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Organizational Management

Organizational Management play a very important role to our lives, not just in
the world of businesses but also to schools. It is a systematic approach to analyzing
organizational structures, systems, and processes, identifying areas of inefficiency,
and taking action to increase efficiency. Studying this course will help us to widen
our horizon to understand how an organization works no matter what field we are.
We can also apply these skills in real life situation.
As a teacher, I must possess these organizational skills because it can help
me to maintain order in the classroom, as well as manage projects, meet deadlines
and solve problems. Managing has been essential to ensure peacefulness and
coordination of every group, it may be small or a large group of people. I can see
also that leadership because it involves working with people’s goals and
motivation, which you can learn form other people. Leadership is very important
because you will have the ability to implement change by creating and communicating a
great vision to others. Organizational leadership is the qualities and skills required to
every successful individual because when you have these skills, you are now ready to run
or operate a business but having these skills takes a lot of effort, time and patience.
Patience is the key for everything in order to achieve what we really like in life.
Every success individual requires a good skill in organizational management
because we need to be organized in every way of life. When you are a messy person, all
your life will be miserable too. Being good in making decisions will be an edge because
you will know how to address the different kinds of problems that were facing.

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