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An Analysis on How Online Class affects the

Grade 11 ABM Students in Colegio de Calumpit


A Research Presented
to the Senior High School Department,
Colegio de Calumpit Inc

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Subject Practical Research 1

Dalusong, Arnel Raphael R.

Ingaran, Crisha Jade A.

Madarang, Karl Jay D.

Pangan, Mikaela P.

Salas, Mikaela DG.

Torres, John Benedict L.

Tubig, Josiah Miguel A.

February, 2021

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An online class is a new mode of learning nowadays. In general, it is conducted through a

learning management system, in which students can make their activities and also communicate

with their fellow students and teachers. Currently, online classes are the only way out to keep

imparting our knowledge. It includes using digital devices to create a virtual classroom that the

teacher and students sign into a communication app and sit in front of their gadgets.

Online learning presents a major risk to our emotional and physical health, it can affect

every other people’s health from young children to teenagers and, teachers. Many students in

virtual classes have the worst existing mental health disorder. As online classes continue, it is

very important to investigate students’ experiences in the new mode of learning in Colegio de

Calumpit. This new learning system did encounter a few challenges to students and teachers.

According to Oyoque and Brown (2020) “(Students) may experience increased fatigue,

headaches, lack of motivation, avoidance/procrastination, ineffective time management, feelings

of isolation due to limited socialization in-person, minimized awareness and understanding of

others created by in-person dialogues.” In line with this development, distance learning started a

lot of students that have been feeling anxious and stressed due to online classes, online classes

have indeed made this emotional stress for most students.

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This research analyzes explored students’ experiences with online learning, cause some

students were satisfied with the new mode of learning but still struggles to balance their online

classes, tasks, and other responsibilities. This research can be an eye-opener to acknowledge

students from Colegio de Calumpit and to help them to cope with their mental health and

persevere in their studies.

Statement of the Problem

This study will present an analysis of how online classes affect the students of Grade 11

ABM Students in Colegio de Calumpit Sy. 2020-2021.

This study aims to identify the difficulties and problems that a student experienced while

having an online class. Especially the following statement:

1. What are the common difficulties that the students encounter during online class?

2. What are the factors that affect during the online class that the students have been


3. How online class affect the following;

a. Mental Health

b. Critical Thinking


Online class imposes many difficulties in every learner of Grade 11-ABM in Colegio de

Calumpit Inc. This new normal education brings many mental health-related illnesses such as

stress and anxiety. Therefore Online classes negatively affect the students.

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Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study will be profitable for any school officials including students of

CCI, Inc. This study will clarify for all readers why and how students doing online classes.

The outcome of this research will benefit for the following:

Teachers. The teachers will be a huge beneficiary of this study because the teachers can

give their opinions, perspective, and their advice for their students. The teacher will be the main

instrument of this study because they are providers of the information on how students

misbehave. The teachers of Colegio de Calumpit can open up their perception on how students

experiencing the online class nowadays, they can also ease their mind while knowing that there

is such a study that can help them.

Students. Students will gather many morale lessons on this study, as they reflect this

study in their lives. They will get clarification on how online class can affect them, teachers, and

their performance in academics. Students will also know what the teachers indicating to them.

This study can give a huge impact on students in Colegio de Calumpit.

Parents. This will be of great help to the parent of the student who is studying so that

they can guide them properly and do not have to work hard because not all students can follow

the lesson or the connection can be slow to follow the lesson quickly. It will also serve as a guide

for parents so that they do not overthink the learning that children are doing.

Department of Education. This study will guide the department of education to provide

moral and psychological assistance to students, raise awareness about students who face

challenges in this new learning system, and help them to motivate themselves.

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Future researchers. This research can be a guide for upcoming research that will tackle

the same topic. This study will provide future researchers some information and details about

students having online classes.

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to find out the possible effects of an online class in the cognitive

development of Grade 11-ABM students in Colegio de Calumpt Inc.

