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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga
Santa Rita College of Pampanga
San Jose, Sta. Rita, Pampanga

“A Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH 3”

Class: Grade 4 Time: 11:00am

Date: October 19 2023 Venue: Santa Rita College of Pampanga

I. Objectives:
At the end of 45 minutes and with the accuracy of 80%, the students are expected to:
a. Identify and describe indigenous games.
b. Exemplify and execute larong lahi.
c. Value and relate the concepts and ideas of indigenous games.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: “Indigenous games laro ng lahi”
Reference: Our world of MAPEH By Hazel P. Copiaco, Alvenia P. Palu-ay, Rufina
A. Darilag, Grace R. Sumayo. PP. 269-275
Materials: Instructional materials, PowerPoint presentation and LCD projector
Methodology: Kinesthetic and Game-based learning method.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
I. Preparation
Good morning class, before we start, please Good morning, Ma’am, the student’s will
pick up the pieces of paper and align your pick up the pieces of paper and align their
chairs. chairs properly.

1. Prayer
Student 1 kindly lead the opening All students will stand and pray.

How are you today? Students will give various responses.

2. Checking of attendance
Group leaders, please check the Group leaders will check the attendance.
attendance of your classmates.

3. Review “The world of games and

Student 1 will answer:
1.) What benefits does we get from
Games and sports is a way to stay fit, and a
playing games and sports?
source of inspiration. Thats the benefits
when we play games and sport Ma’am.
Very good student 1.
Student 2 will answer:
2. Do you love playing games? Yes Ma’am.
Student 3 will answer:
4. Do you have a favorite sport? Yes Ma’am.
Basketball Ma’am.
And what is that?

Very well said student 3.

II. Motivation
Ok class I will show you some pictures and
identify what’s in the picture.
But before that I want you all to listen
carefully in our mechanics and be quiet as I All students will answer:
read. Are we clear class? Yes Ma’am.

Very good students.

The mechanics of our activity will be:
1.) Just raise your hand if you know the
2.) Don’t answer in chorus.
3.) Smile and enjoy our class.
Are we clear class? All students will answer:
Yes Ma’am.
Okay let’s start.
1.) What game is in the picture? Student 4 will answer:
Luksong tinik Ma’am.
Very good student 4

2.) What game is this? Student 5 will answer:

Patintero Ma’am.
Very good student 5.

3.) What game is this? Student 6 will answer:

Piko Ma’am.
Very good student 6.

4.) What kind of game is this? Student 7 will answer:

Kadang-kadang or tiyakad po Ma’am.
Very good student 7.

Student 8 will answer:

5.) What kind of game is this?
Sungka po Ma’am.
Very good student 8.

All of your answer’s are correct. Those

games have something to do with our topic.

III. Presentation
Do you have any idea about “Indigenous
games: laro ng lahi?” Student 9 will answer:
A little Ma’am.
Okay class.
“Indigenous games or native game are
enjoyable, exciting, and thrilling activities
for children like you. Sportsmanship,
honesty, team cooperation, and appreciation
of your own native games are part of one’s
heritage. These games given emphasis in
this lesson.

Now what is indigenous games and native

games all about? All students will read.

Very good class.

Now here is some examples of indigenous
1. Kadang-kadang- is a game played by
many generations of Filipinos. It can
be played by a person or by a team
of three to five players. Balance and
coordination are developed in
playing this game.

1.) Use a coconut shell cut in half, with
a hole placed in the center of each
half to enable a rope (three to four
feet in length) to pass through it.
2.) step on top of each shell inserting the
rope between the big toe and the
second toe. Hold on to each end of
the rope and start moving forward a
starting line and a finish line can be
drawn with a distance of ten can be
meters holding the ropes of the
coconut shells on each hand on the
signal “ready” stand on the starting
3.) On the signal “start” begin to walk
toward the line.
The first player who reaches the
finish line is declared winner.

Now what is the use of kadang-kadang

Student 10 will answer:
Coconut shell Ma’am.
Very good student 10.

2) Culliot/ tug of war- is a game that uses a

piece of rope about nine feet long. The
game tests one’s arm strength and balance
by pulling each other out of the circle.
1.) Two circles are drawn on the
ground, each three feet in diameter
about six feet apart.
2.) Facing each other, each player
stands in the middle of a circle. Two
ends of the rope are tied separately
to the waist of the players.
3.) At the given signal, each player tries
to pull his or her opponent outside
the circle he or she is in.
4.) The first player to step out of his/her
own circular line loses.

Other examples are:

Luksong lubid- it is also using a rope. It is a
challenging game that develops you speed
and accuracy in jumping in and out of the
rope. A good jumper shows off his/her skills
by shouting “Bilisan mo!” and the players
turning the rope accelerate the speed.
Jumping is done to the rhythmic chanting of
rhymes like “red, white and blue” and “isa,
dalawa, tatlo…” by the jumpers or those
turning the rope.
1.) Prepare a rope (lubid) five to seven
meters long.
The class is divided into four teams
with an equal number of players.
2.) Decide who will be the first “it” or
“taya” by conducting a toss coin or
jack-en-poy or toss coin entitles the
group to be the other group is “it”.
The following rules should be
 No one should touch or be
touched by the turning rope.
 No one should touch or be
touched by the turning rope.
The jumpers who have the
greatest number of jumps are
declared winners.

Now what is the colliot game uses? Student 11 will answer:

Very good student 11. Colliot game is uses a rope Ma’am.

What will you draw in playing colliot? Student 12 will answer:

Two circles Ma’am.
Very good student 12.

How about luksong lubid, what is the rules Student 13 will answer:
should be followed?  No one should touch or be touched
by the turning rope.
 No one should step on the rope.
Very good student 13.

And is the material of playing luksong

lubid? Student 14 will answer:
Rope that has five to seven meters long
Very good student 14. Ma’am.

IV. Generalization
To sum up what we learn, what are
indigenous games? Student 15 will answer:
Very good student 15. Kadang-kadang culliot, luksong lubid.

How are these games played ? Student 16 will answer:

Very good student 16. By using coconut shell and ropes and by
the helped of your teammates.
Why do we need to be oriented to
indigenous games? Student 17 will answer:
To appreciate our country’s heritage.
Very good student 17.

IV. Evaluation
Answer the following questions in one whole sheet of paper.

1.) What games did you play that involve locomotor skills?
Identify the locomotor skills used in each game.
2.) What game is not enjoyable to play and why?

3.) What values did you learn from the different indigenous games?

B. How well did you enjoy playing the different indigenous games? Place a check (/) on the right
Indigenous games Very good Good Fair Poor
1. Kadang-
2. culliot
3. Luksong

40% Accuracy
30% consistency
30% Organization
October 19 2023
“Indigenous games”

Search one indigenous games that has a picture & paste it is one long bond paper and white there
procedures on the lowest part of the bond paper.

Prepared by:

Stephanie C. Fronda
Michelle M. Rodriguez
Shirly M. Rodriguez
Maricris M. Galang
Nelcy J. Inocencio

Noted and approved by:

Shareen Jenise A. Carlos, LPT, MPA


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