ISE Module 3

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-MODULE---·- 1Il'
- -·

w~ ~-·
~ - Ii/ ~ 'I ()Jule&.. S<-r5 fa{ e
J t I~• Med-o--tJ I.c= dtL/Yl'KJ e ,tt,.J-
-,(StJ}S in -fk p.roglfessiVC.. ?f'(J"OV,J., of f'0alaW du.e -J-o
~ve P10-Hon beilw&en .Jn,Jl &®kxce. o.rJ. o.. eon+o.cH(>:J
Su\1S+ofl ce o'o Stths+-ar1CeS•

~:~ ,· '
. Co.fl be. c)oSl.i Ael a((,o~n9 to ft>W tie.
d/lf'!G\\l) ~ o { -lk $1.R' faces o,CLl.f1JS , 71,e,ri cnr€ '.- '

➔ f}g/\esh,e _cµ~-. ..➔ ,F.,-e#Jng ~

7 R~iVe ·u-1eo.."6" • , ,, -> .firosive.
• ,. , , . I c,)12.a:t
-> Sc.j~(,,.c~ faJl'gue' .' '· 1 1 c.-j o:n,oos i v:e, 1<.Cfi: ;J.cJ!ori we,.r t
. l \j

Adhesive. weoar :- : )! ; .

,· . · fld he.Si ve. . ft,::€-°'"¥. .)s,, o.. .-½Jpe or 0,ieo.?S ·0oBinaJd. lij
e. 'COO/a.Ci: Oftl I ~o (Ji~/1 ~ eel\ ' +c,vo ,foud, irig
si;i,rt&C~.c"'~ jti, st-1ron@,. pdh~iv~ ··Fo-;,ce • · • , ,
➔ :r:i ~,~cS"· ·
u:,o-iJs; oP,r;ti!;/m o.srqi¼ies , bot1L to eG1ci?
otJreo o.n d. s heo.1> of'f, ,o.~ one. $ln1 (Cle e s tid. es, ove"t' ; I . 'I' . ' . '

Cl.llO¼elJ'• . . , . ' .. ,

1 . J:t S iQtefts i-1:J depefl;ls on seveiixl ,ph':Js.iei::w J,c/.efnica.D

R;icWos > t:w 9ene:~r:i)1~ ~0;fft i~m.1€. l,<) ifh h.ignea ~
vttlues , of: .Sc.rlffcue. ~
y\ Je(ISitf
!\ .
· ·: ·
. •1 •: I

-, ~~ive We4o_i-
,,,...· · ' :r:r +a.Kes p) whe.ri, .o.. 7t't.ffi') , h:it,a~d. SC(1rfo!Le
' '

. 9.Li des' 'hc..,-oss 0.: $C,1'11 rate.;..~ ,ii, T.eJ<,JN~j .S,o fi-e%.
• Ab~i'Ye. cueao CtJ.f\. ~e · (>rsbduled. fO,LlcxAn~ . fhe.~ · 1<-lrdl I

oP fl',o.flisr1s, : () (Mlle,/,.j p~w/rtj (if +11eire is no fY1cdc•ittl

~emoval., 'bOff\ ..tJ,.e. Str6K<Ce~ , b(.J- '1(03'li€'6' cJl1'C)OV€.S o.'l'I?- f'cr6M~
1. >l • ' . ' 1

• • I '· I I I ,

' miiil IYl~aJ. ~~!'\~ dispJac,e.d.) 1 c,u:J+in~ (iF +he,1'€. IS

~•tx,1. ~ ~vaJ .in ti, e. ra,dfl'I of d eb"lris) , O"lr

1 I ' .
b :j
. , ~ F~~~ti:m oY\ Cii '+h~ 'lS 1Y1cd-elf'io..Q. •,i-emo lklL CJ/I), aJ
.• · , -·. . . • ' ' ' ,, ' '' ' '. I l .• . I I I ' • p \ . I ,
i1-ie. SCl.nJ e Hn, e ¼ e:re. i's JccaJJ ~ fzro.C.:/1.,(~ e {) ( ,¼i:.
-kuCh',n~ Sc.,nsFC{ce~ dLle to ti-e ' debo1S_J\ •

➔ Su.11Face. faJf gue. ,,.

