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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72

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Integrating Human Factors & Ergonomics in large-scale engineering

projects: Investigating a practical approach for ship design
Steven C. Mallam*, Monica Lundh, Scott N. MacKinnon
Division of Maritime Human Factors & Navigation, Department of Shipping & Marine Technology, Chalmers University of Technology,
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The human element is a critical component of safe and efficient shipping operations but has struggled to
Received 30 March 2015 gain comprehensive acceptance across the industry. This investigation explores a practical approach to
Received in revised form introduce Human Factors and Ergonomics knowledge early in ship design by utilizing general arrange-
26 June 2015
ment drawings as a common platform for stakeholder input throughout ship development. An onboard
Accepted 10 September 2015
Available online 21 September 2015
data collection was completed using a cargo ship and its crew as a case study. A comparative analysis
between the ship's two-dimensional general arrangement drawings from which the structure was built,
and the constructed onboard work environment was performed. Additionally, the engine crew was job-
Naval architect
shadowed and interviewed to gain insight into their work demands and movement within the space.
Marine engineer General arrangement drawings were found to be incomplete and when directly compared to a finalized
Transport product indicated inaccuracies in design and work environment characteristics, making comprehensive
Participatory ergonomics human element evaluations difficult. However, general arrangement drawings were found advantageous
Link analysis in mapping and visualizing logistical routing which can be evaluated early in ship development, posi-
Task analysis tively contributing to crew operations once a ship is constructed. Solving the rudimentary design con-
cerns engine crew struggle with earlier in ship design will provide a better foundation for increasingly
detailed development.
Relevance to industry: This research investigates a design approach which integrates Human Factors and
Ergonomics knowledge in a pragmatic, resource-efficient manner which can positively impact onboard
crew operations. An integrative design approach is necessary for widespread acceptance and adoption of
human element considerations within naval architecture design and construction methodologies.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Coastguard Agency, 2010). HF&E integration is a particular chal-

lenge in the mercantile shipping domain due to the competitive
The maritime shipping domain is one of the world's oldest and globalized market and a drive for lean economic manufacturing and
truly international industries, continuing to globalize our society operating models. This is attributed to, amongst other issues, the
and economies (Bloor et al., 2000; Stopford, 2009). Seafaring is a difficulty in demonstrating the cost-savings and benefit derived
safety critical domain and has a long history of shipwrecks and through HF&E practices (Beevis, 2003; Hendrick, 2003;
disasters. There is a cultural association and acknowledged accep- Koningsveld et al., 2005).
tance of relatively high levels of risk compared to other industries Ship design and construction are extensive engineering pro-
(Bloor et al., 2000; Hetherington et al., 2006; Håvold, 2005). Over cesses with well-established industry traditions and methodolo-
the past several decades growing importance has been placed on gies. For HF&E to be utilized early and continuously during ship
the role of the human within shipping operations and the benefit of design and construction, methods need to be created and marketed
integrating Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF&E) within ship to naval architects and marine designers which are user-friendly,
design to contribute to overall safety and efficiency (International demonstrate cost-efficiency and are easily integrated throughout
Maritime Organization [IMO], 1997, 2006a, 2006b; Maritime a project. HF&E has yet to find this balance in ship design and
construction, failing to gain widespread organized application and
acceptance. Shipping companies are consistently reducing crew in
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.C. Mallam). favour of automation in order to cut operational costs. Crew
0169-8141/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72 63

