IOT - Phase 5

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963321104302 : K. RAGUL
963321104301: G. ARAVIND
963321104501: S. ALDRIN SAMUEL

Phase 5 : Project Documentation and Submission

Project Objectives:
The main objectives of this project are as follows:

1. Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring: Create a system that provides real-

time air quality data to users, allowing them to monitor and track air quality
levels in their location.
2. IoT Device Integration: Set up IoT devices to measure air quality
parameters (e.g., PM2.5, PM10, CO2) and transmit this data to a central
3. User-Friendly Platform: Develop a user-friendly web-based platform that
displays air quality data in an intuitive and visually appealing manner.
4. Data Accuracy: Ensure the accuracy and reliability of the air quality data
collected from IoT devices.
5. Scalability: Design the platform to be scalable, allowing for the addition of
more IoT devices and locations as needed.
IoT Device Setup:
1. Hardware Selection: Choose appropriate IoT devices equipped with
sensors for measuring air quality parameters. These devices could include
microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino or Raspberry Pi) with compatible sensors.
2. Sensor Calibration: Calibrate the sensors to ensure accurate data collection.
This involves adjusting sensor readings to match known reference values.
3. Data Transmission: Set up communication protocols (e.g., MQTT or
HTTP) and data formats (e.g., JSON) for IoT devices to transmit air quality
data to the central platform.
4. Power Supply: Ensure a stable power source for the IoT devices, either
through a reliable electrical connection or batteries, depending on the
deployment location.
Platform Development:
1. User Interface Design: Design an intuitive and responsive user interface
(UI) using HTML and CSS. Consider the use of data visualization elements
like charts and graphs to present air quality data effectively.
2. <!DOCTYPE html>
3. <html>
4. <head>
5. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
6. </head>
7. <body>
8. <div class="container">
9. <h1>Real-time Air Quality Monitoring</h1>
10. <div id="airQualityData"></div>
11. </div>
13. <script src="script.js"></script>

16.Real-Time Data Integration: Use JavaScript to fetch and update air quality
data in real-time. Employ AJAX requests or WebSockets for continuous data

const airQualityDataDiv = document.getElementById('airQualityData');

function updateAirQualityData(data) {
airQualityDataDiv.innerHTML = `
<h2>Current Air Quality Data</h2>
<p>Location: ${data.location}</p>
<p>PM2.5: ${data.pm25} µg/m³</p>
<p>PM10: ${data.pm10} µg/m³</p>
<p>CO2: ${data.co2} ppm</p>
<p>Temperature: ${data.temperature} °C</p>
<p>Humidity: ${data.humidity} %</p>

// Simulate real-time data updates (replace this with actual data retrieval)
setInterval(() => {
const mockData = {
location: "Sample Location",
pm25: Math.random() * 100,
pm10: Math.random() * 100,
co2: Math.random() * 1000,
temperature: Math.random() * 30,
humidity: Math.random() * 100,

}, 5000); // Update data every 5 seconds

17.Data Processing: Develop server-side code (using a programming language

like Node.js or Python) to receive, process, and store data from IoT devices.
Store data in a database for historical tracking.
18.const express = require('express');
19.const app = express();
20.const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
23.'/update-air-quality', (req, res) => {
25. // Handle incoming data from IoT devices here
26. const airQualityData = req.body;
27. console.log('Received Air Quality Data:', airQualityData);
28. // You can save this data to a database or process it further.
30. res.sendStatus(200);
33.const port = 3000;, () => {
35. console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);

18.User Authentication (Optional): Implement user authentication

mechanisms if necessary, to control access to the platform and secure
the data.
A real-time air quality monitoring system can significantly raise public awareness
about air quality and its health impacts in several ways:
1. Immediate Visibility of Air Quality: Real-time monitoring systems provide
the public with immediate and easily accessible information about the
current air quality in their area. This information is presented in a user-
friendly format, making it easy for individuals to understand.
2. Personal Relevance: When people can access data specific to their location,
it becomes more personally relevant. This motivates individuals to pay
closer attention to air quality and its potential health implications, as the data
affects them directly.
3. Timely Alerts and Notifications: Many real-time monitoring systems are
equipped with alert and notification features. When air quality deteriorates to
unhealthy levels, the system can send alerts to individuals, encouraging them
to take necessary precautions, such as staying indoors, wearing masks, or
avoiding outdoor activities.
4. Educational Resources: Real-time monitoring platforms often include
educational resources about air quality, its parameters, and health effects.
This empowers the public to better understand the data and its significance.
5. Behavioral Changes: When individuals have access to real-time air quality
information, they are more likely to make informed decisions. For example,
people may alter their outdoor plans or adjust their daily routines to
minimize exposure to poor air quality.
6. Advocacy and Community Engagement: Real-time data fosters
community engagement and activism. It can mobilize communities to
advocate for cleaner air and push for policies aimed at reducing pollution.
7. Health and Environmental Impact Awareness: By consistently seeing air
quality data and its effects, people become more aware of the link between
air quality and health conditions like respiratory problems, allergies, and
heart issues. This awareness can encourage healthier lifestyle choices.
8. Policy Influence: The availability of real-time data can drive public demand
for stricter environmental regulations and government actions to improve air
quality. Citizens can use this data to hold policymakers accountable.
9. Data Sharing and Social Media: Many real-time monitoring systems allow
users to share air quality information on social media platforms. This sharing
not only raises awareness among a user's network but can also spark
discussions about air quality and health.
10.Environmental Initiatives: Real-time monitoring can support or inspire
environmental initiatives. For example, it can encourage the adoption of
cleaner energy sources, promote green transportation, and motivate
businesses and industries to reduce their environmental footprint.
In summary, real-time air quality monitoring systems empower individuals and
communities with valuable information that can influence their daily decisions,
health practices, and policy advocacy. By making air quality data accessible and
actionable, these systems play a pivotal role in raising public awareness about the
importance of clean air and the health impacts of air pollution.

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