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Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

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On the transferability of smart energy systems on off-grid islands using T

cluster analysis – A case study for the Philippine archipelago

Henning Meschedea, ,1, Eugene A. Esparcia Jr.b,1, Peter Holzapfelc, Paul Bertheaud,

Rosario C. Ange, Ariel C. Blancoe, Joey D. Oconb,
Department of Sustainable Products and Processes, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmH, Berlin, Germany
Department of Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines


• We analysed the potential smart energy systems on 502 Philippine off-grid islands.
• Key parameters describing single aspects of smart energy systems are determined.
• We classified the islands according to similarities in various relevant aspects.
• Most of the islands (86%) belong to five clusters of very small and small islands.
• Photovoltaic-battery systems is the favourable backbone of a future energy system.


Keywords: Islands are highly diverse in their climatic, physical, social, and economic characteristics. Thus, each island’s
Cluster analysis energy system needs to be designed according to its specific features. However, similarities among islands exist
Renewable energy which can enable the fast transfer of concepts and experiences with energy systems. In the Philippines, only few
Off-grid system off-grid islands are incorporating smart energy systems through hybrid electricity systems. While most off-grid
Smart energy system
islands still do not have access to electricity, the majority of off-grid Philippine islands having access to elec-
Smart islands
tricity are powered primarily by diesel-fired generators. In this work, a cluster analysis is performed for 502 off-
grid islands in the Philippine archipelago, classifying the islands according to their similarities in socio-economic
and physical characteristics, and indigenous energy resource potential. The results show that most of the islands
belong to five clusters of very small and small islands for which photovoltaic-battery systems would be the
favourable backbone of a future energy system based on renewable energies. These islands show a varying level
of feasibility for harnessing wind energy. In medium and big islands, opportunities of linking electricity systems
to water supply and thermal energy loads as well as to the transport sector, are identified and their relevance in
the clusters is discussed. The results are consistent with the validation of the individual characteristics of chosen
off-grid islands. The cluster analysis results support policy makers and private investors in deciding which smart
energy system projects are suitable for which particular islands.

1. Introduction the power sector and other sectors, such as thermal, gas, and transport,
has become more relevant with the promotion of smart and sustainable
The design and implementation of smart and sustainable energy energy systems [1]. There are various smart energy system initiative
systems on islands has attracted the interest of the scientific community frameworks available which essentially consist of three key compo-
and policy makers in recent years, which coincides with the increasing nents: supply side management (SSM), energy storage systems (ESS),
number of sustainable energy projects. The interdependence between and demand side management (DSM). SSM focuses on renewable

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (H. Meschede), (J.D. Ocon).
Contributed equally as co-first authors.
Received 20 December 2018; Received in revised form 5 May 2019; Accepted 7 May 2019
Available online 24 May 2019
0306-2619/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

Nomenclature H2 hydrogen
LCOE levelised cost of electricity
CHP combined heat and power PtG power-to-gas
DR demand response PV photovoltaics
DSM demand side management RES renewable energy systems
ESS energy storage systems SHS solar home system
GDP gross domestic product SSM supply side management
HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning V2G vehicle-to-grid

