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COMD 358

Professional Communication
Week 2 - Introduction to Communication and Professionalism

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Course Book:
Business and Professional
Communication (3rd Edition)
Steven A. Beebe
Timothy P. Mottet

Chapter 1
Communicating and Leading at Work

COMD358 | Professional Communication

1. What is Professional communication? Please
write a short definition and write down its
Some questions components.

before we begin... 2. Who is a Professional?

3. Do you consider yourself to be a good


● Listener
● Presenter
● Speaker
COMD358 | Professional Communication
COMD358 | Professional Communication
COMD358 | Professional Communication
The art of communication is the
language of leadership.
James Humes
author and former presidential speechwriter

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication


Communication (from Latin ”communicare”, meaning "to share")

● Sending and receiving information or the transmission of

information and meaning from one party to another through
the use of symbols

● Communicate the right information, in the right way.

● Human communication is the process of making sense out

of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating
meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal
COMD358 | Professional Communication


● Written, oral, visual & digital communication within

a modern workplace context.
● Written communication through letters, e-mails, memos, and the internet.
● Oral communication through face to face, by phone, and other media
● Non-verbal communication through body language, eye contact, gestures.
● Visual communication via charts, maps, images, and graphs
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Professional communication

● How to communicate effectively and appropriately to influence others in

positive and ethical ways.
● Communication skills are leadership skills & will make you competitive in a
global marketplace
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Apply communication skills to lead in the workplace:

● Workplace communication that makes work happen

● By developing relationships with coworkers,
● Building work teams,
● Making presentations before groups of people
● Using effective communication skills and principles

Considered a top job skill by CEOs.

Some Non-

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication
COMD358 | Professional Communication
COMD358 | Professional Communication

What is wrong with these slides?

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Look at how these changed...

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Why are we here?

● Research shows that we spend from 80-90 % of
our typical day communicating with others.

● Communication is the most valued workplace

You can’t not skill. In a recent survey of recruiters from
companies with more than 50,000 employees,
communication came out as the single most

communicate… important decisive factor in choosing


● A survey by University of Pittsburgh points out

YOU HAVE TO! that communication skills (including written and
oral presentations), and ability to work with
others, are the main factors to job success.

● In a national survey of employers, the lack of

basic oral/written skills and business
communication skills were a major stumbling
block for new entrants into the job market.

● Employers ranked the leadership skills of

graduates as deficient, noting their inability to
collaborate, work in teams or groups, and

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Some examples from the professional world

Jack Welch | Chairman of General Electric:

“the key characteristic he looked for in a leader

was her or his ability to communicate well.
Specifically, he wanted ‘someone who is
comfortable talking to anyone—anybody in the
world, in New Delhi, Moscow, Cairo, Beijing—
anywhere!’ “
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Some examples from the professional world

Warren Buffet | American Investor:

“one of the richest persons on the planet, once announced to
MBA students at his alma mater, Columbia University, that he
would offer $100,000 to any student in the audience in return for
10 percent of future earnings. He then added that if the student
would take a communication skill development course or
public speaking training, he would increase his offer to
$150,000. Buffet is a major advocate of communication skill
training and has noted that taking a communication training
course was one of the best investments he had ever made!”
COMD358 | Professional Communication

About Howard Schultz: Owner of the Starbucks Company

«(…)Rather than communicating to employees, shareholders, and customers through advertising
and mediated messages, Schultz prefers face-to-face communication. According to Schultz,
Starbucks is successful not because of its high-gloss and expensive Madison Avenue advertising
campaigns, but because of its grassroots word-of-mouth advertising based on the relationships
that Starbucks employees form with customers. He even states, “Word of mouth, we discovered,
is far more powerful than advertising.”

How do you take your coffee?

