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Level J

Discovering the Earth

Vocabulary and Spelling Lists

Pages 130-132

1. seamount (n): a mountain that has its peak underwater

2. archipelago (n): a chain or group of many islands
3. upheaval (n): the upward movement of part of the earth’s crust
4. collisions (n): a violent crash between moving objects
5. tectonic plate (n): a large rock formation that floats and moves slowly on the planet’s
molten interior
6. relatively (adv.): to a degree or extent; somewhat
7. magma (n): molten material, generally rocks and minerals
8. lithosphere (n): the layer of the earth that is made up of tectonic plates
9. crust (n): the outer part of a planet, moon, or asteroid composed essentially of crystalline
10. mantle (n): the part of the earth that lies beneath the crust and above the central core
11. eruptions (n): the sudden and violent exploding of a volcano
12. identified (adj.): known; recognized
13. consists (v): to be composed or made up of
14. abnormally (adv.): irregularly; different from the normal or average
15. originates (v): to start or begin
16. ultimately (adv.): eventually, in the end
17. rudimentary (adj.) basic; fundamental
18. breach (v): to make a hole in; to break through
19. consistent (adj.): always happening in the same way
20. currently (adv.): at the present time; now
21. output (n): the amount of power or energy produced
22. meager (adj.): very small or in small amounts
23. optimistic (adj.): showing hope for the future
24. unanimous (adj.): agreed upon by all members of a group
25. landmarks (n): a place that is well known or easily recognized
26. residing (v): to live or dwell
27. estimated (adj): roughly calculated; approximate
28. eroded (v): to slowly destroy or wear away
29. entire (adj.): whole; complete
30. submerged (v.): covered with water
31. basaltic (adj.): made from a dark, dense rock that is often the primary component of
magma or lava
32. accumulated (v.): to gather or collect over a period of time

Date 07-06-2022 | Level K | 1

Pages 134-135

1. stationary (adj.): fixed; not moving

2. manage (v): to handle or succeed in carrying out an activity
3. backed up (v.): to support
4. distinct (adj.): separate
5. ranging (v): to vary or extend between specified limits
6. steeply (adv.): sharply
7. oriented (v.) turned or placed in a specific direction
8. make up (v): to form; to compose
9. emerge (v): to rise from or come into view
10. buoyancy (n): the ability to float in a liquid
11. susceptible (adj.): easily influenced or harmed
12. span (n): the length of time for which something lasts
13. phenomenon (n): an observable fact or event
14. variables (n): an element, feature, or factor that may change
15. initial (adj.): of or relating to the beginning
16. elevation (n): height
17. patterns (n): a repetitive sample of traits or observable characteristics
18. approximately (adv.): roughly; close to
19. includes (v): to contain
20. assuming (v): to take for granted or accept without proof
21. uninhabitable (adj.): unfit for living
22. rate (n): speed over a period of time
23. ripe (adj.): suitable, ready

Date 07-06-2022 | Level K | 2

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