaldosteronism hypertension, those with hyperaldosteronism had more
diagnosis varies depending on access to confirmatory cardiovascular events and increased left ventricular
testing, notably adrenal vein sampling (AVS). More hypertrophy independent of blood pressure levels .
patients were diagnosed with bilateral than unilateral These left ventricle changes appeared to be reversible
[4] [12]
disease if there was no access to AVS and vice versa . post adrenalectomy .
Thus, depending on access to an academic center with A recent prospective Italian study > 1100 patients
AVS expertise, the prevalence of bilateral vs unilateral found that urine albumin was significantly increased
disease will differ. Additionally, 2% of cases of primary as compared to patients with essential hypertension,
hyperaldosteronism involve a unilateral hyperplasia also presumably highlighting increased renal damage with

WJH|www.wjgnet.com 15 May 23, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 2|

Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

PAH . results.

Diagnosis Impact of medications on screening: Ideally,

The biochemical hallmarks of primary hyperaldosteronism hypertensive drugs interfering with renin and aldosterone
are low potassium, high aldosterone, and low renin. measurements should be discontinued at least 2 wk
Hypokalemia itself, while helpful in recognizing the prior to laboratory testing. However, for those patients
disease, is not required, with only 9%-37% of patients with severe hypertension who are on multiple anti-
presenting with hypokalemia . Normal potassium hypertensives, this may not be safe and tolerable. Several
cannot rule out hyperaldosteronism as some patients with studies suggest that anti-hypertensives need not be
primary hyperaldosteronism will have normal potassium discontinued for screening , but the debate continues.
levels . Additionally, most patients with hypertension Experts in the field suggest that if discontinuation of all
who have hypokalemia do not have PAH . Low renin antihypertensive medications is not feasible because
and elevated aldosterone are hallmarks. However, low of the concern of patient safety, providers should
renin on its own can be found in patients taking beta- discontinue mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist such
blockers, high sodium intake, steroids, licorice or with low as spironolactone, eplerenone and amiloride for at
renin essential hypertension . Further, plasma and urine least 4 wk prior to testing and use other medications to
aldosterone levels are subject to confounders including control hypertension . The Endocrine Society practice
incomplete urine assays, influence of hypokalemia and guidelines suggest the following medications (verapamil,
diurnal variation . hydralazine, prazosin hydrochloride, doxazosin and
The diagnosis for primary hyperaldosteronism trad­ terazosin) as alternatives during screening because of
itionally includes the following 3 steps: (1) screening; (2) their minimal impact on screening assays .
confirmation; and (3) diagnosis of subtype . Debate
over exact cutoffs for screening, the need for confirmatory Confirmatory testing: While an increased ratio of
testing and the best way to distinguish APA from other plasma aldosterone to plasma renin is highly suggestive
subtypes is ongoing. of the diagnosis, some experts advocate for confirmatory
testing. For patients with severe cardiac or renal disease,
Screening: Initial screening of patients suspected to have confirmatory testing may not be advised. Currently there
hyperaldosteronism should be conducted with a morning are no gold standard confirmatory tests . The Endocrine
(preferably 8-10 am) plasma aldosterone and renin Society guidelines suggest the following as potential
values. For proper interpretation, aldosterone and renin confirmatory test: oral sodium loading test, saline
testing should be performed in the morning on a seated infusion test, fludrocortisone suppression test, and the
ambulatory patient . Though plasma aldosterone to renin captopril challenge test . The selection of a confirmatory
ratio is considered a screening test, some physicians forgo test should be based on cost, time, morbidity and
additional lab testing once this screen is obtained . It is conflicting data on sensitivity and specificity of the test .
important to note, however, that debate exists over the A recent study in Japan of 120 cases examined the
exact cutoffs for the ratio, with a recent study finding a diagnostic relevance of captopril challenge and saline
ratio of 32 ng/mL per hour . Some experts advocate infusion testing to confirm positive screening test and
for the use of both a ratio and an aldosterone level. For concluded that most patients with positive screens also
example, using a plasma aldosterone to plasma renin had positive confirmatory testing. The study challenges
activity ratio of more than 30 ng/mL per hour and a the point that not all cases may require confirmatory
plasma aldosterone of more than 20 ng/dL combination testing to establish the diagnosis .
is 90% sensitive and 91% specific, with a positive Salt loading test is one of the most commonly
predictive value of 69% and negative predictive value of used confirmatory tests. Once blood pressure is stable
98% . Physicians need to be aware that false positives and potassium is replete, the patient is given oral salt
and negatives do occur . Testing in general is affected tablets for 3 d. Subsequently, a 24 h urine aldosterone
by medications (including many anti-hypertensive, is measured. Careful monitoring of blood pressure and
oral contraceptives, and selective serotonin reuptake potassium is required. The test is considered positive
inhibitors), renal function, upright posture, age, sex and when the 24 h urine aldosterone level is > 12 µg/24
. Thus, tests should be interpreted with h or 33 nmol/d with a concomitant 24 h urine sodium
caution and in many cases repeated to confirm results. excretion of > 200 mmol/d (approximately 6 g/d). This
Additionally, biochemical results may be laboratory and test provides > 90% sensitivity and specificity .
assay dependent. There exists variability in assays and Intravenous saline infusion test involves the infusion
units used in reporting various cut offs
. Further, 2 L of normal saline over 4 h after an overnight fast
laboratories measuring renin must be able to detect and drawing plasma aldosterone level post infusion.
renin at its lowest range; this has been found to be Plasma aldosterone levels above 10 ng/dL or 277 pmol/L
a limitation of some laboratories . It is critical that (as compared to less than 5 ng/dL or 139 pmol/L for
providers become familiar with their own laboratories controls) is considered confirmatory for a diagnosis of
units and measurement assays while interpreting their primary hyperaldosteronism .

