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Invitation to Tender Form



Tender Round title: Organisation Name: Lot: Contract Package Area (CPA):

The Work Programme A4e Ltd Lot 8 Yorkshire and The Humber CPA17 South Yorkshire




[1.1] Your response to Part 1 is for information purposes only. If any of this information has changed since the Framework Agreement application stage, please state this within the table below including a short explanation as to why. If you cannot provide any of the information below please explain this within the table. DWP will not be responsible for contacting anyone other than the persons named in this part of your form. If any of this information changes during the bidding period you must inform DWP of the changes by email to: WORK.PROGITTCLARIFICATION@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK Name of the Legal Entity in whose name this tender is submitted and with whom DWP will contract: Trading Name (if different from above): Company Registration Number: Company Registered address: Head Office Address, if different: VAT Registration Number: Website Address (if any): Name, address and company registration number of parent company, where applicable: Name and Job Title of main contact: Address: Telephone no: Mobile telephone no: Fax no: E-mail address: Alternative contact Name and Job Title: Address (if different from above): Telephone no: Mobile telephone no: Contact e-mail: A4e Ltd

As above 02631340 Bessemer Road, Sheffield, S9 3XN Queens House, 105 Queen Street, Sheffield, S1 1GN 598 6496 55 Not applicable [REDACTED] Development Director Queens House, 105 Queen Street, Sheffield, S1 1GN [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Senior Bus Development Manager As above [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]




[2.1] You must complete this Declaration by Tenderer. Failure to include this declaration may result in your bid being disqualified. To: The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

For the benefit of the Department for Work and Pensions, we hereby warrant and undertake as follows: 1. We have examined, read, understand and accept in full the proposed Contract documents and all other documents and Annexes provided with this declaration and the clarifications issued during the Invitation to Tender period. 2. We have completed and submitted all information required in the Invitation to Tender Form in the format and order required. 3. We confirm the information set out in our response is complete and accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief. 4. We hereby acknowledge and agree that we have read, understand and accept the Work Programme Call-Off Terms and Conditions, the Work Programme Specification and the draft Order Form.

Scanned Signature: Date: Name: Job Title:

[REDACTED] 11 February 2011 [REDACTED] Development Director

Duly authorised to sign Tenders on behalf of: Name of Organisation: A4e Ltd



[3.1] 3.1 The terms and conditions of The Work Programme will be the Standard Call-Off Terms and Conditions (set out in Schedule 4 of your Framework Agreement), as modified by The Work Programme service requirements (The Work Programme Additional Requirements). The Work Programme Additional Requirements are set out in the Call-Off Terms and Conditions for The Work Programme which is supplied with your Invitation to Tender. A document highlighting the modifications made to the Standard Call-Off Terms and Conditions to reflect The Work Programme Additional Requirements is also supplied with your Invitation to Tender; for ease of identification, the changes made since the draft version issued on 8 December 2010 are shown in boxes within the document. Any proposed amendments to The Work Programme Additional Requirement must be detailed by completing the section below, giving full details of the clause(s) you wish to amend and your proposed amendments. DWP will consider proposed amendments strictly on their merits. Please note that you may only propose amendments to The Work Programme Additional Requirements; proposed amendments to the Standard Call-Off Contract Terms and Conditions will not be considered.



Comments on The Work Programme Additional Requirements: MINI COMPETITION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS (For Framework Supplier Comments only) No. of the clause(s) you Proposed amendment with proposed wording wish to amend

Other than those provisions identified above, A4e Limited, confirms that it has reviewed the Call-Off Terms and Conditions for The Work Programme and agrees in principle to each of their provisions.



[REDACTED] Name: [REDACTED] Scanned Signature: Position: Telephone No: Date: 11 February 2011 Commercial Director [REDACTED]

DWP reserves the right to amend any provisions of The Work Programme Additional Requirements at any time during the mini-competition procurement exercise.




[4.1] Customer Journey - Process Please submit a process map showing the proposed end to end customer journey(s) and attach the process map as Annex 1. This should include a detailed supporting description of the customer journey(s) specific to this CPA. Your response must describe how you will ensure the customer journey is tailored to meet the specific needs and barriers of individual customers, and include the customer requirements defined in the Specification. Please note your response to this question will not be scored but will act as a reference point for the scoring of questions 4.1a and 4.1b Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to five sides of A4. Note: Format requirement and page limit does not apply to the process map which you must insert as Annex 1.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1 A4es Work Programme customer journey: key principles A4es customer journey is designed around four core principles, built from our 20 years of experience as a leading provider of large scale, outcome funded employability services: We will get every customer back into the work habit as soon as possible and support them to succeed, in partnership with their employer A4es Job First principle. Customers need to feel their support is designed for them. We will personalise and commit with the customer in a psychological contract if you will, I will. Through intensive assessment we will better understand each customers needs ensuring their journey is relevant to their barriers and preferences, first time. We will work closely with local partners to source complementary funding to wrap around customers A4es Total Person approach. A4e Five Building Blocks of Sustainability Customers, irrespective of benefit type, have a consistent set of requirements to successfully move away from a life on benefits. Every customer needs: 1. Access to be engaged respectfully, with rapid access to support and opportunities 2. Outlook to develop a strong work ethic and feel they can change their life 3. Skills to build the skills that allow them to compete in the local jobs market 4. Resilience to overcome barriers, including ill-health, family and relationship difficulties or housing, through specialist support 5. Capacity to take advantage of opportunities (mentally, financially, physically) and take personal responsibility for their future.

The need to address the barriers associated with each of these blocks underpins each aspect of A4es WP customer journey and has informed the development of: An assessment model directly linked to driving outcomes that allows the customer and their advisor to recognise what is needed to secure sustained employment Development Programmes that provide a core but flexible structure to ensure the main barriers are focused on immediately moving the customer closer to work faster A menu of Specialist Support Services which allows us quickly to tailor the Development Programmes to each customers unique needs A continuous measure of progress which allows both advisors and customers to understand where they are in their journey Specialist Advisors that are experts in one of the Development Programmes and are trained to help people in every customer group to achieve a sustainable job. 1. Pre-referral Community Connect: promoting awareness and engagement We will promote WP services in local communities throughout SY to voluntary customers (ESA and IB/IS Volunteers customer groups) and to increase awareness and understanding of the benefits of engaging with WP to mandatory groups. A4es 2 Community Managers will be embedded in local communities, facilitating information sessions and hosting volunteer Work Clubs in the community and at A4e premises. To engage customers they will work with local stakeholders across SY such as Tinsley Forum, Zest Community Action and North Doncaster Development Trust (NDDT). Prospective customers, including the anticipated 878 IS/IB and 4,000 ESA Volunteers, can make online enquiries through MyA4eCommunity, our online information portal or can contact A4es National Support Centre open 8am-8pm.

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1 (continued) 2. Engagement: achieving fast, high-quality engagement in services A4e knows from experience that better outcomes come from engaging customers as early as possible. To achieve buy-in and full participation, customers will be contacted by A4es multi-lingual National Support Centre as soon as possible (ideally within 24 hours, max. 15 days) after referral to discuss their goals and needs and explain the customers rights/obligations. To give the customer a sense of immediate progress they will together commence the action plan and customers will be encouraged to complete an informal online assessment. This will provide a starting-point for assessment and recognises that some customers prefer to disclose barriers through writing. They will arrange a Focus Appointment with the best matched Advisor or with a specialist end-to-end subcontractor service (e.g. ex-offender support from SOVA) where a clear benefit is identified. 3. Focus: welcome and assessment laying the foundations for success Customers will receive a flexible service that engages them in their preferred way. They can access our services from 43 outreach locations and will be offered an informal group welcome session prior to their 1:1 Focus Appointment with their Advisor where they will: Engage with WP through a psychological contract: we will if you will proven to be effective in current A4e programmes. They will be introduced to the people who will help them and be informed about what they can expect, and what is expected from them. Assess circumstances, needs and barriers. The Advisor will work with the customer to identify all barriers (real or perceived) to achieving self-sufficiency. Every customer will receive a Better-Off Calculation to demonstrate that work pays and provides purpose to their journey. This also produces a sustainability risk profile that allows an accurate and thorough assessment and enables us to design the right journey from the start. Plan a unique, tailored journey based on their identified individual needs. Family Focus: Where a family member is referred and we engage other family members voluntarily. Our Family Welcome & Service will meet collective needs from the start. 4. Foundations Activities: over 1,000 different customer journeys Customers will receive a bespoke service that combines a range of services concurrently to ensure the best chance of success: a) Universal Services a core of activities essential for all customers; b) tailored, flexible Development Programmes; c) focused Specialist Support Services. a) Universal Services automatically offered to all SY customers, based on what we know are the key services that move customers swiftly off benefit and into work: A tailored journey with a dedicated 1:1 Advisor who markets their skills and capabilities to both national and local employers from our 20,000-strong network A Skills Audit to facilitate job matching to the local labour market and skills needs Information about the transition from benefits to work including in-work benefits Tailored support to achieve their fortnightly job search and WCA requirement Tailored support to build financial capability and a high-quality CV Diagram 2 An induction to local services and facilities and access to web-based services Access to targeted relevant support including self-employment and/or work-focused health support and barriers associated with childcare/other caring responsibilities Timebanking: A4e is working with Spice to develop the first national timebank to promote community work in line with our People Helping People ethos. A credits scheme incentivises customers to gain experience through volunteering. Incentives include mobile credit, travel passes, gym membership and media downloads Development Programmes: There are 3 Development Programmes that comprise core activities to address barriers related to the 5 Building Blocks. Customers will undertake the most appropriate programme and will move between programmes according to needs and progress, resulting in increased, faster outcomes. Each programme will have dedicated staff with appropriate skills, ensuring specialist support for each group.


The Access & Outlook Programme focuses on increasing access to jobs, career planning, confidence, mock job interviews, and at least a full day per week of structured job search. The Skills Programme focuses on tackling skills barriers through specialist assessments, vocational & soft skills development. The Capacity & Resilience Programme includes joint case reviews with existing support networks and increasing contact and participation on a weekly basis to build capacity.

Supply chain: All journey providers will adhere to A4es 4 core principles and ensure minimum services standards are delivered to all customers. Our supply chain management approach will harness best practice and allows us to share our partners experience of what they know achieves high performance, e.g.: JHP Private provider, working with 18-24 JSA, have achieved 40% into sustained jobs through employability provision, adopting Learning Style Assessments that use Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic teaching practices tailored to individual requirements NDDT Third Sector community provider, support over 2000 Doncaster residents per year with a range of successful employability and enterprise projects. Innovative community engagement through neighbourhood visits, local events held at supermarkets and bingo halls, SY Wheels to Work scheme and mobile delivery office. Rotherham College of Arts Public vocational provider, providing roll-on, roll-off programmes of Vocational Training, with an Inclusive Learning team for customers with learning development needs b) Specialist Support Services: A4e and 55 local partners will deliver a wide range of Specialist Support Services to create a unique customer journey. Advisors selection of each service will be aided by a local service map that includes success rates and customer feedback. The menu ensures that we tackle issues within each of the five Building Blocks. A sample of services that will be included on the menu is included below. Please note this list is not exhaustive: Specialist Support Services: Access improving access to jobs in SY Job Flex workshops to help customers in predominantly temporary labour markets, important due to the recent increased demand for temporary/fixed-term contract work in SY, up by 7.1% on last year Specialist support for professionals with Prospects Services & Calibre Training A4e Transporting Lives scheme to help rural customers to gain driving licenses by 2012 Innovative distance-based Job Search and In-Work Support from Renovo Employers priority and advance access to vacancies through our national and local employer network recruitment including our partner Adecco and Specialist Support Services: Outlook to improve motivation and confidence Workshops Goal Setting, Motivation for Work and Creating Confidence Motivational and team building skills through sporting activities with the Football League Trust, promoting a health for work attitude Confidence building from BDA Ltd, Employment & Training Links Ltd and Healthy Cross Community Project 3-day accredited motivational training with Sheffield Alcohol Support Service Specialist Support Services: Skills to overcome immediate skills barriers


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1a (continued) Work experience and volunteer placements to give customers valuable work experience early in their journey though our network of over 5,000 local employers Adeccos 1,000 Interskill online training modules & skills matching assessment A4es 14 vocational training modules e.g. Introduction to Building & Construction A4es Go Forward programmes: 2-4 week sector-specific pathways combining training and work experience (e.g. Contact Centre, Customer Service and Care) Skills Clubs at every branch to support customers with basic skills needs as well as nine local skill partners providing ESOL, basic skills, NVQs and work placements. Local investment: A4e will utilise our new Sheffield Vox vocational training centre, set up in partnership with Sheffield Wednesday Football Ground in Hillsborough to provide hands-on training in sectors with skills gaps or good entry-level opportunities. Specialist Support Services: Resilience to increase customers resilience A4es Life Management modules e.g. Emotional Wellbeing, Lifestyle Profiling Cognitive Behavioural Therapy sessions from Doncaster West Development Trust 1:1 coaching for 50+ customers from Age UK, & key worker drug and alcohol support from Kickstart Community Programmes Ltd C.A.R.E and Berdale Centres providing tailored support to build resilience in BAME communities Together Woman Project providing holistic support to women offenders in SY, including health support, safe accommodation, debt advice, & domestic violence support. Local innovation: A4es new Family Armour programme will support workless families build resilience through family mentoring focused on breaking benefit dependency. Specialist Support Services: Capacity to increase customers capacity for work Specialist health support including a specialist health assessment from Advanced Personnel Management (APM) that identifies capacity to work with realistic job goals and an achievable action plan. APM will also provide condition management to enable customers to manage their health in work. Turning Points Rightsteps will support customers with substance misuse and mental health conditions and customers will be supported to effectively access statutory services (e.g. via GPs). Specialist mentoring, information advice and guidance: e.g. Lone parents Gingerbread, Phoenix Enterprises, SCOOP Aid, BME communities - C.A.R.E and Berdale Centres, Socially excluded - RDaSH Social Enterprises, BDA Ltd, Big Life Company, Mature Age (50+) - PRIME & Age UK Leveraging A4es wider services: all WP customers will have access to A4es complementary services including Community Legal Advice using dedicated phone booths in each branch and Money Guidance regularly available at each branch and via partner networks. Enterprise: Customers will receive high quality enterprise support and join A4es Business Network. A4e has established a microfinance Social Investment Fund of 120,000 per year to support customers to establish their new businesses a key feature of A4es WP solution in response to the business creation and agenda in this economic climate. Social Enterprises will be supported and we are currently exploring setting up a 30m investment fund with JP Morgan to support this. Local innovation: A4e has entered into partnership with RDaSH Social Enterprise to help customers with mental health needs participate in work-based activities at St Catherines Walled Garden, now trading as a Garden Centre, one of RDaSHs social enterprises. 5. Review and Recharge: ensuring continuous progress for all customers We will constantly review the customers progression on their journey to sustained employment. This will include ongoing communication (1-2-1s, phone, email, text) and formal monthly reviews. Journey activities will be refreshed where sufficient progress is not being made away from benefits towards work. This may include arranging a new

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1a (continued) Development Programme or additional Specialist Support where needed. Team Leaders or Advisor peer groups will conduct case reviews quarterly. They will arrange specialist assessment if they detect an undiagnosed barrier or refer to a Recharge Activity: work experience, community work ir intensive job search. 6. Support for Life: achieving long-term sustainability A4e has developed a comprehensive sustainability support service for customers to become fully independent in long-term employment. Increased access to support: available 8am-8pm to reflect the need to offer services around customers working hours and ensure that we capture and address issues before they affect sustainability. This includes support with any issues that are affecting the customer including workplace, travel and finances. We will coach customers to negotiate with employers to secure alternative duties, hours and pay and will signpost to services including housing, financial advice and childcare. A4es new Work Plus Programme will provide support services specifically to assist part-time workers to increase their hours. In-work health support: We will support customers to manage fluctuating health conditions through access to specialist advisors, supported by the Occupational Health Coaches, and Lifeskills 24/7 helpline for advice from healthcare professionals. In-work condition management services will also be available from APM to address health issues Understanding the threats to sustainability: Based on experience of delivering in-work support in the UK and internationally A4e has devised a sustainability risk profile to understand how likely a customer is to drop out of work and return to benefits. Starting at the Focus Appointment, we will design bespoke sustainability support for the customer based on 30 risk factors including personal circumstances, work history and job goals. Celebrating & incentivising: A4e will send customers a congratulations package that includes self-help tips and career planning materials both when they leave benefits into work and sustain their employment. A4e is working with Big Issue to create a bespoke engagement incentive scheme offering incentives and rewards for customers achieving key milestones both pre-employment and in work. The scheme is supported by organisations such as NPower, Kwik Fit, Haven Caravans, Nationwide and Nisa Today who will offer discounts to our customers. We want to help our customers be smart consumers, build assets and give them access to rewards. Supporting employers to retain and progress customers: We will work with employers to jointly support the customer through issues they may face in work. We will offer a range of services including addressing skills gaps, raising difficult issues with staff, training (e.g. managing mental health) and adjustments for customers with health needs. A key part of A4es role is to manage employer expectations especially for customers with health issues, who have never worked or have been unemployed for a long period to make sure the transition to work and off benefits is smooth. A career, not just a job Many customers will want promotion, more responsibility, pay rises and more skills. We will support customers to build a career development plan and linking with a career mentor. Our pre-employment training (see above) is tailored to meet local labour market needs and we will continue to support customers with this training to migrate into valuable and relevant work-based qualifications as well as access to the National Apprenticeship Framework through A4e Skills. 7. Re-commence maintaining momentum for customers who have left work A4es Re-commence Programme is designed to build confidence and motivation to try again by enabling customers to take the positives from their experiences in work. It includes an immediate 1:1 appointment to discuss the reasons for not sustaining work and update their CV, followed by daily supported job search including accessing our employer network to secure further sustainable work.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [4.1a] Customer Journey - Rationale Please describe in detail:

your rationale for your proposed Customer Journey(s) detailed above in 4.1 within this CPA; and the benefits to the individual customer groups of this approach.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to four sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1a 1. The rationale for our customer journey approach in South Yorkshire (SY) A4es Work Programme customer journey has been designed to meet the broad range of customer needs in every locality in SY. At the centre of A4es customer journey is the Total Person concept holistic services, customer-centred support, early action and delivery that is joined-up with local services. This will enable A4e and its 55 local subcontractors to deliver a step change in performance through: Supporting more customers into work through totally individualised journeys, an engaging employer offer; a successful enterprise model; and the expertise and innovation of our diverse local partners. Moving customers into work sooner through a Job First approach, providing appropriate, targeted support at the earliest opportunity. More and longer sustained jobs by supporting customers into appropriate jobs and providing robust sustainability support from the start of the customer journey. To ensure our SY Work Programme model responds accurately to the needs of local customers, A4e has used knowledge and best practice from: 20+ years diverse contract delivery in SY, supporting the hardest to help New Deal, Elevate, ESF, JCPSC, NDDP Progress to Work, Train 2 Gain, and our core FND programme; A4e are currently achieving 45%% 13 week sustained job outcomes Local stakeholder consultation including with 4 LAs, 2 LEPs and a range of community organisations (e.g. Doncaster West Development Trust, Barnsley Development Agency) Customer feedback and focus groups with existing and previous A4e customers and disengaged benefit claimants, combined with detailed MI interrogation. Worklessness pilots in Rotherham & Doncaster in Oct 2010 designed to identify customers with health & social care barriers to employment. Ward-level customer and labour market trends from our Experian partnership. Tailored support for every customer, in every location 1. Community Connect: engagement at the pre-referral stage will address the three key barriers to customer engagement identified by focus groups with our Pathways and lone parent customers and long-term IB claimants not knowing where to get support, a perception that no-one can help or that support is aimed at others. This will increase participation, especially for customers on IS and health-related benefits including the anticipated 2,764 IB/ESA volunteers in SY. 2. Engagement: we will encourage greater participation by offering all customers choices about their initial contact (see 4.1 for details). Existing customers and our focus groups told us that IB customers want informal, group welcomes, young people prefer access to self-help facilities and older customers want immediate 1:1 support. The option to engage customers with their families will have significant impact on the 363,000 workless families throughout SY, and 1.7% that have never worked. Rotherham & Barnsley have been highlighted as problem areas for children growing up in households where neither parent work. Our bespoke incentives scheme (see 4.1 for details) will incentivise customers to participate in WP services. 3. Focus: A4es dialogue-driven assessment (see 4.1), designed by A4es Occupational Psychologists will enable an accurate insight into the full range of customers needs and barriers, allowing us to tailor a highly individualised journey that is right first time. A pilot of this model in eight A4e delivery sites has resulted in increased disclosure (e.g. 60x more customers disclosing significant health or social care needs) enabling A4e to address these needs and at an earlier stage. APMs specialist health assessment will identify the barriers of customers with unmanaged health conditions. This will meet their need to understand and be reassured of their capacity for work, suitable occupations, and an action plan to achieve their goals. 4. Foundations: customers will access concurrently a combination of flexible services tailored to meet needs in a way that promotes the Job First principle:

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1a (continued) a) Universal Services: underpinning each customers tailored journey, there are some services (see 4.1) that will benefit all customers and will be available at the appropriate points in their journey. We have based our Universal Services on the most common needs identified in our MI and customer feedback e.g.70% told us that advice on financial in-work benefits (a Universal Service) alleviated their concerns and made them more likely to take the step into a job. b) Development Programmes: our FND experience tells us that a flexible, tailored, black box service should be supported by some structure. Our three Development Programmes (see 4.1) are designed to support each customer to overcome their barriers in the most suitable way. They will ensure that all customers, including those with the most severe or complex barriers, access an appropriate range and type of services at the right time. This will allow customers who are immediately ready to work to access intensive job search support and early engagement with our employers; those with skills needs access to locally relevant skill development opportunities; and customers with complex needs a range of activities to build their capacity and resilience. Our Development Programmes are based on A4e Australias success delivering Job Services Australia to comparable customer groups. Our services for the hardest to help customers using this structured approach have achieved 4/5 star ratings, indicating performance 20%+ above the national average. c) Specialist Support Services: Our menu of services (see 4.1) will give customers access to appropriate, expert and timely local support, both pre and post-placement, on a flexible basis to meet each of their needs and barriers including: Parenting: 20,340 lone parents claiming out-of-work benefits in SY face barriers e.g. accessing affordable child care and balancing work and caring responsibilities Housing: customers will need support to ensure stable housing, as 65% of tenants in SY currently claim Housing Benefit and will be affected by Government cuts Financial: such as support to address personal debt in SY average gross weekly earnings in Y&H are currently 349.30, ranked 9th out of the 12 Government Regions. Evidence: surveys of A4e customers receiving similar support found that 94% felt this removed barriers that would have prevented them from starting employment. The rationale for the key features of A4es customer journey model in SY include: Specialist customer journeys: some customers will access specialist customer journeys delivered by an expert partner that is best placed to address a specific primary barrier and assist the customer into sustained employment, e.g. SOVA will provide specialist journeys, including mentoring support, for all ex-offenders registered with JCP A robust health programme: A4e has developed a robust, integrated model to support the anticipated 34,001 JSA and ESA/IB customers with health-related barriers. Our partnership with APM, providing specialist health assessments and condition management, will allow A4e to accurately identify each customers work capacity, suitable job options and provide appropriate support. Specialist journeys through Turning Point and Disability Works will provide intensive, expert support their existing performance (see 5.1) evidences that we will drive WP performance by supporting harder to help groups including drug users registered with JCP and customers with health conditions respectively. Evidence: A4es Fit for Work pilot demonstrates the effectiveness of supporting people with health conditions it has a 100% success rate in retaining customers in work at risk of absenteeism or leaving due to ill health. A4e Enterprise: A4es enterprise track record means that our WP customers will be given the best opportunity of successfully setting up a sustainable business. This is a particularly attractive and viable option for customers with health conditions and provides a realistic work alternative in an SY labour market that features: o Lack of job supply due to the recession: Between 2008 and 2010 the economy

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1a (continued) contracted by 2.9% or 73,000 jobs (Oxford Economics), with a further 0.4% contraction projected (an overall contraction of 17.2% in manufacturing alone by 2020). o Underemployment: with 32.9% of positions now part-time in Y&H, higher than the UK average of 31.2% (NOMIS) many customers have difficulty finding stable work o Lack of business investment: The majority of job losses in Y&H over the period 2008-10 were in business services and distribution, o Reliance on public sector employment: Publicly funded employment now accounts for 29.1% of all employment compared to 27.5% nationally. This makes Y&H more vulnerable to public sector cuts than other regions (The Work Foundation) This will be supported by leading business start up experts such as Barnsley Development Agency, NDDT, and also with RDaSH Social Enterprises. Evidence: A4e has supported over 20,000 self-employed customers through programmes including Business Link. We have used this expertise to support over 400 FND customers to date to start their own businesses with very high sustainability 92% were still successfully trading at the critical 26 weeks sustainability stage. Skills: A4e is committed to up-skilling our WP customers as we recognise that they are seeking work in a highly competitive economy, particularly in Barnsley, where there are 30 claimants for every JCP registered job vacancy. Our partnership with Experian together with our local delivery experience and working with the 2 local LEPs will allow us to continually predict labour market demand and prepare customers with appropriate skills training and job preparation, supported by our employer links. This will respond to SY skills gaps - 17% of Y&H employers report skills gaps in their workforce according to National Employer Skills Survey, particularly in Sheffield (21%) and Doncaster (18%). 5. Reviews and Recharge Activities: our model includes a range of Reviews and Recharge activities to ensure that customers maintain a sense of real momentum and progression throughout their journey. These will be complemented by the ability to move between Development Programmes when their needs and circumstances change. Our flexible WP journey can be refined and altered quickly and easily in response to our experience that shows that some barriers (e.g. substance misuse, domestic violence) are only disclosed, identified or observed further into the journey. 6. Support for Life: A4e recognises the importance of providing intensive sustainability support with a new offer that supports and incentivises employers to achieve a step change in performance. To reflect this, we will address sustainability from the start of the customers journey and support customers further through our employer offer (detailed in 7.2). Our survey of 600 employed A4e customers found that 68% had remained in work for one year or longer as a result of tailored in-work support. To build on this, we have refined our model to include Sustainability and Progression measures including access to specialist health support (including a 24/7 health helpline) specialist support for LPs from Gingerbread and access to all Specialist Support Services detailed in 4.1. These recognise the extended sustainability period and the importance of progression and career planning that 57% of customers told us they wanted help with. Our extended hours service responds to customer feedback that identify 64% of in-work customers would access services at these times. 2. Benefits to the eight individual customer groups in SY A4es customer journey offers cross-cutting benefits to all customers that will be accessible in all localities across SY, all 4 city centres and extensive community outreach. Direct delivery and our supply chain of 5 journey providers, 4 specialist journey providers and 46 Specialist Support Services providers will ensure that core benefits include: A menu of Specialist Support Services delivered by experts, ensuring that each customers journey is tailored to their needs and not their benefit/customer group The Development Programmes framework structure ensuring that customers receive appropriate type of support at every stage of their journey with no delay

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1a (continued) Seamless support that connects A4e services with other local provision The expertise and innovation of 55 local partners and the breadth of A4e services Continuous progress throughout their journey both pre and post placement Improved job prospects through strategic local initiatives to improve skills, address employer demand, create local jobs and improve self-employment rates. Each customer group will also receive specific benefits relevant to their needs: JSA 18-24: lack of soft and vocational skills, lack of work experience improved soft skills to meet the needs of local SY employers skills relevant to SY labour market demand e.g. Business Services, Health & Retailing Partnerships with leading Sector Specialists such as The Source (Business Admin and Retail) and Care2Care Training Services Ltd (Care) opportunities through our commitment to the Apprenticeship Framework increased engagement through multi-channel delivery including online services JSA 25+: including long-term unemployed and benefit cyclists, obsolete skills improved job search skills through targeted support and interview preparation increased motivation/confidence through Motivation for Work/Creating Confidence improved skills relevant to SY labour market such as the renewable energy sector increased opportunities in-work through tailored in-work support initiatives JSA Early Access: multiple and complex barriers long-term expert support through specialist customer journeys such as Turning Points service for mental health and substance abuse support service for ex-offenders improved capacity and resilience through tailored local services access to Advisors with specialist skills in supporting those with complex needs A4es health model: benefiting all customer groups with health-related needs These customers will benefit from improved understanding of their work capabilities by APMs expert health assessment and guidance on support needs (which they deliver to 80,000+ customers each year through Job Services Australia). Where required and appropriate, they will benefit from an intensive a specialist journey from Disability Works/Turning Point. APMs embedded condition management will both prepare customers for work and improve their ability to sustain work, together with Lifeskills 24/7 helpline staffed by healthcare professionals. A4es Community Managers will ensure these customers benefit from early and local engagement. IB to JSA: low motivation and engagement, fear of change increased motivation and confidence through early targeted engagement psychological contract and confidence/motivation building workshops reduced impact of long-term workforce exclusion through A4es skills development ESA Volunteers: severe health condition/disability, employer discrimination reduced time out of the workforce through targeted work preparation activities relevant to their capacity including vocational and soft-skills training improved opportunities from initiatives to make local workplaces disability friendly ESA Flow: possible new unmanaged health condition, lack of motivation improved opportunities from initiatives to make local workplaces disability friendly increased access to vacancies through A4es employer engagement strategy IB to ESA: length of unemployment, low motivation and confidence improved opportunities from initiatives to make local workplaces disability friendly reduced impact of long-term workforce exclusion through A4es skills development IB/IS: economic and social exclusion, health needs, caring responsibilities increased ability to find work through support with childcare/care arrangements improved capacity through identifying capacity and suitable types of work.

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [4.1b] Service Requirement DWP expect all customers to receive a minimum level of service. Please clearly define:

Your minimum service delivery levels for all customers within this CPA; Your rationale that supports your approach: How it addresses the needs by customer groups.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1b 1) A4es Minimum Service Levels for the Work Programme in South Yorkshire (SY) A4e and our supply chain are committed to improving the lives of our customers, their families and communities. In addition to our commitment to DWPs Customer Charter, our Minimum Service Levels (MSLs) will ensure a step change in performance, a high-quality service and the best chance of success for each customer. 1. A fully accessible service: that is accessible to all on public transport within 45 mins travelling time, DDA compliant and in a safe and respectful environment. 2. Individual assessment and plan: every customer will receive a tailored assessment and action plan that will be reviewed at least monthly. 3. Health support: we will assess health as a barrier to working. Those identified as needing additional assessment/support will be referred to a specialised health assessment and support to develop a health-focused back to work plan. 4. A fully personalised service: including (minimum) monthly 1:1 contact with a named advisor and a tailored journey that address their broader needs. 5. Customer empowerment & Work Ethic: customers will be given a choice about how they first engage with their service provider (see 4.1 Engagement) and a choice of work-focused activity early in the journey to promote Job First, the development of essential work habits and exposure to the benefits of working. 6. Improved relevant skills: all customers will receive a Skills Audit and have access to soft and locally-tailored vocational skills development opportunities. 7. Recharge activities: all customers will access Recharge activities (see 4.1 Review and Recharge) if they are not making progress in their journey. 8. Incentive to engage: all customers will have access to A4es Incentive Scheme that recognises and rewards achieving journey milestones. 9. Total Person: we will work with all other agencies that support customers to ensure that we meet all of their wider needs A4es Total Person service. 10. Family service: we will support our customers within the context of their family. 11. Feedback: customers can provide feedback at any point and will be requested at specific points in the journey. We will respond where requested within 7 days. 12. In-work progression and sustainability: tailored support Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm and life access to A4es on-line job search facilities (see 4.1 Support for Life). We will contact in-work customers according to their Risk Profile (see 4.1), at least: Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk Week 1 First day and week First day and week Every day Week 2 Month 6 Fortnightly Weekly Bi-weekly Month 6-12 / 12-sustain Monthly/monthly Fortnightly/monthly Weekly/fortnightly 2) Rationale for our approach in South Yorkshire (SY) A4es MSLs are informed by organisational knowledge and consultation to identify the aspects of our service that are crucial to an effective and positive experience. Delivery experience: We have interrogated MI and organisational knowledge from 20 years experience delivering employment services in 11 countries. This includes 20 years in SY working with 40,743 customers, including people with disabilities, lone parents, exoffenders, long-term unemployed, drug & alcohol misusers, and recently redundant workers, supporting 11,026 into work. We work with key local experts, including the Cathedral Archer Project in Sheffield, Doncaster Alcohol Services and New Beginnings (rehabilitation centre), to ensure streamlined access to all beneficial services and maintain visibility of employment support available through A4e. We have piloted key elements of our proposed delivery including assessment, in-work and health-related support in a live operational environment to test its efficacy and customer satisfaction. Customer consultation: A4e has invested over 50,000 in giving local customers a voice in the design of MSLs as part of our ongoing commitment to co-production of services. We commissioned independent research consultancy CI Research to survey

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 4.1b (continued) 1,000 A4e customers (including 600 in work) and 400 unemployed people to identify the services they value. A4e co-facilitated focus groups with long-term IB claimants, graduates, skilled workers and professionals in Yorkshire. We conducted quarterly focus groups and collated feedback from our Y&H customers. This informed our MSLs, e.g: A4e MI has identified that 6.4% of FND customers want support with legal issues, and 13.4% want help with finances. Pilots integrating these services with A4es FND found that 94% of customers felt that this had removed a barrier to work (MSL9). The Buzzz findings indicated a range of preferences. IB claimants preferred initial informal, group engagement; professionals preferred immediate 1:1 support (MSL5). CI Research found that 22% of customers consider lack of experience to be their primary barrier and 22% think their lack of necessary qualifications is. 33% want support with job skills, 17% with soft skills, 27% want work experience, (MSL4, 6). 64% of A4es in-work customers want extended-hours in-work support including career planning, financial advice, and access to training/finding a new job (MSL12). 3) Addressing the needs of each customer group A4es MSLs will ensure a personalised journey that addresses the individuals need rather than the customer group they fall into. See 5.3 for how we will ensure the availability of MSLs to each customer group and throughout the supply chain. JSA 18-24: This customer group responds well to quick engagement and early intervention. Increased motivation (MSL8) is a key benefit to this group with 28% being more motivated to access support where the provider has good links to employers. MSL6 responds to the needs of SY employers - only 1% stated that they believed school leavers and graduates are extremely well prepared for work (Qa Research), clearly evidencing that young people are perceived as unprepared for the world of work. JSA 25+: Benefit cyclists and long-term unemployed customers will particularly benefit from Recharge Activities that promote continuous momentum towards employment. They will also benefit from a comprehensive in-work support (MSL7,12). JSA Early Access: A fully personalised journey (MSL4) is important for this group to address the perception that support is aimed at others, particularly amongst those with the most complex barriers. A collaborative service (MSL9) is crucial for this group most likely to be accessing support to address their multiple needs. JSA ex-IB: Support to identify suitable job goals (MSL2) and a skills audit/targeted training (MSL6) and a choice of engagement method (MSL5) are important benefits for these customers who may not have participated in job-focused activity recently. ESA volunteers: Support to identify their capacity to work (e.g. suitable hours) (MSL3) will benefit this customer group who want support and reassurance about their ability to work. Online support (MSL5) allows customers to take ownership of the pace it has become like lifeline when I cant go out [an IB claimant]. ESA flow: Access to health support (MSL3) will benefit this customer group who may have a new/deteriorated health condition. ESA ex-IB: Our focus groups found that this customer group most value accessible provision (MSL1), a choice and flexibility in their services and often prefer informal, group sessions as a first contact (MSL 4/5). 31% of customers surveyed by CI Research, particularly IB claimants, wanted access to online employment support. IB/IS: Accessibility, support with health conditions/disabilities and personalised support will benefit this group (MSL1,3,4). A4e will promote our MSL pledge in each branch and through MyA4e online, marketing materials and 2 Community Managers. We will survey every customer at least once to form a Customer Satisfaction Rating and refine our service.