energy systems (RES), flexible power plants and combined heat and PtG storage can be more economically viable at scale, this is not con-
power (CHP) in order to maximise local energy resource utilisation and sidered in their analysis since there is no substantial infrastructure on
minimise carbon emissions. For example, Sigrist et al. considered most small islands to implement these types of ESS.
changing the coal- and oil-fired power plants to gas-fired power plants The energy system configuration is also highly dependent on other
[2]. Meschede and Wiegand discussed CHP as an appropriate solution factors, which are also diverse on the islands around the world. Some
for a touristic island [3]. ESS focuses on technologies capable of in- could have similar characteristics, and, therefore, a systematic classi-
tegrating variable RES to islands using different technologies capable of fication may help ease the transferability of concepts and experiences.
storing excess energy in oversupply periods and releasing stored energy Meschede et al. found 10 main clusters within a set of 1087 global is-
during times of energy shortage, such as pumped hydro storage (PHS), lands by clustering them according to their common characteristics
grid-scale battery systems, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems, power-to-gas [14]. Sigrist et al. identified 5 prototype islands based on their annual
(PtG) systems, and hydrogen storage (H2). The most analysed ESS ap- energy demand, installed capacity, highest transmission and distribu-
proaches on an island scale are stationary battery storage, H2 as it is tion voltage level, average generation cost, and population by con-
reported by two reviews on hybrid renewable energy systems [4], and ducting cluster analysis for 60 benchmarked European and non-Eur-
insular power systems [5]. Furthermore, V2G is subject of many recent opean islands [2]. Cross et al. benchmarked 28 European overseas
publications. Child et al. analysed V2G concepts for 100% renewable island territories by looking into their problems and potential solutions,
energy systems on the Åland islands in the Baltic Sea [6]. Battery focusing on renewable energy development, interconnection, and en-
electric vehicles are also object of an analysis of the energy system of ergy storage [17]. Gioutsos et al. analysed the cost-effective design of
the small Italian island of Favignana [7]. For the Canary island of La electricity systems on 6 global islands [18]. They chose the islands
Gomera, Meschede et al. pointed out the advantages of battery electric based on several criteria instead using prototypes for similar island
vehicles and smart charging strategies from a macro-economic per- belonging to defined cluster. Michalena and Hills analyse barriers and
spective [8]. DSM focuses on better management of energy consump- paths of RES for island states in the South Pacific [19]. Country-level
tion in various sectors to reduce energy demand, such as households, classification of islands provides a more detailed analysis that might be
tourism and the water supply sector. For instance, Pina et al. [9] focus overlooked in the global and transregional analyses. For instance,
on demand response in residential washing, dryer and dish washing Kaldellis et al. grouped the Aegean islands in Greece (except Crete Is-
processes for the case of the Portuguese island of Flores. Beccali et al. land) into 4 clusters according to their annual electricity demand and
[10] analyse DSM in a touristic facility on the Italian island of Lam- peak load, with a techno-economic analysis conducted for the appro-
pedusa. Among others, also demand shifting via dispatch of a heat priate RES and ESS combination [20].
pump as well as energy efficiency and retrofitting measures are ana- According to the Philippine National Mapping and Resource
lysed. Meschede and Wiegand [3] study the potential for demand Information Authority (NAMRIA), the Philippine archipelago consists
shifting in touristic facilities for the Canary island of La Gomera and of 7641 islands. Most of the off-grid islands (i.e. islands that are not
pointed out the potential of compression chilling machines if sufficient connected to the Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao grids) are currently
storage capacity is installed. DSM in the water sector of islands is powered by diesel generators with most of the islands having limited
pointed out in Meschede [11]. Here, on the one hand wells and desa- operating hours. These diesel generators are owned and/or operated by
lination plants operate flexibly in terms of increasing the share of RES. the government-owned National Power Corporation – Small Power
On the other hand, micro PHS within the existing water distribution Utilities Group (NPC-SPUG), mandated by the Republic Act No. 9136 or
system are implemented to increase the storage capacity. The latter the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA) of 2001 to operate in
option is also discussed for the Greek island of Donoussa in Manolakos commercially unviable areas for power generation and power delivery
et al. [12]. The advantage of micro PHS using pumps operation in both through missionary electrification scheme. Most of the islands that are
directions (so-called pumps-as-turbines) is also visualised in Morabito not operated by NPC-SPUG, Qualified Third Party (QTP) power com-
and Hendrick [13]. Regarding these possible DSM actions, knowledge panies, or electric cooperatives (EC), have most probably no access to
of the energy demand of promising business sectors is indispensable, electricity. A Universal Charge – Missionary Electrification (UC-ME) is
especially for designing smart energy systems. levied to electricity consumers in the mainland grid to subsidise the
Most of the worlds islands are located in the tropical and sub-tro- electricity costs of inhabitants living in off-grid areas because of high
pical regions in the Pacific Ocean, with varying climatic, physical, and cost of generation on off-grid islands compared generation costs on is-
socio-economic characteristics affecting the energy system design [14]. lands connected to one of the three main grids. Projections show higher
Blechinger et al. conducted a systematic techno-economic assessment of subsidy requirements for the succeeding years due to fluctuating diesel
solar, wind, and battery potentials for 1785 islands around the world. prices in the world market coupled with population growth [21].
The results highly suggest that integrating batteries into the energy Therefore, there is a need to provide reliable energy access and at the
systems simultaneously increases the renewable energy share and de- same time to decarbonise the energy system for these islands by im-
creases the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) [15]. Upon analysis they plementing smart energy systems based on RES. Ocon and Bertheau
also discussed that the wind-battery hybrid system is not a favourable conducted a techno-economic analysis of all NPC-SPUG areas with
combination due to a high variability of wind power density coupled optimal results, generally showing approximately a 20% LCOE reduc-
with the possibility of longer days without power generation, and tion and a RE share of up to 40% using PV-battery-diesel hybrid energy
limited wind potential of certain locations [16]. Although wind power systems [22]. Bertheau and Blechinger provided a more refined and
coupled with long-term energy storage such as PHS, H2 storage, and/or comprehensive analysis of putting up solar PV-based hybrid energy

