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wa eT—144(B-11) RRR TARTU Hotho / Tato area & Ure be Galera te AH WAC, Tae West athens MATA Prarh afer ari—-1, ars (#) (Soe wee afer) RATS, WAAR, 21 STE, 2023 TAM 30, 1945 WH AAT Sa HET NAT Part argent REM 415 /70-f¥-1-2023-1-%-14-2023 FRETS, 21 TAT, 2023 ater ‘faer cara or efter" & 200, oir Tome 4 we ee her Ser ATT sete PI, 2029 fre’ goa fen sys var 8 waft oy Rese 17 are, 2023 orgaY Fart a oN ae SRR wae SRP Bom 15 7 2000 Swe A ederore Yen! Ge oT aren wanker Par aT tl Ga wee Pen Her aes are eafraA, 2023 (Gere weer aftr sear +5 FY 2023) (ster geo wee ara ase eT wit gee) aR wee tor Patera wf, 1973 aT ena NA RaeaPeeT A aftr saree arraog & chert ad a Prefer Phas wera ona eae nfm were eer Pret Sar wera Tey API, 2023 eer wT) we ATH ‘50 RPH Adina fle (vida 2023}. fe 2 GRR WAN SRTEIRT Wake, 21 ATR, 2023 afer 21) wa oe fe eet a aren ables AS ge sae A (@) Pras miter ar amend wenttett Gert oferta tar Pramraftra /feeaRtersa uRRamafet t Py wet ag em Pe sattrord & 8 (@) aga aiftrane” aor amend Freer gear I HOT ETT ee sear mga Poet ora afin & 2 (1) aRvet ar card wae aati fen ate fer ste otettre pte Bg Se weer areas Are were Riera aera Se eT A far aRteg, HATES aT ror eae stron are, GAL WR AITS ae (@) orm oy reed omit & oer 88 ote ERA oer A aaphet Aare ome 3 gail oT MET we aren ae ara ay vattafera @ (=) ‘ora ar aed ares & onda enter were wee Re a at art & (@) Peeg" at arad Paes, sea Re ar Pee, we Re cx Pree, afte fer ar Prdere, arcuate pear ar Pde, srr ea Saratora cer meres, sea arate Perera te ote ge yw frdere, sea fren, gos Peer, ata Pret, Arr Re err &, (@) seer ar aed Prefare fawh ser GB weer afariay ee 10 HF 1973) ERT we Pah eafrerea ert wart fear rH 2; @) wrewttere Ren afftam.t921 (re Hee ATT HET 2 wy te) 8 oie aR re Se orate ERR AT poeehege are a ger arent Ree a ae TM ge wera wrath Perera; (mF) wevbfece Ren wee } any TAT wet aE sera BEM WS sere qvewhfere Grete WM ToT sere mah Perea a aeucern eT wer ee waE seats Frere, (GR) Ter wee aie Ren cere ane waned vs mae THE (oe) sae wee afm fhe owe ERT ATRRT HTT sree FBTR He SPA ALERT wT Wea wre Alene; (@) vey wee afte Ret ufeee are mitt ate were wet serio oper ena Ten wae wraftes ferera, (ara) Soreenfte ftren wd stare Bera aT Ss ahs Berit afttrte wnte carta ottelhre after ves; (mre) atest oranda faerera AAA Era wafer ses sary 4 (@) oebeer ar oned armenftes Ren ed Bera fare fear S ons fetches ente worsty sitetfiras often eerste SY fey Prabfirer fare afte & 2; SQORPH Adhisyam fle (vidhaik- 2023) fe BRT HAM SATAN TUTE, 21 SFTRT, 2023 (@) Reh der 3 were A yea oT ord Bh wer GAA 8 aT wa eer Sorel ar wae cer Hares wet Ht afnat SB gw fet catty ar saftrane 8 8; (@) Taser or oeed are & ft ae BB: (earned & ora fed ai ar mreni ge weer ate Bar GTA ciitilagetia wT unital ote arr fies mt S fe orem) otra tges (sre er aA eet 4 A 1994) A ome F RAs anes hes ait s 2 (9) Riker ar ert ge sfPET Sanit wah Hh Arata are fata & 8; (RP ar oer ever 28S ants aah Ah fafrarrach FB; (@) ‘oars or arene fet ser A argder 21S fore Prftra Peet aif @ 8 cer Pre ae werreé a so werreh ar yer seaea vattaftrer & () ‘adi or at or arerf fant daoex af Ht ew Ges FH ORAL 2M ait ae are Baral B 8; ) sat xgw ste oof Ary sae wee Tee eater sihTR, 1973, (SeR He SPAT He 10 TT 1979), TeMABES Re afta, 924, (rR wee aa He 2 HF 1921) TA wee Afhe Ren afehtaH, 1972, (Gee wee afAAA ST 34 TA 1972) VeR He Toate sieht wer ee (ortee sie Bras) Bar Preorach, 2001 4 afta erat ste vet & ae af eh ‘ot oe afPran, Promect cen oRMaHrah 4 are: sae fare wget &1 wea—eT arate a werent atte sed Get 3-(4) oa eo ERT ee ART aig Bara Pres Ae oT aT feate Boa weet Reet Gar aes seer” ary vw art weal ser GEATT| * g cneder gem Pree Prema eer ae weet woe weer eIoT A aftr wr srr ante afte Geer oera areata 4—() omar yer oreaer atte ae weed sh GY wee TRA aM: FAR fa are) (@) ahd atts one 3 wa 4 Pgh 2g ad ett, ae ae (@) ade werafta Sar or wees et a vere ak wa weR FS ge afta or eT Ga TTI Te eT fear a, A (a) FARE are wen FARR earerera wr eae et aT eT a; aT (a) RY ever enter PeA PeaRerera aT ATT 10 MF Te’ are et an ver af atte ford or aS an ow aT MTS aT a; @) weet aa (@) w ter afte en, ot arta wera gat ar aig weer et ar ser ah at fered eon Bea B owt AR MT AE aT BA ore HIT a enfter fear et; (3) Ww en afte eden, ot sighs Pere, oer fhe @ sift te a et ar er BF, foraat Bani sep He FH wel el; (@) we ter af eh, ot ome Paw, camenfte Ren a afte te ar ear ee a, fore dan THE TE Hw et; S2ORPH Adhiiyam okie (ich 2023} Se ari 2 mir , Tee TET SAINT TS, 21 SATE, 2023. ene oh eaet at eet 8 ane eae A ate epE =A By aes ae oy tert ath (©) ve tr aft dtm, ot eigen Peas, mee fier 8 aie te oa Gi we &, firaat Gay wpe aie Hi wh ei; (©) vw ter walter, ah gw Pte, Aer Re 8 ahr te aT Saree &, firwah tani sap ae A eet at (2) ge tar aafte ar, GF enfes ar (re sareer wee) B water Wi A, format day ope we Hw a; (©) ve wees bh frenfeg a, fer Vay uae ae FH wh eh ott ras cer ear BH we A Re B da ¥ weal atrers Rar eh @ ge ore & oxi rete Pry, oH Reale 8 end ahh fore Reale ay Wa eee eRe are SREP fra GT 5-1) Be afta } ora S cea oem Pye & fete S ae ae A gait ww o fg ve aT wk sie dys af a ony wT wR H waNT Fa wa Fog amet vel oe, era S Gt A ved Bh ae after 3 suid S genta wee Pyt Raie & da at Ht sat aa @ fee oe ener wT ty tes oF A ong wrt ert S aay FH wT Fe emer ae ae, GY At oer eT @) ag ats a carafttal B arte & fare omer or weer Ae ENT ©) see a aie wee, TT BER a eee Bea wT A eee 8 omen ue ear Wem & ey ae ae oe Ta ae oe e/a wa Tw fr Seay WTS THT TER ENT whore a we ee TTY © sear mr werat or ve, planta etn ate ora ar weet a Bat a freer aie ae Wh eft Ge) oy wemr, arte ere, Peer 2] 6-(1) Uo SRO anes ETT sae aT Pe wars wl ye B eer wat aR ae (@) marae grer fenfBeen sree Per ren =, aT @ ot weet o cer, ot oe S aa SW ART dar Parahort F aefhfettirs et; ar () wa wor Hwa A arte ar miRe gdem a Rewcre oon Ge WH a ed & fore aqua @, oT (@) &e afta a cis want ard Premed & oxi fet omit or arf at wale (1) Vel seas srry ate weer feet weer ent ar weet ait @ fort sitar a aan a, Bet wet wag oo owl fRaeg a oT oat wafers Far Ge Te a aed Arh weer ar oR Fae a A seen eu wenn a ae ge aes (1) S mato were a Sh wae wre) @) se or 3 sett war oF ore ot a we Re GA A wat fh ehh aah fata a or roomy ory Ger eA GAT A she WA water B fery fest WS afte ah Be oy wera 8 forrdl went oT wore, ce ew APTS ee creat at wraiPadr wet & fay creer wae | a(t) orth ar afte, afer Prefs, fier Preae ote whafie wor Bar ant ofits ata