~ . .-----~
l ·: ' ''I ' ''

\ \ . £q1)4~(e FaJi9u~ IS!'fi-e ~P,l . 0 r W~"6 ; f) Whjcti

th-e. ~trrFo.~~ o ~ o... rtia:k~{ol. Js . c,0ea.Kef1ed.. blj lCjCMC
.1 OC\A ing, · • • •

~ l~ :.P'lfe> euhetl +he. uJ~ pot?S', a.<>e

'l{ .
s. e p0.'<s ~ ~n\ the. .soik.l S.U<S rac-es: b--j -ti, e a((JJ(r]uJ.o)jo~
of Mic~ dOft)~e if{ +h~ Ma:lorid-'- . , . ,:

➔ The. , W~"tS ~ail ism

i ll a cJ{~h · · 'com bi ni?S :t1i·J· dni-Phhin
,· of,·, 9"?,"~~~. , ~ - v.<:tcls/ t'n ftle• !;.6,tid; s~-r1Sfal~J . whld;

ompJ.(111'eJ. J, ~Ith +he ~Wll)JrtJ.i. ¢)( ~'j0,-eg.

• l • •'

· -i , &rosi ti \ , • .. :
• r , . e . w~ . ' . , . \ t , l ,• , . .
.~,~ /~4>~L,f~d bi I

s ho (fr sti din:, (Yl<!>~Ot1 r,v:e.7! ~ V~?t~ \., s }0'211- " in fe;~v~~ ot ;
t1 rne, ' '. . ' ' l • •

·J j~t. 'J s'' ~d Uled. C)) hon,..Pcr~tlcJe.s, ~ d ~ ·~ve

:. ~c,}~ictl. ~o/Yl ·+k' ~Li'l5 ~,e:_, bj co1rH' Mf'lli . iM Pd,U-: ,
.. 'J€f~ffJ/ rig a.rvJ... d.OJY14>-QJ(\g JIr I ," . , 1

• • I / J
; • , > ' ' \ ~f ' \

0,"lS(fOSiye" .p.ri
diidatiOf\ 61€!cgr"' :~. 1· •\ . ,'i 1111

. C.O'l/ie)SIVI!. ~J.. o;idafi(}~ ·, uieq')(' OC6UJfs. ~ ~ ~

C0fr1biiJenl e(PecJ, ~~ ()ieJYJiitd, .~ JYle:Qi~/w,A a,cl-1'()0 • I
chenic~ a e,t/? tl, 1 i t1C1;~~ :~ q~i ~·.} ~;;hi,,s~ ra.te1 ~
whit~ Meci1CL11JC~ Qchon .t~~ -Jo we.ct?!' ooJ-. · I
➔ 11,e:1S'e. we c ?:r1es. -~~o~°'-:-:s.:e:·~::~~;;;;;;;;;;;
~ o F~
wecrlf In chihls. a:ue , .s:uev, a.5 0-"1 1. fY\P>r'o
c.1-o,,:s; -tti<>k
pe-,, . o...Ffe.a- --,
~1 e. (l'1£ 0-() ISM
·+h~- Inab LL ' ' ➔ ~ to ?:fer1'.?ve
I O<f d e._\ (<;) n Or
heed o"lf (Y)OJS.tu~e. Fifbf>'l +h e Con+ o c..1..~ '1fe,tJ ./0 () ' U. FrJci-e.n 1-

# ca.tJSQS. 0 { (.>J.W..'¥ / £FFed1 of ().)ec,.7r '.-

~ ('.I' ~ ~ ("V' ~
'The (YlO-in e,o~e~
CJ F CJJ&t?S cnre. P. hr~~ mt.ri~ iced

cons 1-~a.1~ ).i1<e. a.lnfo..S iof\ o?f e,rc. ~ 10 n CLNi. !:ece,rd_ _

l.h €.l'Y\ jGc;t.l ~ec.CHOflS c,J ec\l(erl I119 the /Yl,;J.o- icil J..i' I<£ t:W'1

co7,ooSl0n •
➔ 1he ir'j pe.. D f {V)M-e?f (cJ}. 0 f fti e fwo O l'.J eek , f f1 .S fie.~

end I+!. su.sf'o.leJ j()flU~fe. ,vecor'.,~ Jt,1.~I- ~ ff)Uch o, S +he

. {h1es enc.e o~ o. b.S ens e : of .01\ . ifl re:~r>1ed.loJ-e. . fMc.lJ st.di
oil. : 0' J.tili?Si Cc:Ulf•. ' ' 1 ·, \ • • • .

