Repas Examen Ang

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1.Completa las oraciones con presente simple o presente continuo de los verbos del
recuadro. Usa algunos verbos en cualquier momento:

work – wear – be – measure – use – heat – display - clean

Alice always wears chemical googles for eye protection when she uses (work) with
chemicals. But she uses (is cleaning) them at this moment and that is very

We work in the lab because we clean the test tubes before using them.

Our electric balance display (mesure) weightsin multiple different units. But it be (is/
isn't, no acabo d'entendre la frase) properly at this moment maybe it is broken.

Do (are) you use (using) the thermometer now? Yes. measure the temperature of the
liquid there is another in the table.

The assistant heat (is heating) the solution on the burner at this moment.

2.Complet this text with the correct form of past simple of the verbs in brackets. Pay
attention som of theme are irregular verbs:

Antoine Lavoisier developed (develop) the modern system of narnyng chemical

substance and has been called the father of modern chemistry.

He determined (determine) that oxygen was a key substance in combustion and he

gave (give) the elementits name.

He studied (study) law but rather than practice law. Lavoisier began (begin) pursuing
scientific research.

He gained (gain) admission to the academy of sciencies in Paris in 1768.

Chemist like Lavoisier focused (focus) their attention upon analyzing....

formed (form).

3.Name the following lab equipment:

1: Beaker

2: Hot plate

3: test tube

4: Bunsen burner
5: Vial

6: Tongs

7: mortar and pestle

8: bath

9: funnel

10: Buret

11: Erlenmeyer flask

13: stand

15: Scissors


1: Disposal alert

2: Radioactive safety

3: Sharp object safety

4: Biological hazard

5: Plant Safety


Safety can: 3 (4)

Fume hood: 4 (3)

Googles: 5

Coverall: 1

Eye wash station: 2


1. always wear chemical splash goggles for eye protection when working with

2. when pouring large quantities of hazardous chemicals, in addition to goggles, wear
a face shield large enough to protect your ears and neck as well as your face.

3. always wear gloves when handling chemicals. select the glove material based on
compatibility with the chemicals you may contact.

4. always wear appropiate clothing: chemically resistant lab coats or aprons are

5. do not wear shorts or miniskirts (anithing that would leave your legs bare and
unprotected) do not wear high-heeled shoes, open-toed/heeled shoes, sandals or
shoes made of woven materials. constrain long hair and loose clothing.

6. do not work with hazardous chemicals or processes when alone in the laboratory.
an instructor must supervise undergraduate students at all times.

7. always use chemicals with adequate ventilation or in a chemical fume hood. do not
allowe the release of toxic substances in cols rooms or warm rooms, since these
areas have re-circulated air.

8. use chemicals only as directed and for their intended purpose.

9. never use mouth suction to fill a pipette or siphon. use a pipette bulb or other
subtable device.

10. handle needles syringes and other sharps carefully. dispose of all sharps in an
appropiate sharps container.

11. do not dispose of chemicals down the drain. most chemicals must be disposed of
as hazardous waste.

12. inspect the lab weekly for hazrdous conditions.


1. c

2. c

3. d

4. d

5. c

6. c

7. d
8. b

9. c

10. b


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