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Eur Spine J

DOI 10.1007/s00586-014-3333-8


Vertebral endplate change as a feature of intervertebral disc

degeneration: a heritability study
Juhani H. Määttä • Minna Kraatari • Lisa Wolber •
Jaakko Niinimäki • Sam Wadge • Jaro Karppinen •
Frances M. K. Williams

Received: 25 October 2013 / Revised: 23 April 2014 / Accepted: 24 April 2014

Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract follow-up for 436 twins. In total, both baseline and follow-
Purpose To study the prevalence of vertebral endplate or up imaging were available for 347 twins.
Modic change (MC), the progression of MC over a 10-year Results Mean age of the study population was 54.1 years
follow-up and the heritability of MC prevalence in a (range 45.7–62.5) and females comprised 96 %. The
classical twin study. prevalence of MC at baseline was 32.1 % and at follow-up
Methods The study population was recruited from 48.4 %. The incidence of MC during the 10-year follow-up
TwinsUK register between 1996 and 2000. MC was eval- was 21.6 % and was highest at L4–5 and L5–S1. MC
uated from T2-weighted lumbar magnetic resonance regressed totally in 3.5 % of twins. Twins with prevalent
imaging (MRI) at baseline and follow-up. Heritability was MC at baseline demonstrated a higher incidence of MC at
estimated using variance components analysis. Baseline upper lumbar levels during follow-up compared to twins
MRI with appropriate data was available for 831 twins and without baseline MC (p = 0.009). Probandwise concor-
dance rates were higher in monozygotic (0.56) than dizy-
J. Määttä, M. Kraatari contributed equally to this work.
gotic twin pairs (0.39) suggestive of familial influence.
Heritability of MC prevalence was estimated at 30
J. H. Määttä (&)  J. Karppinen (16–43) %.
Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Institute of Conclusions The results suggest that MC is generally
Clinical Medicine, University of Oulu, and Medical Research
progressive in middle age and furthermore is heritable.
Center Oulu, PL 5000, 90114 Oulu, Finland
e-mail: Since MC is associated with disc degeneration, which is
also heritable, further work on potential shared mecha-
M. Kraatari nisms is needed.
Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Health Sciences,
University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Keywords Disc degeneration  Heritability  Magnetic
M. Kraatari resonance imaging  Modic change  Vertebral endplate
Biocenter and Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine,
Oulu Center for Cell–Matrix Research, University of Oulu,
Oulu, Finland
L. Wolber  S. Wadge  F. M. K. Williams
Department of Twin Research and Genetic Epidemiology, Low back pain (LBP) is a common disorder in the western
King’s College London, London, UK
world and accounts for disability and considerable work
J. Niinimäki absenteeism [1]. Lumbar disc degeneration (DD) is mod-
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Institute of Diagnostics, estly associated with LBP although greater in advanced DD
Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland with disc height narrowing [2, 3]. It has been suggested that
different DD phenotypes should be ‘‘split’’ rather than
J. Karppinen
Health and Work Ability, and Disability Prevention Center, ‘‘lumped’’ into a single phenotype (DD) so as to allow a
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Oulu, Finland more meaningful interrogation of the pathogenic processes

