Daring Rescue

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Daring Rescue

The emergency alarm sounded just as Captain Bailey had finally fallen asleep. The

intercom on his desk was blaring. He walked over to the desk, pulling on his jacket and one

boot. “Good morning sir” says the lady, whom he recognised as his division’s

communications officer. “We have just received an emergency message from a distressed

company mining vessel orbiting Pluto”, the screen on the wall illuminated showing Pluto and

the blue beacon of the ship.

“I’ll rally the troops and we’ll leave immediately” Bailey grunted before saluting and

switching the coms off.

Captain Geevs Bailey was a renowned pilot and widely known for his rescue

operations during the construction of the first lunar city of Phas. He now lived in district 5 in

the city’s company officials precinct. Bailey worked for Phas Solar, which operated as the

moon's top company in solar energy. Supplying the city and surrounding bases with majority

of its energy. Recently the company has expanded and formed joint mining operations with

New Hope Mining based on the rings of Saturn and Pluto. He flew the Leviathan 7, a

converted military orbital bomber. With his crew of three and his trusted best friend, Chief

officer Jen Hinma as first mate.

Bailey arrived at launching station one and was met by Hinma. “The crew is

preparing the ship and refueling will be done in two minutes” she told Bailey, handing him

the mission briefing.

“Thanks Jen, hopefully we’ll wrap this one up by sundown”, Bailey smirked.

“I hope so Geevs.. I’m two days off my holiday in Tycho and I don’t want to mess up

my relaxation schedule.” Bailey noticed the stress marks under her eyes.

The ship burned to life and Bailey took his seat at the helm. “Leviathan 7 ready for

departure” Bailey said to station control.

“Copy that Leviathan 7, you are clear for launch.”

The light on the screen flashed green and the ship lifted towards lunar orbit. “Stable

orbit achieved Captain” stated Hinma, “beginning burn towards the Pluto accelerator gate.”
The ship sat in anticipation. The airtight cold metal beacon of hope that had earned

its merit through its many rescue operations all over the solar system. Bailey sat down in his

chair and held tightly to his arm rests. They were cleared to launch and were shot into

accelerated transit on their way to Pluto. The black expanse of space blurred into a stream

of passing energy. Colourful demonstrations of vast distance. Bailey opened the mission

briefing. The mining vessel had just finished a six-month tour of Pluto’s surface and was

preparing to return to Neptune’s forward space hub. A routine checkup was performed, and

the ship reported that all systems were normal. Shortly after communications with the vessel

were shut off completely and only the emergency beacon came through. The Leviathan 7

was tasked with a simple recovery and repair mission, with a possibility of search and


The ships bridge held three people. Captain Bailey at the helm in the centre, Chief

officer Hinma and Systems officer Keid in the two chairs in front of him. Bailey held Keid in

very high regard, their friendship thoroughly cemented by the numerous missions performed

alongside him. This was only overshadowed by, who he considered his best friend, Hinma

who had attended school with him and started flying for Phas Solar together.

The ship also had a rescue systems hub located in the lower-middle section. This

was occupied by Chief Mechanic Jock. Jock was younger and from what Bailey could tell

more reckless. He was good at his job, but Bailey always had to hound him about the

importance of teamwork and listening to his instructions. Jock would often test his dangerous

inventions in the cargo bay without Bailey’s consent, often leading to more harm than good.

Jock operated all the equipment during the missions such as the mechanical arm and crane.

He also had full control over the docking station, which he reminded Bailey daily that he had

topped his class during simulation practices. “I could do it one handed if you’d let me”,

grinning ear to ear at the Captain. Minma always said Bailey was too hard on him but he

knew he was a good kid.

“Captain we are approaching Pluto and will exit acceleration field in 20 seconds”,

Keid said. With a jolt the ship exited and hurtled toward Pluto.
“Check the area for any sign of the ship” Ordered Bailey. After a minute of drifting a

blip begins to pulsate on Keid’s screen.

“We are picking the vessel up on our scanners, sir.”

“Excellent” said Bailey, “Begin our approach”.

Bailey can see the ships silhouette in the backdrop of Pluto. “Bring us in for a closer

look” he said to Minma. She doesn’t move.

“Are you alright Chief?” Bailey asked.

“Yes sir” she paused and turned to her friend, “I just have a bad feeling about this.”

“Keep it professional Chief. This will be routine I assure you.” Bailey said trying to

reassure himself more than his two officers.

She seemed frightened. The fact she had addressed him formally had gotten his

attention. He felt it too, a strange aura that surrounded the ship. A sense of strangeness that

hung in the air. But he knew for the sake of his crew and the silenced crew aboard the

opposing ship he had to stay calm.

He looked down at his screen. The vessel seemed completely undamaged, with all

systems functioning normally, aside from the communications array.

Although pointless Bailey attempted to hail the craft on all possible frequencies

including on-board short-range comms, “Copy Phas Solar mining vessel, I am Captain

Bailey of the Leviathan 7 rescue craft. Please respond.”

The ship drew closer and Bailey radioed Jock to begin docking with the craft. The two

ships become parallel and the drawbridge extended to the corresponding airlock.

“Keid you’re with me. Minma you have full control of the ship. Stay vigilant I want a

smooth operation. We are to enter the ship and secure the crew. Once the situation has

been clarified by the Captain, we will analyse the ship and locate the source of the problem.”

Bailey and Keid stood by the airlock. They are in full EVA jumpsuits, which provide

adequate protection for brief excursions into stranded craft and the vacuum itself. It carried

thirty minutes of oxygen in case the life support systems were damaged on the ship. They

are also accompanied by one of Jock’s side projects. A converted patrol bot which stood half
a metre tall with a long stalk like neck holding a main camera. The four wheels were

connected to corresponding legs that branched from a main base at the neck. This praying

mantis shaped robot constructed of Jock’s boredom would assist them in performing various

rescue tasks. It was nicknamed Dewey.

“We're ready Jock! Open the airlock.” The door cracked like a fresh bottle of soda.

The two semicircles of the door retracted vertically above and below them. The drawbridge

was lit on all sides. The extreme flexibility of the suits made it fairly easy to float along the

tube. Dewey stuck to the floor and drove along behind.

“Copy Jock, it seems half the lights have stopped working in the drawbridge” Bailey

said slightly irritated noticing that the lights trailed off into darkness the closer they got to the


“Copy that Captain” pausing to regain his nerves “I did Captain last week, honest. I'm

getting readings that they're working normally back here. I’ll look for the problem, sir.”

Dewey made a few noises then shined a beam of light to the end of the tunnel

illuminating the opposing ships access hatch. “In the meantime, use Dewey’s headlights.”

“I’m starting to like the little fellow” Bailey said, “Don’t get any ideas Jock, one is


The two rescuers reached the other side and Jock deactivated the airlock remotely. It

opened slowly, releasing a bloom of dust to settle just outside the door. It was if the cloud

was breaking out, trying to escape into the rescue craft. Inside the airlock the ship stabilised

the gravity and life support hummed away, so they removed their helmets. The lights in the

interior were dim or completely off, leaving the corridor dark. They activated their shoulder

lights and continued towards the bridge.

The party walked past the cafeteria. Bailey peers in through the dim lit window.

Shadows are cast around the room, Bailey notices that food is all over the place. On the

ground, on the tables and in large patches on the wall. “The scanners on Dewey aren’t

picking up any life forms.” Jock informs them.

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