af A ora & fey BARD a Age Prd ORR ote ort ore at are Ch ef, Ge wor Bea sree ERT, sraeTA eT FR ‘50 RPHL Adina der (ian 2023) Be BRR AT STANT TAS, 21 SPE, 2023 @) aa ame arr we PAT ore ABA TY aT Pree B orem, arate, Boom what a Are ze ga ofS anit one get or eat Prorat ort & fey ora wes, CY feet ate Gar wel, cher ae otra ard, wy Pig a wom @) * s-oraht a Prefer aftrat site afar ett, orerte— (@) oramret an argaerat a AN oH YP waPra aa F antaetes Rear tare ae; (@ sanct a agteat 3 wo 4 Age Ra on Ss fe wt sree BF, wet wearer mer athe ERATOR sree eA TET suet wr Be, (@) Ter wee seares ose ote aratfre ste enter eA, (@) wre (@) & vahornt fetvat ar aad wer eer Se oma Fe (©) wafia seat a Prat o wera A eeght aren; (@) snare or orga af wera Wem ott oearaet ar geet aA Prafts fed oir & fey Rial } wear 4 eens @ Pacenferer Perrat Word ETE IR H AAAS TIPS aes ar AMT KAT; () frdvst a oRefarat she aan cer ore ae Fae; (@) oir & Preaeonel wet wat frat ar wena wen; @) % oa adel or Pere orn aie teh ara eifeat or watt aren, Ghat ft fea fear ore, a st ge after a aes sar at Parad a fefranact } anit ot gat ar Rem oe é fag irgsiray a ere el; (@) wr / fait } dae 4 ante fhm, ore wee ERT IT aah wat A / afer S sree at TAT FET 10-6) Shh ef arr seas a ayles a Aghy set od matt faghe snare ar weet a water ater’ ferns ar at ad S che erent Real Ht ea ote der S gery } ge S fer eM og a Rela a oa weer aie Ser (nga one: agate we oTital afte ora ftus anf & fare ae) aR TH, 1994 (SAR Fee VBA wea 4 Wy 1984) H oGETE arf oT agin ot onal ote ara fed aa aor ue wee ate tar Gila wry Brahe ait & fare) oreert offtfan, 2020 (aR wee aPIaR Tea 10 WT 2020) 2B agar site wre ona al o afta o fie aa ENT we Wy ont Peet & aque spafiel & fey area A aM cet Rival a wea at santa oer otk Prat at Wh A S stk Wafers a mere, cen fe fate fear ora, & are S anh at afar weer) satr orsat wr fafreaT tr atk Taq aur Rika AB set Rival a snr wer 2) arama a orders Buch ww eh et By otal A RT a te ahh cher fe fate fear ara @) enfies vat aren srereieore dire ceerat 3 gis 3 cide # er a ora aah wR Ry Sa rl ve aay Pat | enka (ieee WEP aT a wet aa) at oftard we Yo aet Gh wie F fader S wa A ari wet Be wer Bt afer wat oer aT) 500 RPHAdhinga de (daa 2023) fe onan veftrat fe afar eri ar er sea 6 TAR WAM SAMIR TAC, 21 SAAT, 2023 refi 1 44(1) sara, ener 10 @ suereT (1) B seis Rie arpa Ps oT a e/a gear, creed vir Tet wet ora a ake oats sea srar orale oT STEER BT ser eT aetfor Be athe ana ar MAMIE BT Ae GT Prgty & fire waite cage oh orl ora Ooor/aph daw ak @) ware () % Affe tae, ar 10 at oom () A Ae fA arent a mtr sfonde wt, Bh AAI a star Ae Feat ora, srrenfee fra orem () sare @) Santa ret ret at rear PAS ater aT sae afters ant to Bt sea (1) S ania afafaa Rat S waar A mais raphe & arm, fafier Ais Prafes strers a Eferer wea | (Pray saad Se GET wre AA we Ais a ater Pt A aft @ Mee Ca Teer anata et Prgfie ua ore wee ote fafa aA Se carats srelt at orcs seo A ETAT WATT SVT ©) Set Ser ware srenit Prghy aos A agers wee Bate aT ta aaa Ta waa } Ate Shar fe Pigfte srftans ga Pfs ager oe, we wer 4 fae sears Uy angers we ar ree TET BH fe wer & ar wet er are Prat & fre gre suse: 7 a, wei wage aR MeiA Sor rain grat Suara (2) & andi srrenfter Geer et sar ay ar aa AT, fat “ORY A Rar weer) YA ere eter Pgh —wa ore Rd od aS Ras ore afta we até fare arity © aft sents /Prgte mitert Ree aati seat ot gRogw ort Gerais /Pafte mired a wifes ore oftettrt oe 8) & Pryor ore we A ftwa ey ore & at gor (1) 3 anh opaflat aH eA/era 8 ae wank or ye tae Ge a Sat YH aR seer See oT fee A ae wares /Praftr sitter’ Prafe—oa one wet a fos wet 8 al water ve at afBer weal @ are Tare are Pe STAT | ora ot waftia senvel/aqewet a Prafr 12-OREINRE TT aryeer Th were Paley, sree SH aegis we et Pale water ant at orth oie ga atran 3 sree or vector aed At eh wig ahs aa et ara TRY TE PO ear ar aigder wh ww Ker a gE A wai ret ree fre eer Heth rer PGA oe era A Py etre “air & wa A Be oea@ or ates a Rafe Gen aOR a Pranraferat ar fafremraferat % fed wa aude B angers st oT wart 81 ‘Pree aRT 13-0) vet eg af, ge afifan d wet So ogee oe aT argtern 3 wa 4 Pig fed at ar ewan wf og Ae STAR wT S em Profs safterdt are ge ra Perer rer & wet we eee wt a sas ERT pa ee aie to Sa) ee en ae Wea 81 @) saere (4) B ante onder ore ed ort} Rate A wT wert we we & Stax, Pree, ar sad ener wifes aftert, vita are ae wear @ oie ae GeO aE RATE St UTeT ef Argh mane, ge MPO } TET } SAUTE ore wt oa ar ageew Swe a gw oe aT fw at ra et at ae Tee ERT * Ge) Prafie miter a seme a ogee Bowe Ht ote ot weore fig oe ote order 4 AAS aie Bea att. wr gra we ao fren 2 waa & ate igi Hi 3 520 RPH Adbiniyan folder (vba 2023} be ‘TAR WA SAARI Mee, 21 SATRT, 2023 (@) wefan der 3 sen a stew 3 oUNe Tagine $ OFF ani af or fide 2 wera 1 @) 88 serge ar ater a ta te a rah, af aE et Pee ot sad ant ge APT maT arene ENT oe wATOI—aa B aM Ue way ENT den Bar aah cad a foe Ff, aw oat Mita waft 8 qm at aor 3 wr Haat A oT Ta 8 wat geet afteret a tore ¥ ym fieh wien S ont A fights wm ao: wea Aaa MT Tea Tarra @ fae sree seer ve way gear ore feet ore (fe oe a rete wars maa ER fear aTEeT), Barr 1S veal S anh Ate Gray eh A ore are weg ae aah Ty oral, ogre deer ¥ arbay ger eet a fara a, at Prefer afear arnt : @) aaa seat a erhie wen a Set S are at Teck IT Bh ae anurten Pere B AAT RGA BAT eT; (a) Pree anad grt mgs Arh omader we Rage oie wea weary Beh aaa Ht wed Sq seer wee a Rye mans fee vavatie Pulte wen sie aafia sent S ware &q ont age ltr Rete arate wh Hk ae, (@) freee HH Roe ote eg S sree w arate afer sare Sante sate ape an waator Ser ote weraharr B oeaTT wary tre /ah Atte aitran Borge Pay waar wh Hr ake aT TTT waTT; (a) evs (0) @ anita A OAS ame we Pratty saaTA, aT 11-8 vant 3 anger waft oma at era Tem gPtaT FT 1s-orint ere 9 fe amet B wary HUT MON S aT safttger sitter) aver teh rT ar Pert sega wey Aorta are Rae he A ae Sta GAM, ote wipes ent aa TaET STE S| jose am orgies A ter wat ar afters, aenftehY gine afore ter Premrafeat / Pear / Rater oferta A fet Ty ‘wurde 3 argETE fra aT Bere @ aI afte fare site dar 27-(1) ret or faite ware, Pha wet yaar as 1, 2, 3 oie 6 fratfte Pret} orga fra orem: weg we i ars, woe wer Sg ager 8 a ant F fhe faframedt ar wach & ver fe ae snare TAR @) sneha ara, eiow WOR ERT PRA Te organ B ohe whe ony eee safterat @ sere (1) ¥ steatrr Peri ote wor wear S Pet, ae ag a a Seger game fiver sree TH waft, at gaan () H Ae Prat a aoe TER S oneet, aff we eh ar veoiet as a aU SoTT See 3 a ae BOTT wT W oaeerht er) @ sas