[5.1] Delivery Strategy Please describe in detail your delivery structure for all elements of the Work Programme provision across this CPA and explain why you consider your delivery strategy to be the best approach for customers in this CPA. You should clearly state how you intend to work with your sub-contractors and how you will ensure the needs of all your customers, including the hardest to help, are fully addressed from within your supply chain including voluntary sector organisations where appropriate. Please also complete:

Annex 2 to show the structure to be put in place within the supply chain to deliver the Work Programme provision in terms of overall percentage of delivery, specialism and geographical coverage; and Annex 3 (Sub-contractor Declaration) for your proposed sub-contractors as appropriate.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to three sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.1 A4es delivery strategy for all elements of provision across South Yorkshire A4es delivery strategy for South Yorkshire (SY) combines A4es experience and innovation, with a 55 strong supply chain of the best providers, including 28 from the voluntary and 4 from the public sector. This will give every customer in access to quality services, in line with A4es Total Person philosophy. A4e will support 61.5% of SY customers, our subcontractors 38.5%. Our strategy will meet the needs of all SY customers, including the hardest to help, through: 1. The best providers, in the right locations, through a combination of A4e direct delivery and 5 journey providers delivering in defined geographical areas 2. Specialist journey support for customers with specific or complex needs through 4 specialist journey providers 3. Holistic, joined-up services through 46 partners providing specialist support services on a flexible, as-needed basis. Our strategy is based on the needs of local customers and communities; identified through four years local delivery experience and 50,000 investment in engaging customers in WP service design. Key factors influencing our strategy are: Customer barriers: Inequalities across the 4 LAs the number of benefit claimants in Sheffield has doubled between 2008 and 2010. Health needs: 75% of IB claimants in Sheffield have been claiming for more than two years and there are more than 16,000 lone parents, high % in Doncaster (2.1%) and Barnsley (2.0%) Labour market conditions: Barnsley is forecasted as one of the worst LA areas to produce private sector jobs; isolated nature of economy in Doncaster, which is home to more than 70% of Sheffield City Regions 3+ year JSA claimants Geographic challenges: Concentrated areas of worklessness across Sheffield, 48% of all out-of-work benefit claimants concentrated in the 8 wards that make up the East and North East Community Assembly areas. Spatial divides in Barnsley include rural areas of Penistone West and East that have much lower unemployment rates than urban Park 1. The best providers in the right locations across SY Customers in SY will benefit from access to high quality end to end services provided by A4e and our nine local journey providers. Journey providers will deliver in a defined geographical area and have been selected based on their ability to best support customers from each of the seven groups, as follows: Selection criteria Benefit to customers Local delivery history Services that are responsive to the needs of local people and their community Strong performance working A provider that is able to support them to sustain with similar customers work in the shortest possible amount of time Existing infrastructure suitable Services close to home, in high quality facilities to the needs of WP customers and from suitably experienced staff High quality relationships with A seamless journey that connects WP with other local stakeholders support to reduce confusion and bureaucracy High quality relationships with Access to suitable, sustainable employment local employers opportunities in the local area Journey providers will work with all customers within the defined area (see map below), unless the customer is better supported through a specialist journey provider (see section 2 below). A list of office addresses and volumes is available at Annex 2. Providing Barnsley customers with high quality, effective services A4e currently deliver a diverse range of services in Barnsley, including FND, for which we are the top performing A4e cpa for job entry and 26 week sustained outcomes. We have a network of 150+ active employers and have local links with 60 voluntary community organisations, including Neighbourhood Learning Network, Barnsley Regeneration Trust and Barnsley Black Ethnic Minority Initiative (BBEM). We will look to build on investment

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.1 (continued) in continuing the family pilot in Athersley and New Lodge, currently being delivered by JCP and ending in March 2011, providing A4e advisors in the community working closely with partners such as Berneslai Homes & SY Police Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council: A leading worklessness council with Grade 1 Ofsted and access to multiple community venues., they have been delivering worklessness programmes for over 20 years, including Workstep, Jobzone and Future Jobs Fund. Over 5,000 customers supported per annum through current delivery. We are working closely with Barnsley MBC as a formal partner for a recent ERDF submission under Priority 3 Objective 4 Implementation of Community ICT Strategies This aims to develop a portal of digital information for Barnsley residents that will provide information & advice, including employability assistance & debt advice. Providing Sheffield customers with high quality, effective services A4e: As our flagship area, providing employment services since 1987, A4e are firmly established in this area, from the early days of supporting ex-steel workers with training needs and employment support. Since then our presence has grown substantially in this key delivery area, supporting the long-term unemployed through New Deal delivery, Programme Centre, and continuing with FND, JCPSC and NDDP. We deliver ESF contracts, including Job Solutions and Self Employment (target 45%, achieved 62%). Sheffield Works Consortium is a 3rd Sector SPV for WP supported by Sheffield City Council. With 26 premises across Sheffield including various One Stop Shops, Childrens Centres & Healthy Living Centres, have vital experience of working with in deprived neighbourhoods. Achieved all contractual targets on Future Jobs Fund / Community Outreach. JHP Training: Strong FND and ESF performance, currently with excellent skills offer. Through delivery of LSC / DWP programmes they have links with 25,000+ employers Providing Doncaster customers with high quality, effective services A4e as a current FND / NDDP / JCPSC provider with established offices in city centre, 3,000+ employer contacts, strong community networks. Support harder to help customers through Progress 2 Work. We also deliver the Finance Friends programme, funded by Success Doncaster, providing tailored support for business start-up - one customer went on to win the Princes Trust Young Achiever of the Year for Y&H. North Doncaster Development Trust: As a key partner of Doncaster Council, NDDT have 8 premises in Doncaster, supporting 2,500 customers per annum. Through their Jobmates contract they support 1,000+ customers per year, achieving 40% of customers back into work, with 50% sustaining employment for more than 6 months. Providing Rotherham customers with high quality, effective services A4e already have links into the South Yorkshire Work and Skills Board and are currently working with 26 private, public and 3rd sector organisations within our FND Phase 1 delivery. Rotherham NDDP works with a variety of organisations including Yorkshire Trust, Lifeline, Brighter Futures, The Terrace, NHS Health Information Centre JHP Currently deliver FND in SY, achieving 40% sustained jobs with 18-24 groups, 75% job outcomes with early entry offenders. Rotherham College of Arts and Technology: Have access to 29 delivery sites across Rotherham, located in community premises. Also have specialist facilities providing vocational tasters and support sector specific training, including in Construction, Engineering, and Childcare. Their dedicated Services to Business team 435 Apprentices into work in 2009/10. Adult Choices Programme, working with JCP and Connexions to provide re-engagement activities, achieved 81% job outcomes in 09/10. 2. Specialist support when and where it is needed Support for customers with a disability or health condition in South Yorkshire A4e has selected 4 specialist journey providers to ensure customers with more complex needs have access to the expert guidance necessary to sustain work.

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.1 (continued) Widespread health needs across SY; 1,720 ESA claimants in Sheffield, 3 rd highest in Y&H with all 4 sub-regions having higher than average IB claimants for mental illness, particularly in Barnsley (43.5% against UK average of 27.6%). Disability Works will support customers with learning disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities and serious mental illness in locations A4e directly delivers. The consortium of nine leading disability experts includes: Mencap, MIND, SCOPE etc who are established in SY delivering Workstep, Work Preparation, and IAPT Counselling. Support for ex-offenders in South Yorkshire There are 18,814 ex-offenders currently on caseloads of local probations services in SY. SOVA: will support ex-offenders across all 4 Las, providing pre and post release support and have strong relationships with employers (e.g. YMCA). Support for customers with severe or complex barriers in South Yorkshire A4e expects some of the 3,922 JSA Early Access customers p.a will need specialist help. This may include the 850 customers in SY that currently flow onto Progress2Work, or those with chaotic home lives (e.g. domestic violence). Turning Point will provide support in every location that A4e delivers. As a provider of FND interventions in Doncaster, A4e has a strong existing relationship with Turning Point Support for young people to become self employed in South Yorkshire A4e has entered into partnership with The Princes Trust to support young people into self-employment through their Enterprise Fellowship programme 3. Holistic, joined-up services on a flexible basis A4e staff will access a range of services to support customers to overcome barriers. Journey providers will also access their own supply chains of specialist support e.g. customers referred to Disability Works will have access to specialist health support from Mind and Action for Blind People. Below highlights just some of our 46 specialist support services, outlined fully in Annex 2. Health needs: IB claimants make up the largest group of economically inactive people claiming working age benefits in SY. Advanced Personnel Management (APM) will provide health assessments and condition management in all A4e direct delivery locations. Turning Point will provide Rightsteps service for those with poor mental health and substance misuse. BME customers at high risk of unemployment: SY has one of the highest employment gaps for ethnic minority customers in the UK at 18.3%. Berdale Centres Ltd will provide ESOL support for new immigrants and BAME groups across Sheffield and Rotherham. We will co-locate services with Dearne Valley College to provide easier accessibility to full range of services 16,110 lone parents are claiming benefits across SY: The highest percentages are in Doncaster (2.1%) and Barnsley (2.0%) (Nomis) Gingerbread will provide work placements and access to their parent helpline. SCOOP Aid Ltd will provide specialist Family Support and Barrier Removal across SY. Pockets of deprivation: 32% of people in Rotherham live in top 20% deprived areas, & Arbourthorne is in top 10% most deprived wards nationally A4e will partner with community organisations providing place-based solutions. e.g. the Big Life Company will deliver work experience and life support through their 5 social enterprises and 3 charities to the most excluded customers in Sheffield. Healthy Cross Community Project will provide mentoring support for customers in Rotherham. Poor skills: Sheffield is a divided city with residents in Hallam four more times likely to have degrees than those in Brightside. Doncaster West Development Trust provide Basic Skills support on an outreach basis across the borough, including in Consibrough. Employment & Training Links will provide Apprenticeship and NVQs from their three sites in Sheffield

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [5.2] Management Structure Please provide: a description of the proposed management structure and how the required management skills and expertise, including working with local stakeholders, have been identified and will be delivered. You should also include a description of associated responsibilities and reporting lines ; a description of how you will work with the management teams of any supply chain organisations and key delivery partners; and explain why your management structure is appropriate for the Work Programme within this CPA;

Please include an organisation chart (attach as Annex 4) showing the proposed management structure for the Work Programme for this CPA.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to three sides of A4. Note: Format requirement and page limit does not apply to the organisation chart(s) which you must insert as Annex 4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.2 A4e is introducing a new organisational structure to effectively respond to changes in its key business areas. The structure is designed to create a single team approach whilst empowering local teams to shape local services around customer needs. It is highly localised and diverse to create a rich customer journey in collaboration with stakeholders. The structure has two distinct elements: i. Local Service Delivery: Local teams comprising A4e and local partners. ii. Operational Support: Independent performance management and commissioning, including intelligence, practitioner support and innovation; and contract management, single account management for DWP and major employers. The rationale for our model is as follows: It directly supports the delivery of A4es Total Person model, where local teams deliver a full range of social inclusion services with local stakeholders, producing better outcomes and delivered in the most effective way for individual customers. Separation of service delivery and commissioning will ensure that there is a creative tension between local delivery teams and those holding the teams to account. There will be clear focus on identifying what works, best practice and improvement plans, utilising external and internal knowledge to inform service development and including the experience of our partners and local stakeholders to full effect. Consistently high performance will be driven by the management and development of both partners and A4es direct delivery on an equal basis. All delivery units will be accountable for their delivery of outcomes and performance on an equal basis. The structure has been designed to be highly cost effective and efficient through a combination of empowering local managers to make decisions rapidly and the sharing of support functions with other complementary A4e services. 1) A4es Proposed Management Structure: Structure chart enclosed in Annex 4 A4es management structure is fully scalable and is described based on A4e operating a minimum of 8 CPAs. Please note, the pricing proposal only costs for the management resources required for this CPA. All management functions will be put in place regardless of the number of CPAs A4e may be awarded, although the precise number of people will relate directly to the scale of business that will need to be managed. Key Roles & Responsibilities: Within SY, the management and leadership team below will ensure that we have the capacity and capability to deliver the WP. NB. Full role descriptions are in the Staff Role Descriptions in Annex 5. A number of roles are shared across CPAs therefore only a proportion has been costed in the Pricing Submission. Executive Director: Reports to the A4e CEO and Group Board, overall accountability for delivery of the DWP Work Programme. Line manages the 6 positions below. Customer Services Director: Manages A4es National Support Centres, the WPs central administrative support functions in Sheffield and London. Business Finance Director: Responsible for commercial management and financial performance, supported by Financial Controller and Finance Business Partners. Senior HR Business Partner: Oversees all WP people strategy and related issues including resourcing, recruitment, training and professional development. Regional Delivery Director: Reports to Executive Director, responsible for A4e operations in the Y&H region, including direct and subcontracted service delivery. Line manages Area Managers, Partnership Manager and Head of Regional Sales. This person will be required to have excellent regional and local knowledge and links with key stakeholders in Y&H to enable them to promote WP and ensure effective join up with other relevant initiatives and services. Business Solutions & Commissioning (BSC) Director: Ensures all services are delivered effectively, generates intelligence, identifies best practice and oversees business improvement, including performance and quality monitoring. Independent of the delivery function, the BSC Director will ensure that both directly and subcontracted services meet local needs and support the delivery teams in managing continuous

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.2 (continued) change and improvement. Manages Partnerships and Performance Directors. Director of National Accounts: Manages external interface with funders and employers. Manages DWP Account Director and Employer Account Director. Employer Account Director: Responsible for all employer-focused services and the engagement of employers at regional, national and local levels. Manages employer facing staff including Regional Employer Support staff and Central Vacancy Managers. Local Management Roles: The following roles will be dedicated to delivery in SY Area Manager: Responsible for A4es operational delivery in a defined geographical area, SY. Line manages resources shared by local teams and drives the development of complementary services that will be of benefit to WP customers and support the Total Person principle. This person will create rich and effective partnerships and have in depth local understanding so as to be able to ensure that WP is delivered in a way that is most effective in the local area. Major subcontractor partners will be required to nominate an equivalent manager for their areas of delivery with excellent local knowledge and understanding. Partnership Manager: Manages delivery and performance of subcontractor partners and will be focused on building relationships founded on continual development and improvement. Is the key A4e interface with supply chain partners. Head of Regional Sales: Responsible for creating new complementary services, focused on tacking poverty, in line with A4es Total Person approach. Local Business Manager: Leads local business units centred around natural places as defined by local councils or JCP district to ensure a natural fit with other initiatives: o Rotherham o Sheffield o Barnsley o Doncaster Business Managers will have detailed local knowledge in order to ensure local WP delivery is fully tailored to meet the needs of local customers and employers and be empowered to create the shape of business most effective for local customers. Community Manager: Responsible for ensuring A4es WP serves local communities effectively, eg ensuring we deliver from areas with the greatest need, creating new alliances with other local organisations and with key local stakeholders like local authorities and GP consortia on behalf of the whole delivery team. Occupational Health Coaches (OHC): An example of best practice transferred from A4es Australian operations, OHCs will support frontline staff working with customers facing significant barriers, including serious health barriers. Identification of required skills & expertise: All managers will be required to have proven management experience, the ability to make the quality of judgement needed to deliver output-based contracts/services and technical expertise appropriate to their role (full details in role profiles). A4e has identified and understands these skills and expertise requirements based on our experience of delivering large scale welfare services. As the largest UK welfare to work provider, A4e has invested in new skills to meet the demands of WP. Recent appointments who will transfer include: [REDACTED], National Partnership Director: [REDACTED]spent the last 20 years working with large multi nationals including Nike, MTV, C4 EA and Ford and social enterprises to create new partnerships and innovation in the UK and India. [REDACTED], Executive Director Welfare: Most recent role Managing Director of a division of Rok Plc. Previously held roles at Centrica, British American Tobacco and the Reliance Group. Background of international leadership and business improvement. [REDACTED], Business Finance Director, [REDACTED] joined A4e from Capita where [REDACTED] was the lead commercial manager on strategic PPP/PFI bids (ranging from 5m to 450m), operating complex pricing models and negotiating key commercial terms. Management Skills & Expertise from the Supply Chain: In addition to the management capacity offered directly by A4e, each of our main partners will contribute additional management skills, expertise and capacity. This includes but is not limited to:

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.2 (continued) Sheffield Works: Ian Drayton, Director, currently manages FJF and Sheffield Young Persons Consortium JHP: Vanessa Jackman, Operations Director for the North Barnsley MBC: Peter Schofield, Directorate for Children, Young People & Families, Community Learning Information Services 2) Working with management teams of supply chain partners A4es Partnership Manager will be responsible for developing a strong relationship with all supply chain partners, interfacing with partner management teams and driving performance on an ongoing basis. Our objective is for partners and local stakeholders to be an integral part of the A4e Work Programme operation in SY whilst retaining their identity and using their specialism and expertise to full effect. Performance Management of the Supply Chain: Every partner will receive regular performance reports, demand data and a monthly meeting with their Partnership Manager. In-depth performance and delivery reviews will be conducted every quarter to review standards, targets and identify best practice. A SY Strategic Partner Board, with representatives from all major end to end partners will meet every quarter to review joint performance and devise solutions to common delivery and performance challenges. Continuous Development Measures: A4e strives for supply chain relationships to be based around continual development and improvement. A4e will create a highly informed expert practitioner network across our delivery team to share what works and enable performance. The A4e Partnership Director will have responsibility for ensuring that our partners are supported to succeed. They will have responsibility for building capability (e.g staff training through A4es Practitioner Development Programme, access to the A4e Innovation Fund, performance improvement advice, Data Management and Security compliance, the support of our charity FSI for smaller partners) and sharing best practice including holding regular events to disseminate information on what works. 3) Why this structure is appropriate for Work Programme delivery in SY It combines A4es experience with the expertise of our partners, putting investment in a new type of skills and capacity required to deliver more complex and groundbreaking services like WP. It builds on skills and structures that have proved effective in other large scale, outcome-focused contracts, including FND and A4es Job Service Australia service - currently achieving 38% sustained job outcomes across all customer groups. We have added new capability around partner and stakeholder engagement and better knowledge management to reflect the new challenges of WP. A4es management structure takes account of the specific geographical challenges of SY, specifically allocating Local Business Managers to the 4 local authorities with an emphasis on cross-working and interaction across all areas It will also incorporate A4es established management expertise in SY from delivery of NDPC, FND, ESF & NDDP. Our strategy is to transition our existing managers to the new structure in order to retain local experience, knowledge, stakeholder networks Day 1. This will include Tony Mace, currently Regional Director, and our existing SY Regional Manager, who have 15 years of welfare to work management experience. Evidence: A4e effectively transitioned 10 local managers from ND to FND in Dec 2009. We have taken account of regional and local variations - no one WP CPA will look the same as another. We have local geography, local stakeholder structures, local performance drivers and have considered the best structure for our delivery strategy. It delivers cost efficiencies and more money to the front line by using shared support services (HR, IT, Audit). This enables local operations teams to focus on performance and draws on national specialists where needed.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [5.3] Management of Delivery Please clearly describe:

How you and your supply chain will manage and monitor the quality of delivery of the Work Programme to ensure that the whole provision within this CPA is of a consistently high standard and meets your minimum service levels; Your approach to performance improvement activities for your supply chain as a whole, outlining how you and your supply chain will act on the findings of any monitoring activity including the resolution of issues from within your own supply chain, partners or other bodies.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to three sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.3 1) Quality Strategy - Managing and monitoring the quality of WP delivery A4es approach to management of delivery is based on ensuring a high performing, high quality service environment which delivers significant sustained outcome performance through direct and subcontracted delivery. A4e has adopted the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence model to ensure the high quality delivery of all of our services, including the WP. As an overarching quality management framework, the EFQM coordinates the industry standards we have adopted, including Investors in People, the Matrix IAG standard, as well as A4es own quality management tool the Balanced Scorecard. A4es use of the EFQM is overseen by Group Assurance Director, Sarah Aston. It provides us with a comprehensive diagnostic tool for self-assessment, where we can grade our service against detailed criteria under nine headings. The overall score acts as a European benchmark and helps us identify areas for improvement. For WP, improvement activities will be owned by the Business Solutions & Commissioning Director. The application of EFQM will ensure that every WP customer, regardless of the organisation delivering their support, receives a high quality service that meets or exceeds our WP Minimum Service Levels. The key EFQM principles that underpin our approach are described below, along with a description of how they will support A4es management and monitoring of the quality of our WP service: i) Achieving balanced results WP Performance Management Framework: We are committed to planning and achieving a balanced set of results that meet the needs of our customers and the minimum service levels of the WP. A4es WP Performance Management Framework will be operated via a balanced scorecard approach used by all operational managers. This will ensure main KPIs linked to minimum service standards are being met e.g. referral times, minimum contact levels. It will assist us to manage our WP service by giving consideration to the following critical areas: 1. Customer Perspective - Are we meeting our customers needs and expectations? 2. Financial Perspective - Are we achieving outcomes required? 3. Internal Perspective - Which processes must we improve to maintain excellence? 4. Development Perspective - How well are we developing our service for the future, continually improving our offer? ii) Ensuring we meet Customer needs on an ongoing basis: A4e has engaged customers in the design of its WP service, through focus groups, individual interviews and online feedback mechanisms. During delivery, we will continue to monitor and manage the quality of our service from customers perspectives through A4es Service Excellence Programme (fully detailed in 5.6) which includes comprehensive customer Complaints, Compliments and Feedback mechanisms and co-production groups. iii) Leading with Vision, Inspiration and Integrity: The quality of our WP service will be driven by our leaders and managers. A4es mission, vision and culture of Improving Peoples Lives created by the senior leadership permeates throughout A4e and our supply chain. There is constant two way communication between staff and senior managers through weekly management bulletins and online staff feedback forums. For partners, quarterly partner forums are used to share information and an annual awards event for the entire supply chain. A4e staff that deliver outstanding services are recognised through a Superstars reward scheme and whole company events enable the sharing of our Mission and Vision. iv) Ensuring Quality through Process: A4e is managed through structured and strategically aligned processes using fact-based decision making to create balanced and sustained results. We are developing a series of Standard Operating Procedures for our WP model specifically to ensure that every single customer receives a high quality service and that all delivery meets minimum service levels. These will consist of Red Rules & Green Guidelines. All Red Rules will be mandatory and must be followed by all delivery staff, including subcontractors. Green Guidelines will be optional and will support

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.3 (continued) quality within delivery through the ability to be flexible and responsive. A4e is also currently embedding a new Business Process Management Framework in preparation for the WP and to support future growth in general. This framework consists of a series of standard business processes that will be rolled out across our entire delivery and that reflect contractual, legislative and industry standard requirements. As with the SOPs above, the Red Rules & Green Guidance principle is reflected within the Business Process Management Framework, giving local teams and our partners the freedom to innovate and localise services whilst ensuring that minimum service levels and requirements are met. The Framework enables the oversight to assure the Board and DWP of our delivery against contractual, legislative and industry standard compliance. v) Quality through People: A4es organisational structure is geared to ensuring the delivery of a service that is consistently high in quality for every customer, across large geographical areas. The separation of delivery and commissioning functions will ensure that frontline staff are focused solely on current customers needs and there is creative tension between performance and delivery teams. Investment in expertise in the Business Solutions & Commissioning (BSC) function will drive quality through ongoing monitoring and iteration of our WP service to improve our delivery. A number of staff-focused processes directly support quality monitoring and quality assurance. These are: Performance management and professional development (led by HR): Including a practitioner development programme, staff appraisal systems, management against KPIs, core training. All staff will have access to Continuous Professional Development Internal Communications and Dialogue: Including the communication of revised processes and innovative best practice sharing mechanisms (e.g. online forums) Monitoring by delivery managers: Part of managers roles (in WP, Area Managers and Local Business Managers) is to monitor and check that key systems are being followed on an ongoing basis. A sample is then checked by BSC staff. vi) Building effective Partnerships: We are committed to seeking, developing and maintaining trusted relationships with partners to ensure mutual success. A4es approaches to supply chain design, selection and performance management are benchmarked against the Merlin Standard. Our Partnerships Director will have overall responsibility for management and monitoring of partner delivery working in conjunction with regionally-based Partnership Managers who monitor the quality of subcontractor delivery on an ongoing basis and will help partners to develop and improve by sharing information openly and supporting organisations to build new capacity and skill. Evidence of our supply chain meeting recognised quality standards is detailed below: A4e Matrix Standard, Investors in People, Merlin assessed Barnsley MBC Matrix Standard, ISO 2000 JHP SQMS, Matrix Standard, ISO 9001:2008, Investors in People Sheffield Works Investors in People NDDT Investors in People, Customer First 2) Performance Management Strategy - Monitoring and Improvement Activities Our WP service and organisational design will drive the continuous improvement of performance. The rationale for this is twofold: firstly to support the achievement of WP performance targets as they increase inline with economic recovery; and secondly for commercial reasons, to drive the operation towards achieving DWP performance incentive payments. Our Performance Management Strategy consists of the following: i) Ongoing support: We will drive delivery to the highest performance standards through supportive management of both direct and subcontracted delivery. All A4e partners will be advised by their Partnership Manager on an ongoing basis. They will identify performance issues as early as possible rapidly responding with remedial action. A4e Area Managers will work with Local Business Managers, tracking performance and enacting early remedial action as required. The A4e Regional Delivery Director will hold formal monthly

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.3 (continued) performance reviews with A4e Area Managers and partner managers. ii) Performance Monitoring & Insight: A4es Performance Director will lead a team of analysts responsible for central monitoring of contractual performance. They will provide every internal and external delivery unit with regular performance reports irrespective of performance. Performance data will be shared openly across the whole supply chain, to encourage a proactive and competitive response to improvement. Demand data will also be provided to every deliverer to inform future performance. iii) Performance Management and Monitoring via technology: A4es new enhanced web-enabled MI platform will allow real-time monitoring and reporting of WP performance across the supply chain. All end-to-end WP deliverers will be able to access a full range of reporting facilities and analysis tools on line so that performance trends can be monitored constantly. This tool will allow data to be analysed with optimum flexibility, by office, adviser or customer type. The impact of one-off specialist services on performance will also be trackable and will drive further investment in the most effective services. iv) Continuous improvement and service iteration: A4es BSC Director will be responsible for devising and rolling-out measures to improve WP performance. They will work with A4e and subcontractor delivery staff to put in place new approaches to continuously improve performance or measures to directly address underperformance. A key part of this will be the constant analysis of what works and what services are most effective on moving people into sustained work. They will work directly with customers, listening to views on what works and designing new solutions as local delivery evolves. The team has change specialists to support the implementation of improvement plans. v) Acting on findings of performance monitoring: A4es BSC Team will be responsible for working with operational managers (either A4e or partner) to act on issues identified through internal and external monitoring. This enables Delivery Teams to focus solely on serving our customers on the front line. This will include: Performance Transition Plans (PTPs): Devised and enacted when performance deviates from agreed levels. Plans will be developed by the Local Business Manager in conjunction with the Change Team and signed off by A4es Performance Director, the A4e Regional Delivery Director and if with an external deliverer, the senior manager responsible. PTPs will consist of a full analysis of the reasons for underperformance, followed by an agreed set of milestones and short term targets e.g. additional resources, supplementary staff training or partner coaching. Where underperformance continues, this will result in advisory or disciplinary action for A4e staff or for subcontractors steps to exit them from the supply chain in line with DWPs Code of Conduct. Evidence of Effectiveness: Seetec, FND subcontractor for SYD, were performing poorly in Dec 2010. A4e provided training and shared best practice, and they are now the second highest performing partner for A4e on FND across all five CPAs. Sharing of best practice & jointly creating solutions: A4es BSC Team will host best practice sessions to develop new ideas to improve WP. These will focus on areas identified to be weak across the whole of delivery. Partner staff will be invited to attend with A4e delivery teams. In addition, A4es Strategic Partner Group, chaired by A4es Partnership Director will be used to gain insight into performance issues purely from a partners perspective, whilst giving the supply chain greater ownership of solutions. Evidence of Effectiveness: A SY NDDP customer forum was carried out in Oct10. Customers felt they wanted more training support. A trainer now works across all offices supporting personal development, CVs, interview technique, motivation and confidence. vii) Resolution of Unresolved Issues: A4e has a formal Dispute Resolution Procedure to address any issues that are unresolved. This applies to our supply chain partners and any other external organisations. This 3 stage escalation process includes appointment of a project neutral and ultimately external mediation if an issue it still unresolved.


Provide details of the key delivery locations and explain how you and your supply chain will achieve full geographical coverage of provision for the delivery of the Work Programme within this CPA; and Detail what you have taken into account in terms of the needs of the customer groups in determining this approach.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to four sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.4 South Yorkshire delivery strategy: meeting the needs of local customers A4es proposal is based on accessible, welcoming service centres. These will be available for clients to use outside core business hours. A4e sites will be community hubs for local services, Work Clubs and our civic society partners. They will have the capacity to allow co-location of other services under ERSS and other support. A4e and its supply chain will offer all customers in South Yorkshire (SY) access to high quality, locally relevant services through: full geographical coverage through 55 fixed premises and 43 outreach locations innovative multi-channel access including online, phone and in-home support high quality premises with consistent branding and facilities co-location with complementary services to promote holistic, joined-up delivery in line with A4es Total Person model delivery from infrastructure embedded in the local economy business districts, high streets, in close proximity to sources of job opportunities directly in support of our Job First principle. A4es strategy will evolve in response to changing needs. To ensure smooth implementation A4e and its partners will use existing infrastructure, where possible. Key delivery locations providing full geographical coverage across SY 1. Barnsley: A4e, Barnsley MBC 2. Doncaster: A4e, NDDT 3. Rotherham: A4e, JHP, Rotherham College of Arts 4. Sheffield: A4e, Sheffield Works, JHP

As outlined in the map above, A4e and its 5 end-to-end sub-contractors will provide full geographical coverage across South Yorkshire (SY) through a combination of: 1. 55 fixed premises in areas with the highest claimant concentrations and easily accessible by public transport 2. 43 outreach locations to reach the most deprived communities and key customer groups, such as people with disabilities, youth, BAME and lone parents. Our key delivery locations are outlined in the map below. Please refer to Annex 2 for full details of each providers delivery locations, addresses and volumes. 1. Fixed Premises: providing full geographical coverage of South Yorkshire A4e and our sub-contractors will operate from 55 high quality, fixed premises in SY, open flexibly to meet the needs of local customers (e.g. outside of business hours). Providing full coverage in Barnsley A4e will deliver to 70% of Barnsley customers from fixed premises, located a 10 minute walk to Barnsley Interchange (Bus & Rail) on Eldon Street. This will service the key wards of Cudworth, Darfield, Darton, Dearne, Dodworth, Hoyland Nether, Penistone, Royston, Wombwell and Worsborough. Our subcontractor, Barnsley MBC will deliver to 30% of customers in Barnsley. They have 10 established Learning Centres in the most deprived areas of the borough,

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.4 (continued) including Grimethorpe, Cudworth, Athersley and Worsbrough. These centres have been delivering Worklessness Programmes for the most deprived communities offering individuals education, training and employment opportunities, including the long term unemployed and IB claimants. Childcare facilities are also available at most of the Centres, and all Centres easily accessible from local transport interchanges Providing full coverage in Sheffield A4e will deliver to 70% of SY customers from 2 fixed premises in Sheffield, located in the city centre for easy access by bus, train or tram. Both of these centres are 0.5 miles from Sheffield rail station and bus interchange, close to major bus routes on Queen Street, High Street and Pinstone Street. SWC, a third sector Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) consisting of SOAR, ZEST, Bridge Employment, Broomhall Forum, Burngreave Opportunities, CfFE, Compass, Darnall Forum, Manor and Castle Development Trust, Northern Refugee Centre, Scoop Aid, Voluntary Action Sheffield will deliver to 10% of Sheffield customers, with access to 19 community premises in Sheffield, utilising established links with local organisations in key wards across Sheffield e.g. Broomhall Forum, Heeley City Farm, and SOAR premises covering Southey and Firth Park JHP will deliver to 20% of customers in Sheffield, from their fixed premises in the city centre. This is located in central Sheffield, within 1 mile from train station and good bus & tram routes, with access to 4 large training rooms, and IT suite with 25 computers Providing full coverage in Doncaster A4e will deliver to 70% of customers in Doncaster from our fixed premises in the centre. These premises are located 0.3 miles from Doncaster rail station, and next to Princes St bus stop, providing access to major bus routes. NDDT will deliver to 30% of SY customers, utilising 7 premises across Doncaster. This includes targeted delivery in key wards such as Thorne, Mexborough, Intake and Rossington. Each delivery office is no more than 10 mins walk from local bus and train routes. Providing full coverage in Rotherham A4e will deliver to 70% of Rotherham customers from fixed premises in Rotherham city centre. These premises are located 0.4 miles from Rotherham Central rail station, 0.4 miles from Rotherham Interchange, providing access to all major bus routes JHP will deliver to 20% of customers in Rotherham from established premises within the Unity Centre, a recognised and well-used community centre in the heart of Rotherham. This is located in central Rotherham, within 1 mile from train station and good bus routes. Rotherham College of Arts will deliver to 10% of customers in Rotherham, from 4 fixed premises within the area. This includes the town centre campus, which provides access to 216 rooms, and 1 office has on-site accredited childcare facilities. All premises are located within 2 mins walk from local bus routes 2. Outreach: reaching the most deprived communities and customers In addition to the network of delivery sites detailed above, A4e and its supply chain will utilise our established network of community delivery locations on a flexible basis, in areas of high levels of worklessness and poor travel connections. All staff will be mobile, equipped to offer innovative, high quality training solutions closer to our customers, particularly in hot spots of rising unemployment and poor travel. This includes venues in: Barnsley: e.g. Goldthorpe Library, Wath Upon Dearne Library, Wombwell Library, Mexborough Library, Hoyland Community Centre, Enterprise Business Centre Goldthorpe, Dearne Valley Venture Sheffield: e.g. Nomad, Sheffield Occupational Health Advisory Service (SOHAS), Pain Management Solutions, Highfield Library, Kickstart Community Programmes Ltd, Sacred Heart School Doncaster: e.g. Willow, Hexthorpe, Mallard, Kingfisher Primary Schools, Kirk Sandall,

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.4 (continued) Armthorpe Rotherham: e.g. Dinnington, Thurcroft Welfare Community Hall, Kiveton Park Youth and Community Centre, Edward Dunn Memorial Hall. How our approach addresses customer needs in South Yorkshire A4es delivery strategy is driven by what local customers value most. A4e and its subcontractors have helped 100,000+ customers in SY since 1987, building an in-depth understanding of local needs. A4e has also invested in analysis including: customer feedback from local delivery and quarterly customer Focus Groups partnership with Experian to analyse customer need and labour market demand independent market research and focus groups by CI Research and The Buzzz stakeholder consultation including meetings with 4 local authorities, 2 Local Enterprise Partnerships, JCPs, and key community organisations (e.g. ZEST, SOAR, NDDT, Barnsley Development Agency). A4e has used this to identify local customer needs to inform our delivery strategy: All customer groups Located close to JCP, town centres and complementary services (e.g. child care) Access by public transport, including customers in rural areas or mobility barriers Access in the most deprived communities (e.g. Manor Top, Burngreave, ) to address poor service engagement (e.g. appointment attendance) Free internet access to allow for job search activity Access to support outside of standard business hours Customers with health needs (ESA, JSA (Ex-IB), and JSA with a health need) Step-free access to avoid the unnecessary use of stairs Quiet break out areas to allow for private management of health conditions Sensory aids such as hearing loops and Braille for those with sensory impairment Private interview rooms to comfortably discuss health needs JSA 18-24 Relaxed office environments and drop-in facilities Access to online support to allow for more flexibility JSA early access Access to private interview rooms so they can comfortably discuss their needs Relaxed office environments that are less intimidating for those who may have had negative experiences of authority (e.g. ex-offenders, homeless, refugees) Black and minority ethnicity customers Appropriate language signage to ensure language barriers are overcome Non denominational prayer rooms for those with religious commitments Meeting customer needs in South Yorkshire Our SY delivery locations strategy responds to the needs of all customers through: 1. Full geographical coverage A4e and its sub-contractors have selected offices and outreach locations to maximise customer engagement across SY. Our delivery is located in: Areas with the highest concentrations of claimants, e.g. we have an office in every major city centre in SY. Areas with high levels of deprivation e.g. use of local community locations in Manor, Firth Park and Mexborough to ensure rapid access for newly unemployed customers Areas such as Dinnington, Maltby and Thorne have limited public transport or are >1 hour journey to the city centre Areas with significant numbers of hard to reach customers including those with mobility issues, youth and BAME communities. e.g. high proportion of BME communities in Broomhall and Burngreave 2. Co-location with complementary services