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Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

The fludrocortisone suppression test and the captopril study of 203 patients selected for AVS to determine
challenge test are not widely used in clinical practice if the diagnosis could be made based solely on CT
due to cardiovascular concerns, the need to follow the showed that 48 patients (24.7%) would have had
patient closely during the test, challenges in interpreting inappropriate surgery and 42 patients (21.7%) would
the results, and risk for false negative and equivocal have been denied needed for surgery based on CT scan
[25] [5]
results . results alone . AVS may be helpful for patients when
adrenal CT is normal, shows micronodularity (unilateral
Imaging modalities or bilateral < 1 cm) or a combination of micro and
Localization of the source of primary hyperaldosteronism macronodules . In a recent radiological study,
is key to the treatment. Only unilateral adenomas or APA matching patients who underwent CT vs CT and AVS
are treated with surgery. Imaging helps to distinguish found that for tumors larger than 1 cm, CT can reliably
between unilateral vs bilateral disease. Recent research predict unilateral disease and thus obviate the need
has focused on how to best utilize computerized for AVS. This study concluded that AVS is helpful when
tomography (CT) scan vs AVS in order to correctly CT study is equivocal or shows bilateral disease .
identify those patients who may potentially be cured with An algorithm based partly on age of more or less
. than age 40, together with the nodule’s appearance,
size and uni-laterality as seen on CT scan may best
CT imaging: Adrenal CT imaging alone cannot reliably guide next steps, including referral for AVS . Based
distinguish a unilateral source of hyperaldosteronism, on this algorithm, it should be noted that patients
especially in older patients . In a prospective study of younger than age 40 with a unilateral hypo-dense
203 patients with primary hyperaldosteronism selected nodule > 1 cm on adrenal CT scan who have a very
for AVS, CT scan could identify unilateral vs bilateral high probability of unilateral adenoma may proceed to
aldosterone source in about half (53%) of the cases .
surgery without AVS . An expert consensus statement
CT can also creates confusion if it reveals normal has defined the following exceptions to recommending
adrenals, bilateral large nodules or bilateral small < AVS: age < 40 years with marked PA and a clear uni-
1 cm adrenal nodules . Specifically, a small growth lateral adrenal adenoma and a normal contralateral
noted on adrenal gland with another on the other may adrenal gland on CT, unacceptable high risks of adrenal
be falsely categorized a patient as having bilateral surgery (i.e., due to multiple comorbidities), those with
hyperplasia whereas in reality the smaller growth suspected adrenocortical carcinoma and those with
is non-functioning and the patient has a unilateral proven Familial Hyperaldosteronism-Ⅰ or with Familial
adenoma that warrants referral for surgery .
Hyperaldosteronism-Ⅲ .
Traditionally, unilateral adenomas appear as small In AVS, adrenal veins are accessed via the femoral
nodules < 2 cm in diameter and are hypodense. In vein. Blood samples are taken from both adrenal veins
contrast, it should be noted that adrenal carcinomas and compared to that found in the inferior vena cava
are usually > 4 cm in diameter and are heterogenous (IVC) at the level below the renal veins. The right
on CT scan. IHA can appear as bilateral nodules on adrenal vein may be particularly challenging to access.
CT scan. However, sometimes, the CT scan can be The left adrenal sample is accessed from the inferior
read as normal. Given the caveats of adrenal CT phrenic vein next to the adrenal vein . During the
scans, imaging must often be combined with other study, cosyntropin or ACTH is infused throughout the
test modalities with most favoring AVS for biochemical procedure to minimize fluctuations in aldosterone levels
confirmation of laterality prior to surgical intervention. due to stress . Using a radioimmunoassay, aldosterone
and cortisol concentrations of the right and left adrenal
Scintigraphy: Scintigraphy iodomethyl-nor-cholesterol glands as well as the IVC are measured. To account for
(NP-59) uptake also known as dexamethasone- dilution, the aldosterone concentration is then corrected
suppression DS adrenal scintigraphy can be considered using cortisol so that an aldosterone/cortisol ratio is
for adenomas > 1.5 cm in diameter. However, a obtained. The ratios of aldosterone to cortisol from
definitive distinction of unilateral vs bilateral source of each side are then compared . Traditionally, the cut
aldosterone cannot be made as tracer uptake for the off for distinguishing a unilateral source of aldosterone
most part correlates with tumor volume and less so is a lateralization ratio of > 5 . However, a recent
with tumor secretion . This imaging is not useful in study found a lateralization ratio of more than > 4 as
cases with microadenomas. Imaging with scintigraphy indicative of APA . Others suggest a cortisol-corrected
does not reliably replace adrenal venous sampling in aldosterone ratio from high side to low side more than
characterizing nodule function . 4:1 is indicative of unilateral aldosterone excess; a
ratio less than 3:1 is suggestive of bilateral aldosterone
AVS: Selective AVS is the most reliable technique hypersecretion .
used to distinguish a true unilateral adenoma (APA) There are several complications that may occur during
from bilateral disease notably IHA . AVS is critical in AVS. These can be as high as 5%. These complications
categorizing certain patients correctly. In a prospective are: groin hematoma, adrenal hemorrhage, dissection

