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By Kristin Merizalde, BS, of Sassy Holistics

How to Truly Heal Your IN THIS EBOOK

Adrenal fatigue is a phrase you will see often WHAT IS ADRENAL
these days in the health world- but what exactly FATIGUE?
does that mean?

We are in an epidemic of burnout- and with how

things are going recently, stress levels are now
going through the roof even more. It's become
apparent that people need to really take a step YOUR ADRENALS
back and find ways to heal and cope with all of
this stress better.

There are many things that we can do to reduce NUTRIENTS NEEDED

stress, heal and support our adrenals, and prevent
further health issues.

This guide will help you determine if you are

dealing with adrenal issues and what you can do to
help heal yourself.


Did you know?


What is Adrenal Fatigue?

It's not technically "adrenal fatigue"!

Even though we say it often, the term ‘adrenal fatigue” isn’t

really correct. The adrenals are a part of the HPA axis, and
when we have “adrenal fatigue” it’s truly HPA axis
dysfunction. Luckily, all of the things that are specific for
healing the adrenals can help the whole axis, so don’t have
to go too deep into specifics here.

The adrenals are the emergency glands of the body. When

we are constantly stressed, our bodies cannot keep up with
the demands of homeostasis (keeping the body in balance).
Because of this, the adrenals do tend to take the brunt
of the damage and start to either over react or go into a
sluggish state. A large majority of people with adrenal
issues will end up in a sluggish state (also called slow
oxidation). This means that the adrenals lack the energy to
function at full capacity.

When we’re stressed, we are burning through nutrients

(especially sodium, potassium, and vitamin C). If we keep
using up these nutrients due to constant stress, then the
adrenals have a very hard time keeping us stable. Once we
get to this point, we have to work on replenishing what
has been lost and supporting the adrenals in other ways to
let them recover.


Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:
Fatigue, of course
Sleep disturbances, especially issues falling
Brain fog, sluggish thinking
Cravings for salt or protein
Crashing in the mid-afternoon/early evening
(and sometimes getting a second wind in the
late evening)
Sugar cravings
Weight issues
Depression, anxiety, apathy, mood swings
Hormonal imbalances
Low libido
Issues with detoxing
Dependence on coffee to survive the day


How to Support your

Everyone’s exact plan will be different, but these are the
main points to keep in mind while healing from adrenal

Rest is underrated. We’re living in a society that can make
you feel worthless if you’re not burning yourself out each and
every day. Learn how to say no to things that don’t need to
get done, stop over-exercising (especially if you find you’re
needing days to recover from one session), and start making
your own routine for self-care each day. Even 5 minutes a
day can make a huge difference- close your eyes, do deep
breathing exercises, do legs on the wall yoga pose, take time
to lay out in the sun and enjoy nature, or even just put your
favorite music on and allow yourself to just be for a bit.

Sleep is one of the most underestimated healers out there.
Most people with adrenal issues tend to have problems with
sleep as well. Whether the sleep issues started due to stress
or because you were used to pushing yourself to the limits
each day (which might have included little sleep!), you do
need to make it a focus now. Reduce screen time at night,
use blue light blockers, try tart cherry juice, or create your
own bedtime routine.


There are a few many nutrients that the adrenals need
The Most Popular Adrenal
to function. Adrenal cocktails are the best way to get
all 3 of these nutrients in!
Cocktail Recipe