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.4 (continued) A4e is committed to creating service hubs across SY that allow customers to access a range of complementary services in one location. A4e will achieve this by: Making additional space permanently available to complementary services, e.g. Disability Works and Turning Point will co-locate with A4e across the region Making additional space available to service providers on a flexible basis, e.g. Employment & Training Links will deliver pre-employment training from A4e training facilities in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. We will work in true partnership with Barnsley MBC to ensure both A4e and Barnsley MBC WP services are embedded across all available infrastructure Using space in existing service hubs, e.g. the Sure Start Centre at Firth Park, colocating with family support services and healthy lifestyle classes Offers from LA prospectuses all 4 Las have offered accommodation support from their existing centres and community based facilities Co-location with local JCP offices on a flexible basis, e.g. staff in SY attend JCP offices on a weekly basis, including hosting an A4e referral desk and Back to Work sessions. A4es approach to co-location: We are committed to developing a Total Person Centre in partnership with Sheffield City Council. Customers will be able to access core A4e support alongside specialist support services all under one roof. We will invite our 3rd sector consortium partner, Sheffield Works (endorsed and supported by Sheff Council) to co-locate from these premises. A4e has plans for similar arrangements across SY and our goal is to evolve this strategy throughout the WP contract. 3. High quality facilities in every delivery location in South Yorkshire A4e and sub-contractor facilities will provide all customers with a professional but welcoming environment. Offices in SY will: Be accessible by public transport Be DDA-compliant and have wheelchair access, usually via step-free access Have signage in locally appropriate languages, e.g. Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Sindi and Polish. We already produce marketing material in Urdu and Sindi for our BME customers on NDDP in SY. Offer private facilities for prayer and to manage health conditions Provide PCs with internet access and training facilities Have at least one private interview room to support open disclosure Have a break-out area providing free tea and coffee and somewhere to relax Added value: all A4e offices in SY will have confidential rooms with telephones allow private access to our Community Legal Advice service, a hotline providing independent legal advice on a range of issues including debt, housing and benefits. Offices will be tailored to the needs of the community, e.g. our Sheffield office offers separate office space that can be used by Muslim women for private meetings. 4. Innovative, multi-channel access A4e and our sub-contractors offer all customers in SY the opportunity to engage with services through a range of innovative access points. This includes: Personalised guidance and support online through MyA4e. This website is a finalist in the Chartered Institute of Marketings most innovative website award. National Support Centre available from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday. Mobile service delivery, e.g. Renovo will provide distance-based training services for customers in SY, providing interactive services that can be accessed from customers own computer at home.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [5.5] Volume Fluctuations and Customer Group Changes Describe how you and your Supply Chain will maintain service delivery in the event of fluctuations in numbers of customers and changes to the customer groups referred including potential alterations resulting from changes to the welfare regime referred to you (see Future Services Schedule). Your response should include the following: How you will maintain minimum performance levels; How you will manage expanding/contracting business as a result of Market Shift or economic factors without an adverse effect on service delivery.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two side of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.5 A4e has over 20 years experience of managing and delivering employment services in ever changing delivery environments. We have developed an in-depth understanding of how to manage significant volume fluctuations and customer group changes due to legislative, economic and social factors whilst focusing on performance and service standards. Our approach is based on investment in forecasting whilst ensuring a high degree of flexibility across our delivery infrastructure and supply chain so that we have the ability to respond to change. Through our Total Person delivery strategy our services will be both better integrated with local partners and supported by complementary funding streams creating better overall resilience to change in volume and demand patterns. Evidence: A4e improved its FND referral to start rate to 86% from September 2009 to January 2010, despite a 76% increase in customers to 24,006. Insight - investment in forecasting and analysis to aid WP delivery planning A key part of our management strategy is our investment in the best possible insight into all factors that affect our delivery and performance. This insight, combined with our existing understanding of welfare to work delivery puts A4e in a unique position to respond effectively to short and medium term change. Forecasting of demand, performance and WP delivery conditions will be the overall responsibility of the A4e Performance Director supported by new Business Analysts, part of our Management Information Team. This team will be responsible for understanding service effectiveness, monitoring external operating conditions, making ongoing forecasts. A4e and partner staff will then flex WP delivery infrastructure ready to respond. Local Insight: At a local level, Area Managers and Local Business Managers will have a responsibility to report on local factors that influence volumes and customer composition, e.g mass redundancies. They will engage with JCP and local stakeholders to understand and respond to local factors. Community Managers will be embedded to understand local changes at a community level. Through our Community Boards we will develop joint plans with stakeholders that utilise the resources of all organisations to mitigate the impact. External Forecasting: We have invested in external forecasting services to predict increases or decreases in WP customer volumes to supplement DWP data. This includes services from Experian, Oxford Economic Forecasting and industry specialists, CESI. Forecasting reports will be shared with subcontractors, DWP, JCP and local stakeholders. Experian Partnership: Experian will provide detailed forecasting data on local demography, customer composition, skills/job/ local business trends. Experian will integrate this data with intelligence generated by A4e and its partners to produce meaningful reports to inform demand planning. The data will also aid us to precisely target skills development and recruitment services at sustainable jobs, employers and industries and will be openly shared with partners and stakeholders to enable the best response. 1) Maintaining minimum performance levels in the event of fluctuating volumes Future demand patterns will be considered in monthly meetings held by the Performance Director in every CPA and will be attended by A4e Regional Delivery Directors, Area Managers and partner equivalents. They will include a discussion of any variations in profiled volumes and the resulting impact on performance and revenue. Our partnerships with suppliers and stakeholders will be structured to enable strong collaborations in the event of change, using premises and people flexibly, and creating joint investment plans This will enable A4e and supply chain partners to plan how to flex resources to maintain service delivery and performance levels. They will use the following approaches: Premises flexibility: Using temporary premises, increased use of community or outreach locations, co-location with local authorities, such as Barnsley and Rotherham councils and Jobcentre Plus where practical, and the flexing of opening hours. For prolonged peaks or troughs, we may secure permanent smaller or larger premises in the same area. Staffing Levels: Frontline staff roles have optimal caseloads that can be decreased or increased by 10% that will enable us to cater for short-term fluctuations. For medium

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.5 (continued) term increases, A4e staff may be seconded to partners and vice versa. For long term peaks, additional staff will be sourced through an ongoing recruitment process (eg. If volumes drop, surplus staff will be redeployed to other offices or contracts or numbers lowered through natural wastage. A4e will not take unconsidered responses to staffing if volumes dip e.g. immediately putting staff at risk of redundancy. Our forecasting approach will enable us to take a longer term view. Specialist Support Services: Additional specialist support supplied by call off partners (e.g. vocational training, barrier-breaking activities) will be sourced by the central Interventions Manager in conjunction with local Business Managers. Flexibility within the Supply Chain: A4e Partnership Managers working closely with WP subcontractors to ensure they are prepared for fluctuations and are able to enact the strategies above. In the event that a subcontractor is unable to increase their capacity in response to a rise in volumes we will either support them with capacity building through the FSI or source an additional subcontractor from the approved A4e supplier list which consists of 56 pre-vetted partners in Y&H. 2) Maintaining min. performance levels during changes to the welfare regime A4e understands that the WP customer group will change over the life of the contract. The exact composition of customers we support will be influenced by a number of factors including the introduction of Universal Credit which we expect will increase volumes and performance,, other services procured through the ERSS Framework (e.g. Mandatory Work Activity and MoJ programmes) as well as the rate of economic recovery and the propensity for individuals to re-enter the labour market through their own efforts. The impact of these factors on WP will be modelled and analysed by A4es Business Analysts and responded to using the methods detailed above. Our DWP Account Director, [REDACTED] and Welfare Director, [REDACTED] will be responsible for maintaining awareness of changes in the welfare arena and feeding these through to WP Managers. Evidence: A4e is experienced at managing services and maintaining performance during welfare regime changes. As a provider of Pathways in 4 regions, A4e delivered through the switch from Incapacity Benefit to the new Employment & Support Allowance in Oct 08. We responded to the challenge of significantly lower volumes of mandatory customers than forecast through a proactive campaign to engage volunteers and boost performance. Approach to changing composition of the customer group: A4es WP proposals are adaptable to changes in the make-up and needs of the customer group. Specifically, all frontline advisors will be trained in core support skills that will equip them to support customers of any background. In optimum delivery, customers will be matched to one of our 3 types of Advisor (Skills, Access & Outlook and Capacity & Resilience). If forecasting indicates the need for a particular type of advisor, e.g. a peak in ESA customers, likely to be facing significant barriers, additional training will be provided. All main subcontractors have been required to demonstrate similar flexibility in their staffing proposals. 3) Market Shift Reviews or economic factors: We have modelled for possible changes in the composition of customers and increases or decreases in volumes. This may be as a result of Market Shift Reviews or economic factors, including volatility in volumes as a result of a double dip recession. We have assessed our financial resilience and the potential resources required to maintain service delivery and minimum performance levels if these events occur. We will continue this forecasting during delivery to gain insight into potential future delivery challenges. We will use WP performance tables and our own performance data to identify and prepare for potential increases or decreases in market share. This will be completed three months before each Market Shift Review to inform planning and advise subcontractors. As part of our contingency planning we have assessed the impact of 10 and 20 % market shifts on our strategy, testing that our staffing, premises and supply chain are resilient enough to withstand these fluctuations.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [5.6] Managing the Customer Experience Please describe:

How you will evaluate and monitor the quality of the Work Programme provision to ensure that it meets the needs of individual customers; What procedures will be in place for handling complaints as well as feedback from customers of their experiences on the programme; and how you will act on any findings.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.6 A4e has drawn on 20 years experience supporting over one million customers to develop a WP service that is totally responsive to the needs of individuals. Our ultimate goal is for every customer to have a high quality experience tailored to meet their specific requirements. To achieve this over the lifetime of the contract, our WP service will constantly be revised, improved and iterated to meet the changing needs of individual customers. This is a key principle of A4es WP Performance Management Framework, as detailed in our response to 5.3. A number of highly effective quality assurance systems, described below, are central to our approach. Evidence of commitment: A4e has signed the ERSA Customer Charter, Our Shared Promise on Customer Care a critical part of which is Listen to customers and provide support based on each customers circumstances and needs. 1. Quality evaluation & monitoring A4e Service Excellence Programme A4es Service Excellence Programme is an umbrella term for the evaluation and monitoring approaches we will apply to WP, both directly and via partners. These include: 360 Degree Feedback: We will seek regular, ongoing feedback from customers, employers, stakeholders and our delivery staff. Every WP customer will be asked to provide formal feedback at key points in their journey including after their first appointment, on job entry. They will be asked as part of their initial assessment if they would like to feedback online or by a phone interview made by an A4e Customer Services Advisor. Results will be analysed at Advisor, branch, regional and national level to calculate a branch Customer Satisfaction Rating, publicised to stakeholders and monitored as part of A4es WP Performance Management Framework. Evidence: A4e has piloted this 360 feedback approach, including online surveying of customers, with 1,094 Pathways and Independent Living customers plus a number of employer customers. Through this we have refined survey content and developed a scalable evaluation methodology for Work Programme. Focus Groups & Co-Production Sessions: A4es Business Solutions & Commissioning Team will host ongoing focus groups and co-production sessions with small groups of customers to gain direct feedback on the quality of our WP service. This will include groups of customers based on the 8 WP customer groups to ensure that our service is responding effectively to the needs of each cohort. Sessions will be held away from WP premises and local delivery staff will not be present to encourage open, honest feedback. Evidence: As part of our WP design work, we commissioned a number of research consultancies to host independent, impartial co-production sessions with WP customer groups and get suggestions on how current services could be improved. A group of IB customers said they wanted support to be available outside of business hours. In response we are offering WP customers access to telephone support from 8am-8pm. Customer Impact Analysis: The benefit and impact of every element support we invest in on behalf of our customers will be monitored and evaluated. Our MI system will track the number of customers who enter & sustain work after participating in each element of support. This data will be combined with feedback ratings to provide a Customer Impact Rating that will be used to identify where quality improvement action is required. This may include capacity building for partners, or where improvements are not made, replacement. External Expertise: A4e is working in partnership with Substance, a research company to develop our Customer Impact Rating approach. Substance specialise in developing technology systems to evaluate and monitor the impact of socially focused services. Quality monitoring: We will operate an ongoing programme of case reviews, peer reviews and spot checks of key documents such as Action Plans by staff from the Business Solutions Team and nominated practice leads for customer groups. Individual customer case reviews will occur when the customer has not progressed in the last month or after three, six or nine months depending on the customers specific needs. 2. Driving service improvement- customer complaints, compliments & feedback Feedback will be gathered from customers on an ongoing basis by local delivery staff, as

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 5.6 (continued) well as independently as part of 360 feedback. This will be through the following methods: Progress Reviews: Feedback from the customer will be requested and recorded at each monthly Review by their individual Adviser. Customer feedback forums: Every WP office in SY will hold quarterly feedback forums for customers. Particular topics may be selected for discussion. Local Business Managers will be required to feedback findings and improvement activities to the BSC Team. Evidence: Customer feedback from a Sheffield forum identified the difficulty for some BME customers to attend WFIs with A4e due to prayer time. Within a week, A4e amended the weekly schedule for all customers affected. Listening Posts: There will be a Listening Post at each WP centre and online function for customer comments. We will respond to each comment and will also use this to solicit feedback on hot topics and co-produce solutions with customers. Minimum Service Levels: We will ask every customer to comment on whether or not they think we have delivered our MSLs and display the results online and in centre. Complaints Procedure: A4e and all subcontractors have complaints processes already in place that will be used for WP. Customers will be made aware of these at the outset of their programme. Customers receiving provision from A4es partners will also be made aware of how to complain directly to A4e as Prime Contractor. At first contact all customers will be advised of complaints, compliments and feedback processes. They will be advised that all complaints should be directed to the Local Business Manager and that there is an Independent Case Examiner (ICE) mediation process if they feel their complaint is not responded to appropriately. Feedback processes will be provided in writing and displayed in offices. Complaints to A4e will be handled as follows: 1. The A4e Customer Services team will log the complaint, send a letter acknowledging receipt of the complaint and notify the Local Business Manager (LBM) within 24 hours. 2. The BM will contact the customer within 48 hours to attempt to resolve the complaint. BMs will receive training to help resolve complaints and avoid escalation. 3. Unresolved or complaints received directly by the Customer Service team will be fasttracked to the Area Manager to instigate a formal review. 4. Regional Delivery Director will review the case if customer is unhappy with outcome. 5. Either party can evoke the ICE mediation and appeals process. 6. A4e will fully support formal ICE investigation if a resolution is not reached. A4e and its subcontractors aim to resolve 90 percent of complaints within 7days. 3. Acting on findings continuous improvement of our service Local Business Managers will have responsibility for responding to local trends and specific customer feedback. Daily flash meetings in every centre will be focused solely on improving a single aspect of the customer experience. All local Listening Post comments will be responded to in writing and displayed in centre. A4es Business Solutions & Commissioning Team will have overall responsibility for ensuring that our WP service is revised and adapted in response to findings. It includes a dedicated Change and Implementation Team to efficiently roll out service improvements across A4e and the supply chain, leaving local managers to focus on service delivery. Findings from all quality monitoring, evaluation and feedback activity will be monitored by a Customer Journey Manager who will have the specific responsibility for the continuous improvement of our services. The team will analyse trends, identify emerging needs and highlight opportunities to enhance our service and more effectively meet the needs of individual customers. Where they identify specific issues such as process failures or staff skills deficits they will work with the Change Team and/or functional specialist such as the HR Team to devise and enact remedial action.





[6.1] Staff Resources Staffing Numbers, Job Titles and Roles Please provide: Details of the number of staff, shown as full time equivalents, you and your supply chain propose to employ to manage and deliver the Work Programme for this CPA. You should include a description of why you consider this staffing level is appropriate for this CPA at contract start date, together with details as to how you will manage the staffing levels as customer volumes rise and fall over the lifetime of the contract. This should include a description in detail of the number of staff to be drawn from current resources, those to be recruited by both your organisation and any supply chain organisations involved. Please provide details of how you have identified the skills required by staff in your organisation, and that of any sub-contractors, to deliver the service you have proposed at Section 4. You should describe how you propose to acquire staff with these skills or provide the appropriate training to ensure that these skills are available to commence delivery of the service on the date you have proposed. A resource plan should be provided (attach as Annex 5) showing how staffing, by full time equivalent and job title/role, will be allocated across this CPA and a description of the job roles of staff shown in Annex 5.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to five sides of A4. Note: Format requirement and page limit does not apply to the resource plan which you must insert as Annex 5.




RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [6.2] Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) Please refer to the Provision Specification and Supporting Information before completing the following TUPE questions. [6.2a] TUPE Managing the Transfer Please detail your plans and those of any Sub-contractors for managing TUPE transfers which will/may result from this Work Programme contract. Your response should include: measures you propose to take under Regulation 13 of the TUPE regulations, (including any proposals to seek agreement to change terms and conditions of employment or any redundancies for organisational, technical or economic reasons over the life of the Contract), to enable you to meet their statutory requirements; how you propose to communicate with transferring staff prior and immediately after the transfer date; an outline of your plan of activity to transfer in staff; how you propose to work with existing employers to ensure a smooth transfer of staff; and details of how you plan to ensure that any Sub-contractors will fulfil the requirements of TUPE Regulations and any relevant Codes and Statements of Practice.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 6.2a A4e has a strong track record in managing large, complex, multi-organisation TUPE transfers. To date we have overseen the transfer of over 1,200 staff into and 640 out of A4e or our partners. We have worked with a diverse range of organisations including local authorities and FE Colleges as well as fellow welfare to work providers from all sectors. We comply with the letter & spirit of DWPs Code of Conduct to ensure fair distribution of TUPE staff between A4e and subcontractors. On a number of occasions we have successfully managed staff transfers directly to A4e and throughout our supply chain. Evidence: In Oct 09 A4e was awarded 6 JCPS contracts, successfully TUPE transferring 78 people from 8 incumbents, 38 into A4e and 40 into our subcontractor partners. A CPAwide collaborative ensured all new staff were in place for go live from Day 1. A4e will appoint an overall TUPE Lead, a retained TUPE specialist who will work with A4es HR Director [REDACTED] and WP HR Lead, [REDACTED] along with HR Leads from all of our main subcontractor partners in SY. In its role as Prime Contractor, A4e has taken proactive measures to prepare its supply chain for potential TUPE transfers (see 5) below), although our partners are ultimately required to make their own judgement as to whether TUPE applies. To that end, A4e will co-ordinate TUPE transfers as far as is feasible, requesting input from partners HR teams where required. 1) Meeting legislative requirements: A4e (and subcontractors) will strictly adhere to Reg 13 by meeting our duty to inform and consult the appropriate employee representatives (e.g. trade unions), and enabling incumbents to meet their Reg 10 responsibilities. A4e will also take over any collective agreements in place, in line with Reg. 5 and 6. In addition to statutory requirements, A4e applies best practice to all aspects of TUPE, including 3 golden rules: maintain a customer focus; do the right thing for the employee; focus on the individual regardless of the transfer size. A4e will also adhere to the 6 Principles of Good Employment Practice (6PoGEP), recently published by the Cabinet Office, to ensure that its TUPE process is part of an overall best practice and positive approach to being an employer. A4e anticipates, along with partners, seeking variance to staff working hours to provide an out of hours service. A4e will consult on any required redundancies on a case-by-case basis and subject to final TUPE Lists, internal resources at that point in time and Employee Liability Information (ELI). 2) Communication Plan for transferring staff: First contact (early April 11): A4es TUPE Lead will contact incumbent providers on notification of preferred bidder status; make them aware of a single point of contact (A4e or sub); encourage incumbents to appoint a single contact to ensure consistency and make contact with appropriate trade union representatives as appropriate. Open, honest dialogue with employees and representatives (early April 11): A4e/subs TUPE Lead will arrange an initial meeting with employee representatives (e.g. trade unions and elected representatives) at the earliest opportunity to agree an action plan, principles and processes for transfer. This will involve open and honest dialogue regarding measures, advising of any planned social, economic, technical changes and providing relevant supporting documentation e.g. policies and procedures. Local HR staff (A4e or subcontractor) will be available to discuss any concerns on a 1:1 basis. Welcome Event & Info Packs (mid-April 11): A4e/subs TUPE team will liaise with employee representatives to arrange an information event at a neutral location. We will send a welcome letter and info pack to potential transferors prior to the event; present on organisational structure, ethos, WP details and manage a Q&A session. This session will be designed to motivate, alleviate concerns and highlight future opportunities based on the 6PoGEP. This will also include staff that may not ultimately transfer. Meeting Employees (late April 11): A4e/subs HR staff will write to each employee to arrange an appointment; agree individual consultation sheets with employee reps; undertake individual 1:1s and map current roles against vacancies. We will be open and look after every employees interests, including those who may not ultimately transfer. Evidence of retention of TUPE transfer staff: 12 months after re-contracting OLASS,

