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Introduction To Lecture#2 ➢Roles of a Manager ➢What is an Organization?

➢Why we study
Management? Roles of a Manager Continue… 1). Interpersonal Roles Figurehead: Managers often act as
symbolic leaders and represent the organization in ceremonial or symbolic functions, such as attending
important events orsigning official documents. Leader: Managers provide leadership to their teams by
setting a clear vision, motivating employees, and fostering a positive work environment. Liaison: They
build and maintain relationships both within the organization and with external stakeholders, including
other departments, suppliers, and customers. Continue… Informational Roles Monitor: Managers
continuously gather information from various sources to stay informed about internal and external
developments that may affect the organization. Disseminator: They share information and communicate
important updates, decisions, and policies to their teams and otherrelevant parties. Spokesperson:
Managers represent the organization to external parties, such as the media, government agencies, or
industry associations, conveying the organization's viewpoints and decisions. Continue… Decisional
Roles Entrepreneur Managers identify new opportunities and take calculated risks to drive innovation
and organizational growth. Disturbance Handler: When conflicts or crises arise, managers are
responsible for resolving them and restoring stability within the organization. Resource Allocator:
Managers allocate resources, including budget, personnel, and time, to various projects and activities in
line with the organization's priorities. Negotiator: They engage in negotiations with other organizations,
unions, or stakeholders to reach agreements that benefit the organization. What is an Organization?
Organization • An organization is a structured and coordinated group of people working together to
achieve specific goals and objectives. • Organizations can take various forms, including: businesses, non-
profit entities, government agencies, educational institutions, and more. • They can range in size from
small, local groups to large multinational corporations. Continue… ➢ An organization defined: A
deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose (that individuals independently
could not accomplish alone). ➢Common Characteristics of Organizations: – Have a distinct purpose
(goal) – Composed of people – Have a deliberate structure Common Characteristics of an Organization
Why there is a Need to Study Management? Why there is a Need to Study Management? • A PDF is
shared with you explaining the need and importance of management. Reference Books: • Book Name:
Management by “Stephen P. Robbins” & “Mary Coulter” (Latest edition) • Book Name: Management by
“H. Koontz Odonnel” & “H.Weihrich” (Latest edition) Reference Books: • Book Name: Management
Foundation and Practice by: “Mc Farland” (Latest edition) • Book Name: The New Management by:
“Robert M. Fulmer” (Latest edition) THANK YOU

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