Howard Schultz takes his with both excellent communication skills and visionary leadership. In summarizing
his success as a communicator, Schultz notes, “We’re not in the coffee business serving people, but in the
people business serving coffee.”
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Communication: Making Sense and Sharing Sense

● The Nature of Communication

● Making sense
● Sharing sense
● Creating meaning
● Occurs through verbal and Non-verbal messages
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Making Sense

● We make sense out of what we experience

when we interpret what we see, hear, etc.
● We relate what happens to us at the moment
to something in the past.
● An effective communicator should learn
about listeners so the message makes sense
to them.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Sharing Sense

● We share what we experience by expressing it to

others and to ourselves.
● We use words as well as nonverbal cues (such as
gestures, facial expressions, clothing, music) to
convey our thoughts and feelings to others.
● Through the process of sharing our understanding
of our experiences, we connect to other humans.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Creating Meaning

● Meaning is created in the hearts and minds

● We don’t send meaning by sending a letter to
someone we create it based on our experiences,
background and culture.
● Meanings are in people, not in words.
● A word or a nonverbal expression triggers meaning
within us.
● The only meaning a word has is when you ascribe
meaning to what you read and see.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Communication occurs only when it reaches its audience.

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Communication: Making Sense and Sharing Sense

● The Components of Communication

● Source
● Channel
● Receiver
● Feedback
● Context
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Aristotle’s communication theory

Shannon and Weaver
Mathematical Model of Communication (1954)

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Sender : The originator of message or the
information source selects desire message
Encoder : The transmitter which converts the
message into signals
Mathematical Model Decoder : The reception place of the signal which
converts signals into message. A reverse process of

of Communication encode
Receiver : The destination of the message from

(1954) sender
Noise: The messages are transferred from encoder
to decoder through channel. During this process the
messages may distracted or affected by physical
noise like horn sounds, thunder and crowd noise or
encoded signals may distract in the channel during
the transmission process which affect the
communication flow or the receiver may not receive
the correct message

COMD358 | Professional Communication

+ the Communication

as Transaction –

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Communicating your message

● Know your purpose in communicating. ● Be clear with your purpose.

● Know who your audience is. ● Give your message completely.
● Know your topic. ● Be concise.
● Adjust your talk to the audience. ● Be natural.
● Work on the feedback to improve. ● Give your feedback timely.
Of course, the
process is not always
so smooth.

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Some examples of communication noise:

● Talking on the phone during a commercial on


● Driving while listening to the radio.

● Scanning a newspaper for articles to read.

● Scrolling past Internet ads without looking at

COMD358 | Professional Communication


● The information being communicated by the source.

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Message Content – Task

Leaders communicate messages

● to accomplish certain tasks
● to get work complete
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Communication in the
workplace takes place

● Between employees (peer to peer)

● Between manager and employees
● Between employee and customers
● Between a business and a community
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Message Content - Relational Dimension

● more implied
● nonverbal messages and relational cues.
● Cues about emotions, attitudes, power and
● Your supervisor says “great job,” but her lack of
eye contact, monotone vocals and enthusiasm
shows she is not pleased

This Photo by Unknown Author is

licensed under CC BY-ND
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Apply communication skills to lead in the workplace:

● Workplace communication that makes work happen

● By developing relationships with coworkers,
● Building work teams,
● Making presentations before groups of people
● Using effective communication skills and principles

Considered a top job skill by CEOs.

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Types of interference leading to miscommunication

● Environmental – noise. Distractions, message blockers

● Sender interference – misleading input
● Receiver interference – resistance, sensory challenge, distraction
● Message content – incorrect, incomplete, distorted
● Message format – incorrect, unacceptable
● Medium interference – can be technical, human mistakes
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Homework 1:
Find an example of
“Professional Communication”

● Find an example of what you consider to be “Professional Communication”

● Check Moodle for details

What does “ethics” mean to you?

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Ethics in Communication
Ethics are the beliefs, values, and moral
principles by which we determine what is right
or wrong.

