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Gilbert Ramirez



The Wedding Dance Summary

The Wedding Dance" by Amador Daguio is a short story about a husband and wife, Awiyao

and Lumnay, who had been married for seven years. In spite of being in love with his wife,

Awiyao feels the need to marry again to have a son. At his second marriage celebration,

Awiyao goes to check on Lumnay, knowing she is upset. Awiyao thought the answer to

Lumnay's sorrow would be to have her join the other women during the wedding dance.

Lumnay was in fact at his wedding, but left. She could not stand the idea of her husband

marrying another woman because she could not give him children.


The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio is almost always interpreted as a love story between

two married couple – Awiyao and Lumnay. Most readers thought the story focuses on how a

man can be so selfish to hurt a woman like Lumnay, on how Lumnay sacrificed her happiness

for the one she loved, on how painful the story of Awiyao and Lumnay ended, on how true

love does not always have a happy ending.


Ironically, the humans were now the one who are adjusting to culture. Another evidence of

this paradox was the resignation of Lumnay at the end of the story. Seeing the blazing bonfire

at the end of the village , she surrendered her desire to stop the ritual and to question the law

of her tribe. Though she has the courage, she realized how powerful the society was.
Sa Pula sa Puti Summary

The story is about the protagonist who is addicted to cock-fighting. Engaging in cock fight is

a common pastime in the country. However, the protagonist in this text is severely addicted

to it. Kulas, is the main character of the play, along with Celing, who is his wife. One fine

day, when Kulas talks to Celing, she does not respond very well to him. Celing is frustrated

that Kulas only thinks about cock-fight day in and day out and not about her.


After building the theme based on the structuralist's view towards the play, it is all about life.

It is saying that you may be dealt what looks like a bad hand. This means that we might born

in poor surroundings or born in rich surroundings, or any other life that you are born into, it

doesn't matter because every hand is a winning or losing hand - you make it what it is. We

make our own path; either it is on the right way or not. The intensions of the play was for us

to realize what is important and what you have to hold on too, and when things are getting

dangerous and when to get out if you need to. No matter what hand life has dealt to you, you

can still win if you play your game well.


After getting through the concept of determining the play in the View of the formalistic

approach particularly by explication and exegesis, the Theme was extracted. The theme

states that: Man’s obsession in attaining Wealth by means of illegal condition. It is all about

the cravings of man into Gambling. It comes across with anything that makes him constantly

think About a certain thing. Almost everyone who was involved with unlawful habit of

gambling Are logically smart. They construct tricks that results into winning the fight. It
Explains such a valuable meaning that man could possibly do whatever it Takes just to have

something he have been fascinating to gain.

Dead Stars Summary

The short story revolves around one man, Alfredo Salazar and the affairs of his heart. He is a

man who believes in true love and hopes to find bliss in its wake. The first woman he falls in

love with is Esperanza. Their families are acquainted with each other and they thus they

begin a passionate relationship. But soon it fades away when Alfredo comes across another

woman, Julia, who becomes the object of his desire. Esperanza and Alfredo have their

engagement after three years of romance. Alfredo, a lawyer is a man who wants warmth

and compassion but Esperanza is a strong-willed, impassionate and woman of principles.


The story is infused with moral and intellectual approaches that emphasize the values and

morals that exist in that age, culture, and place. Historicism and the historical context of the

story give it prominence in terms of understanding characters like Alfredo, Julia, Esperanza’s

thoughts and subsequent actions, etc. It thus produces a true knowledge base to compare

and relates its era and location culture with the modern or any other era. It offers a lens for

the existing culture, customs, traditions, etc. To create significance.


It portrays a multitude of fights involving a human being based on conditions and

relationships with other human entities. Characters like Alfredo, Julia, etc. Are battling not

only against their chances but also against their conditions, government and personal

responsibilities. They are also engulfed in a fight against their feelings and comprehension, a

fight within themselves, to create matters worse. They absence the assurance of thinking,

feelings for each other, and therefore their activities (lies, ridicule, threats, etc.) represent

their ambiguity and despair.

Servant Girl Summary

This is a story of a humble good-looking house helper named Rosa and her adult infatuation.

Rosa is portrayed as a physically and verbally abused servant girl to an obnoxious but at

times kind mistress. Rosa fantasized about the cochero whom she named to be “Angel” who

later-on known to be as Pedro. She imagined him as different from other men, more gallant,

gentler, and her rescuer from her miserable life with her mistress. Angel became Rosa’s

hope and embodiment of desire to be free from servitude.Her admirer Sancho on the other

hand was rough and rude towards her and violently hurt her. She ran from her mistress’

house and Sancho’s boorish arms. She longed to find her “Angel”.But her savior does not

really exist. Angel was just a figure that she invented. In the end, Rosa just accepts her

fortune as a miserable servant. Instead, the man she believed to be her rescuer, was the

one who returned her back to her pitiful life.


The use of 'Angel' as Pedro's name before Rosa knew, symbolized even though it was just

for a brief moment, the longing for happiness and freedom of Rosa. The way she imagined

Angel seemed like he was also loning for her and that he was looking for a way to see and

be with her again. Estrella Alfon was able to show how desperate Rosa felt in order to feel

happiness. The thoughts and illusions that she was having was a simple way to get away

from all the hardships that she was encountering day in and day out. It was a way for her to
tell herself that she has it better among other people for they did not have an Angel that

took care of them when they were in need. It was a reason for her to be happy.


Estrella Alfon shows another sad side of a person is the same condition as Rosa. In reality, it

can be said that there are people who, unfortunately, can relate to Rosa's experiences. The

writer was able to show and share all the thoughts and emotions of Rosa throughout the

entire story. This work o Estrella Alfon will surely bring you to a realization that even though

it is hard to say, the reality is there is really cases like this all over the country and the world.

This work will definitely get us reflecting on how we treat others.

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