H. Meschede, et al.

Table 1
Influencing parameters for Smart Energy System Initiative.
Energy components Sub-components GDP Total GDP per Population GDP Population Installed # of Elevation Wind Solar Biomass Climate Available area Fresh water
electricity electricity per density capacity hotels potential potential potential availability
demand demand capita

Demand side Energy X X X

management efficiency
(DSM) Residential + + +
Commercial/ + + + + X
business sector
Industrial sector + + + +
Water supply + + X
Heating demand X + + X

Cooling demand X X X + + X

Supply side Renewable + + X X X X X

management energy
(SSM) Flexible CHP + + X +

Energy storage Pumped hydro X X X X X X X X +

systems (ESS) storage
Grid-scale X X X X X X
Vehicle-to-Grid + +
Power-to-Gas X X X + X X X
Hydrogen (H2) X X X + X X X

X: key influencing parameter; +: influencing parameter.

Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290
H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

systems in NPC-SPUG areas with a more robust sensitivity analysis first part describes the requirements of data to characterise each island,
[23]. Despite these results, there are only two small off-grid islands the second part explains the method of characterising the islands.
(Cobrador Island and Pamilacan Island) in the Philippines, which are
not NPC-SPUG areas, that are implementing microgrid hybrid energy 2.1. Applicability of parameters to smart energy systems initiatives on
systems (PV-battery-diesel) so far while other larger off-grid islands islands
have mixed energy sources (RE and conventional) without energy sto-
rage. Even though the examples of Cobrador and Pamilacan proves the With regard to previous studies and the definition of smart energy
feasibility of microgrid hybrid energy systems, still many islands have systems given earlier, parameters determining smart energy system
no access to electricity or generate electric power using diesel gen- initiatives are defined and – if available – collected or calculated for
erators only. In order to ease the transferability of proven local energy each island. The overview of the influencing parameters in Table 1
concepts and experiences to other islands, a classification of the Phi- shows that two different sets of influencing parameters exist: (1) socio-
lippine islands in terms of parameters which influence the energy economic data, such as GDP, electricity demand, main business sectors,
system is needed. and degree of urbanisation, is needed for DSM-measures; (2) physical
Ma et al. presents challenges faced by the Philippines in im- parameters such as RES potential, elevation, and available area, are the
plementing smart energy systems with a focus on the islands connected key parameters for SSM. Parameters affecting DSM and SSM also in-
with the main electricity grids [24], but so far, no comprehensive study fluence the choice and optimal size of ESS technology. The table in-
is available for the off-grid islands in the Philippines by classifying them cludes also climatic parameters (e.g. ambient temperature and hu-
according to smart energy system design. To bridge this gap, this work midity) as well as data describing the fresh water availability. The latter
performs cluster analysis for hundreds of inhabited off-grid islands of is especially important in the context of islands and the estimation of
various sizes in the Philippines in order to enable an estimation of the potential of linking energy and water sectors. Nevertheless, there is
potential of smart energy systems. This approach allows the fast design currently no quantitative data available that describes this parameter
of such systems, the exchange of experiences, and transfer of knowledge satisfyingly for the small non-connected islands of the Philippines.
to other similar islands. Pertinent socio-economic and physical data as Furthermore, since the islands of the Philippines show similar climatic
well as potential energy yield data was collected and used in the ana- conditions, this study does not involve climatic parameters in the fol-
lysis. A first determination of key parameters describing single aspects lowing process.
of smart energy systems is given. Furthermore, a novel approach to
group islands with homogenous and heterogenous characteristics is
described. The structure of this study is as follows: Detailed information 2.1.1. Socio-economic parameters
of all data and their sources are given in Section 2 followed by the The population is obtained using High Resolution Settlement Layer
description of the method. In Section 3, the case study of the Philippine (HRSL) datasets [36]. HRSL datasets are primarily used because they