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Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

of adrenal vein and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Both, spironolactone and eplerenone, should be used
Theoretically, Addisonian crisis could also occur . There with caution in patients with chronic kidney disease
is a major limitation of AVS including the access to stage 3 because of the risk of hyperkalemia. They
institutions that perform this specialized, highly skilled should be avoided in patients with end stage renal
procedure. A recent international study of AVS, found disease and chronic kidney disease stage 4. Amiloride,
that many referral centers worldwide, do not use AVS , a sodium channel blocker can also correct hypokalemia
mainly because of lack of skilled professionals with and improve blood pressure without the side effects of
experience conducting the procedure. In a recent study, spironolactone. Muscle cramps have been noted as side
the failure rate of AVS was low at 4.4%. However, the effect .
study relied on one angiographer to perform the vast Calcium channel blockers can decrease aldosterone
majority of procedures . In general, the failure rate can secretion and have variable success at lowering blood
be greater than 25% . pressure. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
may also improve blood pressure. It is postulated that
Management IHA would be more responsive to treatment since APAs
Medical management: Medical management should are autonomous and would therefore be less likely to
be provided to all patients with demonstrated bilateral respond to angiotensin Ⅱ. Angiotensin Ⅱ inhibitors
disease. Additionally, medical management is an have a role as additional agents in treatment . In a
option for patients with unilateral disease who do not small study looking at long term follow up of patients
undergo surgery. It has been noted that those with with APA who chose medical therapy, with a follow up
IHA are more likely to require multi drug treatment as time between 5-17 years, blood pressure was at goal
compared to APA .
for 75% of participants. The majority patients (n = 24)
The main stay of treatment of PAH is spironolactone, were receiving a potassium-sparing diuretic plus an
a competitive aldosterone receptor antagonist .
additional blood pressure medication. All had resolution
Spironolactone should be started in patients without of hypokalemia. In the time of follow up, none had
contraindications. The starting dose is 12.5-25 mg per a malignant transformation and none experienced
day. It is recommended that the prescribing provider stroke, myocardial infarction or heart failure .
follow the patient’s blood pressure and potassium
levels closely. The follow up should be close for the Surgery: Once potassium and blood pressure are
first couple of weeks after starting this medication. controlled, laparoscopic adrenalectomy is indicated
Spironolactone should be titrated slowly until blood for unilateral source of aldosteronism. AVS should
pressure is controlled to a maximum dose of 100 mg be considered prior to surgery as discussed in detail
per day . Spironolactone has multiple side effects that above. The laparoscopic approach is preferred because
may affect quality of life particularly for male patients, it offers faster recovery from surgery with associated
the most notable side effect being gynecomastia. In shorter length of stay and lower morbidity .
general, side effects as noted by patients may include A recent study, found that adrenalectomy (the
breast tenderness, breast engorgement, decreased majority of which was done laparoscopically) did have
libido, muscle cramps, erectile dysfunction, menstrual lower overall medical costs compared to medical
irregularities and loss of axillary hair . treatment . Further, surgery for APA has been shown
Eplerenone, a selective aldosterone receptor to normalize hypokalemia and improve if not normalize
antagonist, has fewer side effects as compared to blood pressure. In one third to half of patients it can
spironolactone but is more costly. Due to minimal offer a cure by normalizing blood pressure .
affinity for the androgen, estrogen and progesterone In contrast, for bilateral disease or IHA, unilateral
receptors, this drug does not result in significant or bilateral adrenalectomy is not indicated. Surgery for
androgen effects such as gynecomastia that is associated IHA in general does not correct the hypertension. In
with spironolactone. In a small study comparing, blood some select cases of bilateral disease, those with poorly
pressure in patients with bilateral IHA, eplerenone controlled hypertension on more than three drugs,
dosed at 50-400 mg per day was shown to be just as with incomplete lateralization on AVS, a unilateral
effective as spironolactone. Furthermore, 2 patients adrenalectomy may be considered. In some cases,
had gynecomastia reversed by switching from spiro­ blood pressure may improve and the patient may
nolactone to eplerenone . In a recent prospective be able to take fewer anti-hypertensive drugs post
study evaluating long term follow up of patients and surgery .
renal function, they included: adrenalectomy (86
cases), eplerenone (18 cases) and spironolactone (65 Surgical outcome and post-operative follow up:
cases), spironolactone was just a good at preserving Thirty to 60% of patients with a unilateral aldosterone
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) and urine albumin tumor can be cured and achieve normal blood pressure
excretion as patients who had an adrenalectomy, after surgery. However, many may still require at least
however patients on eplerenone required on average one blood pressure medication post surgery .
more anti-hypertensive medications . The starting In general, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist
dose for eplerenone is 25 mg per day or twice a day. and potassium supplements are discontinued post

