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Name:Aquino, Lovely Grace D.

Section: HBP Score:________/80points


TASK 1a: Honing your skills in image editing will bring your creative
outputs. With this, please complete the task below. 20points

1. Create an account in

2. Enroll in the Photoshop crash course using this link course
3. Accomplish the course by a badge (screenshot the congratulatory
message from Adobe). Attach the screenshot in this learning journal
together with your name and the date and time you started the task
and completed the task.
You have explored some of the features of Adobe Photoshop. Now, try
to surf the net and look for other photo editing software. Then, compare
and contrast their features with Photoshop.
Learn more :

- Aside from Adobe Photoshop, another editing software is GIMP.

GIMP is a free software program for transforming graphic files. GNU
Image Manipulation Program is the official name of the program. It is
used for more specialized work, free form sketching, picture editing and
retouching, and image conversion into multiple formats. Both GIMP and
Photoshop include a large number of applications, but those in
Photoshop are created by well-known picture companies like Phase
One, Kodak, and others. GIMP, however, is a free image editing
program in contrast to Photoshop, which is a paid program.
Additionally, GIMP has fewer tools than Photoshop, which features a
large number of tools. GIMP is incompatible with smartphone photo
editing, although Photoshop is compatible. And although Photoshop is
used professionally, GIMP is used more frequently.

TASK 2: Directions:. Read the given situations carefully. 15points

1. Examine the picture on the right. Can you make changes on the
- Yes, I believe I can modify some elements of the image, and by doing
so, the aura of the image would completely change. So that more
viewers would be attracted to the image. Having low-quality images
can be pixelated and blurry, unpleasant or confusing to look at.
2. In three ways, what changes can you make using an image editing
- In three ways, the changes that I can make using an image editing
application are blur corrector, color enhance and brightness. For the
blur corrector, I can adjust the image's sharpness since it is a bit blurry
caused by the camera motion. Another is color enhance, the image
looks a bit dull for me and color sets the mood of an image that is why it
is important to have the perfect amount of color in an image. Lastly is
brightness, I think the image lacks little more of brightness increasing the
brightness to make the image overall brighter.

3. What photo editing software can you use? Name at least two.
- There are two picture editing programs I may use: Pixlr and Luminar.
I've picked these two because they both feature blur correction, color
enhancement, and brightness modification features that, in my opinion,
are perfect for what I need to do with the image.

TASK 3: Study the pictures below showing Photo Editing. 25points

1. Do you notice the changes?
- Yes, I did notice the differences. The image on the left had a darker
background and filter, yet the image on the right has lighter backdrop
and filter.

2. What do you think was done to the pictures?

- The thing that they did on the images I think, is adjusting the color and
brightness of the pictures, to make the image on the left darker, they
reduced its hue and brilliance then the one on the right, they added
more color and light to it to look brighter and lively.
3. What are the effects of the changes? Were they done for advertising,
for entertainment, for emphasis, or for other effects?
- The effects of the changes was that the other image looked dull and
boring making it unappealing to the viewers. The second image, on the
other hand, is more colorful, making it more enticing to people. I
believe they did this in order to show the effects of Contrast Adjustment.
Contrast Adjustment effects is used to improve the quality and visibility
of images by increasing the contrast between different areas or
features in the image.

4. Do you think you can create those changes? How?

- Yes, I think I can make those changes by simply using editing software.
Contrast adjustment is now available in a wide range of editing
applications. I can completely transform the image by adjusting the
contrast and adding the appropriate hues.

5. Do you want to be a good photo editor? Why?

- Yes, because for me with picture editing, you can make anything look
and feel more bright, entertaining, and enticing. Even if the pictures are
damaged, they may be repaired. Photo editing can add more color
and excitement to any image. Photo editing for me is also another way
to tell your story and express what you were trying capture when you
took the picture and make a simple landscape come alive with the
colors of the rainbow.

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