a wane, Wea 3 whterge se Pemgue fr Praskes arer dare fear ore atte are ah anehen eer anger A TAB EET ware @ gud aye aoe Par aT @ sae eid, weet, ute, vo afte ate faa fae & wae F Prose offer err atte gray eer ene a wearer A oT Teh srr TART feria eftrat o oftftes Gh amet Pete afteat er weber ate Gh fearreat H rerrerrar PARR eT ‘520 RPH Aina folder (ih 2029) Be g ‘GER FAT SIT TGS, 21 SATE, 2023 6) (ce) afta, orem Ud flaw afters enn fog afe ge sae Bae ch fetta order ant th wert a ag eval ve afaa ay scares aR Wer a (2) Ata PR aorafererener A PRET eer tna a eh te) aafefte srt tt arg fetta ufat afta a fahren ae wea & vie Ue SHIA TAT | afte fete sear, uftat &S wea 4 atk WS ara ey cher feted fear ore afte Roars tae ake Rent web pie ad S ardeoret ar wa otk ger Raver fea ord ae weet afar, Wor ROR BS aerenfe SH. aA oie MoT TE ETT we wa Rar isa} Se wert S wre wart | ‘aaroty tar 19-1) arate aah der S era HWA crear afeat oh ora afta, Be a soa # oie A ORS waar Ger fe wes weer EIT ao fete ote ETT Pree 21 @) sri oon afte der ae wey S cea were ee der eer oma 4 for oer okt Ua wetaOR a Puao—nedar ee (wd, caftrai gen Sar BH aa) sfBPrrm—1971 (BAIT Yen 56 FF 1071) A aRT 14S eit cer ater 3 fea Wa feats, cer fr wor weR werctareR & weet T reenter we, ae onrfter RT| . © arte a afte sen ste sas weae se we Gear aan RE Wes WER Ft aarMta Ft wrest sie MER TA wer ar asa S et Berit 3 are wart | areata weet ara 20-Prgfy mand, serra cer weer 8 area akg gong, Gt sar wena af ar sigue aed § fies em ons # oats Rema B onde ar Soe RR OT agua oe # wat et at ge aBaT DS erewt aT oreTT a Srgeren oh PRA cremrees AY Pays a, Arey woefarél & fA erst eT Frgfan fea ort fae ae eoraengés 2i-ge afte & wade & ange H-gmeeryse ga aT fe are by aa ard or rafts Pat are & fare foe eats & fog ahd are, other a ams arene aro a 22-38 affran Soka foe ome & fay a sata, Peew aT er 3S after ar saftant & SRY wor are ge Pte TAT a fe order S fafrigee oy ae eaepha S ar aes ae fT STAT eft arm a ag et a oriad saa ga ome we ofa ae Tae ag THR orth aoe (@) anit & wea 4 arg Rts aT ae 2; ot (@) sad wee S wT A ori wel Te PAM ay A Prgfty A aE gt afattanr & a @) 38 ad a ota ¥ ae BH ge aT aftafhaeT & free wren 3d pera ae ET e Peat aes wad ore otk PAPE, are ont Paw wher aT street or aret mig PA ora aiRrard eee B ate ra STA | sree zeae eet 28 & anirs ware eh PAPA aver A oeMeT a TT fort weer or oftert ot srt arr a aratr # fet ra ert S wars one GR was wR FH Per St a ah afte, fort wrafera argent ote omar arate mI &y Sard aa a wafers ate waite & sarah we were z [S2O.RPH Adhinya fle (vichaka- 2023) Be Tee WAR STATE TAC, 21 SAT, 2023 2c-aritt at arate wr @ fata ae S fey gow ea were fer Sar omit ay Gay weer anaes fier dar aaa as & atenft—wt ara ar arafte fed orth) wag Bomar A uae wee Teme fe Bar orate shy TER wm safe Ren Bar wa até at were fd oS weary Gad THT aa akg armen, Say onfkerat, sem, renftat, mnerl ea qpreferes aattat At Ba arrathr @t orate BF ore 27) aor AER Te A wane aT are, ge APE } wart @) Bronte at & fer Pra aa waht 81 @ Fe afta d onda wad wa waar Pam at aed ort Seay aererea ve woe Rerrese ucte ward wer, oe Uae wa Ye ate Rat oat a a, ot ows wa a a a afte orgette wat 4 wate &, war eT otk oe aw f& wg uerenit fate Pras a fen ora, wore % wants fea art S Rais @ RS sare sea after S genie wart et, ot ere S art wer om orara Heer S fed wert a, cenfl ee we aT aE ToT orerar antererer aera Ps HS ore POR are aA PRAY ATT aE eS RT ore far err 20-1) amet, wheng arehfrr wea Ter RENTON orehfert wet a fee “gre Aer weet Be atte Re API dita are anal ar Pde Tea ote Ft ar ares GAS Ae archer ERT eT A UT Teh shar Prater Tet ER, wor we B pighes ¥ Pera ar wae 8 a Get eater ae Ta a1 @ soERE (1) & ants ad ony fafa ga afta she eels zara Panach & wade @ aria el et | 29-(4) asa BOR, RRA aia at gy wet S wedaael fae afeher onder err we Peer wart oe want & Re se afar B soe, BA sah, Shar fe ote a APRS ot or, o der ta ogaEHT 3 cent soRRM, vRada aT at, cher % we sreeam ar eta ea, ware eH: 7 amg ae & ter FY cree ge ofan S oer ah S fesia 8 at at ® vee ae Rem oa Q) saere (1) & aes Ga wele ode, Ga Sa a S ogerq wor fart wee @ dei wat } eae Tar GTeAT | so-searay ar argaennt wand were §, oe weet wee faeafrenet afer, 1973, greehfeye Ren aay, 1921, See weer afer Rea ofr, 1972, VaR wer Waste steht aftern eens (years ote eka) dar Pramach, 2021 % omafte Prom, fePeti ar ofa a fet ara Fafa ete Be of ge afta B goer wah gt) ‘SQORPH AdBiniyam ode (dai. 2023} Be safe pret 31 ram aa Oats PPro wy Bate aioargat @ wad ar samta oP we L 10 ‘GRR FIT HATA Toe, 21 SATRT, 2023 Si=(1) are ber Te Re er rater AAPA, 1980, ere HT ATs Pres ote fen Sar eer até frm, 1962 ote wee tet Per ar aA are ahem, ARH zore Weare Pfs Psd ord BI @ @ Peer BBY ge oh coe () A Pie oP Sooty ga floaty ref ar oft eh Fre oranda er ofa nf ge aT A oT ah cari, sre ger offer} eer era STRAT ae ge @) Be afte % arte wouter Rare, oerer (i) # Pee oP 2 Pree @ wre mania Geer ere oeker SraTETT avg PIE, 1904 (SAT sete oof weer + 1904) A eet @ TTR sen ow sets sr el a) : Bqeey VE SRT adare 8, Tae see Tee & eae & aaa & fer Ae air & (THIET saree agrran 11a Hetiterrrat % ema ITH fore Tae weet Tee fe Sar MTT; (Qyerehir aerrar wre sears aaa meaeat H gaa Pre Tae eer aa Pre aar waa @é, Gi) sere we afar arheget or arag wrafte frereat F agree mearrat Tat 1x rar Bq ears ware afafe; (are) aPeadte Premera H verre seaTaT rar 2 fren afte fret aftart oa afr, afta Ren sites; Gta) arsenite fren fart Ft agqeestt } sa4 2g sar sea aetaer Bar waa ara aritfeafirs artitpserrst are ser aah cera are F Pra 3 pre Tear war ft quan waft & ot 3, wae Ht oer cHeTa ae 2, west aT AAT A aT aa & ow we & ate After deat HF oes H ate ve Ree Hoa oT arriysireniiat Rrenysftrenr ve wftge ware ve ter 21 gah aera, Hera eT afafeat ara wari saa wher # arcettar ar stare ft oat @ fares oftrrerer wat Ht feaftai ore at Et Bl : rage & afbre qatar anittiperearstt are RY oe are art a ew arr alta ar ote cree H qorearyeh rer ar Sede ach Bg sea eafer aa at ax ach ae afer meareat Tar aqeaat 3 Aas aT aes A TST afar HST, Tatar Ta AAT SUN Rg aC wee Bre ar sea atte ot eer & re PAA aT ar afer egg sare we Pre Rea Ter srr Fda, 202 eee Pear ara ont S, age sarewa, sya eft | SQORPH Adhiniya oder (idhaa- 2023) fe SOR FER SATURN TUT, 21 START, 2023, No. 415(2)/LXXIX-V-1-2023-1-ka-14-2023 Dated Lucknow, August 21,2023 IN pursuance of the provisions of clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased to order the publication of the following English translation