➔ • ~no$ie/ ,-::;cloi 1nFJ1A.etJc/rJ0 ,(JJ~'?f is tne. ,+:Jpe oF

r,o11emeN -~·i,e \ ~)J.i~; ~µ~n~ 0¥ pu&~i~ r,Ove.f'i&.t:

➔ :rn a M i tlort -t+,e S~'olfourJ!

. . .\
n9 c:J-mos phe:,se.. o.,{)cf.

teM pei1~ e . .. Cb-11 , o1&D · ho-v e _CJ.,(\ i Y\ on w-eao-

' t

w~ .·~ed.~cl-iori l"}e#,cds ·'.- ; , .

~ ~ ~ '. '

~~ ' s ~ leg;e~ J-.o.v.~ be-en d.evis.ecl to /Yllh iMi2£ I

wem', Tu:e:, C(ll'e :-i . . . · I

➔ ()ireven+(ori or- o vdoaJJfi9 ·'· · . . ,
➔ M~n tGJn °' 0ro pe?r c)eco-ance.
7 (J.e;/:f e?t )ub"'
· '

I(Y)p"UOvin<j ~ surf~ce·'f-' inis.hir19· · · .

➔ ftf9I. sc.rir (clce h~'b-dne~' · · ·· ., , . ,
• ' ' . , I ,- ' '. , •
➔ . ~ sc..i~Me t,s-eC'lffY)erif , . ,,. : ·
, p , r o ~ O (\
I •.
o ~ !:1.f!r'f:C\i-e. o.9a..H\S f- -l+ie in:')1J'd~
o ( -,pi?Jt
O~l + 'o.:rc.L i' m--eJ-o..0.
. I~ I ' I '

(:er~ HcJes . . '

'7 ~o/Jet,- It +mosph~e•
'll'lco •.. - . d i!. . C\. &ubs.h:111ce ~cd· he.LP' 70 ireJu,le I

~-J1fICt,1' pr., b.elaleiet\ &4~ i'.?al-e. iY\ /Yl uJt/p.l · CPn -JO. c.J-; w hl/::ti
•~ . -red,.i_ces.· +te: '1iecJ seil€.~ "'1h<l4')' ,/M., ~fa(,e fll)W,
. "'I ,, . ' I ' I I t t I •

l- u,o"ri ftd~_s 1.-
~ ~

&11>e.o.s es 'j - . , . , 1
&nseo.g~s or~ . ln~d . b~ ,CDMb1'nl~g ~;.1.. l 1tj pf~~
fY\ if\eoa.1 o i'.() w I#> tJ,,iclZ~- . [s. u.cki. 0
~ J/fhilJ.!Y\ - 1:o.s~
~00,p!).. . ,
• 6,o.a:xs~ the. ctbi'.L(t<j J-o mi )l CJJe.ll ()-)Jffl ~-e.
,l.,Y.,boi~ In_ +he 0ii I odd.ins g ~ k I n~s.s o.nd. all.ow,/)B
+he. lLLbri cafU:1' to. CLJJJ.ed o () +h ~- ~ ~ fol~ ..
.,.· .oo..~ ~.. . .
,. · · The~e. ¼iv\ ~.qu.ld.1 crre_· (Y'QC}.i u.-p of J.on~ p~½m00
chajn~ <~e>Ji' ;~ ., ~d~~~pncil · ~cHi Hveg . .·ne<j . aa1~ JiHfodt
,l--o Se[ U:e..e.2e.. . oul- } ; ~·•. ·+n--e · ..&Cf15', (a<;e ~ o 0 +he, lon.3
-. ~haJng,) . b~ w1'i-½ +h--e. o.pp~'c.a.h'ort. : c> -~ cJ1'f: i! ~p~ ~
c.1re~ ~ £.Jlppe~· baroo-ie"'f ~e-e-Y'/ . 14D ~em., 011J ·
h°'ve di Ff e~etJ. ()>ei'<Jhk · bas-e/4,. ~.0 ·. ~ei"'t vfsco~-1f-j J It ,' ,,
' ' .
fenetPCIHT19 i-0,111~·:-' ''.· · .·.;: , ,, , I Aub?r1coJlt1 ~eave ·: a.s. ; £ht'~;!,. ·:°'-. vc:n,'~ I {o;
0 f. s; ttAOt~ - ~11 comba.J..a#:r . , \g~aus~ o £ thei~ lr!X.u
;' ... ' . {,_j. ) q I \ ; '