downsizing, which alters work demands and organization em- onboard crew, changing operational tasks and work organization
phasizes the need to have well designed ships for the reduced (Archer et al., 1996; Barnett et al., 2005; Bloor et al., 2000). The
onboard personnel operating the vessel (Archer et al., 1996; Barnett addition of new technologies to work systems can create unin-
et al., 2005; Grabowski and Hendrick, 1993; Grech et al., 2008). tended alterations in original work processes for end-users (Barnett
et al., 2005; Cook and Woods, 1996; Ivergård and Hunt, 2009;
2. Background Woods and Dekker, 2000). Recent research has investigated the
challenging work environments and dangers crew face onboard
2.1. Ship procurement contemporary ships, revealing that ship design does not optimally
support their operational demands (Forsell et al., 2007; Grech et al.,
The procurement of a new ship is a large-scale, multi-disci- 2008; Lundh et al., 2011; Nielsen and Panayides, 2005; Orosa and
plinary project which can span years from initial concept to Oliviera, 2010). Ship designers are removed from how their
deployment (Rawson and Tupper, 2001; Veenstra and Ludema, conceived end-products are actually used in the real world. With
2006). With the opening of international marketplaces, increased continually evolving technologies and evolving ship operational
domain specialization and economic competition, ship design and procedures, designers who are disconnected from the realities of
construction processes are often split between numerous stake- onboard demands will never be able to visualize nor create a ship
holders and geographical locations (Stopford, 2009). Marine optimized for the capacities of the end-user.
structural design is dependent upon the purpose and demands
specified by stakeholders, and the requirement criteria set by 2.2. HF&E integration in ship procurement
respective regulatory bodies (Schneekluth and Bertram, 1998).
Human-centred design requires integration between the hu-
2.1.1. Design methodologies & general arrangement development man, machine(s) and work environment (International
The complexity and scale of a new ship design project requires a Organisation for Standardization, 2000). The benefits of thought-
comprehensive and proactive approach throughout development ful human-centred design should increase productivity, reduce
in identifying inter-dependencies and associated risks (Chalfant errors, reduce training and support, improve user trust and
et al., 2012). Ship design and construction are seemingly exclu- enhance system reputation (Maguire, 2001). HF&E participation
sively engineering and economic processes. However, the overall can facilitate overall system design outcomes, improve project
project involves strong skills and organization in project manage- management resources and improve lifecycle cost-savings
ment, teamwork, communication, business, economics, art, crea- (Hendrick, 2008). Effectively integrating HF&E into engineering
tivity, leadership and domain experience (Rawson and Tupper, projects such as ship development can be challenging and stake-
2001). holders may not realize or understand the full potential of HF&E.
While there are many differing project management method- The value of HF&E is often questioned by the design community,
ologies used for ship development, they follow an approach thus it is important to identify the source of significant cost-savings
generally divided into two broad phases (i) basic design and (ii) and human performance benefits due to an HF&E intervention in
detailed design (Molland, 2008). The basic design stage develops design (Stanton and Young, 2003). Hendrick (1996, 2008) notes
principle ship dimensions and power requirements that will satisfy that “good” HF&E is not only appropriately applied knowledge, but
the ship's defined performance and techno-economic prerequisites also cost-effective.
(Molland, 2008). As the design and project progresses from initial The earlier HF&E is utilized in a project the better guidance it
general requirements and purpose, basic design evolves into can give in identifying the most appropriate design (Stanton and
increasingly detailed variables which are introduced and evaluated Young, 2003). HF&E professionals should be involved as early as
iteratively throughout the process (Evans, 1959; Lyon and Mistree, the request for authorization to build a new ship, before concept
1985; Mistree et al., 1990; Han et al., 2014). After being introduced brainstorming begins (Chauvin et al., 2008). Decisions made early
with the general purpose and specifications, naval architects begin in the design process can have large impacts on functionality which
rough sketches or “thinking sketches” to pictorially represent and cannot necessarily be identified or understood until the design and
communicate their ideas (Pawling and Andrews, 2011). Sketching is project progresses (Kassel et al., 2010). In reality, designers place
used to externalize ideas and develop new ideas to understand a little attention and value on HF&E in ship design and if considered
coherent whole (Fallman, 2003) and may take place first with at all are generally late in the development process (Andrews et al.,
pencil and paper or immediately using computer-aided design 2008; Dul and Neumann, 2009). Thus, HF&E application must then
(CAD) software. Sketches and concepts evolve through reiterative be made within the overall design constraints of a project, after
cycles into more concrete and complete drawings of a ship's layout resources have been allocated and strategic decisions have been
and general arrangement (GA). GA drawings illustrate the basic made. This leads to a focus on micro-ergonomic solutions within
physical dimensions and layout of a ship, including side and cross- the established design, while larger perspective ergonomic issues,
sectional views of the different compartments, location and such as personnel movement, cannot be effectively addressed or
arrangement of bulkheads, superstructures and major equipment altered so far into the process (Andrews, 2006).
(van Dokkum, 2011). The greatest influence on designers formu- The later HF&E is applied in a project timeline the less effective
lating a GA is how to best achieve a ship's predefined purpose, its impact on design is, while subsequent changes become
deadweight, capacity and speed requirements (Watson, 1998). Ship increasingly expensive (Alexander, 1999; Dul and Neumann, 2009;
designers are primarily concerned with ship powering, stability, Miles and Swift, 1998). Additionally, once in operation, crew devise
strength and seakeeping, with less focus and importance placed on ways to “work around” poor design solutions in order to increase
the end-users who will eventually operate the constructed ship work efficiency and mitigate the negative impact of poor design on
(Andrews et al., 2008). their work tasks. Engaging in this practice can encourage unsafe
Ship designers rarely spend time onboard ships at sea and work procedures, putting engine crew, other ship personnel, pas-
seldom have the opportunity of forming an understanding of the sengers, assets and the external environment at risk (Forsell et al.,
real working conditions and demands of crew during ship opera- 2007; Lundh et al., 2011). Thus, optimal design of a ship's work
tions (Chauvin et al., 2008). In recent years, ship computerization environment incorporates knowledge of end-user work demands
and automation have been related to a concurrent reduction in and tasks that facilitate work efficiency, system usability and safety.
64 S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72