of the Uttar Pradesh Shiksha Sewa Chayan Aayog Adhiniyam, 2023 (Uttar Pradesh Adhiniyam Sankhya 15 of 2023) as passed by'the Uttar Pradesh Legislature and assented to by the Governor on August 17, 2023. The Uccha Shiksha Anubhag- is administratively concerned with the said Adhiniyam, ‘THE UTTAR PRADESH EDUCATION SERVICE SELECTION COMMISSION ACT, 2023 (UP. ACT No. 15 of 2023) (As passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature} AN Act To provide for the establishment of Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection ‘Commission for selection of teachers of non-government aided colleges, aided minority colleges affliated and associated with a University governed by the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973 or non-government aided intermediate colleges, higher secondary schools, high schools or attached primary schools governed. by the Intermediate Education Act, 1921 or non-government aided minority intermediate colleges or minority higher secondary schools or minority high schools or attached minority primary schools covered under intermediate Education Act, 1921 or the schools run and managed by Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board, Prayagraj and non-government aided junior high schools and attached primary schools and non-government aided minority junior high schools and attached primary schools of the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board governed under the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Act, 1972 or teachers in instituions ‘run by the Atal Residential School Commitee or for selection of instructors in certificate level State Industrial Training Institutes under the Uttar Pradesh Government Industrial Training Institutes (Instructors and Foreman Instructors) Service Rules, 2021 and to conduct and organize Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test, and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. IT IS HEREBY enacted in the Seventy-Fourth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- CHAPTER] PRELIMINARY . 1. This Act may be called the Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection _Shortitle. Commission Act, 2023. 2. (1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,- (@) “Appointing Authority” means the authority empowered to make appointment in the relevant Acts/Service rules/University Statutes, as the ‘case may be ; (®) “Authorized Officer” means the Director or any other person authorized by the State Government for this purpose ; (©) “Board” means-the Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, Prayagraj, or the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board, Prayagraj, or the State Council for Vocational Training, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, for secondary education, basic education and industrial training, respectively, @ “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Commission and includes any other person performing, in the absence of the Chairperson for the time being, the functions of the Chairperson; S20 RPH Adbiniya ode (vida. 2023s fe 12 SAY HAL SRT TTS, 21 GATRA, 2023 (© “Commission” means the Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection ‘Commission established under section 3; ( “Director” means the Director of Higher Education, ot Director of Secondary Education, or Director of Basic Education, or Director of Minority Welfare, or Director of Training and Employment, and Director General of Atal Residential School, and it includes Joint Director of Higher Education and Joint Director of Secondary Education, Basic Education; (g) “Institution” means any of the following institutions:- (@ an affiliated or associated non-government aided college, aided minority college to which the privilege of affiliation has been granted by a University governed by the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973 (U.P. Act no, 10 of 1973), respectively. Gil) a non-governmont aided Intermediate College or a Higher Secondary School or a High School and attached primary school recognized under the ‘Intermediate Education Act, 1921 (U.P. Act no, 2 of 1921}; non-government aided minority intermediate college or minority higher secondary school or minority high school and attached primary school recognized under the Intermediate Education Act, 1921; (iv) a school run and managed by the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board; (9) non-government aided junior high schools and attached primary schools recognized by Uitar Pradesh Basic Education Board; (vi) af aided minority junior high school and attached primary. school governed by the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board; (vii) entificate-level Government Industrial Training Institutes operated under the Departnient of Vocational Education and Skill Development; (viii) Atal Residential Schools run by the Atal Residential Schoo! Committee. (h) “Instructor” means a person employed for imparting training in certificate-level Government Industrial Training Institutes under the Department of Vocational Education and Skill Development; (@ “Management” in relation to an institution means the management committee or person oF authority vested with the power to manage and conduct the affairs of that institution; (i) “Member” means a member of the Commission; (k “Other Backward Classes of Citizens” means the backward classes of citizens specified in Schedule-I of the Uttar Pradesh Public Services (Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled ‘Tribes and Other Backward Classes) Act, 1994 (UP. Act no. 4 of 1994); (D “Preseribed” means prescribed by mules made under this Act: (m) “Regulation” means any regulation made under section 28; (a) “Teacher” means a person employed for imparting instruction in an institution and includes @ Principal or Vice-Principal or a Headmaster; (©) “Year of recruitment” means 2 period of twelve months ‘commencing from the first day of July of a calendar year. S20 RPE Adhioigem folie (vida 2023) Be TAR HAR SATAY TGS, 21 SATA, 2023 (2) Words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Uttar Pradesh State Universities Act, 1973 (UP. Act no. 10 of 1973), Intermediate Education ‘Act, 1921 (UP. Act no. 2 of 1921), Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Act, 1972 (UP. Act no. 34 of 1972), Uttar Pradesh Government Industrial Training Institutes (Instructors