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Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

op. During the first month post surgery a generous APA, which is unilateral and should be surgically rem­
salt diet is encouraged to stimulate the contralateral oved, and IHA which is bilateral and requires medical
adrenal gland. Blood pressure normalizes within 6 mo management.
but can take up to one year post surgery . Patients The cost and morbidity of chronic medication, as well
that are more likely to have persistent hypertension as new evidence that hyperaldosteronism itself aside
despite adrenalectomy include: older age, chronic from blood pressure may increase cardiac events and
hypertension > 5 years, larger tumor size, significant possibly renal dysfunction, needs to be considered. AVS
family history of hypertension and those with additional is the most reliable technique used to distinguish a true
secondary hypertension . Also, one study found unilateral adenoma (APA) from bilateral disease notably
that higher creatinine levels also predicts persistent IHA. However, this procedure is highly specialized and
hypertension post surgery . is not available at every institution. With the advent of
Recently, a score card of low, medium or high safe, less invasive, and shorter surgery, laparoscopic
likelihood of hypertension resolution post surgery was adrenalectomy for APA is preferred as it offers the best
recently developed using a predictive regression model chance for a cure.
that compiled data from 100 patients with primary
hyperaldosteronism who underwent adrenalectomy.
Based on 4 predictors: ≤ 2 or fewer anti-hypertensive PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA
drugs (2 points), body mass index ≤ 25 kg/m
(1 point), hypertension of ≤ 6 years (1 point) and Pheochromocytoma is a tumor of the adrenal medulla
female sex (1 point), the likelihood of a cure was low (chromaffin cells) that secretes excess catecholamines,
(27% cured), medium or high (75% cured) . Using epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Paraga­
data from 91 Japanese patients, this score card was nglioma is a tumor derived from extra-adrenal chromaffin
validated in an Asian population . cells of the sympathetic nervous system. Pheochro­
mocytomas and catecholamine secreting paragangliomas
PAH and associated genetic disorders: A minority account for 0.2%-0.6% of all causes of hypertension in
of patients (1%-2%) with PAH have a familial syndrome the population . Both of these tumors have similar
type Ⅰ or Ⅱ. Type Ⅰ is GRA and type Ⅱ familial clinical presentations and management. However, it is
aldosterone-producing adenoma or IHA . Recently, a important to classify them separately because of the
new genetic form, familial hyperaldosteronism type Ⅲ implications of genetic testing, risk of malignancy and
has also been identified . associated neoplasms. In this review, we will focus
Type Ⅰ (GRA) is an autosomal dominant condition mainly on pheochromocytomas arising from the adrenal
characterized by variable degree of aldosterone gland.
excess, increased steroids (18-hydroxycortisol and
18-oxocortisol), and suppression of disease with Clinical presentation
glucocorticoid treatment. It is due to a chimericic gene Pheochromocytoma is often referred as the great
duplication between the CYP11B1 (11b-hydroxylase) mimicker of other conditions. The average age of
and CYP11B2 (aldosterone synthase) genes. Genetic presentation of pheochromocytoma is approximately
testing should be targeted to those with hypertension 40-50 years with equally distribution between men
at age < 20 that is resistant, accompanied by hypo­ [56]
and women . Patients can present with different
kalemia, family history of hypertension, and cerebral symptoms that can vary greatly between patients as
hemorrhage at a young age . The Endocrine Society well as within family members in familial syndromes
guidelines recommend genetic testing to rule out GRA associated with pheochromocytoma. The classic triad
for those patients who have onset of hypertension for pheochromocytoma: episodic headache, sweating
at age < 20, and those with a family history primary and tachycardia are not always present in most
hyperaldosteronism or stroke at age < 40 . patients
. The most common sign, found in about
Type Ⅱ familial hyperaldosteronism is an autosomal 80%-90% of patients with pheochromocytoma, is
dominant condition that does not suppressed with hypertension .