Two categories of stakeholders are particularly important for One of the most challenging and dangerous work environments
HF&E application in ship procurement: management and de- onboard a ship is the engine department. Engine room safety and
signers. Both management and organization must support HF&E, as efficiency can be enhanced by utilizing end-users (i.e. subject-
well as be easily accessible and integrative for designers in their matter experts [SME]) and HF&E professionals when formulating
work. A gap in communication and understanding can exist be- its design and layout (IMO, 1998). Thus, the engine department can
tween multi-disciplinary project stakeholders (i.e. end-users, de- benefit from GA drawings analysis early in design as a mode for
signers, construction personnel, management, owners) (Barrett HF&E integration and evaluation (Mallam and Lundh, 2014).
and Baldry, 2003; Barrett and Stanley, 1999). Stakeholders with Compared to other operational areas of a ship, engine department
varying educational and professional backgrounds have differing designs are less generic and have a greater diversity of work
priorities and demands in their positions within a project environment layouts (Hetherington et al., 2006). The most critical
(Hendrick, 2003). A similar disconnect exists between researchers element for engine room design is the placement and installation of
and practitioners. New knowledge is insufficiently promoted and machinery, due to its influence on structural design, architectural
applied in practice, thus advancements in new and novel tech- stability and operational performance (Okumoto et al., 2009). En-
niques are limited and slow to adapt (Parent et al., 2007), as is the gine department design is caught in a paradoxical situation: as the
case for HF&E utilization in contemporary ship design. purpose of any ship is to maximize its carrying capacity and
HF&E is often associated primarily with health and safety issues, payload, space allocated to the engine room is in direct competition
while the wider value and perspective of the field is not fully un- with cargo space. Minimizing the physical footprint of the engine
derstood (Dul and Neumann, 2009; Jenkins and Rickards, 2001). room is in the interest of designers and owners because it is
Historically, many ergonomic solutions are simply examples of bad beneficial in maximizing carrying capacity, making the ship more
ergonomics and HF&E professionals have been accused of not being profitable once put into service. Thus, the engine department work
able to justify the costs of their activities. The discipline is viewed as environment and engine crew work demands within this space are
a softer science, lacking the ability to demonstrate the cost-benefit considered less important to the overall ship's purpose and goals.
of investment (Hendrick, 1996). However, HF&E methods will have The design and layout of equipment is critical for engine crew
a tendency to be used by other domains if they appear accessible movement and labour-intensive work, thus an ideal focus of HF&E
and originally developed from engineering methods (Stanton and analyses in basic GA drawings and ship design.
Young, 2003). Initially, HF&E interventions should address “low
hanging fruit” by analysing obvious deficiencies in design which 3. Objectives
can be easily fixed and show results, which gains more immediate
credibility with stakeholders and financiers (Hendrick, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to explore a design philosophy and
method that better aides the utilization and integration of HF&E
2.2.1. A strategy for new ship development to be further explored and end-users early in ship design. In order to appeal to non-expert
Effective management of distributed organizations on a global stakeholders who finance (i.e. ship owners, investors, etc.), design
level requires knowledge to be transferred from one individual, and construct ships (i.e. naval architects, shipyards, construction
team or geographical location to another (Argote et al., 2000). The companies, contractors, sub-contractors, etc.), a pragmatic HF&E
creation and management of common factors amongst multi- framework is explored to optimize resources. This investigation
disciplinary stakeholders is vital in developing and maintaining takes a four-pronged approach using a cargo ship and its engine
coherence amongst stakeholders (e.g. HF&E professionals and na- department as a case study:
val architects) (Star and Griesemer, 1989). Effective management
can facilitate communication, establish a common language and (i) complete an general onboard work environment analysis of
foster understanding between project colleagues (Broberg et al., the ship's physical structure and work environment
2011). characteristics;
Creating a participatory design process more directly involves (ii) compare the aforementioned work environment analysis to
end-user with production engineers and designers in creating new the two-dimensional (2D) GA drawings from which the ship
work systems (Sundin et al., 2004). This creates an inclusive envi- was built;
ronment where problems are detected early in the design process (iii) conduct onboard crew interviews and job shadowing in or-
and optimal solutions can be implemented, thus creating a more der to understand end-user demands and how the space
effective and ergonomic design. To facilitate joint problem-solving within the structure is used;
between stakeholders boundary objects can establish concrete (iv) investigate the Link Analysis method as a mapping and or-
means for individuals to share and represent their knowledge in a ganization technique to visualize crew movements and work
shared context (Carlile, 2002, 2004). Boundary objects in design demands in 2D GA ship drawings.
processes can include such things as CAD, computer simulations,
brainstorming sessions, worker training, scale or full-size physical Overall, the goal of the investigation is to document the
mock-ups, drawings, surveys, injury reports (Broberg et al., 2011). strengths and weaknesses of using GA drawings as a platform for
Initial concept GA ship sketches and more detailed layout drawings HF&E integration throughout ship design and construction. By
have been identified as a potential platform where HF&E can be better understanding the benefits and drawbacks of using GA
meaningfully integrated into the traditional design process in order drawings as a tool for evaluating the human element in shipping
to better support participatory design practices (Mallam and operations HF&E practitioners can become a more effective
Lundh, 2014; Lundh et al., 2012). Simulation of mass evacuation resource in complex engineering projects.
and general crew movement using three-dimensional (3D) CAD
software has been performed in early ship design, although 4. Methodology
without comprehensive consideration of crew work demands
(Andrews, 2006; Andrews et al., 2008; Ginnis et al., 2010). However, 4.1. Field data collection
a GA analysis in early ship concept design for specific crew work
tasks could provide an opportunity for effective HF&E integration A Roll-on, Roll-off cargo ship (Gross Tonnage: 23128.0 Metric
early and continuously throughout ship development. Tons; Overall Length: 191.8 m; Breadth: 26.4 m; Draft: 7.8 m) built
S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72 65

