Strike Update 2023 3

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8th March 2023

Dear Parent / Carer

Re: Teachers’ Strike Action – School Closure Notification

I am writing in regard to the ongoing national strike involving the National Education Union
[NEU] members planned for March 15th and 16th. In accordance with national guidelines, as a
school we have undertaken a risk assessment to examine how a strike would impact on our
ability to maintain a normal school provision. The school will be open for Year 11 pupils only
and will be closed to all other year groups.

Year 11 pupils will be picked up from bus stops as normal and they will work to the normal
school day timings.

Non-striking members of staff will be required to provide work on-line through Google
Classrooms for pupils in years 7 – 10 and I would ask that you encourage your child to
participate in these online activities.

If any year 11 pupils have teachers absent due to the strike, they will be supervised by members
of the senior leadership team to undertake independent self-supported study. Year 11 will
attend all other lessons as normal.

I understand the disruption that this national strike action has on parents and carers and we all
hope that this matter is resolved swiftly.

Yours Sincerely

Alan Rowlands

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