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 6.2a (continued) A4e retained 100% of 50 transferred staff and 75% of Pathways to Work staff after 3 years. 3) Staff Transfer Plans: A4e will create a detailed plan for the entire transfer process, in line with the required implementation timescales, which will include: List of TUPE measures & proposed changes to T&Cs (April 11): providing a Statement of Measures to incumbent providers so they can consult with their staff. Such measures will include a change of pay day, holiday year, HR policy to align with A4es organisational structure and confirm changes in place of work. We will discuss the opportunity to transfer to A4e/sub T&Cs and do not anticipate full harmonisation of T&Cs, although we may discuss this on a case by case basis where appropriate. Due Diligence (Apr-May 11): Our TUPE Leads will commence this process; assemble Employee Liability Information and identify transferring contractual T&Cs. We will focus on results, completing the due diligence process efficiently to minimise disruption. Pensions (Apr-May 11): Our TUPE Lead will assess existing pension requirements with incumbent providers and ensure appropriate pension arrangements are in place for staff post transfer. See question 6.2c for further information. Information Transfer (May 11): HR staff will write to each employee confirming acceptance and transfer date, along with those who will not transfer, informing them of their status and a contact for further advice. Payroll Managers will support HR staff to ensure the efficient transfer of information. Evidence: All new A4e employees from JCPSC & FND1 transfers had HR profiles set up and were paid accurately and on time despite implementation timescales of 6/7 weeks. Staff Development (June 11): HR staff will organise an induction and training timetable to deliver core training for all staff. Training will equip staff with the essentials they need to excel in A4e and WP in line with principle 2 of the 6PoGEP. Evidence of effectiveness: During implementation of FND and JSPSC in 09, A4e onboarded 786 new staff including 138 TUPEd staff. All staff completed all employment admin and received the core training and induction modules for Day 1 go-live 4) Working with existing employers: We will take a collaborative and pragmatic approach to working with existing employers when enacting the above plans in order to ensure a smooth and seamless transition of staff, which will best serve the interests of affected staff. We will provide all effected employers with email and telephone contact details for A4es HR TUPE Lead, in addition to the nominated A4e or sub single point of contact so that they can raise concerns or ask questions about our approach at any point. 5) Ensuring subcontractors fulfil TUPE requirements: A4e is proactive in preparing supply chain partners, especially small and 3rd sector for potential TUPE transfers. We will run TUPE coaching sessions in February/March with potential partners covering likely requirements of TUPE regulations and the relevant codes and statements of practice. In addition, we have taken the following measures: In line with Merlin, A4es WP subcontractor application documentation clearly stated TUPE risks, responsibilities and likelihood, ensuring awareness from the outset Communicated in all partner application documentation and during negotiations that TUPE contractual requirements will be flowed down to end to end partners with all expected to appoint a TUPE lead and comply with A4e policy (as outlined here). Applicants TUPE understanding and approaches were assessed during selection At preferred provider status, A4es TUPE Team will be tasked with identifying potential TUPE staff, including any that might be transferred to A4es subcontractors. Timescales will be managed for all providers by A4e in its role as Prime Contractor to ensure that all TUPE transfers are completed to train and induct all staff for Day 1. Evidence: All subcontractors in 5 FND1 and 6 JCPS contracts fulfilled their TUPE obligations on time and none of A4es 114 subcontractors raised any TUPE concerns.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [6.2b] TUPE Managing the Transfer Please supply details of what lessons you and any of your Sub-contractors have learned from TUPE transfers and/or major organisational change which will influence how you would handle similar issues in the context of this Work Programme contract including details of how it influences how you would manage any transfer/change which may arise as a result of this Work Programme contract. Please describe what aspects of TUPE you consider will be relevant to this procurement. Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to one side of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 6.2b A4e and its WP supply chain have a wealth of direct experience of transferring staff (in and out) under TUPE on which we have based our WP TUPE strategy, e.g.: A4e: Overseen incoming TUPE transfer of over 1,000 staff, including staff in complex large-scale welfare services including NDPC, FND, JCPSC, Pathways, NDDP, and other frontline public services e.g. Business Links and Community Legal Advice Centres. Subcontractor: e.g. JHP TUPEd in 61 members of staff across 3 JCPSC contracts from 4 different providers, including the transfer of 17 transferees to JHP subcontractors. Evidence of experience FND and end of Prime Contractor New Deal: In 2009, A4e was awarded five FND contracts at the same time as four of our New Deal contracts ended. A4es HR Team managed the outgoing transfer of 101 staff and simultaneously transferred 60 staff into A4es FND contracts. We oversaw the transfer of approximately 500 staff between ourselves, our subcontractors and other FND Prime Contractors. Relevance: This experience is relevant to WP due to the involvement of staff from a diverse range of organisations (small & large, public, private & third sector) with differing levels of TUPE understanding and HR capacity/capability. It included transferring staff to multiple providers where TUPE liability was not obvious a challenge we expect for WP. Planning: Planning for TUPE began at FND bid stage when A4es HR team and TUPE Consultant created scenarios and action plans for each potential FND CPA and every affected A4e New Deal District. This ensured that we had sufficient HR resource to oversee the TUPE process in a thorough and proactive way. On announcement of preferred bidders, these were refined and contact made with all providers involved (other FND preferred bidders and other incumbent ND providers). We worked through the ERSA network agreeing common approaches with other ERSA members involved. Implementation: On FND contract award, A4e deployed teams of local HR Business Partners in every CPA to manage individual transfer processes including 1:1 consultations and training sessions to ensure that ongoing communication was clear, accurate and timely. Immediately after contract award, a period of due diligence was undertaken to refine the ELI and make robust assumptions on the impact of TUPE. A4e then hosted multilateral discussions with all affected providers and current employers. How we identified & managed issues: A4es approach was lead by Senior HR Business Partners, [REDACTED] & [REDACTED] with expert support from an experienced TUPE Consultant. Any issues relating to TUPE were reported and logged by A4es FND Project Managers so that responses could be co-ordinated in a considered manner. E.g we worked with the other Black Country Prime where there were many public sector transferees to ensure fair observance of all associated TUPE regulations. Results: Through these approaches and engendering of positive relationships we were able to make arrangements that supported the contracts to go live from Day 1, with 60 staff successfully transferred into A4e and 101 staff out of A4e. Evaluation: Our approach to TUPE in FND and the end of NDPC was evaluated as part of a review of our whole implementation approach and experiences in December 2009. The challenges faced and our responses were evaluated with findings being applied to subsequent TUPE cases. Key challenges and how these will influence our TUPE approach for WP are detailed below. We will apply lessons learned to WP, for example: FND/New Deal Challenge WP Approach Choice Districts with 2 FND Prime Scenario planning pre-preferred bidder Contractors therefore unclear as to stage, allocation of a local HR lead to work which organisation had TUPE liability. with local providers as early as possible Some providers dealing with TUPE for TUPE workshops to be held and support the first time benefited from guidance for partners from A4e TUPE Consultant Production of resource assumptions and A formal resource plan considering current plan with limited visibility of the likely staff, TUPE transfers, subcontractors and transferee numbers and implications other Primes against future requirements.




[7.1] Local Stakeholders Please describe in detail how, in relation to this CPA you and your supply chain will engage with key local stakeholders including smaller and voluntary sector organisations to ensure effective on-going relationships with them throughout the life of the contract. Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to three sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7.1 Our vision for stakeholder engagement in the Work Programme (WP) A4es Total Person WP vision engages both supply chain & stakeholders in a customercentred strategy with a joint ambition to work together to deliver better, cost-efficient outcomes. By aligning priorities, co-locating delivery, co-case-managing acute need customers and pooling budgets, we will drive the creation of job opportunities for customers in South Yorkshire (SY. reducing overall costs and joining up spending. Driving stakeholder engagement through the WP supply chain A4e has invested in a SY Partnership Team tasked with engaging A4e and its supply chains strategic networks to ensure collective, ongoing stakeholder influence on our WP delivery model design. Evidence: We have engaged with over 250 local stakeholders, including the 4 SY LAs, and the Directors of Barnsley Development Agency and Groundwork Sheffield. Two Lets Get Together events were held in Doncaster and Sheffield, attended by 120 local stakeholders, 70% from third sector. Our local teams regularly attend local events, e.g. Skilled in Sheffield, the bi-monthly ESF Progress Together meetings. A4e jointly helped facilitate the start up of the Doncaster Worklessness Forum with Doncaster MBC and NDDT, and local staff members regularly attend regional Work and Skills Boards, e.g. David Bentley (Barnsley Manager) is an active member of the Barnsley Operational ESB. Managing continuous stakeholder engagement over the lifetime of WP SY Business Managers will continuously monitor current and identify future customer needs/priorities and labour market changes to ensure we continue to provide appropriate support. This needs-analysis will feed into two Community Development Plans which A4e has already initiated specific to each LA. A4es new outreach-based Community Manager (CM) post will be responsible for executing this plan, maintaining relationships with stakeholders, ensuring a highly-targeted approach to our community-relations activity. A4e will create a monthly WY Community Delivery Board (CDB) with daily eupdates of new service alerts and developments. A4es CDBs and CMs, will ensure key member stakeholders (including Jobcentre Plus (JCP), PCTs, and two LEPs) can help shape local delivery, align priorities and harness job creation opportunities arising from new and existing regeneration. WP Strategy Development: A4es experience of invest to save service and contract models sits behind the WP design. Stakeholder engagement is a core part of the savings model, the financial structure and success in driving sustained outcomes. Key elements to make the programme a success operationally and financially include alliances to: ensure the flow of customers into the programme; integrate skills and economic development activity with businesses alongside welfare to work; engage with those agencies responsible for budgets supporting clients with complex barriers (notably health, care, crime/justice and financial issues); and broader community engagement through our services. The local approach in {insert} is set out below and involves a plural set of stakeholders, large and small, public and private, voluntary and community Engaging with key local stakeholders: A4es WP strategy has been built on local customer needs, investing in high-quality intelligence and insight to: a) inform the development of local commissioning and delivery plans which benefit all stakeholders, and b) identify the key stakeholders (detailed below) who share our WP ambition to achieve Total Person streamlined services and an interest in supporting local communities through employment: 1. Jobcentre Plus (JCP): Sheffield has the highest volumes of JSA claimants across all 4 LA areas, with highest percentages in Burngreave, Sharrow and Firth Park, followed by Central Town Field and Balby wards in Doncaster. JCP District Managers will be invited to monthly management meetings with A4e and our supply chain partners, as an integral part of our extended delivery team, creating seamless customer service, and facilitating improved demand-planning, early access to customers, and joined-up employer

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7.1 (continued) engagement. We currently deliver outreach work from 14 Opportunity Doncaster centres in partnership with JCP to provide support to customers. 2. Local Government: In areas of high deprivation, such as Maltby in Rotherham and Burngreave in Sheffield, the availability of jobs is a key barrier. With the introduction of LEPs and Regional Growth Funds, we will offer a new joined up proposition across WP and regeneration, aligning our delivery with key services currently delivered by the Council. Each LA in SY (Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham) has a unique set of ambitions & priorities which A4es WP delivery will align itself to supporting, by: working with LAs, such as Barnsley and Rotherham City Council, and the 2 LEPs to unlock complementary funding of skills and business growth, e.g. local Regeneration Growth Funding proposals, and local employment regeneration strategies, including ERDF funded initiatives such as Rotherhams Community Business Coaches project. Sheffield City Council have also pledged to engage A4e as an active participant in ESBs, LSPs and inward investment planning. identifying gaps in council services that A4e could support e.g. Rotherham Council have expressed a desire for employment support to be delivered within their Housing offices across the area. A4e staff will be seconded within key Council delivery offices to ensure join-up of services across interrelated support networks. co-locating WP services with other key public services utilising shared community spaces, such as the Pakistani Muslim Community Centre in Fir Vale. A4e has outreach presence at the Thorne local library, M25 Housing group and HMP Doncaster A4es Enterprise Team will support Local Government to create social enterprises to deliver gaps in public services arising from the cuts programme (e.g. waste collection & street cleaning) by establishing local franchises backed by social finance partners Allia and A4es enterprise fund. As part of the governments Big Society agenda, A4e has been selected as an expert mentor to potential public sector organisations seeking to become mutuals and take ownership of the services they provide. A key part of our service will be promoting job growth with local business (new opportunities) as well as enterprise and self employment. 3. Health: Changes to the Work Capability Assessment and lack of scale-assessment of IB claimants reduces the evidence indicating the clinical needs of the IB/ESA customer group in SY. In response, A4e has reviewed DWP data on IB/ESA claimant conditions, NHS spend per PCT by condition, and identified services where demand is likely to exceed NHS supply. We know that there are a high number of IB/ESA claimants in Dearne Thurnscoe, Barnsley (17.2%), and Herringthorpe, Rotherham (16.1%) and all 4 LA areas have health inequalities: men living in disadvantaged areas live 7-8 years less than in least disadvantaged areas. Current health sector reform and decentralisation results in significant uncertainty about local accountability and budgets, so in the interim, A4e has sought to align future local health provision with our WP offer by: meeting PCTs and GPs to discuss multi-agency approaches to addressing health needs; and agreed colocation of services alongside other key public services in areas of high deprivation including drug and alcohol treatment centres. A4e has also agreed to explore opportunities to build health interventions into customer action plans, to reduce longerterm demand for chronic health services, including SLA-collaboration with GPs on condition management and sharing plans. Evidence: A4e conducted a Worklessness Pilot in Rotherham and Doncaster in Oct 2010 with FND customers, to introduce best practice from our Community Outreach Family Support Service (COFSS) in Birmingham. The model aims to provide a more holistic assessment through addressing health and social care issues. This includes working with GPs and the local PCT in Rotherham for referral to Health trainers. Supply Chain: SY Mind (part of DWUK, our WP subcontractor) are part of a consortium delivering a job retention service across Y&H, which is commissioned by the Y&H Strategic Health Authority and DWP. The Job Retention Pilot for people with mental

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7.1(continued) health problems achieved outstanding results, with average retention rate of 82% 4. Housing Organisations: The South Yorkshire Housing Association reports that 65% of tenants currently claim Housing Benefit and will be affected by the cuts announced in November 2010. The percentage of families living in overcrowded homes has risen faster in Y&H than in rest of UK. A4e and our supply chain will link in with Housing Action Y&H initiatives, such as South Yorkshires Sustainable Housing Markets Strategy, Barnsley Council Strategic Housing Service, and work with local organisations such as Doncaster Re-Furnish, to ensure customers housing needs are a priority in their action plan. 5. Criminal Justice Agencies: A4e has met with South Yorkshire Probation Trust to establish referral routes into WP. Releasing prisons in SY are Doncaster, Lindholme and Hatfield. A4e teams will conduct an outreach session once per month in each establishment to promote the WP to proactively engage offenders onto WP as early entrants ahead of future DWP/MoJ co-commissioned support to impact on offending behaviour. Our subcontractor SOVA work in conjunction with local prisons and probation services and have strategic links with Sheffield Hallam University, producing peer research studies e.g. Women Into Work. We will utilise these links to streamline services between criminal justice and WP services. Smaller and voluntary sector organisations: A4e sees it as a critical success factor for WP that 3rd sector organisations embedded in local communities can make a substantial contribution tackling worklessness in areas such as Southey Green and Firth Park, where intergenerational unemployment has had a sizeable impact on community aspirations. As Prime, it is our responsibility to create an environment where the 3rd sector can thrive. We will work with influential community organisations, and A4e suppliers, in SY such as RDaSH Social Enterprise and Kickstart Community Programmes to engage with communities at grass-roots level, encouraging whole family engagement from the ground up. We will invite current and new smaller organisations to interface with A4e and supply chain in WY to advertise new services. With support from our 3rd sector subcontractors like North Doncaster Development Trust and Sheffield Works we will promote membership of our CDB to voluntary organisations, such as Heeley Development Trust, Key Fund, and the SY Community Foundation, to ensure that all key local stakeholders are sharing aligned priorities. Evidence: A4e recently delivered a presentation at the Gener8 (Social Enterprise Y&H) event. Through engagement with Gener8, we have pledged A4es support and planned joint working under the WP to support and work with existing social enterprises in the region, and focus on achieving the shared objectives of supporting local communities and individuals with the aim to integrate enterprises into service provision and provide employment opportunities supporting local communities Capacity Building: A4e is committed Merlin Standard excellence. Our sister charity, the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI), runs a programme of 40 sessions a year for small not-for-profit organisations including: 1. A round table event to illicit responses from FSI members regarding their concerns regarding entering the supply chain of Prime Contractors. 2. A workshop informed by the outcome of the round table called Be Bid Ready! The Prime Contractor Relationship detailing the Merlin Standard and what subcontractors can expect as well as what is expected of them. In partnership with the FSI, we will support local voluntary organisations to a) identify complementary funding streams and negotiating partnering arrangements, b) source local funding for social enterprises, and c) create a fiscal sponsorship programme for charities using local A4e offices as hubs.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [7.2] Employers Please describe in detail how you and your supply chain will actively engage with employers to develop proposals that accurately reflect local needs and describe how you will work collaboratively with employers on an ongoing basis to secure job outcomes for customers attending the Work Programme in this CPA. Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to three sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7.2 A4e has invested significantly in its professionalised employer offer based around local labour market needs. Our offer includes a National Employer Solutions Team and a strong supply chain network that will enable us to achieve a step change in performance. Our flexible and scalable model means we can respond swiftly to the needs of national and local employers and the SY labour market. 1. Engaging local employers: Our SY team has 24 years experience of the local labour market and active relationships with 5,000 local employers. We have firm plans in place to generate 7,500 jobs in SY over the next 12 months. Evidence of ability to match customers to jobs: A recent survey of local employers said that: 96% of our customers met/exceeded their performance expectations; 94% their skills requirements; and 97% their motivation expectations. Our service builds on this strong platform by extending both our pre- and postemployment support, providing more flexible employment solutions and improving our ability to deliver sustainable jobs. To create sustainable opportunities for the future we have re-designed the current services to further enable trained Advisors who are at the heart of seeking out local opportunities and matching them to the aspirations of our customers using our new e-recruitment and CRM tools with job matching capacity. Experian: helping us to develop proposals that reflect local needs Our partners Experian will provide us with detailed local skills forecasting for SY which we will cascade through our supply chain. This will enable us to: 1) target engagement at sectors that are expanding or have skills needs such as care, retail and hospitality 2) design & deliver PreEmployment Training to accurately reflect these local needs. We will invest in providing a Virtual Recruitment Hub, working with other recruitment service providers in the community (including JCP) to provide an integrated service to local employers that maximises the access our customers have to every job in the area. We will invest in job fairs and breakfast club events that promote opportunities for our customers and reduces the costs of recruitment to employers. Evidence of successful approach: A4es SY offices regularly conduct employer job fairs for A4e customers. One of our more recent events was held in Sheffield. 12 companies including HBOS and Opportunities Sheffield attended the event. As a result, we had 54 arranged job interviews, and 15 job starts. 2. Developing proposals that meet local needs: There are currently 37,142 advertised JSA vacancies in SY compared with 6,121 unemployed people and 29,085 VAT registered businesses. The strength of our employer engagement strategy lies in ensuring we continue to maximise existing employment opportunities, uncover hidden vacancies, drive job creation, and supporting inward investment and regeneration. Economic resilience: Experian research identifies Barnsley & Rotherham as areas least resilient to economic shocks in SY, & 1,000 public sector job losses estimated at Sheff City Council in next 5 years. Our employer relationships and access to job vacancies will be crucial to weather this period. As an active participant at local Work and Skills Boards in SY, A4e directly engages with local providers, employers, and recruitment agencies with opportunities for sharing vacancies & pre-employment (PET) training needs, e.g. A4e has entered into initial agreements with Blue Arrow to support and deliver a Service Academy in SY providing PET for customer service skills. Blue Arrow will provide guaranteed interviews for all A4es WP customers who successfully complete initial assessment and training. Regeneration: our partnership with regeneration experts Mouchel will enable us to develop the capacity to create new jobs and to work with LEPs and local developers to ensure that all local schemes deliver the maximum impact to local people. The partnership will invest in employing experts locally to bid for new sources of funding and attract inward investment from employers in partnership with local authorities. The partnership will invest in employing experts locally to bid for new sources of funding and attract inward investment from employers in partnership with local authorities. We also