Eur Spine J

underlying the constituent traits [4]. One trait of special on a subsample approximately a decade later. Appropriate
interest is vertebral endplate or Modic change (MC), which ethics permission had been obtained and twins gave
comprises vertebral endplate and bone marrow lesions seen informed written consent.
on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) but not evident on
plain radiographs [5, 6]. This trait has also been docu- Magnetic resonance imaging
mented to be associated with LBP in some studies [7, 8],
but not all [9]. MC is classified as type I lesions (low T1- Lumbar baseline and follow-up MRI was performed using a
and high T2-signals in MRI), which are associated with 1.0-T equipment (Siemens, Munich, Germany) as previ-
vascular granulation tissue within the bone marrow indi- ously reported [11]. Sagittal T2-weighted images of the
cating an ongoing degeneration; type II lesions (high T1- lumbar spine were used, using a fast spin-echo sequence of
and T2-signals) representing fatty replacement of the bone time to recovery (TR) 5000–4500 ms and time to echo (TE)
marrow; and type III lesions (low T1- and T2-signals) with 112 ms, with a slice thickness of 4 mm. In total, 1,005 twins
endplate sclerosis [5]. Interestingly, it has been proposed attended at baseline and 445 at follow-up for MRI. Baseline
that MC may represent a specific degenerative phenotype MRI with appropriate data was available for 831 twins and
of LBP [7]. follow-up for 436 twins. In total, both baseline and follow-
Heritability is defined as the proportion of phenotypic up imaging were available for 347 twins.
variation in a population due to underlying genetic fac- A single observer (J.M.) coded all available scans with
tors. Demonstrating significant heritability is an essential no prior knowledge of the clinical status and re-coded a
first step before attempting to identify the genetic vari- subset of scans. A second reader (S.W.) also coded a subset
ants underlying any given trait. In classical twin studies, of scans (n = 50) chosen at random for calculation of
lumbar DD as determined by MRI changes in the disc inter-rater reliability. MC of both rostral and caudal end-
and anterior osteophyte formation has been shown to plates of each lumbar segment was coded using the same
have a quite marked genetic influence: depending on trait method at baseline and follow-up (Fig. 1a, b). Rostral and
studied and sample characteristics, heritability estimates caudal endplates of each of the five lumbar segments were
range between 0 and 74 % [3, 4, 10, 11]. Longitudinal summed to get the prevalence of MC by segment. The
change in DD traits has also been shown to be heritable maximum depth of each MC was graded from all sagittal
for all traits except disc height, but there is a significant slices compared to height of the vertebral body as (0) no
influence of age, which varies across traits. In keeping MC, (1) MC in the endplate, (2) MC less than 25 %, (3)
with other traits, genetic influence in lumbar DD is at its MC from 25 to 50 % and (4) MC more than 50 % of the
greatest among individuals younger than 50 years [4]. height of the vertebral body. The width of MC was eval-
Whether MC is entirely environmental in origin, or uated dividing the vertebra axially in four peripheral
whether it is influenced by underlying genetic factors, quadrants and one central circular area. Thereby, width
has not been established. We examined the cross-sec- ranged from 0 to 5. The size index of MC was calculated
tional and longitudinal lumbar MRI available in Twin- multiplying the depth and width of each MC. A segmental
sUK, to address several questions: first, the prevalence of sum score was calculated by adding size of MC of rostral
MC in a relatively healthy population of volunteer twins, and caudal endplates together. The subtype of MC was not
the majority of whom are female; second, the change recorded due to lack of T1-weighted images.
over time in a 10-year follow-up; and third, heritability
of MC in a classical twin study. Reliability of MC coding

For the presence of MC, both the intraobserver reliability

Materials and methods of the first reader (J.M.) and the interobserver reliability
were very good (kappa-values 0.92 and 0.92, respectively).
Study subjects The intraobserver reliability for the depth and width of MC
ranged from 0.61 to 1.00, and the interobserver reliability
Female twin pairs were recruited from TwinsUK register from 0.69 to 1.00, depending on vertebral endplate.
( This sample represented part of an
adult twin cohort recruited since 1992 from the general UK Statistical methods
population [12]. Between 1996 and 2000 unselected twins
were invited to attend for lumbar MRI, a nurse-led inter- Probandwise concordance rates were estimated separately
view and collection of demographic data. The twins were for MZ and DZ twin pairs and for all twin pairs. The
neither selected nor excluded if there was a history of LBP, probandwise concordance rate is the number of affected
neck pain, or disc disease. Similarly, MRI was performed individuals having an affected co-twin divided by the

Eur Spine J

environmental factors (E). According to the classical twin

model, MZ twin pairs share 100 % of their additive genetic
factors (A), while DZ twin pairs share on average half. MZ
and DZ twin pairs are exposed to the same common
environment (C). The covariance within MZ and DZ twin
pairs can, therefore, be described as follows
CovMZ ¼ A þ C
CovDZ ¼ 0:5A þ C
Accordingly, the influence of additive genetic factors on
a trait (A) can be estimated as twice the difference between
MZ and DZ twin pair covariance. Estimates for C and
E can be achieved as
c2 ¼ C ¼ ICCMZ  H 2 and e2 ¼ E ¼ 1  H 2 þ c2 . The
described formulae have been applied in the structural
equation modelling software Mx [13], where estimates for A,
C and E are determined based on maximum likelihood
estimation [14]. The most suitable model was selected by
comparing models having different combinations of variance
components A, C, and E with the final choice representing
optimal balance between parsimony and goodness of fit.