exogenous glucocorticoids and has been linked to locus Types of hypertension in pheochromocytoma
7p22 . Type Ⅲ familial hyperaldosteronism involves a
(1) Sustained hypertension - found in about 50% of
germline mutation in the gene coding for ion channel the patients with pheochromocytoma; (2) Paroxysmal
KCNJ5 . hypertension - found in 45% of the patients; and (3)
Normotension in 5%-15% of the patients.
Conclusion The type of hypertension is often dependent on the
Primary hyperaldosteronism is found in 5%-13% of pattern of catecholamine secretion from the tumor -
population Prevalence has increased with the advent which is either continuous, episodic or both. There is
of more refined screening and confirmatory studies. an inversion of the circadian BP rhythm and increased
However, specific screening cutoffs vary by institution. blood pressure variability due to high circulating levels
The majority of patients fall into one of two categories: of catecholamines .

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Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

Paroxysm or “spell” can be triggered by physical urinary creatinine should be measured simultaneously
activity (exercise or postural changes) as well as from with urinary metanephrines to confirm that urine
[60] [76]
tumor manipulation . In addition, the biochemical collection is completed . For plasma metanephrines
phenotype of the tumor, i.e., type of catecholamine measurement, blood sample collection in the supine
secreted influences the type of hypertension. Patient position is recommended after 30 min in recumbent
with high levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine more position before sampling . If the blood sample collection
likely have sustained hypertension while patients with is obtained in a seated position, the clinician should
high levels of dopamine are often normotensive . be aware of the potential for false positive result from
Orthostatic hypotension may occur more commonly sympathoadrenal activation of the upright position .
in patients with sustained hypertension than in those In patients with positive test results from seated
with paroxysmal and normotensive hypertension. The sampling, repeat testing with samples obtained in supine
mechanism for orthostatic hypotension is thought to be position might be necessary . The reference interval of
due to decreased blood volume caused by persistent plasma metanephrines should be used as established in
vasoconstriction and diminished sympathetic reflex . the same position of blood draw to avoid the inaccurate
Characteristic symptoms include headache (90% interpretation. Caffeine intake and medications that
of symptomatic patients), pallor and anxiety, feeling interfere with the catecholamine or metanephrine levels
of doom, generalized sweating, fever, nausea or should be avoided at least 24 h before the diagnostic
vomiting. Rarely secondary erythrocytosis, new onset work up for pheochromocytoma .
diabetes mellitus and isolated dilated cardiomyopathy
Imaging modalities
are associated with pheochromocytoma .
Pheochromocytomas represent one of the main causes CT imaging: Adrenal pheochromocytomas with a size larger
of hypertensive crisis in the hospital. These crises are than 0.5 cm as well as metastatic pheochromocytomas
precipitated by postural changes, physical stress, surgery can be detected by CT scan with high sensitivity of
and invasive procedures in undiagnosed patients. [81]
85%-94% (Figure 1) . Ninety-five percent of tumors
Further, it can be precipitated by the use of medications are within the abdomen and pelvis and 10% of tumors
such as corticosteroids, histamine, metoclopramide, [68]
are extra-adrenal . Pheochromocytomas have a
phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants or anesthetic varied appearance on a non-contrast CT ranging from
agents . The clinical presentation during a crisis will low density to soft-tissue attenuation. An attenuation
depend on the effect of the catecholamine release on threshold of 10 Hounsfield units (HU) on a non-contrast
the target organs . CT has a sensitivity of 71% and a specificity of 98%
to differentiate a benign from malignant tumor .
Diagnosis Approximately two thirds of pheochromocytomas are
Clinicians should keep a high index of clinical suspicion solid and the rest are complex or cystic . Hemorrhage
in young adults (< 25 years) with new-onset hyper­ and calcifications in a pheochromocytoma can be found
tension, people with clinical features typical of in approximately 10% of all pheochromocytomas and it
pheochromocytoma, a history of resistant hypertension, may increase the density of the pheochromocytoma .
an incidental adrenal adenoma, severe hypertension CT with low-osmolar contrast is safe in patients with
during general anesthesia or during sedation, idio­ pheochromocytoma not on alpha-or beta-blockers .
pathic cardiomyopathy and in patients with a family Pheochromoctyomas can show either homogenous
history of pheochromocytoma. or variable enhancement (depending on the solid and
The cornerstone for diagnosis of pheochromoctyoma cystic components) on contrast enhanced CT scan. The
is the measurement of urine and plasma fractionated characteristic appearance seen on contrast CT scan of a
metanephrines. Most pheochromocytomas have pheochromocytoma include increased contrast uptake
fluctuating levels of catecholamines, but the metabolism (40-50 HU) with delayed washout with necrosis and
[57,70,71] [81,85]
of catecholamines into metanephrines is constant . calcifications .
There is no consensus regarding the “best test” for
diagnosis. However, most endocrinologists favor choosing Magnetic resonance imaging: Magnetic resonance
the best test based on the degree of clinical suspicion. imaging (MRI) are more expensive and lacks the
If clinical suspicion is high (family history, genetic spatial resolution offered by CT scan. The classical
syndrome, past history of pheochromocytoma, positive imaging description for pheochromocytoma is a “lig­
adrenal gland imaging characteristics) then plasma ht bulb” bright lesion on T2-weighted imaging
fractionated metanephrines are measured (sensitivity comparable to signal intensity of CSF in 11%-65%
[71-73] [86,87]
is 96%-100% and specificity 85%-89%) . If clinical of pheochromocytomas . This variability in the
suspicion is low (resistant hypertension, hyperadrenergic appearance on T2-weighted imaging is due to the water
spells, no classical imaging characteristics of adrenal content present in cystic or necrotic components of the
gland), then 24-h urinary fractionated catecholamines tumor. T1-weighted imaging of pheochromocytomas
and metanephrines (sensitivity 98% and specificity are typically isointense to muscle and hypointense to
[72,74,75] [81]
98%) should be measured . Twenty-four hour liver . MRI gadolinium enhancement on MRI is variable