and in operation since 2006 was used as a case study. Onboard data engineers created a database of key areas, linkages and tasks
were collected over a period of eight days during the ship's oper- located and executed throughout the engine room and ship
ation in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic and Kattegat Seas. During this important for crew operations. The concept drawings and results
period were stops in five ports in three different countries. from the onboard analysis of the actual work environment were
then compared against each other to reveal the benefits and
4.1.1. General onboard work environment analysis drawbacks using GA drawings for HF&E evaluation.
The onboard workspace analysis focused on the ship's engine
department. This included detailed documentation of all engine 5. Results
rooms and engine control facilities. A generalized checklist was
used to catalogue basic physical characteristics of each identified 5.1. Conceptual design vs. constructed reality
area, dimensions, type of equipment, auxiliary installations and
ergonomic considerations. In order to capture a holistic perspective Differences between the ship's GA drawings and the constructed
of engine crew work, passageways and access points throughout work environment were revealed. As its name suggests, GA draw-
the engine rooms and ship that were of interest to engine crew ings are a general and incomplete representation of the finalized
were documented. Each area was photographed and videotaped in work environment. The GA drawings primarily detail the hull
detail for post hoc analysis. structure, divisions and dimensions of differing compartments
throughout the ship including the location and type of primary
4.1.2. GA drawings comparison equipment and operational systems. Additionally, space and
A comparison between the cargo ship's 2D GA drawings (from clearance levels between equipment, crew passageways, emer-
which the structure was built) and an analysis of the onboard work gency exits, stairs and door placement throughout the structure are
environment was performed. This aimed to document how closely included.
the conceptual drawings reflected reality, specifically how the The onboard data collected revealed that although the primary,
construction differed from the original design. 2D GA drawings large equipment and operational systems were accounted for
(top-view, side-view and front-view of all decks) of the ship and its within the GA drawing, an abundance of auxiliary equipment and
detailed machinery arrangement were acquired from the shipping installations were absent. By comparing the GA to reality, what first
company in both digital and large-format physical copies prior to looks like adequate clearance between equipment and unob-
data collection (see Fig. 1). structed passageways for crew or spare-parts logistics is in reality
GA drawings are a ubiquitous platform for multi-disciplinary occupied by various installations added in throughout the devel-
project stakeholders throughout design and construction phases. opment and construction of the ship. The design and placement of
HF&E professionals working within design projects must better items such as piping and electrical systems, manual valves,
understand the information that can be derived from, and utility of switches, lifting aides and smaller auxiliary equipment installations
basic GA drawings for specific HF&E evaluations because they are of impacted the finalized dimensions of work areas and passageways,
critical importance for engineering and design domains. Thus, a revealing many cases of impeded access to equipment throughout
better knowledge of the potential for utilizing GA drawings for the engine rooms.
HF&E evaluations can better inform integration and work package Fig. 2 demonstrates a typical case of the absence of auxiliary
strategies throughout the development large-scale engineering installation detail in GA drawings compared to the finalized work
projects. environment (The arrow superimposed over the GA drawing in-
dicates the position and direction the photograph e as seen directly
4.1.3. Crew interviews & job shadowing below the GA drawing e was taken from). In this example, the
To complement the static structural analysis and to provide a midsection of deck 1 is magnified to reveal a section of the engine
more comprehensive perspective of the work environment and room where the fire, cooling and ballast pumps are located. The GA
expert knowledge of how the system operates in practice the en- drawing illustrates an open area between the large ballast tanks
gine crew were utilized throughout the process of data collection. where only the pump machinery and an overhead lifting aid are
The engine crew consisted of an officer team which included a included. The information derived from this GA drawing indicates
Chief, Second and Third Engineer. In addition, a motorman, part- that there is essentially unobstructed access for crew and equip-
time electrician and engine cadet were onboard during this ment movement between each pump and the main area of the
period. All engine crew were job shadowed over the course of the engine room. However, as revealed by the photograph reality is
eight days. Semi-structured interviews were set up with each en- very different. Large deck-level piping and valve installations, as
gine crewmember and unstructured questioning occurred well as overhead piping and overhead electrical tray systems
throughout job shadowing opportunities. dramatically alter the finalized work environment, dimensions and
access possibilities.
4.1.4. Link analysis: visual mapping on ship drawings Additionally, the comparative analysis showed that exact mea-
Link analysis is a task description method that produces a more surements of equipment components, size and shape, distance
generalized summary of activities performed by end-users, focus- between equipment and passageways, flooring features, door sizes
sing on operator actions rather than work-defined tasks (Hollnagel, and stairway characteristics (width, railings and number of stairs in
2012). Link Analysis is an evaluation tool that is used to investigate each flight) were not accurately described in the GA drawings
interface design and usability “links” or connections in a system, compared to reality. Analysis of the GA drawings revealed that the
determining nature, frequency and importance (Stanton et al., placements of structures within the ship were used more as
2005). The Link Analysis method can visualize key areas placeholders to represent where equipment and components were
throughout a ship structure important for crew tasks. Node links to be installed and not completely representative of the finalized
represented and mapped on GA drawings reveal relationships be- construction and work environment. The differences found be-
tween objects and areas within a physical space. After the data was tween the GA drawings and the constructed ship has altered the
collected and analysed key nodes for engine crew operation were finalized work environment from concept, ultimately imposing
identified and linked in the ship's 2D GA drawings. Through this operational and safety implications for crew that were not initially
process and interaction the HF&E professionals and marine foreseen in the GA design.
66 S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72