Data were available for 831 same-sex twin pairs of con-

firmed zygosity, comprising 244 pairs of MZ twins, 446
pairs of DZ twins and 141 unpaired twins (Table 1).
Thirty-five subjects (4.2 %) were male. Mean age at
baseline was 54.1 years (range 45.7–62.5), with mean age
in MZ twins 57.1 years, DZ twins 53.0 years and unpaired
twins 52.2 years.

Modic change

The prevalence of MC (individuals manifesting at least a

single endplate with MC) at baseline was 32.1 %
(Table 2). The incidence of MC during the 10-year follow-
up was 21.6 %, with total prevalence of MC at follow-up
being 48.4 %. At most lumbar levels, the prevalence of MC
was slightly higher in the rostral than in the caudal endplate
(difference not significant). The volume of the MC lesions
increased during follow-up: the median of the MC size
Fig. 1 a Modic change in both rostral and caudal endplates at L5–S1 index summary score was 10.0 at baseline and 13.5 at
level, twin A. b Modic change in both rostral and caudal endplates at follow-up (p = 0.012, Table 2).
L5–S1 level, twin B
The incidence of MC was highest at L4–5 and L5–S1 at
follow-up (Table 2). In 12 twins (3.5 %), MC regressed
number of affected participants. Heritability for MC was totally during follow-up (Table 2). Half of these had only
estimated through standard variance components analysis. minor MC (MC depth and width at most 2). Regression of
The approach considers MC reported in the twins to have a MC was greatest at L5–S1 (Table 2). Comparing MC
potential contribution from additive (A) genetic factors, incidence among twins with and without MC at baseline,
environmental factors shared by twin pairs (C) and unique the total incidence did not differ (31.4 vs. 31.0 %,

Eur Spine J

Table 1 Characteristics of the twins

Zygosity N Age (mean ± SD) Age range Gender (F/M) Baseline MC (controls/cases) Probandwise concordance rate

MZ 244 57.11 ± 8.12 33–73 240/4 162/82 0.56

DZ 446 53.00 ± 8.06 21–70 418/28 303/143 0.39
Singleton 141 52.20 ± 8.49 37–72 138/3 99/42 –
Total 831 54.08 ± 8.38 21–73 796/35 564/267 0.45
The number, mean age, gender and probandwise concordance rates of the twins
MZ monozygotic, DZ dizygotic, SD standard deviation, F female, M male, MC Modic change

Table 2 The prevalence, incidence and regression of MC at lumbar 35

endplates, including rostral and caudal part of every disc, and MC size 31.4 31,0
index sum score of endplates
MC, MC, New MC Regressed No BL MC
baseline follow-up at follow- MC at 25
(n = 831) (n = 347) up (%) follow-up

(%) (%) (%) 20

Total 267 (32.1) 168 (48.4) 75 (21.6) 12 (3.5) 15 14.3 14,0

13,3 13,2
L1–2 16 (1.9) 21 (6.1) 18 (5.2) –
Rostral 14 (1.7) 16 (4.6) 13 (3.7) – 10 9,1
Caudal 11 (1.3) 20 (5.8) 18 (5.2) – 5,4
L2–3 32 (3.9) 43 (12.4) 36 (10.4) 3 (0.9)
Rostral 31 (3.7) 38 (11.0) 31 (8.9) 3 (0.9) 0
Caudal 26 (3.1) 33 (9.5) 27 (7.8) 1 (0.3) L1-L2 L2-L3 L3-L4 L4-L5 L5-S1 Total
Lumbar Level
L3–4 40 (4.8) 36 (10.4) 28 (8.1) 5 (1.4)
Rostral 37 (4.5) 32 (9.2) 24 (6.9) 4 (1.2) Fig. 2 The incidence rates of MC by endplate at follow-up between
Caudal 32 (3.9) 31 (8.9) 25 (7.2) 4 (1.2) twins with MC and without MC at baseline. Twins with prevalent MC
L4–5 114 (13.7) 80 (23.1) 47 (13.5) 4 (1.2) at baseline demonstrated higher incidence at the three highest lumbar
levels during follow-up compared to twins without prevalent MC at
Rostral 110 (13.2) 76 (21.9) 43 (12.4) 4 (1.2) baseline (L1–L4 incidence 25.7 vs. 14.0 %, respectively, p = 0.009)
Caudal 101 (12.2) 73 (21.0) 43 (12.4) 3 (0.9) while at the two lowest lumbar levels no significant difference was
L5–S1 151 (18.2) 92 (26.5) 40 (11.5) 18 (5.2) observed (L4–S1 incidence 25.7 vs. 22.7 %, respectively, p = 0.55).
The total incidence rate did not differ between the groups. BL
Rostral 149 (17.9) 89 (25.6) 39 (11.2) 19 (5.5)
baseline, MC Modic change
Caudal 135 (16.2) 81 (23.3) 35 (10.1) 18 (5.2)
MC size index 10.0 (5.0, 13.5 (8.0,
sum score, 18.0) 21.75) levels, no significant difference was observed (L4–S1
(IQR) incidence 25.7 vs. 22.7 %, respectively, p = 0.55, Fig. 2).