J - vJscc&(1:1 ., :¼e~e ~ifs . ens--~ ·· ~deit~n-ecl

focr one. fcJ.?f p,se.' .,.; . j nf- l.lf-~ .·.- the./.sma.J).;; ,; e~ o/l Jhe. !
stt1Sfate~ / int·1N~o.s e. ·~! ~ 0,,:: " ~" ~Pll~~ 4JJ +h_ e,. .00~1-. i
.. \ .. ~ \,

t ..: 1:,r l l.: i . . . . . 'M ', ,.: \ . {:_

Do:, ~icoJH:i -~~ . · ":- .


, i & :: , . ~- . ,;..

, 4/½ii, ·• l . "

specific.. +jpes. or-, _.ltlhtfj~ Sl-1ch·a~ -s.iJiG011 :...

r>v,IJ;Jb:Jet1CIJY) , i3oafhife. .~oi..., ~rE, O\~'e_ 1
p~-esei) 1-' i;d?l;j
~"61o:ui< . ~ete. . ~tict~ n:-.~e. o.. ·~ ~~.@, ~.Lipre-is":1- I
fY\ cie G~o ()o}uic .,,, (.,Uhl~ · ~UleS. J~l5'i'Cl-io·~ ~ e:_e}7
-1-h~ e. ttni' Fau1 • 'Th<-';:! Ctre. a--(! o · o.vail ~ · i Y) \ P<'ictj
f {)T(r) ' ' · ,l ' If t .'\ I
• , i ·' . I
··'# Lu.b-;ieru-te>(\ •~ ,~--. . , \ .
. C------------- . . .J ~ I • , t \

!! ' ·_sc;,i-~~ \ -c{e,~ 11. 7preAS G

Cµ,() '; ·:. , . : ,t ·,
-;-1-::i.•...-:--~, ~' , t
1 " .. 1.

~ Sc~ bwn ~~'?),-1:~~f< 9!!:s '~ ·~.·oY\

~ SWuJ - s ~ pJ.,o,;n be.~,~~. 6i~eoJe 'hcJJ
. ,

➔ s f6'i rg ~ 91:reqs -e.. co-ps P..o-sc-e ...fh-e. '30€41 -e. i fl 1-o

+he. becnrJ()lj o.~ nee:J...ed... h!:1 _sp?>'iflC:J f?'!S"dtu~e . scrn€ s P~ ~

CC>fS 0\ c~eo..? P~f-ic. +o -a.evd:x.l ¼.e. quo.rJ.i}j
o~ ~15e.aJe. e,.Jh.().~ c:>tfie?YS fYP-':j h?-ve. ~ v,· p i n ~
1nJi CC{)otf" fo 2r +he.. Jc..urcricculf J.. e>J ~J.. ,

-> S(>2rt 0'3~ foo +n.e. 9~se. Cc~s C\(1'e. Cl.\ i' n -ltgh.0.~
M.e.cJ.iU-fY\, 0'¥ h~vj t-wsro /\ +o ~-e0LJc.Je. +n-e. ~ 0~ F-hw
~"lf cJ.i Ffe:tie,;J- c, pe:t5Q)i ~ C1> nd f-Ho flS. o '?f .J. {f F~V <3 -:,-e:,£ e

~ fr]~e. c~ c.(~.e. d.e.sf9necL +o ca.4-ed· o..nd.. ccinkd()