Fig. 1. Partial GA drawings of a Roll-On Roll-Off cargo ship.

5.2. Crew demands: how end-users work within the designed space This retrofitted, small and exposed space at the entrance of the
engine department was considered a far better option for the en-
Engine crew interviews and job shadowing revealed specific gine crew then the purpose-built locker room and showers three
work tasks that were impacted by overall ship design and engine decks above.
department layout. Crew also discussed how they actively modified Operational examples within the engine rooms themselves
the originally constructed work environment due to the design involve the original design failing to include an equipment washing
failing to optimally support their operational demands. Differences station in the design or after finalized construction of the ship. A
between the original design and how the structure was actually washing station is critical for day-to-day operation of an engine
used by the crew became apparent during interviews and job- department as it is necessary for the cleaning of dirty parts needing
shadowing. These were divided into two categories: maintenance. Equipment cleaning requires the use of, and exposes
crew to various types of hazardous chemicals, industrial cleaners
(i) the intended design failed to adequately facilitate the crew and high volumes of water. A purpose-built area with proper
and/or ship demands; equipment, adequate drainage, ventilation and isolation is impor-
(ii) the design did not consider certain crew tasks at all. tant for safe and efficient maintenance; the evaluated ship
completely lacked these facilities. In response, once the ship was
As an example of a design-outcome mismatch, the original operating the onboard crew designed and built a washing area on
locker room, intended to be shared by engine and deck crew, was their own on one of the decks of the engine room. They retrofitted
deemed to be too inconvenient and far away (three decks above) an open, empty and accessible space by installing waterlines, hoses,
from the engine department entrance. Due to the need for marine drainage and makeshift curtains around the area to keep water and
engineers to change clothes and safety equipment each time they chemicals contained.
enter and exit, as well as wash themselves upon exiting the engine
room, they created a new “locker room” in a smaller but free space 5.3. Link analysis in ship design: key nodes identified & visualized
next to the engine control facilities which was more convenient for
their work tasks. This consisted of 2 sets of lockers, a bench and Although marine engineers have specific routines, tasks and
hooks installed along the walls of the engine department hallways. maintenance schedules (varying in frequency of daily, weekly,
S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72 67

Fig. 2. Absence of detail in design: GA drawing vs. finalized construction.