The prevalence of MC at baseline and at follow-up is given for each Heritability of Modic changes
endplate of the lumbar spine. The third column reports new MC
developing during follow-up (incidence). The fourth column reports
number (%) of regressed MC during follow-up. The rostral and caudal The prevalence of MC at baseline was 33.6 % in MZ,
endplates have been reported separately; however, MC was present at 32.1 % in DZ and 29.8 % in unpaired twins. Probandwise
a given disc level if rostral or caudal or both endplates were affected. concordance rates were higher in case of MZ (0.56) than in
The size index sum score of MC is calculated by multiplying the
depth and width of each MC and summing MC across the lumbar DZ (0.39) suggestive of familial influence. In general, the
spine risk of MC in a co-twin of an affected individual was 0.45
MC Modic change, SD standard deviation, IQR interquartile range (Table 1). Heritability estimates of MC were determined
using variance components analysis implemented in Mx
[13] and unpaired twins were included in the modelling to
respectively). Twins with prevalent MC at baseline dem- increase the variance in the MC phenotype. Model fit was
onstrated higher incidence at the three highest lumbar determined for the full ACE model using a Chi squared
levels during follow-up compared to twins without pre- statistic and compared to that of reduced models (CE, AE,
valent MC at baseline (L1–L4 incidence 25.7 vs. 14.0 %, E) under the principle of parsimony (Table 3). In the full
respectively, p = 0.009) while at the two lowest lumbar model, additive genetic effects [A (95 % CI) = 30

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Table 3 Results of the structural equation modelling

Trait Model fit Model comparison Univariate estimates % (95 % CI)
2 2
Model v df Dv Ddf p value AIC A C E

bl_mc (binary) ACE 1.113 3 – – – – 30 (1–43) 0 (0–20) 70 (57–84)

AE – – 0.000 1 1.000 22.00 30 (16–43) – 70 (57–84)
CE – – 4.107 1 0.043 2.107 – 19 (9–29) 81 (71–91)
E – – 16.890 2 0.000 12.890 – – 100 (100–100)
In the structural equation modelling, an ACE model was fitted to the observed phenotypic variance in Modic change based on a maximum
likelihood estimation. For each trait, three nested models were compared to the full ACE model, taking into account different causal factors: AE
additive genetics and unshared environmental factors, CE shared and unshared environmental factors and E unshared environmental factors.
Model fit for the full and respective reduced models was compared in a likelihood ratio test (Model comparison). Significance of the likelihood
ratio test (p value) is based on the difference in Chi-square statistic (Dv2) and difference in degrees of freedom (Ddf) between the compared
models. In addition, the Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) gives a measure of parsimony of a reduced model in comparison to the full model.
Estimated variances explained by the specific causal factors are given with 95 % confidence intervals for each model. The AE model was found,
by AIC, to provide the best balance between model fit and parsimony (bold)
A additive genetics, C shared environment, E unshared environment