'd "6e.O..S e. ex.-+~ rrof() ; f) Side. fh.e e-;{., ro LI~ I- F' o.11


A ~"?S'e:\Se 5u.n
f 'J •
Jl a.. COf"lrYX,r\ t>JO?!J<£~p o.nd. ga~llge,
Ode. ~ )Ll,l,111 ccJ.ion
t,l. ..µ_rf
'I° CP ntt,aJ luv·~

() {. U1'l aJf'
l ~ot-et1of d va1

&i om~e
u, 'lfeas e.
'\!/ ,
~IY hsofr/

~,l, C.oMp'(~}
Base. f "'lr0-{)1 ~

, I
➔ Tl-i-G ~Pos~ ~ -p. th~ gcfa:tSe. · 'allfl 'is fr.. 0-fJPJj Ltvh-dUt.Af-
·~-+n,-oLJ~I-\ q,I} 0-pe-tr d-t-{~~ .,.;; ,.o._ S fec/f(c, fbt{)(- / U.,SU~ f"?SO(YJ

a.· g o.e.qs.e.. Cq1rf-?J·id9-e.. to °'- 'J~J~· F/ifi():J o o ni()pJt.. , 'The.,

['!els behind fh-e. ~ 15~qs-e; 111'ppl.e.. -'..e..a.d.- -1o.whzy.e -f-h.e
/..Wt, Ql e,o.J-iOfl f.5, fl e..ed.ed ' ' !
7 Tu~ 0-f C?YitA.~ /YJa,j be. o. r!ct- t-<jP-L thcJ. ~it do~~
wi~ · ~ a-CCeiving_ iOif~akrcr--e.. on •Clf\:J M: oF rrteeha.rJGelQ
. ·. d e.viceS · Th~ Clt:8~ f iffl0'J of! +he Ofe.o.·kr-o·e~ .en SUo~

· +,hct} J.llbrs fCC1.ftf is a.-p pl.j (le), on½J · w h~.e. neek.d , J

.' ' ' .

( 1 •. ' •

• I

,' I

---- - - -- --- --- - -

--- ----- - ----
-- -
oit. #pouq ~
~ ........., . . .
... _

7 rn -I-tic. .spla_si.,... k.b~ic.oJloA .. if3~Y.',~ ,oiL i~ Spfa.srw,cf,

up ~nvf'IJ the o i.L ~~CJ t-i O ¥ oi'1- ~<jS j n tt-~ (cc.,.·4£·~ Pa"'!"t-
or .fh.e C4"0-l)k ~e.. (,L) ith eaa, --oevolu.J-ioA o F # <-
c1~111~ ~ra f:f. -to P"lrodu(e.. +he.. or"J.. sp1as1-i.
Toe. oiL is rh'"lYcw"' tA-pwcnsd.. e)-t'ney o;~ d.t50pl-eJJ 0
" F-t'r,-e, ,.)
f'1i5 ~ Ptr0Ved~ CJ.d-~ll.oJe.
f- t11..p61 u&fcA -tr• pj~-ton Pins, p i1+crJ
~ l °":ls , valve. Medo.11i~rn1.., C::Jfj ro..e:o wc;,...Ui W • e, 1_ fJ(/.J.-'.S
thoou5 h +he.. ~e.s
i n<;,iJe. -th<- C~o.fl/<. &~a{f-
d?Yi!Jec). ~,.
o.nJ. MD-it1 b~in9 to M~ic.a.:k. f't\ef>') · ~

m-zsavi!j ,lu.b-cric.oJi tJf\ ~~ ~ ~

vii:1 .Lu.b0i c:a.Jion , o.l!:.o 75'ef05o-ecJ_ fo C<S cki,f P fetiJ.

oit..e?1S / JubtS"i'C~~i~ CJ) n~iSt-f. c, F o., . tw..nJpa?sen)- 7>-C,Se-yvoi o

o.r,,d_ a.. () e.ed.1 e V dJ.w?.. .,' C<x)..jl'\<;j CJ iJ.. ;~ d eJ•.iVey er). b<.j C3 -YO.V / '7:J
f\--o-~>t th~ value. . 1h~-.;,-vo,~¥ is V.e.fl)-ed... to oJcl... it1
.ti~uJcL (t\°'(€../Y112/l.l- b~ ~ 5"trCW i h:j .