monthly, yearly and multi-yearly events) it is difficult to categorize team before travelling off throughout the ship to onsite work tasks.
a typical work shift into consistent task lists and daily operations. The third engineer described that most onsite manual or mainte-
There is planned and unplanned maintenance on equipment, while nance tasks carried out in the engine rooms first require a trip to
port calls (entering and exiting ports) are required to be completed the workshop, where the appropriate tools would be collected,
at varying intervals throughout operation. Instead of creating an stating: “from the workshop you load up a bucket of tools for wherever
exhaustive list of Task Analyses, the scope of this work was to you need to go”. Similarly, a trip to/from the storage area for spare-
investigate marine engineering activities in terms of key locations parts or equipment would be necessary before travelling to the
around the structure and logistics from a broad physical ergonomic specific work site.
5.3.2. Stores & equipment logistics
5.3.1. Crew logistics Stores and equipment logistics were described and planned by
Crew described differing nodes throughout the engine room and crew in a similar way as their own personal movement. Stores and
ship that were key areas where work either directly took place or equipment are transported on the ship from shore-side docks via
was a “starting point” for execution of tasks elsewhere in the ship. cranes and deposited on the main deck of the ship. It then has to be
For example, for the engine crew each workday generally begins transported down three levels to the entrance of the engine room
with a trip to the locker room: to change in/out of their regular and dispersed to the appropriate site or down one additional deck
clothes into one-piece overalls, protective footwear and safety level to the main storage area until it is needed. Transportation of
equipment. This is followed by entering the main crew node for heavy and awkward equipment must be thoroughly planned
engine department functioning: the engine control facilities. Crew throughout the structure. Links between key nodes should be
are briefed on the current status of the system and the plan for the mapped and provide clear unobstructed routes which permit easy
upcoming work shift. Work is delegated and discussed between the logistical flow and lifting aides (supply hatches, overhead cranes,
68 S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72

Fig. 3. Link analysis of workshop, main storage area and entrances/exits.

chain blocks, etc.) to facilitate movement from node to node. The development of musculoskeletal disorders (Bloor et al., 2000;
engine crew revealed that ease of equipment movement to/from Forsell et al., 2007; Jensen et al., 2005; Lundh et al., 2011). These
the workshop, storage area, and equipment washing area were dangers can primarily be attributed to poorly defined and/or
critical for their work tasks and logistical flow throughout the en- implemented installations, which are added after the basic GA
gine rooms. Fig. 3 visualizes equipment transport throughout a drawings, are finalized.
deck of the engine room using Link Analysis over the ship's original Through ship development it may not always be possible or
GA drawings. practical to give attention to all elements that impact end-user
operations and work environment in the completed structure.
6. Discussion However, it is critical to have the foresight to consider the differing
components that will eventually fill the structure in a “puzzle-
6.1. GA drawings: HF&E evaluation in early ship design like” fashion, becoming more complex as detailed designs emerge.
GA evaluations are an integrative method to facilitate HF&E in a
The investigation revealed that GA drawings are advantageous design project as a whole by facilitating a dynamic knowledge
and strategic in assessing general crew and equipment movement transfer capacity which generates, disseminates and absorbs
throughout the engine room and overall ship. Its strength is in knowledge in an adaptive and responsive manner (Parent et al.,
identifying general dimensions, clearances, links and relationships 2007). This ultimately creates, captures, distributes and activates
between differing areas and equipment. Characteristics of the work knowledge throughout a project and/or organization to its
environment can be highlighted from evaluations of the 2D envi- stakeholders.
ronments that may be optimized for crew work demands. As the By creating a process where HF&E and end-user knowledge is
results reveal, crew modified their original work environment after more accessible and usable within design processes GA evaluations
the ship was constructed because final construction did not support can facilitate optimization of equipment placement, access, logis-
their operational demands. This further supports the value of the tical links and physical ergonomic issues from early in design
participatory design process and the inclusion of end-users (i.e. development. Initial GA drawings do not consider detailed design,
crew experience) throughout ship development (Haines et al., but having a strong foundation from the early stages of ship design
2002). can optimize design decisions made in later stages of the devel-
As demonstrated, finalized GA drawings do not provide a opment process. This can limit and mitigate potential hindrances in
completely accurate representation of the constructed work envi- the finalized work environment for crew during ship operations.
ronment. It is not that the GA drawings give inaccurate results, but
rather that the design represented in the GA is far too early in its 6.2. Applying the hub-and-spoke model to crew work
process to provide a comprehensive HF&E work environment
evaluation. Installation of sub-systems including auxiliary equip- Engine crew described their work locations within the ships
ment, piping, electrics and valve placements may not be decided structure in a hierarchy of several key nodes. These key nodes are
until well into the ships construction at a shipyard. Additionally, first visited before crew dispatch throughout the ship for site-
naval architecture methods and GA development simply do not specific tasks on equipment, systems or equipment logistics.
account for, or include design criteria necessary for HF&E analyses. What the crew described corresponds to hub-and-spoke distribu-
However, these variables which are not considered in GA drawings tion. The hub-and-spoke model is used to establish networks and
subsequently create new challenges and obstacles which impact widely applied across a variety of domains such as transport and
the finalized work environment and crew operations. The con- logistics (air, marine, ground, etc.), computing and telecommuni-
struction of a ship often begins before detailed drawings are cations (Brueckner and Zhang, 2001; Elhedhli and Hu, 2005; Imai
finalized with fitting the superstructure (Chauvin et al., 2008). et al., 2009; Jeong et al., 2007; Lin and Yang, 2011). Hubs are
Recent research and accident statistics have revealed the chal- centralized, key areas for work activities, while traffic/logistics
lenges engine crew face including incidences of slips, trips and falls, moves along spokes in an interconnected system. For example,
poor design encouraging unsafe work practices, work in confined large commercial airlines operating between Europe and North
spaces and adopting awkward postures which lead to the America would have more flights between major cities (i.e. hubs),
S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72 69