(1–43) %] and unique environmental effects [E (95 % findings indicate that it is reasonable to search for genetic
CI) = 70 (57–84) %] explained most of the variance in variants. This would shed light on the biology of endplate
MC, whereas shared environment [C (95 % CI) = 0 changes, which may actually underpin the degenerative
(0–20) %] had only minor effect. Comparing the full model process in the disc [16].
(ACE) to reduced models (CE, AE, E) showed that the AE The prevalence of MC in this sample was 32.1 % at
model provided equivalent model fit but required fewer baseline and 48.4 % at follow-up, at a mean baseline age of
latent parameters (Ddf = 1, AIC = -2.00). So, the nested 54 years. This is similar to prevalence found in Danish
AE model was selected as providing the most parsimonious population: 39 % at age 40 [21]. In another study of gen-
description of the data with changes in MC variance best eral population aged 40, the prevalence of MC was 22 %
described by additive genetic [A (95 % CI) = 30 [17] and in a study of 300 pairs of male twins, the preva-
(16–43) %] and unique environmental effects [E (95 % lence was 55.6 % [22]. During the 10-year follow-up, the
CI) = 70 (57–84) %]. prevalence of MC increased in our study, with incidence of
21.6 %. Kuisma et al. [23] found that 6 % of study subjects
with no MC at baseline had a new incident MC at the
Discussion 3-year follow-up. The prevalence of MC varies between
studies depending on the consistence of study sample:
It is widely believed that MC contributes to LBP. Associ- subjects’ age, nationality and clinical picture. In addition,
ation with LBP has been found to be strong in many studies the definition of MC probably varies between the individ-
from different populations, particularly for MC type I [15– ual studies. In this study, we excluded minor MC, such as
17]. LBP is a huge problem socially and is estimated to MC only in one sagittal slice. To the authors’ knowledge,
cost the UK economy alone over £12 billion per annum. the current study is the largest follow-up study of MC and
Lumbar DD is one of the major risk factors of LBP [2, 3], the follow-up period was long enough to enable the natural
but few of the genetic variants underlying lumbar DD have course of MC over time.
been reliably described [18] and little is known of the MC can convert from one type to another. Modic has
biological pathways leading to DD [19]. While a number of demonstrated conversion of type I to type II and type II
features of lumbar DD have been shown to be heritable [4], changes were found to be stable [6]. We have shown
no study has yet evaluated the heritability of MC. regression of MC, which is of particular interest because
In this study, probandwise concordance rates were higher few studies have reported their natural history. Regression
in monozygotic (0.56) than dizygotic twin pairs (0.39), in of MC has been previously described in Danish population;
keeping with greater sharing of predisposition among MZ MC regressed in 23 % of 40-year-old Danes with MC after
than DZ twins. In general, the risk of MC in a co-twin of an 4-year follow-up and the majority of those were of type I or
affected individual was 0.45 (Table 1). These results suggest located in the endplate only [21]. In our study, MC was
that MC is not entirely environmental but does have a small seen regressed totally in 12 twins (3.5 %), although there
heritable component. This is an important finding as previ- was more regression in individual endplates. In half of
ously MC was considered occupationally linked [20]. The these twins with total MC regression, MC was only minor

Eur Spine J

in size, with height and width at most 2. Unfortunately, we Conclusions

could not assess accurately the type of MC because for
funding reasons we had only T2-weighted scans available In conclusion, this study of a sample of female twins
and thus could not evaluate the proportion of type I of suggests that MC is heritable. Since MC is associated with
regressed MC. lumbar DD, further work is needed to define the relation-
It has been suggested that DD comprises two phenotypes: ship of lumbar DD and LBP. That MC shows a degree of
endplate driven and annulus driven [24]. Endplate-driven heritability suggests that it is reasonable to search for
DD usually occurs in upper lumbar level and thoracic spine genetic variants. This would provide further explanation of
and tends to occur at a younger age as structural defects in the the biology of endplate change and shed further light on the
endplate can be congenital [24]. Annulus-driven DD is more biological pathways influencing the degenerative progress
common in the lower lumbar spine and tends to increase with in the disc.
age as it depends more on accumulating fatigue damage and
age-related biomechanical changes in the annulus [24]. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the twins who
Battié et al. [25] found also the difference of genetic and volunteered to take part in the study. The study was funded by the
Wellcome Trust; European Community’s Seventh Framework Pro-
environmental influences on DD between upper and lower
gramme (FP7/2007-2013). The study also received support from the
lumbar levels. We found the incidence higher at three highest National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research
lumbar levels among twins with baseline MC while at two Facility and Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy’s and St
lowest lumbar levels no significant difference was observed. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London, and the
Finnish Academy (Jaro Karppinen, project number 121620). The
This is in accord with endplate-driven disc degeneration
authors would like to thank Dr Michael T. Modic, MD for his
characteristic of the upper lumbar spine. invaluable comments on the interpretation of the MR scans.
We acknowledge a number of limitations to this
study. The sample was predominantly female so it does Conflict of interest None.
not contain subjects reporting heavy manual occupa-
tions. There was no significant difference of MC prev-
alence or age between men and women thus it was
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