This research will be conducted in Colegio de Calumpit Inc, City of Calumpit. Our

targeted respondents are 30 Grade 11 Students in the Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) Strand in the said school.

Definition of Terms

Cognition - the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge.

Cognitive Development - refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding.

Mental Health - includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

Anxiety - body's natural response to stress.

Online Class - a course conducted over the Internet.

ICT- Information and Communications Technology

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This study shows the importance of the related literature of the study and also the

related studies.

Relevant Theory

According to Sattar (2017) with the assistance of the latest technologies, web-based

learning environments aren't that different from a classroom environment, especially if you

decide on instructor-led learning and participate in live classes with a lecturer. Very similar to

during a classroom environment, students learn plenty from social interaction in a very web-

based environment. However, getting students to collaborate and work on group projects in a

web environment could be a difficult task.

The learning theory of cognitive development plays an enormous role within the case of

the previous approach—understanding by thinking. thanks to its very nature, where time and

distance often separate instructors and learners, the noesis plays an excellent more important role

in eLearning. (Reynolds, 2018)

Related Literature

To curb the spread of COVID-19, most governments have opted to use quarantine

protocols and temporarily finish off their educational institutions. As a consequence, quite a

billion learners are affected worldwide. Among this number are over 28 million Filipino learners

across academic levels who should occupy home and accommodates the Philippine government's

quarantine measures. (UNESCO, 2020)

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“Just as students are being flexible with teachers who try out online methods for the

primary time, it seems fair that teachers should extend that very same flexibility back to students.

Teachers who modify their expectations for what this semester should appear as if may find

themselves with happier, healthier students.” The increased screen time of online instruction and

also the lack of face-to-face interaction have affected many students’ mental and physical health.

In fact, increased screen time has been linked to anxiety, depression, and perceived attention

problems. (Lear, 2020)

Although video calls became a perfect solution to remote learning, they often can wear

one’s psyche. Zoom exhaustion has become a true problem with back-to-back online classes.

Students may find video calls to be so draining because they’re struggling to process nonverbal

cues, like visual communication or voice tone. this may cause awkward silences or reduced

interaction during online classes, making it harder for college kids to ask questions or carry a

conversation with a professor and for professors to interact with students. Video calls also make

it easier than ever to lose focus due to the temptation to surf social media during online lessons,

he said. the very fact that students may take fewer breaks than before isn't helping. “The walk

from the lecture hall or classroom can often be a decent way for the brain to require a prospect

and relax before the following lesson, and online lessons don’t facilitate that sort of downtime.”

(Wind, 2020)

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Related Studies

Since the mid-1990s, rapid developments in information and technology (ICT) have

resulted in dramatic changes within the area of distance education (DE). Many DE organizations

have made the transition from print-based to online delivery, using interactive learning

environments (VLEs) and other Web technologies. DE scholars have characterized this as a

generational change since it's altered the organization, traditions, and cultures of DE (Abrioux,

2001; Bennett, Agostinho, Lockyer & Harper, 2009; Cleveland-Innes, 2010). (see, as an

example, Taylor, 2001).

The word "accessible and distance e-learning" (ODeL) has been coined to seek advice

from the new mode of online or Web-based DE at the University of the Philippines – Open

University (UPOU), a single-mode DE institution within the Philippines. (Alfonso, 2012, n.p.).

ODeL extends the term "open and distance learning" (ODL) to incorporate the utilization

of e-learning or online learning methodologies to permit multiple kinds of interaction and

dialogue that may bridge the gap between teachers and students (Anderson, 2008c; Calvert,

2005; Garrison, 2009) and supply access to an enormous array of interactive and multimedia

learning resources which will be wont to design learning experiences (Anderson, 2008c; Calvert,

2005; Garrison, 2009). (Bates, Haughey, Evans & Murphy, 2008; Tait, 2010). Via "increasingly

complex pedagogical systems," DE institutions can promote both independent and collaborative

learning through the employment of online portals and VLEs.