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Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

Figure 1 Computerized tomography scan of the abdomen demonstrating Figure 2 I-123-metaiodobenzylguanidine-SPECT images demonstrated
left adrenal nodule 3.5 cm. focal increased tracer activity in the left adrenal nodule compatible with
metaiodobenzylguanidine avid tumor.

depending on the presence of cystic-necrotic areas,

which do not enhance . some institutions as they are associated with less reflex
Functional imaging is indicated in-patient with tachycardia and a lower incidence of postoperative
large (> 10 cm) adrenal pheochromocytomas, extra- hypotension as compared to phenoxybenzamine.
adrenal pheochromocytomas, metastatic disease However, because of the short half life of these selective
and tumor recurrence assessment. Functional ima­ging alpha-1 blockers, these medications should be given
131 123
examinations are performed using I- and I-metaiodo­ on the morning of the surgery. In a study, comparing
benzylguanidine (MIBG) (Figure 2), In-pentetreotide the use of these different classes of alpha blockers in
(Octreoscan, Covidien), and several PET ligands including the preoperative management of laparoscopic resection
18 18
F-fluorodopamine, F-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DO­ of pheochromocytoma, phenoxybenzamine use was
18 [81,89]
PA), and F-FDG (FDG) . FDG-PET is more sensitive associated with better decrease in intra-operative
than I-MIBG and CT/MRI for detection of metastatic hypertension at the expense of prolonged post-operative
disease . hypotension requiring the use of vasopressors. In
contrast, patients treated with doxazocin had no clinically
Management significant differences in post surgical outcomes .
Pre-operative management: A detailed history, Once optimal a-blockade is achieved, β-blockers
physical examination and cardiac evaluation of patients are used for the management of catecholamine-
is necessary as part of the preparation for surgery. induced tachyarrhythmias. These medications should
not be used in the absence of a-blockers as they will
Medical management: Appropriate and optimal exacerbate epinephrine-induced vasoconstriction by
pharmacological therapy to block the effects of blocking the vasodilator component (β2). The most
released catecholamines, is of critical importance in commonly used β-blockers are the non-selective
the pre-operative phase of the surgical management β-receptor blocker propranolol (Inderal LA) (20-40 mg
of pheochromocytoma . The main goals for therapy - 3 times a day) and the cardio selective β-1 blockers
includes: normalization of blood pressure, heart atenolol (Tenormin) (25-50 mg per a day) .
rate, restores volume depletion and prevention of Calcium channel blockers are the second line
intraoperative hypertensive crisis. anti-hypertensive medications use to supplement a-
Phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline), a long lasting, blockers . They block norepinephrine mediated
non-selective, irreversible, and noncompetitive alpha- calcium influx into vascular smooth muscle and help
receptor blocker. This medication reduces blood pressure in controlling hypertension and tachyarrhythmia. In
fluctuations, eases vasoconstriction and prevents intra- addition, they might prevent catecholamine induced
operative hypertensive crisis . Phenoxybenzamine coronary vasospasm . The calcium channel blockers
is usually started at a dose of 10 mg twice a day used are amlodipine (Norvasc) in a dose of 10-20 mg,
with increments of 10-20 mg every 2-3 d until clinical nicardipine (Cardene) in a dose from 60-90 mg per
symptoms from pheochromocytoma are controlled or day, nifedipine SR (Adalat) in a dose of 30-90 mg and
side effects of the medication appears, which usually verapamil ER (Isoptin SR, Calan SR) in a dose from
takes 7-14 d. Maximum dose is 1 mg/kg per day .
180-540 mg per day .
The side effects of this medication are postural Metyrosine (alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine, Demser)
hypotension with reflex tachycardia, dizziness, syncope is an analog of tyrosine that is a competitive inhibitor
and nasal congestion. Selective, competitive, short- of tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in
acting alpha-blockers like doxazosin (Cardura), prazosin catecholamine biosynthesis. Metyrosine is added to α-
(Minipress) and terazosin (Hytrin) are preferred in and β-blockers in patients with extensive metastatic

