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Make sure that you follow the following instructions:

1. Project Definition:
Objective : teaching materials about “This is my school”, especially unit 1 (School building)
& unit 2 (extracurricular activities) - To Improve students' speaking skills and able to describe
things, especially objects in the school environment
Target Audience : For grade 1 junior high school

2. Content Development:
Curriculum Alignment: independent curriculum
Resource Compilation: Using images as a learning medium

3. Choosing the Media:

Type of Media: The type of media used is video
Tool Selection: Laptop

4. Design and Creation:

Storyboarding: -
Design Principles: Use Capcut in creating graphic designs to create interesting and visually
appealing content

5. Interactivity and Engagement:

Interactive Elements: interactive exercises.

5. Accessibility:
Universal Design: Google classroom and youtube so that media is accessible to all students

6. Implementation and Distribution:

LMS Integration: -
Distribution Channels: join Google Classroom or search on YouTube

8. Evaluation and Feedback:

Assessment: Assessing student learning through the assignments given and student involvement
or activeness in the learning process.


Objective: To improve vocabulary and listening skills in high school students.

Media Type: Interactive videos.
Content: Short stories and conversations relevant to the students' daily lives.
Interactive Elements: Vocabulary quizzes and listening comprehension questions embedded
within the videos.

Marking Criteria
1. Project Definition (10 Marks)
Objective (5 Marks):
- Clear, well-defined learning objectives (2 Marks)
- Relevance and alignment with language learning goals (3 Marks)
Target Audience (5 Marks):
Clear identification and analysis of the target audience

2. Content Development (20 Marks)

Curriculum Alignment (10 Marks):
- Consistency with relevant curriculum standards (5 Marks)
- Coherence with learning objectives (5 Marks)
Resource Compilation (10 Marks):
- Quality and relevance of compiled resources (5 Marks)
- Variety and comprehensiveness of resources (5 Marks)

3. Choosing the Media (15 Marks)

Type of Media (8 Marks):
- Suitability and relevance of chosen media type (4 Marks)
- Innovation and creativity in media selection (4 Marks)
Tool Selection (7 Marks):
Appropriateness and functionality of selected tools/software

4. Design and Creation (20 Marks)

Storyboarding (5 Marks):
- Clear plan showing the order of content and activities.
Design Principles (5 Marks):
- Attractive and easy to follow layout and design.
Multimedia Engagement (10 Marks):
- Use of images, videos, or audio that help explain the content better (5 Marks).
- Interactive elements like quizzes or clickable items to engage students (5 Marks).

5. Interactivity and Engagement (10 Marks)

Interactive Elements (8 Marks):
- 5Variety and relevance of interactive features (5 Marks)
- Contribution to learning engagement (5Marks)

6. Accessibility (10 Marks)

Universal Design (10 Marks):
- Accessibility to diverse learners (5 Marks)
- Compliance with accessibility standards and best practices (5 Marks)

7. Implementation and Distribution (5 Marks)

LMS Integration and Distribution Channels

8. Assessment (10 Marks):

Comprehensiveness and relevance of evaluation methods (5 Marks)

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