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This chapter presents the methods and techniques of research that were used in

this study. This chapter includes research design, population and sample, research instrument,

and data gathering procedure.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method for qualitative research in gathering all

information’s about the research study of Grade 11 student’s difficulties in the online class. This

study will determine how the student’s from Colegio de Calumpit cope with the difficulties and

systematically describe the phenomena about the online class. Using this kind of research design

can help the researchers to accurately and systematically describe the phenomena. This research

is designed to explore, investigate, analyze, and gather information’s in the study that focuses on

an individual perspective of a student.

Population and Sample

For the sampling process, the researchers used simple random sampling. A simple

random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this sampling method, each

member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being selected. This method is the

most straightforward of all the probability sampling methods, since it only involves a single

random selection and requires little advance knowledge about the population. Because it uses

randomization, any research performed on this sample should have high internal and external

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Moving on, the researchers choose 30 ABM students from Grade 11 in Colegio

De Calumpit, without age restrictions. The researchers decided to choose 10 students from the

first three sections of ABM in our institution so that the interpretation of data will be more

precise, accurate, clear, and easier because the students of these sections are enrolled in an online

learning system. The researchers choose them because they are more affected by online classes.

Unlike those ABM students who were enrolled in Open Distance Learning (ODL). Since our

main focus is those students that are currently learning through an online platform.

Data Gathering Instrument

The primary instruments that were used for gathering the needed data for this

study were the essay-type questionnaire created in Google Forms. The researchers chose to use

Essay-Type Questionnaires to gather accurate and precise data needed for the tabulation process.

Essay-Type Questionnaires are very useful for the respondents may say what they think or feel

free to give their opinions regarding the topic used.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepared an essay-type questionnaire created in Google Forms.

The survey questionnaire is composed of 4 questions. The respondents have 5-10 minutes to

answer the given questions for them to think about what point of view they have about our

research topic. The link of the survey was sent to the respective Facebook accounts of the

respondents in messenger. The result would hopefully be the basis for us to confirm that the

online class has been affected the cognitive development of a student in Colegio de Calumpit.

Specifically, the Grade 11 ABM students in the said institution in the Academic Year of 2020-


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According to Schroeder (2020), we often separate the consideration of mental health

from physical health. These two are deeply interrelated. The mental and emotional pressures

faculty and students may be experiencing can be expressed in deteriorated physical health.

Anxiety and stress can lower immunity, subjecting people to illness, and not just the common

cold. People with high levels of self-reported distress are found to be 32 percent more likely to

die of cancer; depression has been associated with heart disease. These are not trivial effects.

They are life-altering and destructive.

Supporting the mental health needs of online students is a critical mission for each

institution. The radical lifestyle change can feed loneliness, anxiety and even lead to depression.

Faculty members are now at the front line of responsibility for identifying emotional and mental

health issues. No one else is monitoring the students in most cases. On-campus, those students

may be observed by classmates, resident advisers, and other campus staff who observe students

informally every day. But, online, those students often are not seen by fellow students, advisers,

or others.

The study used the Qualitative method as their research method wherein it does not

include any statistical figures and such. This method will only focus on analyzing and

interpreting the data gathered. The researchers used essay-type questionnaires as their instrument

for collecting and gathering data.

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This chapter presents the data gathered by the researchers for the study including the

analysis and interpretation based on the statement of the problems presented in Chapter 1. This

chapter is composed of the results from the questions: (1) What are the difficulties that you

experienced while having an online class? (2) Does online class affect your Mental Health?

Why? or why not? (3) Is online class more stressful than the traditional one? Why? or why not?

(4) Do you think the online class is suitable for all students? Why or why not?

The respondents of the study are thirty (30) Accountancy. Business and Management

track online students of Colegio de Calumpit, ten (10) respondents from the first section, ten (10)

respondents from the second section, and ten (10) respondents from the third section.