and Foreman Instructors) Service Rules, 2021, shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them in the said Acts, Rules and Statute. CHAPTER-I ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMISSION 3. (1) With effect from such date as the State Government may by notification appoint in this behalf, there shall be established a Commission to be called the “Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection Commission.” (2) The Commission shall be a body corporate. It shall exercise powers ‘throughout the State of Uttar Pradesh and its headquarter shall be at Prayagraj 4. (1) The Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and twelve members who shall be appointed by the State Government, (2) A person shall be qualified for appointment as Chairperson if he/she — (@ is or has been 2 member of the Indian Administrative Service and has held the post of Principal Secretary or equivalent thereto in the State Government, or (b) is or has been a Vice-Chancellor of any University established by law; or (©) is of has been a Professor of any University established by law for at icast ten years and has atleast three years of administrative experience. (3) Of the members,- (a) one shall be a person who is or has been a member of the Indian ‘Administrative Service and has held the post of Secretary or any other equivalent post under the State Government; (b) one shall be a person, who is or has been, not below the rank of Joint Director, Higher Education, whose services have been of an excellent order; = (6) one shall be a person, who is or has been, not below the rank of Additional Director, Vocational Education, whose sérvices have been of an excellent category; {(d) one shall be a person, who is or has been, not below the rank of Joint Director, Secondary Education, whose services have been of an excellent category; (©) one shall be a person, who is of has been, not below the rank of Joint Director, Basic Education, whose services have been of an excellent category; (f) one shall be a person who has been a member of the Judicial service (District Judge level) with distinguished service; (g) Six shall be educationists whose services have been outstanding and who, in the opinion of the State Government, have made significant contributions to the field of education, (4) Every appointment under this section shall take effect from the date on which notified by the State Government, 5. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Chairperson shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of appointment and shall not hold office as such after attaining the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier. Subject to the provisions of this ‘Act, the Member shall hold office for a term of three yéars from the date of appointment and shall not hold office as such-after attaining the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier. it 520 RPH. Adhinya ole (dua 2027} fe B Establishment ofthe Commission ‘Composition ofthe Commission ‘Term of OMe snd Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members 14 ‘GRR MAR SII AS, 24 STR, 2023 (2) No person shall be a Chairperson or member for more than two terms. + @ A Chairperson or member may resign from his/her office by writing under his/her hand addressed to the State Government, but he/she shall continue in office until his/her resignation is accepted by the State Government. (4) The office of the Chairperson and members shall be full-time, and the terms and conditions of their service shall be such as the State Government may, by order, direct. Powerof Sat 6:(2) The State Government may, by order, remove from office the Chairperson Covet © or any member, if he = ‘Chatrprson and (a) is adjudged insolvent by a Court; or Members () engages, during his term of office, in any paid employment outside the duties of his office; or () is, in the opinion of the State Government, unfit to continue in office by reason of infirmity of mind or body or of proved misconduct; or (@) is liable to any disqualification under this Act or the rules made thercunder. Explanation :Where a Chairperson ot member becomes in any way concerned ‘or interested in any contract or agreement made by or on behalf of any institution or participates in any way in the profits thereof or in any benefit or emolument arising therefrom, otherwise than as a member, he shall, for the purpose of clause (c), be deemed to be guilty of misconduct. (2) The procedure for the investigation and proof of misconduct under this section shall be such as may be prescribed. Power to Associste 7, The Commission may associate with itself, in such manner and for such purpose, any person whose assistance or advice it may desire to have in carrying out any of the provisions ofthis Act. Sufforthe 8. (1) The Secretary, the Controller of Examinations, the Controller of Finance, ‘Commission and the Deputy Secretary of the Commission shall be appointed by the State Governmerit ‘on deputation for a term not exceeding three years, and other conditions of his service shall be such as the State Government may, by order, determine. (2) Subject to such directions as may be issued by the State Government in this + Dehalf, the Commission may appoint such other employees as it may deem necessary for the efficient performance of its functions under this Act and on such terms and conditions of service as it deems ft. Powers snd Duties 9. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties, namely: ee (@) to prepare guidelines on matters relating to the method of direct recruitment of teachers or instructors; (©) to conduct examinations, where necessary, and hold interviews and select ‘candidates for appointment as teachers of instructors; + (to conduct and organize the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test; (@) to select and invite experts and to appoint examiners for the purposes of clause (b); : (@) to make recommendations regarding the appointment, of selected candidates; @ to obtain periodical retums or other information from institutions regarding the strength of the teachers or instructors and the vacancies for the appointment of teachers or instructors from Authorized Officer through State Government; . (2) to fix the emoluments, and travelling and other allowances of the éxperts; () to administer the funds placed at the disposal of the Commission; (10 perform