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Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

disease or large tumor burden . This medication complications after pheochromocytoma resection
incompletely depletes the catecholamine stores include tachyarrhythmias, splenic injury (left sided
after 3 d of treatment. The recommended dose in all lesions), renal impairment, hypoglycemia and per­
surgical candidates is 250 mg orally every 8-12 h with sistent hypotension. These complications have been
increments of dose by 250 to 500 mg every 2-3 d up to shown to correlate with preoperative systolic blood
a total of 1.5 to 2 g per day. The medication is usually pressure, urinary metanephrines and tumor size .
initiated 1-3 wk prior to surgery . Metyrosine helps to Postoperative hypoglycemia is related to catecholamine-
control blood pressure during induction of anesthesia induced depletion of glycogen stores, overstimulation
and surgical manipulation of the tumor . The side of insulin production by pre-operative α-blockade and
effects of this medication include depression, anxiety, hyperinsulinemia after loss of catecholamine inhibitory
sedation, extra-pyramidal signs, crystalluria and effect on the β2-receptors of the pancreatic islet
[102] [112,113]
galactorrhea . cell .
Optimizing cardiovascular function prior to surgery Hemodynamic and blood glucose monitoring with
with normalization of blood pressure 10-14 d prior to optimal blood pressure, tachyarrhythmia’s and intra­
surgery, initiating a normal or high-salt diet (usually venous fluids (including glucose) are critical for a
3 d after alpha-blockers are initiated) and expansion smooth postoperative course.
of blood volume by initiating pre-operative isotonic
intravenous fluids minimizes protracted post-operative Surgical outcome and post-operative follow
hypotension or shock from sudden diffuse vasodilatation up: Surgical removal of pheochromocytoma does
at time of tumor removal . In patients with resi­ not always lead to a long-term cure of hypertension.
stant hypertension or hypertensive crisis, sodium Some studies report 80% of patients may become
nitroprusside or phentolamine infusion, can be used normotensive. However, postoperative hypertension
preoperatively. may persist due to residual tumor, metastatic disease
or intra operative injury to the renal artery or most
Intra-operative management: The intra-operative commonly due to acquired renovascular changes due
management of hypertension or hypertensive crisis to pre-operative hypertension.
along with prevention of postoperative hypotension Plasma fractionated catecholamines or urinary
is important for successful and safe surgical resection metanephrines should be measured two weeks after
of pheochromocytoma. Nitroprusside (Nitropress), an surgery, and thereafter every three months for the
intravenous vasodilator is the preferred medication for first year and then annually. Regular blood pressure
intraoperative control of hypertension due to its rapid monitoring and optimal management of hypertension
onset and short duration of action. Nicardipine (Cardene) should be done.
is a calcium channel blocker that may be used as an
alternative. Intravenous magnesium sulfate is used Pheochromocytoma and associated genetic
in some centers, in a dose of 40-60 mg/kg before disorders: Most of the pheochromocytomas are sporadic
intubation followed by an infusion of 2 g/h. Magnesium although 15%-20% of patients with pheochromocytoma
sulfate inhibits catecholamine release, enhances have an associated familial disease. These patients tend
vasodilatation, blocks catecholamine receptors and to have bilateral adrenal pheochromocytomas or have
stabilizes the myocardium from arrhythmias . paragangliomas. The frequency of pheochromocytomas
in some of the autosomal dominant familial disorders are
Surgery: Surgical resection is the only curative 10% to 20% in Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome, 50% in
treatment of pheochromocytomas. Laparoscopic Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, and 0.1% to 5.7%
adrenalectomy is a well-established approach in intra- in neurofibromatosis type 1. Genetic testing should be
adrenal pheochromocytomas 6 cm or less in diameter, considered if a patient has bilateral pheochromocytomas,
with no malignant features. This approach has been onset less than 45 years, paragangliomas, family history
shown to improve surgical outcomes, reduced hospital of pheochromocytomas or clinical findings with strong
stay and is better for patient comfort and recovery time evidence for hereditary syndrome . A sequential
compared to open adrenalectomy . Laparoscopic genetic testing algorithm, based on these findings,
adrenalectomy is also often used in tumors above 6 cm tailored for cost efficacy has been proposed .
in diameter but often these procedures are converted
to open procedure intraoperative . More recently, Pheochromocytoma and pregnancy: Pheochro­
experienced surgeons have preferred retroperitoneal mocytoma is a rare cause of hypertension in pregnancy
endoscopic approach for adrenalectomy, as this provides with a frequency of 0.002% of all pregnancies and
direct access to the adrenal glands without requiring untreated it carries a high maternal and fetal mortality of
mobilization of adjacent organs (liver or pancreas), around 50% . Early detection and proper treatment
better in bilateral tumors and avoid repositioning as during pregnancy decrease the maternal and fetal
compared to the transabdominal approach . mortality to < 5% and 15% respectively. The clinical
features of pheochromocytoma in pregnancy are
Postoperative management: Potential postoperative similar to non-pregnant patients. The characteristics of