The first specific problem that the study aims to answer is this:

1) What are the difficulties that you experienced while having an online class?

As per analyses of the researchers, most of the respondents said that they are having

trouble with the poor internet connection. Also, some of them experienced that in the middle of

the class they are suddenly losing their internet connection. Having a poor internet connection

affects the performance of a student, for they cannot attend their online class. Another problem is

their learning environment. They couldn’t focus on their online class because of the noise and the

interruption that they are facing during their live teachings. Also, some of the respondents are

having a problem with their devices. It is either the camera or the microphone of their devices

that are not functioning well, which resulted in their inability to participate during class

recitation. And few students said that their problem is the school works.

2) Does online class affect your Mental Health? Why? or why not?

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Based on the analyses of the researchers, most of the respondents agree that online class

affects their mental health. They said that online class triggers their stress, pressure, headaches,

fatigue, lack of motivation, which leads them to experience anxiety, and the worst and saddest

part that their anxiety can lead to depression. Overload school works are the major concern of the

students who state their struggles in our survey form. One of them said that he/she feels like

his/her mental health is completely shattered into a thousand pieces. Because of the never-ending

activities, he/she no longer have time to rest, physically and mentally. In contrast, some of the

respondents said that online class doesn’t affect their mental health. According to them, they can

do everything at the same time and they don’t care about what’s going on. They also mentioned

that they are having good grades and at the same time their parents don’t pressure them, that is

why the online class doesn’t affect their mental health.

3) Is online class more stressful than the traditional one? Why? or why not?

According to the analyses of the researchers, most of the respondents agree that online

class is more stressful than the traditional ones or face to face classes. Based on them, an online

class is more challenging compared to traditional ones for these reasons; (1) the teachers gave a

lot of activities, (2) not capable of having a stable internet connection, (3) not able to understand

easily the lessons, (4) and they can’t also balance the time for studying and house chores, which

results to feel pressured and anxious. Having this kind of new normal education, many students

are still struggling to catch up with their lessons and deadlines. Because day by day, they are

having a lack of sleep because of the overload of school works that they needed to pass on time.

The students also mentioned that having this online class has blur the lines between resting and

working, since the students want to have a good grade, students are staying up all night just to

finish their tasks on time. By analyzing the results, it is no wonder why every student is asking
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for a break. But for some students, they find that online class is easier than the traditional ones

because they have access to the internet that helps them a lot by answering their activities.

4) Do you think the online class is suitable for all students? Why or why not?

As per the analyses of the researchers, all of the respondents did not think that online class is

suitable for every student. To sum up, the answer of the respondents their major concern is not all

students are capable to buy their own devices and internet connection. This new kind of learning is not

suitable for everyone, both privileged and the less fortunate people are having a hard time with this online

learning. In our current situation, we are still in a Quarantine situation, we can hear over and over the

rants of the less fortunate students, that they rather choose to buy their foods for a whole day over

purchasing load for them to attend their online class. On the other hand, there are still privileged students

than can afford the materials and can cope up with this new kind of learning.

Overall, the online class affects the mental health or stability of ABM students in Colegio de

Calumpit Inc. According to mental health research conducted by the National Alliance on

Mental Illness (NAMI), one in four students has a diagnosable mental illness. Stress from

exams, pressure from peers and family - pressure to do well at the university and to go out

socialize and have fun. Going away on an exchange may for sure add to that - it is an additional

challenge that can sometimes make you feel more stressed and on edge. And also, adding to the

problem is the situation that we faced nowadays like stress caused by staying inside our

respective houses and lack of money.

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According to the learning theory of cognitive development (Reynolds, 2018), cognitive

development is important to a student especially in an online learning platform that is currently

ongoing to this date. It helps the student with his behavior and his way of thinking, during online

class a student's mental health is always important because it makes him/her lose focus or be

more focused on the subject matter.

When it comes to determining the difficulties while having online classes most of the

problem comes to the device that they’re using may it be through the camera or microphone.

