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Choices and consequences

1. I can understand the true essence of freedom;

2. I can exercise prudence in making choices;
3. I can rationalize that:
a. Choices have consequences;
b. Some things are given up while others are obtained in making choices,
4. I can show situations that demonstrate freedom of choice and its consequences.

What is Freedom?
 The ability to make choices and perform those choices.
 The ability to be what we want and to decide and create oneself.

Two concepts that will help us fully understand freedom:

1. Freedom itself
“Freedom is generally defined as having the ability to act or change without
constraint-Wikipedia” Someone or something is “free” if he/it can do or change anything
effortlessly and responsibly.
2. Free will
Free will is the ability to choose different courses of action without restrictions.

1. Physical Freedom
Physical freedom refers to the absence of any physical restraint. The person has the
freedom of mobility to go where he or she wants to go. He or she is not impeded in his or
her actions by any physical force. Granted that the person has natural limitations, physical
freedom enables him or her to act and move in determined manner.

2. Psychological Freedom
Psychological freedom is also called freedom of choice. The person is free to perform
actions that he or she considers right and wise. A person is also free to act or not to act.

3. Moral Freedom
Moral freedom refers to using freedom in a manner that upholds human dignity and
goodness. Freedom is not an object that a person may use in whatever way he or she
pleases. A person must use his or her freedom to grow as a person.
 The Power of Volition is the will (kabubut-on)/ the power to choose or to make a
 The will of humanity is an instrument of free choice.
It is within the power of everyone to be good or bad, worthy or worthless. This is borne out
1. Our inner awareness of an aptitude to do right or wrong.

It is within the power of everyone to be good or bad, worthy or worthless. This is borne out
2. The common testimony of all human beings

It is within the power of everyone to be good or bad, worthy or worthless. This is borne out
3. The rewards and punishment of rulers

It is within the power of everyone to be good or bad, worthy or worthless. This is borne out
4. The general employment of praise and blame

Could there be a considerable amount of change if animals are given the freedom and roam
freely in their natural habitat? Expound your answer.

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