4-8 Ounces Coconut

Sodium is the first mineral we burn through with
adrenal stress, and it is often the first to tank once our
1/4 tsp unrefined sea
adrenals finally reach their limit. Salt cravings are a
salt or 1 tsp salt water
HUGE sign that you need more high quality salt. Use
sole (like Pink
adrenal cocktails, salt water sole, or even mineral baths
Himalayan or
to help with replenishment.
1/4 tsp Synergy Pure
Potassium can be a bit harder to replenish because the
Radiance Vitamin C
recommended amounts for adults are so high. Coconut
water, nettle infusions, dead sea salt baths, and
potassium broth are among the favorites of my clients. Drink 1-2 times a
day for adrenal
Vitamin C is another crucial nutrient to add in. We
don’t store much vitamin C in the body, but most of
what we do store is in the adrenals. When we’re
stressed, we can burn through those stores. My
favorite whole food vitamin C is Synergy Pure REDUCE STRESS
Radiance. This is usually the hardest step! If you’re
dealing with a job that you hate, toxic
Other Adrenal Cocktail Recipes
people in your life, or something similar then
The original: 4-8 ounces OJ with ¼ tsp cream
it is time to reevaluate and see what can be
of tartar and ¼ tsp of unrefined salt
done to change things. Chronic infections,
1T of black strap molasses, 1 whole organic
lemon, 1/4 tsp unrefined sea salt, with just mold

enough water to blend it all exposure, toxin exposure (like fluoride in the

Baked sweet potato with some grass-fed water, implants in the body, or smoking), and

butter, unrefined sea salt, and blackstrap even excess amounts of caffeine can all be
molasses adrenal stressors. Chronic infections like
1/2 cup coconut water, 1-2 tsps of sole water, Lyme or issues like mold in the home can
1/2 tsp of pure radiance vitamin c and also create a LOT of stress on the adrenals
squeezed 1/2 lime and make it harder to heal.


Sodium and potassium are both crucial Stick with unrefined sea salts like Pink
minerals for energy, detox, digestion, and Himalayan, Redmond's Real, or Celtic for
overall function in the body. When they are sodium. Try to stick with food sources for
low or imbalanced then it is hard for the potassium: coconut water, avocados, lima beans,
adrenals (HPA axis) to function well. and nettle infusions are great sources.


Did you know?

Herbs for the Adrenals

Adaptogens can be SUPER helpful for those healing from adrenal issues.

By definition, adaptogens have non-specific and normalizing effects on the body- they are not meant to
be used to lower/raise cortisol (thatis an allopathic way to look at adrenal health). They are meant to
support the adrenals under times of stress so that they can function better.

Adaptogens help to takes some of the stress off of your adrenals so that we can get your minerals in
balance a bit quicker. They help to calm down the stress response that wastes minerals, and they are
especially helpful for those that are dealing with chronic infections. We take our info about herbs and
adaptogens from actual herbalists that have used these herbs for decades, and they got their
information from generations of proper use.

We find that blends tend to be best for adrenal support. They are formulated so that the herbs work
synergistically. High doses of one herb CAN raise or lower cortisol. Herbs in blends are less likely to
do this when you are using them as directed.

My favorite Adaptogens:
1-My absolute favorite adaptogen is Loving Energy from BioRay. This is the most balancing and best
tolerated adaptogen I’ve been able to find. It works well in tandem with the other BioRay tinctures,
and you can increase your dose during times of stress or detox. It can also be helpful for those with
histamine issues!

2- Herb Pharm Adrenal Support- This blend is well balanced and is specific for "system restoration". I
love that phrase because that's exactly what a good adaptogen should do- RESTORE the body.

Other adaptogens:

Herb Pharm Stress Manager- another balancing blend, good for men or women.
Herbalist and Alchemist have a ton of great blends like Calm Adapt, Women's Adapt, Men's Adapt, and
so much more. Shatavari is an amazing herb that helps with hormonal balance, strengthening the
adrenals, supporting a healthy libido, and more.


Our Favorite Adrenal Support Remedy
Nettle leaf herbal infusions have been nothing short of a
miracle for many of our HTMA clients over the years. This
is one of the BEST overall healers for many health issues.

Nettle leaf used in infusion form is one of the most

nutrient dense items you can include in your diet. You will
only get this nutrient profile in INFUSION form which is
basically just a very strong tea. Tinctures, capsules, and tea
will help with the action of the herb but they do not have
the same amount of nutrients.