WJH|www.wjgnet.com 22 May 23, 2015|Volume 5|Issue 2|

Thomas RM et al . Endocrine hypertension-an overview

Table 1 Key clinical features, screening and confirmatory tests, radiological and management modalities for primary aldosteronism
and pheochromocytoma

Primary aldosteronism Pheochromocytoma

Clinical features Difficult to control HTN
Common Symptoms on 3 or more hypertensive agents Episodes or paroxysmal hypertension
Young age of onset of HTN Sweating
Signs With or without hypokalemia
Asymptomatic vs Symptomatic Hypertension
Muscle weakness, cramping, headaches, palpitations, and polyuria Tachycardia
Orthostatic hypotension
Heart failure
Screening tests AM plasma aldosterone to renin ratio > 30 24-h urine fractionated metanephrines
+/- Aldosterone > 20 ng/dL Plasma fractionated metanephrines (high suspicion)
Confirmatory tests Oral sodium loading test with 24 h aldosterone level > 12 µg/24 h Same as above
Saline infusion test
Fludrocortisone suppression test
Captopril challenge test
Radiology Adrenal protocol CT Adrenal protocol CT/MRI
+/- Scintigraphy I-MIBG scan/111In-pentetreotide/FDG-PET
Adrenal vein sampling
Treatment For bilateral disease (or for those with unilateral disease who are Pre-op preparation (10-14 d prior to surgery)
unable to undergo surgery)
Medical Phenoxybenzamine
Spirinolactone (best choice) Alpha-blockers blockers-Doxazocin, Prazocin or
Eplerenone Calcium channel blockers
Amiloride Beta-blockers
Surgical For unilateral source of aldosteronism: Laparoscopic/retro-peritoneal adrenalectomy of
Laparoscopic adrenalectomy adrenal pheochromocytoma

CT: Computed tomography; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; FDG-PET: Fluorodeoxyglueose-positron emission tomography.

hypertension that should lead to a clinical consideration of is recommended in optimal management of these
pheochromocytoma are severe hypertension diagnosed in conditions.
the first and second trimesters, uncontrolled hypertension Key clinical features, investigations and mana­
in the third trimester, unexplained postural hypotension or gement modalities of primary hyperaldosteronism and
cardiogenic shock in the antepartum period. Plasma free pheochromocytoma are summarized in Table 1.
metanephrines and urinary fractionated metanephrines
assessment are the first recommended tests in the
diagnostic workup. MRI without gadolinium as well as REFERENCES
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P- Reviewer: Minuto MN, Sugawara A, Tanriverdi F

S- Editor: Song XX L- Editor: A E- Editor: Lu YJ

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