such other dhties and exercise such other powers as may be prescribed or as may be incidental or conducive to discharge of its functions under this Act or the rules or regulations made thereunder; () 10 follow the provisions of the policy/procedure made from time to time by the Department of Personnel, Uttar Pradesh regarding selection/appointment. S2ORPH Adin dr (rida 2023 RAT FAT SATAN TGS, 21 GATT, 2023 15 10. (1) For the purpose of making an appointment of a teacher or instructor by Deteminsion direct recruitment, the Appointing Authority or Management or Authorized Officer shall inepeaa iad determine the number of vacancies existing. or likely to fall vacant during the year of Selection recruitment and, in the case of a post other than the post of head of the institution, also Procedure determine the number of vacancies to be reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes of citizens in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Public Services (Reservation for Scheduled Castes, ‘Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes) Act, 1994 (U.P, Act no. 4 of 1994), and persons bélonging to economically weaker sections in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Public Services (Reservation for Economically Weaker Sections) Act, 2020 (UP. Act no. ~ 10 of 2026) and other directions issued by the Government from time to time, and notify the vacancies to the Commission in such manner and through such officer or authority as may be prescribed. The Commission shall decide the eligibility and accordingly advertise the vacancies received in the manner as may be prescribed. (2) The procedure of selection of candidates for direct recruitment to the posts of teachers or instructors shall be such as may be prescribed. @)Regarding appointment in religious and linguistic minority educational institutions for maintaining quality of education, process of selection shall be completed by compulsorily inviting educationist of that particular religion and language (having, Knowledge of theology and culture) as experts. 11. (1) The Commission shall, as soon as may be, after a vacancy is notified under sub-section (1) of section 10, conduct, wherever necessary, examinations or interviews or conduct the examination and interview of the candidates and prepare a paneVist of those found most suitable for appointment, (2) The panel referred to in sub-section (1) shall be forwarded to the prescribed ‘officer or Authorized Officer referred to in sub-section (1) of section 10 in such manner as ‘may be prescribed. 3) After the receipt of the panel under sub-section (2), the prescribed officer or ‘Authorized Officer shall, in the prescribed manner, intimate the Appointing Authority of the names of the selected candidates in respect of the vacancies notified under sub-section (1) of seetion 10. (4) The Appointing Authority shall, within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of such information, issue appointment letters to such selected candidates and facilitate the sclected candidate to join the duties in the prescribed manner. (5) Where such selected candidate fails to join the post of a teacher or instructor in such institution within the time allowed in the appointment letter or within such extended time as the Appointing Authority may allow in this behalf, or where such candidate is ‘otherwise not available for appointment, the Authorized Officer shall, on the request of. Management, intimate in the preseribed manner, fresh name or names from the panellist forwarded by the Commission under sub-section (2). Such time limit shall be up to a maximum of one year after the date of issuing of the appointment letter. (6) Ifthe Management! Appointing Authority fails to issue appointment letter to a selected candidate on reasonable grounds (the Management! Appointing Authority is to ‘mention the appropriate reason) then a panel of remaining candidates from the list/panel of ‘candidates under sub-section (1) will be made available to the Institute only once. Stil if tie Management/Appointing Authority fils o issue appointment leter then the concemed post will be abolished as per the prescribed method, SOORPI Adziyan Older (ita 2023} Be PaneVList of Candidates 16 ‘GER TIM SAN AGS, 21 SATAY, 2023 CHAPTER- Ill ‘APPOINTMENT OF SELECTED TEACHERS/INSTRUCTORS ‘Appoinimentsto 12. Every appointment of a teacher or instructor shall be made by the eee Appointing Authority only on the recommendation of the Commission, and any Recommendations @PPointment made in contravention of the provisions of this Act shall be void: ofthe Commission Inquiry by Direetor Mode of Adjustment in Case of ot Joining of Duty ‘by Candidates Selested by the Commission Provided that the appointment of a teacher or instructor by transfer from one- institution to another or by promotion in any institution or the appointment of a teacher cr instructor as a dependent of an employce dying in hamess cases may be made as per the provisions given in the relevant Acts or rules or regulations. 13. (1) Where any person, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, is entitled 10 be appointed as a teacher ot instructor but is not so appointed by the Appointing, Authority within the time provided for the same, he may appeal to the Director or any officer authorized by him for a direction under sub-section (2) of this section (2) As far as may be within one month from the date of receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the Director of an officer authorized by him may hold uiry, and if he is satisfied that the Appointing Authority has failed to appoint the structor as per the provisions of this Act, he may, by order, applicant as a teacher or direct - {(@) the Appointing Authority to appoint the applicant as a teacher or instructor with immediate effect and to pay him salary from the date specified in the order; and (b) the concemed Head of the Institution to take work from the applicant as a teacher or an instructor. (8) The amount of salary, if any, due to such teacher or instructor shall, on a certificate issued by the Director or an officer authorized by him in this behalf, be recoverable by the Collector as arrears of land revenue from the property belonging to or ‘vested in the society or body running the Institution. 