_si~h l- F-<ed

.titt>-lSl'Go}o7S sg~~~~~~?

w iqe. - fb~ed- Dihricx.d-t·n~


8,._ __ __ 0
&o.J.enoL::l.. vctlv.e ·

. , .. .
• 1/ c,.J i ~< ·,
I '
)QicrJ.-j .
DI j_ ·

: : : : - - - ) \ ri
~i'o.eo.Jed- ni opu

• I ••• - '

➔ ·,The.. )o~ecr Po~t-lo/J oF- +he. wd.j f-o..~ -1-h-e ~ovfs1o(l k>
fi~ -the. ~d.ed-. ni'ppl~ to· -/he. ~ifle Co(Y)ponen_h o..rd I
¼e. rru~in~~ to be..J~·~. I
➔ The. ~~ecL nfpp;e. ~/~ h~ve. o.n ~t'l ,ro)~ Koowa ~ I
whi'~ ·th£ o iJ.° d:-is-ops J.£>wr,. · ·;; ~

➔ Fi 0+fon uJfCK ra.t'qS a.bJ. 4or,1P1 be.lo~ the. oU. J..e.vd·

Y>-i~ co tfon c.r ICK r g-eJ-.S ~oa.i\ ~ (n -fti~ e>f~,
7 "Th<- o{L ll o.~i'PPCf;L ·_ °F P1 ½ g~yli·11 ~ -,v fh~o'1 cauJecf
•I . '
~'j ~e. ~~0(1, ~ p.f-"1~ tv-aci,-iin~ <:_6~por,~ ,• •
I ' ' , .

• • I ' • • • - l I l I

. ~ . Ft w 1°~ he,o K ,-~· p-ob Vickd.. tt> ~'f!. ouJ-/tL. {I-'{~~ · M/t. I

' ,s. JY) ld-J.c.
J _lu I CK ~~~- k-th'lff ~o~
CD ridl Hotit; ' ' '
I I ; . •
~er ~ fe.~___,,o17 o
• I • • /'~LI t I
slid.e~/ gl).}dd / s. PJ f\aJ~ 1
~'" b~~.:. ]
- -f-... ~'-


---=-- ---- ~).__ 7 o/J.,

➔ fj /Y)-€,iaJliC.. 'l5' 1I n:1 hO-fK3 s o v-e. 15 \-h<'.. S'hr:t Ft- and- +h-e, botiom
PO"C>HOrl. CJ~ -fhe oi~ r10-f'£3 ~
1.. 1, f\ Oii-
, · O> \,e-i\ ,th.e So Ll-"6 l')a..l 15'ora,k5..,
th-e )S"i~ ~ 0 ot-cd-e.s. a.rd. lt Ca-6oie.s o !J. (?sO/Yl the. 01'1.
b~ 0-lld. S.~J ·the. o,t · The o{L is. p)aced -on ,top or f-M
bc':'-~(ng , 11)-e. o/,t 1.) (-4.?J+heo J.,ist1Jibu+ed- to-rh-e. h~.a~in3
oue ~ +ri -e. o i L i:a ~ '~<; - Tl1 .e.. ~ryt_c o ll s py~ dot? ps
Jo(,t) n i ~ -the. o \l 1K& ~CUo h·
...;; The s~stefY\ Is Pou.rd. sv.Jf-aJJJe. Fo'6" s)c)c,u - &pee.J- ~~­
rl><5'i"2Cfl+a.a & h:i(E- hig 1\-sp-eetl. e.n'3ir1e Shaft I +he a-ire
. Foi
~.l.i p!i clue \o €)(.Ces~ contoi fti'l aJ. Fo,sce d .e. vel,, ~ed. due
to nign "lfO~j1 ·Tf\ p,Jo.Le or- '5ing . st--eel vhoJns C(i.,t')

