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Automated Exam Scheduling Management System

Project Overview:

The automated exam scheduling system is designed to manage the schedule of the student’s
exam to avoid conflict and being able to flow the schedule easily

Project Description:

The automated Exam Scheduling System allows authorized member to automatically generates
a fully optimized exam schedule plan for the students

It combines and complies with several exam scheduling objectives and rules, according to the
best date, time, classroom and academic staff for each exam.

Purpose of the Project:

Examination scheduling system is an important and one of the recurring administrative
activities in almost all educational institutions. This system helps in arranging examination for
student which determines when, where and how exanimation is to be conducted. Creating
good examination timetable system that will satisfy students, lecturers and the institution
management is a very difficult task due to the limited resources.

Problems in the Existing System:

An improper examination timetable may result in students' poor performance as it may not let
them enough preparation between two sequential exams. In addition, there are many exams
to be scheduled, large number of students who have taken different courses, the limited
number of rooms or exam halls are available, and some constraints such as no conflict in
a single student's exams make it very difficult to schedule experimentally. The scheduling
problem created by these set of circumstances clearly poses an interesting intellectual
challenge. This study explores this challenge and proposes solution to this problem.

Solutions to the Problems:

This system used to create design and conduct the scheduling of various exam forms for various

Manage review schedules and determine the maximum marks for various test styles and define
and assign different subjects to various standards.

Define various forms of examinations such as first term, second term, annual etc.

It provides the clone framework for which the already developed exam schedule can be
followed up and edited.

Manage tests and assess the max marks and grades of various types of examinations and
classify and assign exams for different subjects.

Timing examinations for various standards by defining subject examinations along with date
and time.

Establish suitable seating arrangements for students in various classrooms during exams.

Set surveillance, paper-reading and relief tasks as required by the school.

Database Schema:

Student ID Name Course Address Contact No

Examination Schedule

Subject Section Proctor End Time Start Time Day of Exam Room


Subject ID Subject Name


Section ID Section Name


Proctor ID Proctor Name


Room ID Room Name


User ID User Name Password

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