14, If any selected candidate recommended by the Commission in the panelist sent under the provisions of section 11 fails to join the allowed Institution due to crroneous requisition or appointment of a dependent of an employee dying in harness or any order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court or High Court or abolition of the post, or any ‘other reason (the Management is to mention the specific reason), the following procedure shall be adopted: (a) Concerned selected candidate shall submit his representation before the Director, ‘mentioning the reasons for him not taking charge; (b) The Director shall, after detailed enquiry on the representation submitted by the candidate, fix responsibility against the responsible Institution or Appointing Authority for sending crroncous requisition and, send a report to the Commission with his recommendation for adjustment of the selected candidate; (©) On the basis of the report and recommendation of the Director, the Commission shall adjust the selected candidate against the non-advertised requisition and shall send, or make available, as may be prescribed, the selected pancl/list to the Appointing Authority after adjustment; (© On the basis of the paneWlist sent under clause (c), the Appointing Authority shall ensure the joining of the selected candidate as per the provisions of section 11. ‘520 RPHL Aahiniyam older vida 2023}é0 Be GRR WIE HAT TGS, 21 SAT, 2023 7 15. ‘The Commission may require to furnish such information or return regarding the matters referred to in section 9 as it thinks fit, from the Authorized Officer through State Government and the Authorized Officer shall accordingly comply with the same. 16, The conditions of service of teacher or instructor can be decided as per the provisions given in the relevant Acts! Service Rules! Regulations/ University Statutes, as the case may be. i CHAPTER: IV : ANNUAL REPORTS AND ACCOUNTS 17. (1) The financial management of the Commission shail be done in accordance with the ules laid down in Financial Handbook, Volumes 1, 2,3 and 5: Provided that the Commission may, with prior approval of the State Government, frame special regulations in respect of such matters as it may consider necessary. (2) The expenditure of the Commission shall be incurred from the grants given by the State Government and receipts by.way of fees, etc, in accordance with rules mentioned in sub-section (1) and that of the State Goverament, if any. A person who incurs expenditure in violation of the rules referred to in sub-section (1) or orders of the ‘State Government, if any, shall be personally liable. (3) The estimate of income-expenditure shall be prepared by the Controller of Finance under the supervision and direction of the Secretary, and expenditure shall be incurred according to the provisions of the budget after it is approved by the ‘Commission. (4) The Chairperson shall be the controlling officer with regard to himself, the Members, the Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, and the Controller of Finance and shall exercise all such financial powers as are ordinarily vested in the Head of the Department, in addition to all other financial powers delegated to the Chairperson by the Commission. (5) (i) The Secretary shall be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer, but he may, iff be considers it necessary, by an order in writing, delegate all or any of such powers to the Deputy Secretary. (Gi) The Secretary shall exercise all such powers as may be vested in the Head of an Office. In addition, the Commission may delegate such other financial powers to the Secretary as it may consider necessary. 18, The Commission shall prepare annually, in such form and at such ime as may be prescribed, an annual report giving an accurate and complete account of its activities during the previous year, and copies thereof shall be forwarded to the State Government and the State Government shall cause the same to be laid before both the Houses of the State Legislature. 19, (1) The Commission shall cause to be maintained such books of accounts aind other books in relation to its account, in such form and in such manner as the State Government may, by general or special order, direct. 2) The Commission shall, as soon as possible after closing its annual accounts, propare a Statement of Accounts in such form and forward the same t0 the Accountant General by such date as the State Government may, in consultation with the ‘Accountant General determine, for audit under section 14 of the Comptroller and Auditor General's (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971 (Act no. 56 of 1971). (3) The annual accounts of the Commission, together with the audit report thereon, shall be forwarded to the State Government, and the Government shall cause the same to be laid before both the Houses of the State Legislature. {520 RPHL Adnan fle (vai 2023) dts Be Power to Call for Information and Inspect the Record, Register, ee. Conditions of Service of Teachers or Instructors Financial Management ofthe Commission ‘Annual Reports ‘Accounts snd Ault GOR WSR AATNNT TUS, 21 SAT, 2023 Punishment for appointment of “Teachers or Inetructore in contravention ofthe provisions of Act Protection of action taken in god feith Prohibition of Prosecution Certain Proceedings not invalid ‘Authentication ‘of Decisions Delegation ‘Transfer of Assets and Maters Powerto make rules Power wo make regulations CHAPTER- V MISCELLANEOUS 20. Any entity, which means Appointing Authority, Management and Institution, failing to comply with the recommendations of the Commission or which fails to comply with the order or direction of the Director under section 13, or appoints @ teacher in contravention of the provisions of this Act, shall be liable to legal action. 21. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall ie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, 22. No prosecution for any offence under this Act shall be instituted without the previous sanction of the Director or such officer or authority as the State Government ‘may, by general or special order, specify in this behalf. 23. No act or proceeding of the Commission shall be deemed to be invalid ‘merely on the ground of: (a) any vacancy in, or defect in, the constitution of the Commission; oF (b) any defect or irregularity in the appointment of any person acting as a member thereof; or - (6) any defect or irregularity in such act or proceeding not having an material effect. 