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7.2 (continued) have identified over 25 regeneration projects in SY, e.g. Sky Call Centre in Sheffield (500 jobs), Nationwide Solar in Barnsley (300 jobs) Job creation: 80% of SY employers we work with are SMEs. We focus on creating jobs through investment into apprenticeships, and will use these relationships to broker jobs by identifying and supporting job creation opportunities e.g. through Y&H Apprenticeship Training Agency. A4e, with Groundwork, are committed to the development of a capital project to provide starter accommodation for the incubation of Social Enterprises in Sheffield. Our Total Workforce Management services will create better efficiencies enabling employers to invest in more jobs. Inward investment: To maximise business expansion opportunities, employers regularly conduct recruitment days from our offices e.g. regular weekly interview slots arranged for RBS Doncaster, for customers looking to enter or with previous customer service and call centre work. 30 clients have secured employment so far. Yorbuild Framework Agreement: A4e is the lead employability partner for the Yorbuild construction framework which is active throughout SY, with Rotherham MBC having Board Member Status. A4e can provide a holistic range of support for all 40 contractors on the framework ensuring they achieve their skills, training and employment outcomes 3. Engaging employers through the SY supply chain: each subcontractor has demonstrated their ability to engage and meet the needs of employers, e.g.: Barnsley MBC has worked with over 100 employers over the last 12 months, primarily SMEs that operate out of the Councils 7 Business Centres. They have provided employment skills related services to employers such as Asda, Tesco, Berneslai Homes, Barnsley Hospital Trust, Fosters Bakery, and Koyo. NDDT has worked closely with the Invest In Doncaster team through the relocation of Amazon to Doncaster and the creation of up to 2500 jobs. Any surplus NDDT generate is directed back into the community - recently shown through the Microgrants project where NDDT distributed over 17,000 to assist local community and voluntary groups. JHP currently work with 1500 employers, and have worked with JCP to offer routeways for LEP employers using Sector Skills Councils Routeways Vacancy Management Solution: A4e has a freephone number for employers, allowing them to place a vacancy with us with just one phone call. These vacancies are cascaded to the relevant local teams as well as our local supply chain partners. All vacancies will be redirected in accordance with pre-agreed service level timelines. Evidence: In SY A4e share vacancies with JCP, including opportunities with Smartwatch and Harwood Engineering, and other A4e contracts and will share voluntary vacancies as part of JCPs Get Britain Working Working Together Initiative Using technology innovations to share vacancies A4e is investing in a range of technology solutions to support our employer offer including a new CRM tool MyA4eSouthYorkshireJobs. Our new RecruitR platform includes job aggregation technology, allowing us to share and cascade job vacancies throughout our supply chain to ensure that all customers in SY can access the vacancies in this cpa. 4. A4es National Employer Solutions Team is a team of experts with proven track records with leading recruitment and blue chip organisations including Manpower, Adecco, Vertex, HBOS and BT. The team sourcing multi-site and multi-discipline opportunities within different sectors through a National Account Management structure. In the past year we have placed 1,464 customers in vacancies sourced by this team with 79% sustainability over 26 weeks. A4e has national partnerships including Vue Cinemas, British Gas, Compass and AVC managing the digital switchover. We are the sole Welfare to Work and Skills provider for six national employers, e.g. JD Wetherspoon. We will seek to replicate in SY our agreement (currently being finalised) with the Manchester Arndale Centre to provide Retail Skills training to every store and manage their Vacancy Brokering system which handles 5,000+ vacancies p.a. A4e has signed a major agreement with WHSmith to become the master broker for all their opportunities estimated at 6,500 over

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 7.2 (continued) the course of the coming year which we will cascade through the SY supply chain. A4es social value certification process captures social return on investment and presents this to the employer in support of CSR activity. Evidence of large-scale recruitment: In addition to providing large scale national recruitment to organisations such as Royal Mail, Sainsburys and WHSmith, A4e provides large scale local recruitment solutions e.g. in 2010 E.ON, Dearne Valley (144 jobs), Polestar, Sheffield (120 jobs), Ventura Contact Centre, Rotherham & Barnsley (63 jobs). We have an exclusive recruitment agreement with Stagecoach bus operators in Sheffield, and Sterecycle, a recycling organisation in SY, are also providing A4e with access to all their vacancies, with plans to take on an extra 30 people over the next 12 months Adecco: A4e has secured an exclusive arrangement with Adecco Group, the largest global provider of recruitment services. This will give our customers priority access to the vacancies with their 14 sector specific agencies. They will offer any of our customers access to more than 1,000 free testing and training programmes including Prince2 and Autocad, via their internal online training portal, Interskill. Evidence of effectiveness: Poundland A4es relationship with Poundland has led to 150+ job entries (a growth of over 35% outcomes from Sept-Nov 2010 alone). Poundland informs A4e in advance of vacancies arising, estimated 10 Y&H store openings in 2011. 5. Working collaboratively with employers: Total Workforce Management A4e and our supply chain will offer both local and national employers a menu of services Total Workforce Management that will enable us to work collaboratively to ensure sustainable jobs for our customers. Employers choose from the menu of solutions, ensuring they receive a tailored service that meets their needs, including: Individual conversation to agree tailored Health condition management package of support services including 24/7 expert helpline Pre-screening/assess Salary guidance and payroll services Interviews and/or interview space Workforce development Pre-employment training HR services and masterclasses IAG services including Money Guidance Assessment centres These services have been developed to meet the needs of national employers and SMEs to address the specific barriers that they have to employing our customers. Meeting needs of SMEs through facebook: A4e has formed an innovative partnership with facebook to meet the needs of SMEs. Through A4e, facebook will offer local SME employers 100 advertising credits to help meet their recruitment needs and costs and meet facebooks business objective of reaching hidden vacancies in the SME market. Evidence of effectiveness: Ventura Contact Centre A4e have developed two training packages for Ventura, for sales roles and customer service. In Jan 2011 we delivered 3 sales courses to provide 40 sales & customer service advisors. Ventura intend to ramp this up to 120 positions per month across both roles, giving exclusivity to A4e A4es relationship with the SFA means that, where appropriate, we can draw down additional funding in conjunction with the employer to develop their employees skills. Flexicurity: Continuous Employee Scheme After initial success through FND, A4e has developed our Flexicurity Scheme by directly employing groups of customers that will benefit from undertaking a series of potentially medium-term jobs. Through our strategic partnership with the Adecco Group who will support this scheme, we will provide access to multiple vacancies. Flexicurity Customers will have access to our staff benefits package as well as our WP incentives scheme. This scheme will provide a stepping stone to permanent work, informed by recent increased demand for temporary/fixed-term contract work in SY, up by 7.1% on last year.




[8.1] Performance Job Outcomes Using worksheet C. Outcome Volumes provided in the Pricing Proposal document, please detail your expected performance in this CPA and provide comment on how this compares to the national benchmark levels detailed at paragraph A4.18 of the Work Programme Specification. Your response must address individual customer groups separately and differentiate between job starts/outcomes and sustained job outcomes. Please note your response to this question shall not be scored but will be used to inform the evaluation of your response to question 8.1a Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8.1 A4es Performance Offer for Yorkshire & Humberside (South Yorks) A4e is proposing a performance offer that will see a step change in performance of employment services in the Yorkshire & Humberside (South Yorks). DISCLAIMER: For reference the tables below outline DWP JO & SJO Minimum performance levels. The DWP Minimum is derived from the National Benchmark levels issued by DWP in Version 4.6 of the Pricing Proposal in Table C.8. We have used these latest National Benchmark figures to compare and comment on A4es expected JO & SJO performance. Please refer to Worksheet C for full details on A4es expected performance in this CPA and 8.1a for the rationale behind A4es performance offer. A4es Minimum Performance Offer for CPA 17 is 12,603 Job Outcomes, and 144,303 Job Sustainment blocks, representing a 17% and 57% increase over DWP National Benchmark Job Outcomes Job Sustainment DWP Min A4e Min + % + DWP Min A4e Min + %+ 10,763 12,603 1,840 17% 91,677 144,303 52,626 57% A4e Performance Offer by Customer Group A4e Customer Year Year Year Year Years Overall Total Group 1 2 3 4 5 to 7 % Increase A4e Offer 309 1,280 1,157 1,010 2,005 5,761 DWP Min 91 928 1,099 970 1,936 5,024 JSA 25+ 14.7% Difference 218 352 58 40 69 737 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 49%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 70% for this Customer Group A4e Offer 124 643 614 580 1,105 3,066 40 472 592 551 1,083 2,738 JSA 18-24 DWP Min 12.0% Difference 84 171 22 29 22 328 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 64%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 69% for this Customer Group A4e Offer 30 111 106 101 200 548 JSA Early DWP Min 17 89 105 99 187 496 10.6% Access Difference 13 22 1 2 13 52 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 30%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 69% for this Customer Group A4e Offer 12 84 92 76 27 291 6 40 59 54 21 180 JSA Ex-IB DWP Min 61.8% Difference 6 44 33 22 6 111 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 30%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 70% for this Customer Group A4e Offer 47 113 116 117 244 637 22 88 103 99 213 525 ESA Flow DWP Min 21.3% Difference 25 25 13 18 31 112 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 28%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 75% for this Customer Group

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8.1 (continued) A4e Offer 17 131 153 139 40 480 7 52 77 73 37 246 ESA Ex-IB DWP Min 94.9% Difference 10 79 76 66 3 234 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 22%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 70% for this Customer Group A4e Offer 125 394 349 263 279 1,410 DWP Min 51 267 325 249 272 1,165 ESA Vol 21.1% Difference 74 127 24 14 7 245 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 60%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 76% for this Customer Group A4e Offer 41 163 138 57 8 408 DWP Min 31 156 138 57 7 389 IB/IS 5.0% Difference 10 7 19 1 0 1 A4es performance is based on an average Job Start rate against referral of 57%, Job Start to Job Outcome conversion rate of 74% for this Customer Group A4e Sustainment Overview DWP Illustrated Level (C.9) Job Outcomes 4 Wk Blocks 4 Wk Blocks / JO Max 4 Wk blocks % of Max Sust'd JSA 25+ 5024 35061 7 13 54% JSA 18-24 2738 14914 5 13 42% JSA Early Acc 496 3482 7 20 35% JSA Early Acc 548 7897 14 20 72% JSA Ex IB 180 2197 12 20 61% ESA Flow 525 10377 20 20 99% ESA Ex IB 246 4752 19 26 74% ESA Vol 1165 17685 15 20 76% IB/IS 389 3209 8 20 41%

A4e Expected Level (C.13) Job Outcomes 4 Wk Blocks 4 Wk Blocks / JO Max 4 Wk blocks % of Max Sust'd

JSA 25+ 5762 58454 10 13 78%

JSA 18-24 3067 29368 10 13 74%

JSA Ex IB 291 4224 15 20 73%

ESA Flow 637 9529 15 20 75%

ESA Ex IB 480 9912 21 26 79%

ESA Vol 1410 20704 15 20 73%

IB/IS 408 4217 10 20 52%

In absolute terms A4es Sustainment proposals significantly outperform DWPs expected 4 week block expectations. The exception to this in percentage and absolute terms is the ESA Flow Customer Group, where we have profiled 9,529 blocks of 4 week sustainment outcomes compared to 10,377 in DWPs model. The DWP model expects a 99% performance in relation to the ESA Flow group compared to A4es projected 75%.

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE [8.1a] Performance - Rationale Please provide your rationale for your expected Job Outcome Performance levels, by individual customer groups as detailed in 8.1. Explain the activities and support that will be introduced to help secure the achievement of these performance levels together with any other best practice evidence to support your proposed performance. Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to four sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8.1a Job Outcome (JO) Rationale for SY: A4es minimum JO performance offer shows a 17% increase in JOs over the DWP benchmark. Core to our offer is strong performance of WP from Day 1 and achievement of a step change in performance within Years 1 & 2. This offer is underpinned by our significant investment in the design of our WP service in the last 6 months, our considerable over-investment in staff at contract start, and built upon our experience of delivering international welfare services over the last 21 years. The critical elements of our proposal for SY that form the basis our JO performance rationale are detailed below. These apply to all eight customer groups: 1. Jobs First approach & performance from 1st June 2011: Our Jobs First approach means that we will start to deliver high volumes of jobs from Day 1 of the WP contract. We will deliver an additional 440 JO in Y1 and 828 JO in Yr2 above DWP's JO National Benchmark. A4es investment in infrastructure in the past 2 years (equating to 80m of capital investment) means that we can rapidly shift our service model to WP. We have made the choice to maintain our investment and retain current staff through transition so we are ready to start moving customers into jobs from 1st June 2011. This will include retaining 66 staff across 5 centres in SY so they are trained and in-post ready to deliver WP from Day 1. We have factored in our existing relationships with customers who will transition to WP, as well as local employers and stakeholders, and how this will enable us to move a greater proportion of people into work from the outset. 2. Excellent Local Supply Chain: Through a rigorous selection process we have formed partnerships with 55 organisations across SY. Our focus has been on identifying high performing local partners, specialists that can meet the need of local growth sectors, and experts that can meet the needs of local customer groups. Evidence: 1 JHP: One of the largest providers of integrated employability and skills delivering consistently high performance working with 3,000 customers per year. Work Focused Training (18-24) 41% job outcomes achieved against a target of 35%. Existing FND contracts (including Sheffield) achieving 93% sustainability 2 NDDT: Experts in working with significantly disadvantaged customers in deprived communities - Support 2,500+ customers per year from 8 community sites across Doncaster. Jobmates contract achieved in excess of all contractual job outcomes & 6 month sustainability targets, including a 49% Job Entry Rate 3. Sheffield Works: Locally integrated 3rd sector consortium with 26 community delivery locations: 3rd Sector SPV for WP supported by Sheffield City Council - premises include One Stop Shops, Library Learning Centres, Childrens Centres & Healthy Living Centres. Achieved all contractual targets on Future Jobs Fund & Community Outreach. 3. Enhanced Management & Staff Development: A4e has invested in Business Solutions & Commissioning Team (BSC), including enhanced Supply Chain Management capacity. The BSC Team will drive performance improvement across our supply chain over the life of the contract. They will provide insight into WP services, identifying what is most effective locally and targeting areas to improve JO rates. We are investing in developing the capability of small and third sector partners through our sister charity, the Foundation for Social Improvement, to ensure performance is consistent across the supply chain. We have designed new staff professional career routeways and a Practitioner Programme that will be available to our partners in order to drive the professionalisation of our frontline staff. Best Practice Evidence: A4es 2010 Merlin report highlighted the role of our Partnership Managers as best practice and stated that robust policies and procedures underpin supply chain management behaviours. 4. Effective Profiling & Personalised Support: A4e has designed a new assessment suitable for all WP cohorts aimed at earlier effective profiling and placing customers earlier into the right jobs to boost JO levels. Our service design draws on our experience

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8.1a (continued) of running Invest to Save contracts internationally and in the UK addressing the range of issues to drive JOs across all 8 customer groups. Best Practice Evidence: The piloting of this assessment in A4es FND delivery resulted in a 60-fold increase in disclosure of health needs. This resulted in a 15% increase in job placements for our hardest to help customers. 5. Effective Employer Services: Designed to capture all local job opportunities and generate opportunities aligned to the ambitions of customers. JO performance will be boosted through professional employer account management, investment in job aggregation and matching technology, national employer partnership agreements. Evidence: Through our Employer Engagement Pilot we trialled measures including testing new employer-related KPIs for frontline staff, new vacancy matching techniques and employer aftercare. The pilot showed increases in vacancies secured, interview attendance, a reduction in interview to job ratio to 2:1 and an increase in job entries of 53% in some pilot areas. At a macro level, business will get a better deal from WP with investment in making jobs sustainable. We will engage with businesses to co-invest in get involve in mapping future skills and workforce requirements. Based on OBR analysis and using Oxford Economics tools we can identify the sectors that will drive the by jobs growth and create the right skills infrastructure for that growth. Over the course of WP A4e expects total employment in SY to grow by 80,000 jobs. Growth will be greatest in Real estate, rent & business services (72,000), Distribution (25,000), Other personal services (12,500), Hotels & restaurants (9,000) & Transport & communications (8,000). Self employment in SY will be strongest in Distribution (4,100), Construction (2,700) and Transport & Communications (1,200). Working with employers, driving job creation, we will achieve an increased level of job outcomes by supporting WP customers to focus on key sectors that offer sustainable employment growth. Our Ability to Create Jobs: A4e has formed a national partnership with regeneration company Mouchel with the primary purpose of linking unemployed people with the jobs created by local regeneration projects, infrastructure development and economic growth. 7. Black Box & Welfare Reform: Our JO performance offer reflects the greater freedom and longer time we have to work with customers to instil a work ethic and break benefits dependency. We will take advantage of changes to achieve more JO: 2 year service will give us more time to work with customers farthest from work. Early eligibility for the hardest to help will give us the opportunity to provide support to before barriers become more entrenched. Eligibility at 9 months for young people will enable us rapidly move motivated young people into work before they become disenfranchised. Black Box provision will give us the freedom to invest in services for customers (including the hardest to help) that are finely tuned to individual needs,. This will ultimately deliver higher outcomes and greater benefit savings for Government. Evidence: Analysis of NOMIS data suggests that current provision moves approximately 40-50% of the 1824 cohort off JSA between 9 and 12 months. A4e expect that WP support will assist an even higher proportion into work. 8. Business, enterprise and economic development: A core component of A4es performance offer, we have developed partnerships at a strategic level with LAs in SY around regeneration to target job creation at areas of high worklessness. . We will invest in supporting our customers to create new enterprises supported by social finance and A4es own enterprise support funding. We estimate that our enterprise support service will increase JO performance by a minimum of 5%. Evidence: A4e are committed to working with Groundwork Sheffield to develop a capital project that provides starter accommodation for the incubation of Social Enterprises, to drive business creation in Sheffield.