How to Make Nettle Leaf Infusions

Steep one ounce (about one cup) of dried nettles Nettle Leaf Infusions Nutrient Content
in a quart of hot water for at least 4 hours- leaving
calcium (1000 mg per quart of infusion)
it overnight is often the easiest way to make them.
magnesium (300 mg per quart of infusion)
Strain the herbs and store the liquid in the fridge.
potassium (600 mg per quart of infusion)
Will last up to 4-5 days. Can compost the herbs.
zinc (1.5 mg per quart of infusion)
Drink 2-4 cups daily for the best benefit. Once you
selenium (.7 mg per quart of infusion)
are feeling better you can reduce to a lower
iron (1.5 mg per quart of infusion)
amount (once a week or so for maintenance)
manganese (2.6 mg per quart of infusion)
If you are sensitive to new things, I recommend
plus chromium, cobalt, phosphorus, copper,
starting much slower- use 1/4 cup of nettle leaf per
sulphur, silicon, and tin.
quart of infusion and only drink 1/2 cup a day at
Nettle is super-charged with vitamins:
Vitamin A from {beta carotene}(5000 IU per quart
The only nutrient nettles really lack is sodium.
of infusion)
Some need to add salt water sole to it or increase Vitamin B complex, especially thiamin, riboflavin,
good salt through the day. If you have low blood niacin, and folate
pressure, you might need to work on increasing Plus Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K ”
sodium before introducing nettles. HTMA can help From my research, each quart of nettle infusions
to determine your personal nutrient needs. have about 3mg of BORON as well.
Frontier and Mountain Rose herbs have excellent
Nettle Leaf for infusions. If you have low blood pressure, very low sodium levels, or
a dry constitution, nettles might not work out for you right
now. Click here to read my entire post and learn more.

Some Big Benefits of Nettle Leaf Infusions

supports the adrenals, kidneys, liver, lymph, thyroid, gut, and so much more! Nettle leaf helps with so much that I
could not possibly list all of the benefits here!
can benefit almost anyone. They are great for kids, pregnancy, nursing, and anyone that needs a boost of nutrition.
Can help during/after colds and flus.
supports a healthy pregnancy, can help with boosting milk supply, and help nourish women postpartum.
supports the urinary tract and can help with reducing frequent urination and bladder irritation
can release uric acid from joints
can help with allergies and histamine overload
supports healthy hair, skin, and nails
purifies the blood- traditionally, it has been used for centuries to help with cleansing the body of toxins
one of the best herbal supports for iron anemia


About Sassy Holistics
We've been on the path to help people achieve better health using whole food nutrition, mineral balancing,
and holistic healing principles since 2016. The body is a whole and we must treat it as such!

Our team here at Sassy Holistics is committed to helping you truly heal. Our main goal is to help you to
realize that your body is incredible and it knows how to heal. We use whole food nutrition, herbal
remedies, and other holistic health modalities to help your body regain strength so that you can fix your
hormonal imbalances, have more energy, lose weight, and FEEL amazing.

We focus on true holistic healing which is about healing the entire body- no masking symptoms, no
expensive supplement regimens, no strict diets.

True healing takes commitment, patience, and faith in yourself. We have seen amazing stories of healing
over the years with our suggestions and HTMA programs, so we know that you can heal too! We are
dedicated to helping those that want to find better health and wellness.

About HTMA
Hair tissue mineral analysis tests for crucial minerals like magnesium,
potassium, sodium, calcium, zinc and copper.

It also tests for toxic metals like mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and
aluminum- all of which can create massive health issues.

HTMA’s main focus is on the ratios of the main minerals. The ratios show
Order HTMA
us trends in metabolism, thyroid health, adrenal health, hormonal
balance, blood sugar balance, and cardiovascular health.

A properly read HTMA can help you to determine your gut function, liver
health, if you’re using up nutrients due to stress (like infections,
mold, etc), and more!

Our HTMA programs and general health suggestions can help basically
anyone too: kids, teens, adults, pregnant or nursing mothers, and anyone
else that needs some nutritional support.


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about holistic health, and connection with
others on the holistic healing journey.

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