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An office is Place or building which is used to carrying out duties like

recording of information, administration, clerical works and handling of
money.There are also some of purpose of setting up an office. The office
receives its information from internal that is from other departments and
divisions in the same organization and external sources Some of the
information the office receives are in the form of letters, memoranda, reports,
minutes, enquiries, quotations. 'Etc. The second purpose of an office is
Recording Information This is important because it makes it easy for the
office to trace for document at a future date. When the office receives
information, Analyzing information therefore involves sorting and
classifying information and also prepared in a way that it can be use at a
future date and present time. Communicating information also is other
functions of an office, it’s also ensure that people get information and other
organisations for their Proposal to enhance good business relationships. And
also an office is ensure the safe keeping of documents n prevent assets like
computers, printers etc from damage. Last but not the least function is storing
of information should be kept safe when the time arrives for audits and good
accountability. It is also important to have an office. An office serve as an
intermediary between departments of an organisation. Secondly office is
channel of communication, preparation of operations, wages and salaries and
other clerical activities. These are some of the factors affecting office
location Availability of means of transport and other services facilities. Its
should be located in healthy environment n should be located same place as
the factory.

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