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8.1a (continued) 9. Joined Up Budgets Total Person: Joining together budgets is crucial to delivering better outcomes for less and eradicating waste. We will work with other local service providers to tackle an individuals barriers to employment alongside other social outcomes, e.g. re-offending, increasing jobs and sustainability. Best Practice Evidence: Through ESF Progress Together, A4e works with the SFA, DWP & other service providers to bring together multiple funding streams that provide a seamless customer journey for SY ESF customers. Monthly meetings are held with BEST to ensure their Key Worker activity is aligned with A4es Employment Solutions and Self Employment activity. In the last 12 months A4e have secured 632 job outcomes. 10. Service Investments to drive JO performance: New innovative health-focused support: We estimate that 50% of our current customers have health barriers. Our investment in assessing needs has led to much better identification of personal health barriers. To assist customers with unmanaged health conditions into work we have devised a package of health-focused support including national specialist partners Advanced Personnel Management (APM), Disability Works, Lifeskills and Turning Point. International Health & Work specialist, APMs specialist assessment will ensure that we are able to support customers with varying health issues pre and post employment. Evidence: In Australia APM delivers 80,000 Job Capacity Assessments pa, have 4/5 star ratings in all areas and 6 month sustainment rates 5% above the average. Support for Life effective in-work support: A4e has delivered welfare services with sustainability measures since 2001. Our experience includes delivery in France where we achieve job sustainability levels of 75% at 26 weeks, Israel where we have delivered a 50% reduction in welfare benefit expenditure (against a government target of 35%) and in Australia we are currently delivering an average of 38% 3 month JOs across ALL customer groups. Our support services that will drive JOs include: Risk profile assessment to understand barriers affecting ability to sustain work Extended opening incl. evenings to support customers around working hours A4es Incentive Scheme to provide incentives for customers to stay in touch. In-work employer offer - to ensure the customer stays in work and adds value. Maximising JOs: Our in-work support will maximise the impact of the new WP JO measure. Ongoing support, assisting the customer to move from job to job where required will enable us to help customers accumulate shorter periods of employment to lead to JOs. We estimate that this will drive the JO performance up by 5-10%. Performance Rationale by each individual Customer Group 1: JSA 18-24 Comparable customer group - FND 18-24 DWP JO Benchmark 39.7% - A4e JO Offer 44.5% Performance Drivers: A4es Job entry for this customer group has exceeded 50% on our FND delivery. We estimate that changes to the JO measure will significantly uplift JO performance for this group and along with the change to 9 month eligibility from 12months will lead to JO levels of over 50%. 2. JSA 25+ Comparable customer group - FND 25+ DWP Job Benchmark 30.2% - A4e JO Offer 34.6% Performance Drivers: FND introduced a step change in job entries for this customer group from the old New Deal (average 25% on PCND to 45% on FND). The 2 year programme and the opportunity to work with people for longer to address barriers will be key to this group, along with the new WP JO measure. We estimate it will uplift our current 6 mth sustainability levels for this group by 25-30%. Evidence: A4e achieved 83% job outcomes in programmes for LT unemployed in Poland though better profiling and health-related support that we are adopting in WP.

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 8.1a (continued) 3. JSA Early Access Comparable customer group - Progress 2 work (p2w) DWP JO Benchmark 18.5% - A4e JO Offer 20.4% Performance Drivers: A4es Progress to Work contracts over the last 12 months have delivered 32% jobs from leavers. Surveys show over 73% sustain at 3 months giving 23% JO. Performance will be driven by freedom to invest in the most marginalised customers, inline with the Invest to Save principle including investment in support from local specialists such as the Big Life Company providing employability support for drug & alcohol misusers, including relapse and detox support. With the 2 year programme and increased support in our WP delivery model we will deliver 20.4% JO offer. 4. JSA ex-IB Comparable customers: Job Ready Pathways (mandatory) DWP JO Benchmark 13.1% - A4e JO Offer 21.2% Performance Drivers: A4es Pathways contracts are currently exceeding 38% Job entries with sustainment rates of over 70% at 3 months for mandatory customers. This would equate to over 26% JO under WP, hence we are confident of exceeding our 21.2% offer. This will be underpinned by investment in health support from a range of specialists including Healthy Cross Community Project, providing health & skills assessments. Evidence: Lifeskills achieve 91% job outcome sustainability over 26 weeks on their DWP In-Work Support Programme that supports IB/ESA customers and lone parents. 5. ESA Volunteers Comparable customers: NDDP & PtW (voluntary) DWP JO Benchmark 37.9% - A4e JO Offer 45.9% Performance Drivers: A4es NDDP service has averaged over 55% Job Entries in the last 12 months. Our research shows over 73% sustain at 12 months which suggests that, with the 2 year programme and increased support in our WP delivery model, 45.9% JO level for this group is achievable. 6. ESA FLOW Comparable customer group: PtW (mandatory) DWP JO Benchmark 17.7% - A4e JO Offer 21.4% Performance Drivers: YTD on our Pathways contracts for the mandatory customers we have achieved 38% job entry, and sustainment rates of over 70% at 3 months. This would equate to over 26% JO under WP. Investment in health-focused support from APM and Disability Works will be critical for this group and will drive JO performance for these customers. 7. ESA Ex-IB Comparable Customer Group: PtW Mandatory, hard to help DWP JO Benchmark 7.8% - A4e JO Offer 15.2% Performance Drivers: A4e invested in external primary research with stock IB customers to gain insight into the precise needs and characteristics of this group. This evidence was used to design elements of our service such as a new A4e role of Occupational Health Coach. Pathways LTU JER average is currently 25% with 70% sustaining at 3 months. This is equivalent to a 17% JO for these customers 8. ESF IB & IS Volunteers Comparable customer group: ESF Volunteers DWP JO Benchmark 39.9% - A4e JO Offer 41.9% Performance Drivers: We will invest in the engagement of voluntary customers through Community Managers in target communities such as Burngreave and Athersley. A4e has achieved 62% starts to jobs and 90% sustained jobs for our ESF employability contract in Poland. Customers consisted of long-term unemployed, homeless residents and people with disabilities who were supported to leave welfare through a combination of thorough initial assessment, health support and ongoing support in the initial months of work key features of A4es WP.





[9.1] Implementation Plan Please provide:

an Implementation Plan for the Work Programme in this CPA clearly stating the date on which you are proposing to commence delivery of the service. The plan, which must be in the form of a Gantt chart (insert as Annex 6), must include the key activities required to put provision into place by the service commencement date. It must include key milestones, timescales for activities including start and end dates and who is responsible for each activity including the expected start date for delivery. It will also show the critical path and interdependencies. A narrative to expand on the implementation plan which must identify and address all the key risks, including the impact of winning multiple Work Programme contracts and how these shall be mitigated.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two sides of A4. Note: Format requirement and page limit does not apply to the Gantt chart which you must insert as Annex 6.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 9.1 Ability to implement multiple Work Programme contracts: A4e has a proven track record of implementing large scale contracts with concurrent timescales across extensive, varied geographies. In 2009, we implemented 3 new services, with a total orderbook value of 913m 12 FND & JCPSC contracts in the UK and internationally Job Service Australia. This included the mobilisation of a supply chain consisting of 117 delivery partners. This experience will underpin a smooth and rapid transition to WP from current contracts. Our existing infrastructure in SY means ready resources are in place to implement the WP at the earliest opportunity, on 1st June 2011. Overview of A4es Implementation Plan: A4e commenced planning the transition to the new WP service and implementation activity in July 2010 following the announcement of the new service as a replacement for FND, A4es largest current contracts. Our full Implementation Plan, in the form of a Gantt Chart (Annex 6), details all planning and as well as preparation work that has already taken place. It illustrates key milestones and the names of individuals, throughout our supply chain, responsible for reaching these target dates in time. A4e has significant infrastructure in place to support our WP Implementation Plan. This 80m investment in people, property, technology, established processes and partners will be available at the point A4e is appointed preferred bidder. This infrastructure means there will be minimal physical implementation. As current programmes cease, A4e will focus on training staff for WP, thus enabling customers to receive support on 1 st June 11 1) Service Start Date Commencing Delivery of the Work Programme: A4e and its supply chain partners are experienced providers of welfare services with extensive established infrastructure across the SY region. This will enable us to commence delivery nationally and from key locations in SY from 1st June 2011. Delivery in all locations will commence by 31st July 2011. Phased implementation of new approaches: Service delivery will be supported by enhanced versions of our existing systems during the initial months of delivery, specially adapted to support the WP. Permanent new operating systems will gradually be rolled out as our new IT infrastructure (an investment of 6.1m) is put in place. Planned changes will be managed so that they have no impact on day-today delivery to customers. 2) Key Stages: A4es WP Implementation Plan is segmented into logical stages, to ensure that the correct experience and expertise is utilised at the correct time. These are as follows, with full details in Annex 6: NB Timeframes are contingent on DWP delivering in accordance with its published milestones. Key Stages Timeframe Stage 1: Service Design & Tendering: Solution Design, July 10 project/implementation planning including plans for all areas June 11 Stage 2: Initiation: Pre-emptive implementation activities, Dec 10 including supply chain capacity building (e.g. security planning) March 11 Stage 3: Preparation: Refine implementation plans, post tender Jan 11 onwards discussions and negotiations Stage 4: Implementation: Full implementation commences and Feb 11 service testing onwards Stage 5: Operational: Service commencement and refinement Jun to Dec11 3) Implementation Management & Resources: A4e Executive Director, [REDACTED], will have overall responsibility for WP implementation. [REDACTED] has extensive experience of delivering welfare services in addition to transformational change working with CRB/Home Office and Local Government. [REDACTED] will be dedicated to this project and will report progress and issues directly to A4es CEO and Group Board. A4es WP Implementation Plan will be overseen by a professional, experienced team of project management staff and A4es Project Management Office (PMO). The PMO will be accountable for ensuring all deliverables are met within agreed timescales. Project Management: A WP Project Director, Jasmail Sanghera, has been in post since

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 9.1 (continued) July 2010 leading an established team of 8 Project Managers (PMs, all Prince 2 qualified) that support 12 functional Work Stream (WS) Leads: Framework & Tender, [REDACTED] Business Transformation , [REDACTED] Business Solutions, [REDACTED] Communications, [REDACTED] Legal & Commercials, [REDACTED] IT, [REDACTED] Supply Chain, [REDACTED] HR, TUPE & Training, [REDACTED] Employer Engagement, [REDACTED] Risk, Security, Compliance, Financing, [REDACTED] [REDACTED] & [REDACTED] Estates, [REDACTED] The programme is being run using PRINCE2 methodology. All PMs and WS Leads have experience of implementing A4e contracts and wider experience outside A4e. WP Project Initiation Document (PID): In July 10, A4es PMO conducted an initial scoping exercise for the WP, produced the Implementation Plan and PID, including a risk log and detailed contingency plans with key mitigations. These are updated on an ongoing basis, and progress is monitored and reported to A4es Management Board. Weekly meetings and reports ensure risks & issues are logged and mitigated against. Risks & Mitigating actions: A4e has mapped potential risks and planned mitigating actions as part of its implementation preparation and business readiness programme: Risk Mitigating Actions Delays e.g in Announcement of Implementation plan is fully adjustable, use preferred bidders by DWP existing systems as contingency Supply Chain: Partner withdraws Readiness Plan in place for all E2E partners; /failure to implement to timescales reserves; implementation sessions eg. TUPE HR: Unable to recruit/train staff Ongoing recruitment, phased training & with skills/experience,TUPE delays transition to new roles, staff secondment Premises: Unable to find suitable Utilising existing premises; new premises premises or premises not ready for already sourced; co-location with supply chain contract commencement and outreach strategies Management Capacity: impact on Implementation management structure existing contract perf; WP fails to includes national, function and CPA-specific meet perf levels in initial months resource; rec of add. management resource Security: Plans not in place A4e plan drafted pre-bid, standards assessed across supply chain during partner selection, partner workshops. Implementing multiple WP contracts: Our Implementation Plan is based on A4e retaining our position as a UK-wide welfare provider, securing 8 WP contracts and 5 major subcontracts to other prime bidders. We understand the risks involved with implementing multiple contracts and have mitigated against these risks: Our Implementation Plan and PID are scalable and adaptable to the business we may secure. We will adapt these immediately on announcement of preferred bidders, e.g. re-assessing distribution of implementation resources across CPAs. We are well resourced to support WP implementation on a central and local level and will adapt plans to differing geographical areas. Current Regional Managers will lead implementation at an operational level in SY Existing infrastructure in SY - A4e has 5 existing centres and 124 delivery staff in post and our major supply chain partners have 39 premises and 58 staff. Investment in pre-emptive activity, e.g. planning with partners and developing the capacity and capability of 3rd sector suppliers, including Security Planning. Experience of concurrent implementation in multiple locations (see below). FND1, 6 contracts; 829m; 94 supply chain partners: FND implementation required an approach that was able to setup a complex service across large geographical areas to challenging timescales. In 7 weeks we set up 25 sites and recruited 664 staff.


Please describe:

how your proposals for delivery of services within this CPA will be put in place without adversely affecting your organisations or your Sub-contractors ability to deliver existing and recently won contracts as well as other contracts you are bidding for. in detail your contingency plan for maintaining the entire scope of your proposal within your bid should members of your supply chain withdraw prior to commencement of delivery of this contract.

Insert your response in the pre-set, shaded space of the following pages. Your response MUST be limited to two sides of A4.


RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 9.2 1) Implementing the Work Programme without impacting on other services A4es Work Programme Implementation Plans include specific contingency measures to ensure effective roll-out of the service in multiple CPAs without impacting on the delivery and performance of other contracts. We understand the danger of overstretch and the potential consequences of failure, to our customers and business strategy, and have planned accordingly. Our service and implementation plans, including contingencies cover the whole supply chain, including delivery by A4e and our subcontractor partners. Existing Business: We currently deliver 44 DWP contracts across all 11 Regions. 32 of these contracts will be replaced by the Work Programme or will have ended by the contract start date. This capacity, along with our upfront investment in service design and transition planning, means A4e has unrivalled capacity to implement the WP in multiple CPAs with minimal or no impact to other services performance. New Business: A4e has detailed growth plans to support our growth ambitions to be a 1bn turnover company by 2020. This includes bid pipelines for new services, many of which are linked to tackling poverty and will be complementary to delivery of the Work Programme. We are planning for potential concurrent implementation of several contracts in 2011 including: Ministry of Justice Unpaid Work, as part of a joint-venture with MITIE Disability Employment Programme, (DENVRS) Australia Nat. Money Guidance (financial literacy), Consumer Financial Education Body. Full plans for the implementation of these services, along with the Work Programme have been put in place by A4es Corporate Services Division, which includes the PMO function described in 9.1. This function is resourced to implement this business fully in a timely way in line with contractual customers requirements. In addition, the business has a network of associate programme and project managers that we can call on to increase capacity at short notice. Financial Capacity: A4e has been proactive in financial planning to ensure we have the resources and capacity to implement WP alongside existing and other potential new contracts. A4e expects to call on one lead bank to fund its working capital requirements. However, we have worked with six clearing banks and several equity providers to ensure we are in the best possible position and have the required funds in place at the time of contract signing and for the peak working capital requirement. Our Pricing Submission includes letters from banks who have expressed strong interest in supporting A4e. Full plans and contingencies have been formed by a Finance Steering Group, a sub-set of the Group Board lead by [REDACTED], A4es Group Financial Director. Subcontractor Implementation Capacity: Our supply chain selection process has involved full assessment of every potential partners ability to implement the Work Programme alongside existing contracts and any new business. This has included submission of written implementation plans and face-to-face discussions about how an organisation will make arrangements for go live in June 2011 at the latest. A4e will continue implementation discussions with partners post-tender submission and through bid evaluation to ensure momentum is maintained and relationships are built to last. Evidence: An example of our major partners ability to implement the Work Programme alongside current contracts and details of planned business is below: JHP currently deliver Flexible New Deal for A4e in Sheffield, therefore premises, staff and management infrastructure will be available for Work Programme. Implementation in SY will be led by [REDACTED], Regional Manager. Barnsley MBC contracts coming to an end include Jobzone and Progress Together. [REDACTED], Barnsley MBC Directorate, will lead implementation for the Work Programme. 2) Contingency Plans for a Supply Chain Partner withdrawing pre-start A4e has conducted in depth discussions and has been transparent with every supply

RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE 9.2 (continued) chain partner as part of its tender preparation to minimise the risk of organisations withdrawing during post tender discussions. This also reinforces our drive for rapid implementation and to commence delivery in June 2011. Since July 2010 and the announcement of the ERSS Framework we have been developing our delivery strategy and associated supply chain for SY. Our objectives have been: to create a diverse supply chain without reliance on any single provider or sector to put in place a supply chain where every member is fully prepared to deliver WP and other ERSS services in line with DWPs delivery requirements. Pre-bid: As part of our pre-planning phase we have taken a series of measures to minimise the risk of partners withdrawing before the contract start date, including: Proactive engagement of high quality partners through networking by Regional Partnership Teams, including existing supply chain partners in whom A4e has invested significantly through the setting up of FND and JCPSC. Offering flexible contracting terms, financial support and capacity building support to partners prior to inclusion in our bids to minimise the risk of withdrawing due to poor cash flow or financial reasons Clear articulation of key DWP requirements in key areas such as security, TUPE and safeguarding, which historically A4e has found to be triggers for withdrawal. This has included Security Plan workshops and sessions by the Foundation for Social Improvement, a charity that capacity builds third sector organisations. Thorough assessment of the capacity and capability of all major partners as part of our supply chain selection process, including risk assessment, financial capacity assessments specifically to analyse a partners ability to cope with the demands of Work Programme delivery. Every partner will be asked to produce a Business Readiness Plan. Full support and advice will be provided by A4es Y&H Partnership Team and partners will be given support from A4e specialists whenever requested. The Plan will be reviewed weekly by A4es Partnership Manager prior to go live. The plan will include steps to be taken to contract signing, technical Infrastructure plans, premises & environment, recruitment, processes & procedures, branding and marketing, training, Health & Safety, Information Security. If a partner withdraws: In addition to pre-emptive measures to minimise risk we have full contingency plans that will be enacted in the event of a partner withdrawing. Specifically, we have a reserve of pre-approved A4e partners that are potential replacements should the preferred partner withdraw, e.g. see examples below: E2E partner selected Reserve partner Sheffield Works Consortium Sheffield City Region Work Programme Partnership, Rathbone, Talent Training Rotherham College of Arts Sector Solutions, Groundwork If a reserves are unable to deliver then will A4e seek out additional partners by advertising opportunities via its Partner website, providing an existing WP partner with an opportunity to extend their delivery or, where feasible, delivering directly. Evidence: one week prior to JCPSC go-live our subcontractor in Newport withdrew from the contract. We immediately informed DWP and implemented contingency arrangements with our reserve partner Learning Links. Learning Links secured a premise and staff within one week, and successfully implemented the contract on time. Their success is evidence by JCP requesting additional IOW redundancy support services


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