● An ethical communicator is one who

considers the thoughts, feelings, and
considerations of the people with whom a
communicator is interacting.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Ethics in Communication

The National Communication Association has developed a Credo for Communication

Ethical communication is fundamental to responsible thinking, decision making, and the
development of relationships and communities within and across contexts, cultures,
channels, and media.
Moreover, ethical communication enhances human worth and dignity by fostering
truthfulness, fairness, responsibility, personal integrity, and respect for self and others.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Personal Ethics vs. Professional Ethics

Personal ethics Professional ethics

● The ethics that a person identifies with in ● The ethics that a person must adhere to
everyday life. in their interactions and business
● Based on experience, family & community. dealings in their professional life.
● For example, you may hold strong beliefs
about honesty, integrity and responsibility.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Business Ethics or Ethics of the Workplace

● Set of moral guidelines and atandards that influence
○ how a company serves its customers
○ treats its employees
● Often based upon the personal ethics of the company’s owner or manager.
● Every industry and profession has its own ethical conduct, a set of moral standards
○ that affects its organizational procedures and systems.
● Some professions follow stronger ethical codes:
○ Counselors, auditors, police officers, and so on.

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Business Ethics Examples

● Psychologists should not disclose information about their
clients outside of their professional duties. (violation of their
workplace ethics or their moral/professional standards).
● Mechanics should not repair one item in a car while
sabotaging another part.-unethical
● Advertisers should not advertise a certain product as having
certain qualities if it doesn’t. -unethical
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Personal and professional ethics may clash and cause a moral conflict

A police officer may personally believe a law he is required to enforce is wrong.

• However, he has to obey all lawful and reasonable instructions to enforce that law
unless there is good and sufficient cause to do otherwise.

A doctor may not personally believe medical treatment chosen by a patient.

• However, she might need to respect the rights, autonomy and freedom of choice of
the patient. (Code of Ethics of NZ - other state national codes)

PROFFESIONALISM ● Professionalism is the traits expected
from you as an employee.
Professional Skills + ● Professional skills are the hard work skills
Work Ethic + ● Work ethic is an attitude of determination
Ethical Communication and dedication toward one’s job
● Those with a strong work ethic place
a high value on their professional success
● They exhibit moral principles that make
them outstanding employees in any

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Common Rules of Professional Code of Conduct

● Transparency
● Respect
● Integrity ● Lawfulness
● Trustworthiness ● Providing excellence
● Loyalty ● Responsibility
● Equality ● Upholding reputation
● Accountability
● Compassion

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Common Rules of Professional Code of Conduct

● Accountability ● Quality Work

● Discipline ● Responsibility
● Honesty ● Teamwork
● Time Management
● Humility
● Organization
● Confidentiality
● Punctuality
● Honesty

COMD358 | Professional Communication

Integrity at the Workplace

● A set of core values and attributes that guide you to be honest,

trustworthy, dependable and use good judgment in your work.

Having integrity in the workplace means always choosing to do what
is right and being accountable for your actions.
COMD358 | Professional Communication

How to demonstrate integrity in the workplace

Follow these steps to help you show integrity while at work:

1. Always act morally and ethically.
2. Treat everyone with respect.
3. Be honest and transparent in your communication.
4. Always put your best effort into your work.
5. Follow through on commitments and promises.
6. Be accountable for your actions.
7. Practice integrity in your personal life.
With reference to the flowchart below, write under each heading the relevant points that apply to the ethical situation that you are trying to
COMD358 | Professional Communication

Ethical questions in Job Interviews

Reflect on your prior work experiences and

select key events that allowed you to show
integrity or other professional traits.
To create an effective response, consider
using the STAR method:

1.Provide context for the situation.

2.Describe the task.
3.Explain your actions.
4.List the results.

Link to site
COMD358 | Professional Communication
Ethics Credo ● Group assignment

● In groups of 3-4 come up with 5 most

important ethical principles required
in a Professional setting.

COMD358 | Professional Communication

COMD358 | Professional Communication

What’s your Ethics Credo?

● What’s your personal ethics credo? What are key ethical principles that guide you in
communicating with others?

● Imagine you are being interviewed for a job and the interviewer asks you what your
ethical principles are. What would you say?
COMD358 | Professional Communication

How to create your own code of professional ethics

● Make a list of your ethical traits – honesty, integrity, respect and so on.
● Think of your relations in a Professional environment – what would you like to
set as a rule?
● Create statements to follow - why are these important to you?
● Write organized in an essay format.
● 1 page - handwritten by one member of the group.

COMD 358
Professional Communication
Week 2 - Week 13

COMD358 | Professional Communication

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