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Test your conflict response by circling letters A or B in each group

A. There are times when I leave it to others to take responsibility for solving the problem.
B. I put more emphasis on what we agree on rather than negotiating our differences.
A. I try to compromise.
B. I strive to take care of all his/her or my concerns.
A. I generally tend to hold on to pursuing my goals.
B. I consider the emotions of my counterpart and strive to preserve our relationship.
A. I try to compromise.
B. Sometimes I sacrifice my own wishes to indulge the my counterpart.
A. I consistently attempt to get the help from my counterpart to reach a solution.
B. I do whatever possible to avoid futile tensions between the parties.
A. I prefer to avoid creating discomfort for myself.
B. I try to get my point across.
A. I try to postpone the discussion until I have had time to think things over.
B. I waive some of my demands if I can get others through.
A. I generally tend to hold on to pursuing my goals.
B. I strive to bring all significant items and views to the table from the beginning.
A. I don’t think it is always worthwhile to occupy yourself with differences.
B. I make a certain effort to get things through my way.
A. I generally tend to hold on to pursuing my goals.
B. I try to compromise.
A. I strive to bring all significant items and views to the table from the beginning.
B. I consider the emotions of my counterpart amd strive to preserve our relationship.
A. Sometimes I try to avoid expressing controversial points of views.
B. I allow my counterpart to have some of his/her key issues fulfilled, if I can expect the
A. I suggest that we meet half way.
B. I push to get my views across.
A. I explain my ideas and ask for my counterpart’s ideas as well.
B. I try to convince my counterpart about the logic and the advantages about my ideas.
A. I consider the emotions of my counterpart amd strive to preserve our relationship.
B. I do whatever possible to avoid futile tensions between the parties.

Please continue and complete the questionnaire on the next page in the same way!

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Test your conflict response by circling letters A or B in each group

A. I avoid hurting the feelings of my counterpart.
B. I try to persuade my counterpart of the advantages of my proposal.
A. I generally tend to hold on to pursuing my goals.
B. I do whatever possible to avoid futile tensions between the parties.
A. If it makes my counterpart happy, I will consider letting him or her have it their way.
B. I allow my counterpart to have some of his or her key issues fulfilled, if I expect to get
the same.
A. I strive to bring all significant items and views to the table from the beginning.
B. I try to postpone the discussion until I have had time to think things over.
A. I immediately try to tackle all our differences.
B. I try to find a fair distribution of losses and winnings for both parties.
A. When negotiating, I take the wishes of the other party into consideration.
B. I always aim to have a direct discussion of problems.
A. I try to find a standpoint inbetween the counterpart’s and mine.
B. I emphasize my wishes.
A. I am often concerned about having all of our wishes gratified.
B. There are times, when I leave to others to take responsibility for solving the problem.
A. If it is very important for my counterpart to get his or her opinion across, I will be
B. I try to get my counterpart to agree on a compromise.
A. I try to convince my counterpart about the logic and the advantages about my ideas.
B. When negotiating, I take the wishes of the other party into consideration.
A. I suggest that we meet half way.
B. I am almost always concerned about getting all of our wishes across.
A. Sometimes I try to avoid expressing controversial points of views.
B. If it makes my counterpart happy, I will consider letting him or her have it their way.
A. I generally tend to hold on to pursuing my goals.
B. Usually I will attempt to get my counpterpart to help find common solutions.
A. I suggest that we meet half way.
B. I don’t think it is always worthwhile to occupy yourself with differences.
A. I avoid hurting the feelings of my counterpart.
B. I always discuss the problem with my counterpart, so that we may find a solution.

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Test din konfliktstil
- af Udviklingskonsulent Elin Drevsholt, Hvidovre Hospital. Hentet fra


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af din personlige konflikstil

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nedenfor og forbind punkterne indbyrdes.


Tilbagetrukket Imødekommende

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Test din konfliktstil
- af Udviklingskonsulent Elin Drevsholt, Hvidovre Hospital. Hentet fra

Find ud af hvilken af de fem konfliktreaktionsstile du bruger i dit lederjob

Sæt en ring omkring de bogstaver som passer til din besvarelse og tæl sammen lodret

Resultatet kan derefter indtegnes i konflikt-reaktions-stils-hjulet

Stil Aggressiv Problemløsend Kompromis- Tilbagetrukket Imødekommend

e søgende e
1 *** *** *** A B
2 *** B A *** ***
3 A *** *** *** B
4 *** *** A *** B
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11 *** A *** *** B
12 *** *** B A ***
13 B *** A *** ***
14 B A *** *** ***
15 *** *** *** B A
16 B *** *** *** A
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18 *** *** B *** A
19 *** A *** B ***
20 *** A B *** ***
21 *** B *** *** A
22 B *** A *** ***
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24 *** *** B *** A
25 A *** *** *** B
26 *** B A *** ***
27 *** *** *** A B
28 A B *** *** ***
29 *** *** A B ***
30 *** B *** *** A

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