English 5

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A. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada salah satu huruf a, b, c atau d 10.

10. Dana, Dani and Doni have a new ball. This is . . . . . . . . . B. Fill in the blanks with correct words
sebagai jawaban yang paling tepat! ball.
a. your b. our c. her d. their 1. ………………… is the last day of the week.
1. It is 07.15. Tulisan bahasa inggrisnya adalah . . .
a. seven to quarter c. quarter past seven 11. Anna is . . . . . . . . . . She wants a glass of water. 2. We go to school from …………….. until ……………… expect
b. fifteen to seven d. seven past fifteen a. angry b. thirsty c. hungry d. happy on Sunday.

2. Rendi : ……………… wake up every morning? 12. Joko is my friend. His hair is . . . 3. Tuesday is between …………………….. and …………………
Sinta : At five o’clock. a. big b. small c. short d. thin
a. what time do you c. do you 4. The man is so …………………. He has five cars and two big
b. what time is it d. you 13. Mr. Abi has a . . . . . . . . . . nose. houses.
a. big b. straight c. thick d. long
3. The day after Tuesday is . . . 5. She is from Papua. Her hair is …………….
a. Wednesday c. monday 14. My grandmother is seventy years old, she is . . .
b. Thursday d. friday a. young b. old c. bold d. long 6. My little sister does not like to eat anything. Her body is so
4. Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . . 15. I help sick people to ge well again. I am a . . .
a. Thursday c. sunday a. student b. barber c. doctor d. farmer 7. This is my uncle. He is my father’s ……………
b. Wednesday d. saturday
16. Are you a typist? No, . . . . . 8. This is Mira. She is my father’s daughter. She is my
5. This month is February. The next month is . . . a. we are not c. I am not ………………
a. January c. april b. she is not d. he is not
b. march d. may 9. They cross the street on the ……………..
17. My mother is . . . . . . . . . . she is at home all day.
6. Nabila : ………………………….? a. teacher c. house wife 10. Riri smells the flower with her ……………
Aditya : It is June. b. secretary d. nurse
a. what month is this month c. is the month June
b. what time is it d. what day is today 18. He works in a bookshop. He is a . . . . .
a. barber c. housekeeper
7. Susunan kata yang benar dari kata acak. b. bookseller d. painter
Seven – are – days – three – week – a – in , adalah . . .
a. there are seven week in a days 19. Are Andhika and Amir students ? Yes, . . . . .
b. there are week seven in a days a. we are c. she is
c. there are daus sevem om a week b. they are d. I am
d. there are seven days in a week
20. There are . . . . . . . . . . seasons in our country.
8. We have two . . . a. 4 b. 2 c. 3 d. 5
a. nose b. chin c. ears d. hair

9. This is an elephant. . . . . . . . . . . tail is big.

a. its c. her
b. his d. their

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