Table 1
Seawater filter maintenance: sequence & location of events.

Sequence Location Deck Event

1 Engine Control 4 Alarm signal e port seawater chest blocked

2 Seawater Chest 1 Onsite inspection
3 Workshop 2 Collection of appropriate tools/equipment
4 Seawater Chest 1 Manual maintenance tasks e dirty seawater filter inspected and removed
5 Washing Area 1 Transport of seawater filter to washing area
6 Storage Area 2 New filter transported from storage area to seawater chest
7 Seawater Chest 1 Installation of new filter
8 Workshop 2 Tools/equipment returned
9 Engine Control 4 Confirmation of success in the remote monitoring and alarm system
10 Washing Area 1 Clean dirty seawater filter (performed the next day)
11 Storage Area 2 Transport cleaned sea water filter to storage area (performed the next day)

such as New York and London with complementing regional flights 6.2.2. Three levels of logistics
to smaller cities throughout each continent (i.e. spokes). Engine crew movement throughout a ship's structure can be
The engine crew described differing hubs in their work envi- categorized into three levels for both personal and equipment
ronment that were visited before travelling along spokes to on-site logistics (see Fig. 5). From a more global to local perspective this
work. This was generally described in equipment logistics and entails work and logistics on the levels of inter-department lo-
maintenance tasks, but also extended to differing areas of the ship gistics, intra-engine-department logistics, and site-specific micro-
(i.e. leaving one's personal cabin at night to check the engine ergonomics. Inter-department logistics and work is the move-
control facilities). Key operational areas and end-user demands ment of the engine crew outside of the engine rooms and engine
may be slightly different for each ship and engine department. department. This can include other operational departments (i.e.
However, in identifying these links a map can be established and bridge, deck crew, etc.) or areas of the ship such as crew accom-
utilized for early ergonomics intervention and evaluation in early modation. Intra-engine department logistics and work refers
ship concept and design. Link Analysis offers immediate and useful specifically to the movement of personnel and equipment within
output that can be performed early and iteratively throughout the and throughout the engine department and engine rooms. Site-
design process to visualize concepts, identify potential problems specific work refers to the individual areas or equipment in
and prompt logical redesign (Stanton et al., 2005). Pairing the Link which work is carried out either within the engine department
Analysis method with a hub-and-spoke model for engine depart- (intra) or in other areas of the ship (inter). Permeating these three
ment design that is based on end-user demands and tasks can levels is shore-side to ship connections for transport of supplies
provide a powerful and organized tool for early HF&E integration in from land (and in some circumstances supply vessels) onto the
ship design. ship, and vice-versa. This is generally outside of the responsibility
of the engine crew, but nonetheless vital to supplying the ship and
6.2.1. Seawater filter maintenance example logistics of supplies once they are onboard. These connections are
During data collection an unforeseen maintenance task non-linear, and ideally shore-side, ship and engine department
occurred which required the organization and resources of four logistical connections could be made in the most efficient manner
engine crew for several hours: one of the seawater filters was possible (e.g. transporting heavy spare-parts from shore-side via a
blocked. Seawater is used to cool the propulsion systems of a ship crane, directly to the engine department decks and storage areas
and filtration systems remove debris such as marine life (i.e. fish, within the ship, thus bypassing the need for crew manual material
sea vegetation, etc.) and refuse picked up by the ship during its handling).
operation. Periodically, the filter must be cleaned in order to
maintain appropriate water flow for adequate cooling of the ship 6.3. Developing an integration strategy for the maritime domain
systems. Cleaning and maintenance intervals are highly variable,
but can range from weekly, monthly or longer periods of time. A There are apparent disconnects between project stakeholders
general Task Analysis that focuses on the relationship of event involved in ship design and construction. From an HF&E perspec-
sequence with location of work tasks is outlined in Table 1. tive, integration issues in engineering and design projects have
The sequence of tasks and locations for the entire process of been well documented across various domains. Differences exist
seawater filter maintenance can be represented in a hub-and- between designer and end-user perceptions of a system, while it is
spoke model (see Fig. 4). This can be visualized on GA draw- the users needs, not the designers, that should be taken into
ings and aide in ship development and design decisions for consideration during the design process (Hsu et al., 2000; Battini
logistical flow of crew and equipment, as distance, deck levels et al., 2011). However, a product or system is rarely designed or
traversed and major obstacles are easily visualized and mapped. studied from the end-users perspective, with the majority of the
However, micro-ergonomic issues and detailed work site evalu- focus placed on technical function and reliability (Sun et al., 2013).
ations are more difficult to evaluate in GA drawings because the Within traditional ship design processes there are discrepancies in
information is simply not available. The onsite tasks of extracting development that affect how HF&E can be integrated. The focus
the seawater filter from its casing was labour intensive for the should be on closing this gap of knowledge application in the
four crew involved. They encountered confined spaces, poor stratified and international context of bringing a ship from concept
biomechanical positions, absence of effective lifting aides and to operation. Our approach to HF&E utilization and integration in
interference of piping and auxiliary installations. This resulted in ship design has been one of pragmatism. The shipping domain is a
challenging transportation and manual material handling of the conservative business. Ship financers and operators desire imme-
filter to/from the worksite. However, this type of information is diate, measurable cost-savings and return on investment, trumping
not effectively communicated to designers or represented in the long-term perspective of early HF&E commitment and imple-
design documents. mentation. The purpose of this strategy is to utilize a common
70 S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72