24, All orders and decisions of the Commission shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary appointed under section 8 or any other officer authorized by the Commission. 25. The Commission may, by regulations made under section 28, confer on its Chairperson or any member or officer, the power to delegate the general superintendence of and directions in connection with the work done by or in the Commission, including the expenditure incurred for maintenance of office and the intemal administration of the ‘Commission. 26. To make the Commission function practically, the staff of the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission and the Uttar Pradesh Scoondary Education Service Selection Board will be transferred to the Commission. In the course of time, after the abolition of the Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission and Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board, any matter-pending before them, their assets, loans, liabilities, obligations and services of full-time ‘employees will be transferred to the Commission. 27. (1) The State Government shall, by notification in the Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. (2) All rules made under this Act shall, ds soon as may be after they are made, be laid before each House of the State Legistatare, while itis in session, for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in its one session or in two or more successive sessions and shall, unless some later date is appointed, take effect from the date of their publication in the Gazette subject to such modifications or annulments as the two Houses of the Legislature may agree to make, so however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done ‘thereunder. 28. (1) The Commission may, with the prior approval of the State Government, make or amend regulations prescribing fees for holding examinations, for conducting interviews, and for laying down the procedure. to be followed by the Commission for discharging its dutiés and performing its functions under this Act. (2) The regulations made under sub-section (1) shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Act and the rules made thereunder. S20 RPH Adhingam fle (vidi 2025) Be TR HART SAMA AWC, 21 STET, 2023 19 29, (1) The State Government may, for the purposes of removing any Powerto remove difficulty, by a notified order, direct that the provisions of this Act shall, during such “eulies period as may be specified in the order, have effect subject to such adaptations, whether by way of modification, addition or omission as it may deem to be necessary of expedient: Provided that no such order shall be made after two years from the date of commencement of this Act. (2) Every order made under sub-section (1) shall be laid, as soon as may be made, before both the Houses of State Legislature. 30. Regarding the selection of teachers or instructors, the provisions of this Act Overiding Effect shall have effect notwithstanding anything contrary to the rules, regulations, or Statutes | °F! Act contained in the Uttar Pradesh State University Act, 1973, Intermediate Education ‘Act, 1921, Uttar Pradesh Basie Education Act, 1972, Uttar Pradesh Government Industrial Training Institutes (Instructors and Foreman Instructors) Service Rules, 2021. 31. (1) The Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Services Commission Act, 1980, Repealand the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board Act, 1982 and the Uttar Stvinat Pradesh Education Service Selection Commission Act, 2019 are hereby repealed. (2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the Acts referred to in sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have been done or taken under this ‘Act, as ifthe provisions of this Act were in force at all material times. (3) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the repeal of the Acts referred to in sub-section (1) shall not have an adverse effect on the general application of section 6 of the Uttar Pradesh General Clauses Act, 1904 (UP. Act no. 1 of 1904) in relation to the enforcement of provisions. after itis STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS ‘The State of Uttar Pradesh at present has various Commissions for the selection of teachers: (j) Untar Pradesh Higher Education Service Commission for the selection of teachers of non-government aided colleges of the state; (ji) Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board for the selection of teachers of non-government aided intermediate colleges; (iii) Concemed management ‘committee for the selection of the posts of assistant teachers in aided junior high’schools and affiliated primary schools; (jv)District Basie Education Officer and Secretary, Basic Education Council for selection of assistant teachers in council schools; (v)Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission for the selection of instructors in the Department of Vocational Education, Due to the difference in the level of efficiency related to selection by the above mentioned Commissions/Institutions the quality of selection of teachers is affected, there is no uniformity in the process of selection, timely selection of teachers is not being done, and there are several vacant posts of teachers in various institutions. This adversely affects the educatiow/training of the students/trainees in the State. Apart from this, a lack of transparency is evident in the selection process conducted by instiuti level selection committees which has resulted in litigations. iin view of the above, it was decided to make a law to establish “Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection Commission’ to bring the work done by the aforesaid’ Commissions/Institutions under one ‘Commission and to bring inuniformity, transparency’and timeliness in the recruitment process of teachers by removing the above-mentioned shortcomings and selecting qualified teachers and instructors for providing quality education in the State. "The Uttar Pradesh Education Service Selection Commission Bill, 2023 is introduced accordingly. By order, ATUL SRIVASTAVA, Pramutth Sachiv. Howsogosto—cosho 520 waIA-zo2s—(1661)}—sa0 wai Cra Sho / siiwee) | showsozoto—Yosto 89 Io faeTA—2023—-(1662)~300 wftral—(Ryex/ eo / ste) | 520 ROH Adhingem foe (vida 2023} ata

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