I· o.l.!,o he. U!eJ., '11,e, s.h~ cfains. CaOlf'j (YJO"te 1,cb,sjcc,#t/)~

oi.t ·
~os.1on , I

---,-:t-t-j.s Jef-ined- 0.1 ,the ,{c,ss oP M-e.+d-S. o-:5 a,llocJ~ h:,


:l,M su-n-~119 J"10 is\- ard... hum Id. @ vhrof'11l')€111-

~'"6~~ h- Ghe/ o..nd.. dec,+--m,enemlcc& Gh~e~,

& ,n1o~iott ¼k-e~picxce.. 1n -th<- (>-15-es-enc-e. of 02. 'd°'-~,,

~ e i}- is. aJ'\ c,7-iJ~on, 'oeadi on,
_ _l!l'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.,_10:.ii~ ~

t P<Saerice._ ~f ~Cholt.d~. '

__ _
111-e. ~ &s.oJv~. ~&. in OJold beha.ves o.S a.n
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· ~h. tGMf · 1n_rx~ct&e~ +-1\e.. cCW'! osion ·'oai-G -~~ . Jbn.s
ca a\ I) e ()€.'IS"tf :1 CL-fld i kn'~ MQ V; n~_r Po.stet6' I () . i ()t:zr £f?!.-<e4 ]'e.p]f.
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-J<UO disS iffl i.lct, recJ--c,,ioJ.s a'll'~ coLJ.(il d (J.(Y)- b,,,,Lf@ hf info
eJet,+-o-i caJ. U) nio.cJ jn "- ca,ft O !:i V e eU, C}-.oJ. <dm.
(;;-t,:- 'fJ S heef oF j1>"o/\ o-.- &fee,e. iI CPV~d- win, Ct
2 j(1C. coo.Jing j Yl C\ q,al VO--{/ isd I?JO()·

if Sf"lfes!> CbolfO~iot\ C1So.e,rJn9 ·.--

. -r:t ;~ "'- +.Jf e o f C:0""1'sio /\ w hae. c.-o.l~ s ca'-< ,si
o f1 -lh~ su15 /l:<ce. r:,f fh«-' meted due lo fhe cornbin ed.
inf~ueJll<': of fe(l!:.iJL s+~-lh ond- e,o-aod v.:2 o wi.,onmeJ
f',1,- f;,C5, 6 u'.U'l5 i ng i {) ~ ll'ClfC' F~ CiJ /Ylfon 12t1fl .

JI' :rn¼eaj7o.llu,:;J, coat's io ~ ' ">

,:t I~ a. tjpe of a,wos.i,M µ,c,J o cc.t.115£ cJ -\he
~'t( boU11dmPR~ co n-k;urlr,q i iY1 puo1· ti~ o o.,~ rne~"'°-
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"2Joc.. ollD Cj s Co ,:1J-ai nirig a1c.<.m in iurn e--xfO.s ed 1-o
h·, "'- mc,-z,j " e. ,afrflos phezl .
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E>?j""os i Dr'\ is.
a. dd:Jo~doJ-101 of kf17€bf,
.9.r6 Pace. du. e. ·to fY)ee,rio.JI fe,o..l · oJJ-iofl · Tl- ;s s.ed due.
· · +o -fhe. oe,2aJ/ve.. fYJDVemer;) b-efwee.n p)u..jd fb, tAtd

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Co c5oo& lo n P"'D",cVeil ti o'r\ ri-e¾ois •_

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-z. inl · l)l.te. ~ tt-S.1 P~CGil .J i 'ISO I\ Ls Pw teek! ~~1Yl bej~
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;4" ft11-H f19 ,a.nJ- lfnr-e:c,J.J ng :- c,.; hen +h .e. Sc./15 H'\ce.. o F 0-111...j

f'lle+ol is fo.Jn-J-cJ. OY<3?fe~ed.. , if ~ no eFPed- on -J-h-e:

a}-f'MSP'1e-<s-iG cond.i Ho/\ on ftigr}. 7}µ,J,/ th-e:j P '?Yc.V~/J+
c,, ois?O.Si on ~

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eHe,{}- of u,otvs.iOf/.

fr ,-,uKe. use Of- fn.e. ~ .J rv~:ko-.i~:~- ~- 1\J-e-6.e. o:rs-e /Yl o.n'j Mo.fe o ia

c,J hl'ch. 'l(d: i.s+c.uJ- to Ccmios) M\ ,b ke. oJ {).JYl i niiJ.ft) .

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