archipelago is shortly described. The results of the cluster analysis are estimate the inhabitants of each sample island, which the census cannot
presented in Section 4, while Section 5 offers a detailed discussion on resolve. On eight sample off-grid islands (i.e. Alingkakajaw Island, Boan
these. Moreover, this section includes the validation though comparison Island, Great Bakkungaan Island, Lihiman Island, Mantigue Island,
of results with selected case studies. Finally, the conclusions are stated Patunga Island, Taganak Island, and Ubay Island), the population is
in Section 6. estimated using the 2010 census and direct observation of settlement
agglomeration. Touristic islands are determined using the number of
accredited hotels and resorts listed at the Philippine Department of
2. Material and method Tourism (DOT) in 2011 [25,26]. Hotels and resorts are considered since
tourist facilities might offer DSM potential. The gross domestic product
This section describing the applied methods of the characterisation (GDP) of the islands is estimated by establishing an empirical linear
of smart energy systems on islands is divided into two parts. While the relation between regional manufacturing and service GDP to the

Fig. 1. General method of the characterisation.

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

nightlight data from NOAA Global Radiance Calibrated Night-time no available public data to verify the conditions for these islands, this
Lights and agriculture GDP to population [27–30]. work assumes that these islands have zero installed capacity. These
islands are potential greenfields for implementing smart energy sys-
2.1.2. Physical parameters tems.
The island area and its distance to mainland are obtained using the
OpenStreetMap (OSM) data base [31], while the elevation was obtained 2.2. Method of characterisation
using 30-meter Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data [32].
These parameters are processed using Quantum GIS (QGIS). The The general method is shown in Fig. 1. The classifications are car-
available area for RES is taken from [14]. The following exclusion ried out to characterise the off-grid Philippine islands according to their
criteria are used: elevation greater than 2000 m; slope greater than smart energy system potential: (1) socio-economic and physical; and (2)
25%; inland water; and forest cover greater than 25%. The forest cover wind and solar potential.
data were obtained from Global 1 km Consensus Land Cover database
[33]. 2.2.1. Socio-economic and physical characterisation
Findings in Meschede et al. [14] emphasize that only weak struc-
2.1.3. Energy parameters tures can be identified, especially for partitioning clustering of socio-
The renewable energy potentials (solar, wind, and biomass) of the economic data. Previous studies (e.g. Sigrist et al. [2] and Kaldellis
islands are considered using Phil-LIDAR 2 datasets [34]. The solar po- et al. [20]) classified islands according to their annual electricity de-
tential (in Wh/(day*m2)) uses high resolution global horizontal irra- mand and peak load. For the smallest islands with few inhabitants, both
diance, while the wind potential (in W/m2swept) uses the wind power studies showed that smart energy systems which are mainly based on
density at 80 m. For theoretical biomass potential (in metric tons/year), RES and stationary battery are suitable, while DSM has a higher impact
this work assumes that only agricultural waste is used which is evenly on bigger islands. For the observed Philippine islands, data of annual
distributed per municipality or city. demand or peak load is not widely available but a strong correlation
The installed power plant capacities of the sample islands are ac- between annual demand and population can be observed and confirmed
counted with the assumption that all power plants within the same is- by previous studies [2,4]. Therefore, single characteristic classification
land are aggregated, regardless if they are operating in separate grids. considering the islands’ population is done first. Both population
These include power plants owned by the NPC-SPUG, new power pro- numbers and population density are shown in Fig. 2. Besides describing
ducers (NPPs), Philippine Rural Electrification Service (PRES), and the annual demands, high population numbers might indicate higher
electric cooperative (EC) [35,36]. Some islands have either un- urbanisation and, therefore, shows the general possibility for smart
accounted installed capacity or no electricity access but since there is district heating and cooling on the one hand and DSM within the trade