Fig. 4. Hub-and-spoke model for seawater filter maintenance.

platform within the project structure where positive ergonomic and facilitating collective stakeholder involvement (Kleiner, 2004;
contributions and design outcomes are organized and documented Seim and Broberg, 2010). Our strategy is to develop a database of
in a streamlined, resource-efficient manner. HF&E knowledge and end-user experience specific to each onboard
A ships GA drawings are a boundary object that can facilitate ship department and crew position that can ultimately be repre-
knowledge mobilization between multi-disciplinary project sented in GA drawings. This approach utilizes simplified Task An-
stakeholders. The drawings themselves are a common platform for alyses to inform Link Analysis mapping (using hub-and-spoke
which HF&E methods and participatory design approaches can be modelling) which organizes end-user demands and visualizes
structured around. A participatory approach to ship development them in GA drawings, thus facilitating understanding and
requires strong management support, properly resourced at all communication with stakeholders of differing disciplines.
levels of implementation in order to systematically achieve overall Mercantile ship procurement necessitates large financial in-
improved design solutions (de Looze et al., 2001; Haines et al., vestments and organization, requiring large cash-flow and assets.
2002; Vink et al., 2006). However, unfortunately many contempo- Established companies looking to purchase new ships already
rary ship designers do not have the experience or knowledge of employ crew who work across their network: therefore they
ship operations necessary to support end-user needs (Chauvin already have access to a wealth of knowledge in the form of SMEs.
et al., 2008). Establishing a common platform creates a communi- Utilizing SME experience in optimizing the organization and
cation channel that not only exploits and integrates current HF&E environment for end-users is the very foundation of participatory
knowledge, but also captures tacit SME and stakeholder knowl- ergonomics and effective HF&E integration. In the past, utilizing
edge, providing continual documented feedback and education for such resources would have been too difficult, time consuming and
the entire organization. expensive. SMEs in the field are spread out across trade routes
In practice, ergonomics is generally limited to the later stages of working at sea, while design and construction stakeholders may be
implementation, while top management and designers work to set located around the world. Ineffective utilization is not because
goals and generate ideas and prototypes (Vink et al., 2008). How- companies do not necessarily have access to such resources, but
ever, rather than “pushing” ergonomics into a design process or that it is too impractical to organize and manage throughout ship
intervening throughout development, our strategy utilizes HF&E development. However, with the advancements and ubiquity in
professionals with a more design-oriented approach, which em- technology, file sharing and digital solutions, dissemination of
phasizes a greater leadership role in organizing the design process HF&E and SME knowledge can become the foundation for an
economically-sustainable model for integration in ship design and

7. Conclusions

Effective integration of HF&E knowledge throughout ship

design and construction has many challenges. This framework must
be accepted and supported by project stakeholders in order to gain
management support. Streamlining the process, minimizing re-
sources (human and capital), troubleshooting easy design changes
and utilizing a common platform are critical elements for successful
utilization and initial acceptance in naval architecture
GA drawings are not a complete representation of the finalized
work environment. However, they do provide a platform for early
and continuous input and evaluation for basic end-user tasks and
Fig. 5. Divisions of engine crew movement for work throughout a ship. demands. This facilitates that rudimentary work environment
S.C. Mallam et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 50 (2015) 62e72 71

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