They also couldn’t solely focus on their online classes because of their noisy and unstable

environment. Poor connections tend to happen quite often especially during online classes which

prevents you to attend an online class.

In determining if online class affects their mental health almost all of the respondents

agreed that online class triggers their stress, pressure, anxiety, lack of motivation, fatigue,

headache. The main reason causing all of these emotions is sole because of the overload of

school works which doesn’t help especially in online education. While others say that they can

manage to maintain their overload works at the same time therefore not affecting their mental


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Comparing whether the online class is more stressful than traditional class most of the

respondents agreed because of the reasons; (1) It’s not easy to understand lessons in an online

class, (2) Unstable Connection, (3) Having a hard time balance school works and doing house

chores, (4) There are a lot of activities to do. Not only these problems already affecting their

stress but it also makes them struggle to sleep which means they’re lacking in sleep and the tasks

they need to do before the deadline. For others, they say they find it easier because they have full

access to the internet which helps them find the answers they need for activities.

Determining whether an online class is suitable for all students all of the respondents did

not recommend having an online class for other students. Most of their answers go in one reason

their concern for the less fortunate ones to be left out, not all family is capable of buying devices

for their own let alone have a stable internet connection. Amid this quarantine situation, most

less unfortunate students choose food rather than attending online education even if it means

having to be left out by their past classmates.

Therefore, this study shows that Online classes negatively affect the Grade 11-ABM

Students in Colegio de Calumpit Inc. by giving too much stress and anxiety from the different

school works and requirements aside from that they also experiencing technical difficulties

during an online class. According to the results of the survey, their mental health is also

negatively affected and became dependent on the search engines of the internet. Most of the

respondents stated that the most common difficulty that they experienced in an online class is the

slow internet connection. Their mental health is affected by various factors such as time pressure

during exams and quizzes, time management since they need to juggle school works with their

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responsibilities at home, financial problems, and peer and family pressure to perform well in


Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers presented the following

recommendations and suggestions:

For the teachers- Teachers can play such a critical part in advancing mental wellbeing among

understudies of all ages. Mentalization, or centering on seeing things from your students' point of

see, will improve your relationship and offer assistance to understudies to feel secure and

protected. By balancing the school works that teachers are giving, it is a big help for the students

to have their time to rest. Also, programs in schools must be considered by the delivery of

guidelines about mental health prevention through organizations, team sports, and other group


For the students- We have all been required to adjust to modern circumstances in our everyday

lives since the COVID-19 outbreak. You ought to yourselves that you are not alone and give

direction and mentorship for anything in your domain of skill: ponder abilities, time

administration, or dealing with uneasiness related to unused computerized learning and

communication groups. Asking for help with something you can no longer do, is not a big sin.

We don’t have to force things that are impossible to do especially when alone. And students

must simply get enough sleep, to guarantee a relaxing night of rest, students ought to take time to

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wind down some time recently attending to bed. Restricting innovation utilize and blue lights

right some time recently bed and talking approximately any stresses can offer assistance students

rest way better.

For the parents- Parents can sustain their child's mental wellbeing by paying near consideration

to their child's verbal and nonverbal signals. This makes a difference recognize when your child

needs to bolster or when they require somebody to converse with. Parents ought to be tender and

understanding with children to alter to this modern learning plan. It’s not continuously aiming to

go well. At times, the students are attending to require a break. And, be patient and

understanding as your child may have diverse responses due to stress. Empower them to

conversation almost the issue and attempt not to maintain a strategic distance from their

concerns. Be beyond any doubt to recognize their sentiments and guarantee them with kindness.

For the Department of Education. To ensure the physical and emotional health of the students

who struggle in this new learning system, the Department of Education is needed to give

motivation and inspiration to the students. And also, to encourage students to participate actively

during online classes

For the future researcher- This research can be direct for up and coming to inquire about that

will handle the same point. This thinks about will give future analysts a few data and points of

interest approximately students having online classes.

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