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First, I understand your concern about being in favor of the death penalty, as it may seem like we are
promoting the idea of killing people. However, I want to clarify that my position is not to kill people
indiscriminately, but rather to advocate for a just and equitable legal system that protects the rights of
victims and society as a whole.

Second, I want to emphasize that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment in certain cases where
the evidence against the defendant is overwhelming and where public safety is at stake. In these cases,
the death penalty provides a sense of justice for victims and their families, as well as a deterrent to
others who might contemplate committing similar crimes in the future.

Third, I want to acknowledge that the death penalty does have its critics, who argue that it is not an
effective deterrent and that there are other measures that can be taken to address the root causes of
crime. While I understand and respect these positions, I do believe that the death penalty is an
important tool for ensuring public safety and promoting the rule of law.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that promoting the death penalty does not automatically equate to being
against measures that can decrease crime rates and increase public safety. Rather, it is in the interest of
both victims and society as a whole to explore a range of strategies that can promote public safety and
reduce crime, such as addressing socio-economic issues, mental health resources, and community-based

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