Fig. 2. Estimated population (left) and estimated population density (right) of 502 sample off-grid Philippine islands.

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

and commercial sector on the other hand. In this work, the sample off- The number of hotels and resorts in the island was not included in
grid islands in the Philippines were classified according to population the cluster analysis, but as discussed earlier, it is an important para-
with the following criterion: meter to determine touristic islands. Touristic islands typically show
different electricity consumption profiles due to tourism seasonality
[39] or climatic seasonality [37]. Furthermore, to enable demand
Very small islands (VS): less than 1000 inhabitants
shifting in the touristic sector, an island needs a significant number of
Small islands (S): 1000 to 10,000 inhabitants
Medium islands (M): 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants standard and premium touristic facilities with a notable number of
Big islands (B): 100,000 to 1,000,000 inhabitants beds. Touristic facilities, especially on tropical islands, are interesting
Very big islands (VG): more than 1,000,000 inhabitants cases since they require heat (e.g. domestic hot water) and cool sinks
(e.g. HVAC and cold stores).
For small and medium sized islands, a second classification using
The detailed classification is divided into two parts: pre-processing
cluster methods characterises the islands more precisely taking into
of data and clustering. Pre-processing includes the exclusion of extreme
account the following uncorrelated, key parameters:
outliers, which are identified by two consecutive approaches. First,

• Remoteness: distance of the island to a mainland grid. This para- observations greater than the median plus 8 times the range between
the third and second quartile (Q3-Q2) are excluded. Second, observa-
meter quantifies viability of interconnection from the off-grid is-
tions above the median plus 7 times the mean value are defined as
lands to mainland grids.
• Elevation: maximum height above sea level of the island. This
extreme outliers for those parameters with median and third quartile
equal to zero. To ensure comparability, all parameters are standardised
parameter provides the possibility of PHS and DSM for the water
using Z-score transformation.
supply sector of the island.
• GDP per capita: total economic output of agriculture, commercial,
After pre-processing, the k-means algorithm, which is commonly
used in data mining and shows good results in previous island studies
and industrial sectors of the island per inhabitant. This parameter
(e.g. Meschede et al. [14] and Weigelt et al. [38]), is used for clustering.
provides key insight into the possibility of implementing DSM for
K-means algorithm divides the observations in k partitions, whereby k
the commercial sector, such as tourism facilities.
• Agricultural waste per capita: the amount of agricultural waste
is in integer that must be given. In order to determine the optimal k-
value, pre-clustering is carried out by varying the number of clusters 4
(rice, corn, coconut, and/or sugar) generated per inhabitant an-
to 10. The average silhouette width is chosen as the main statistical
nually. This parameter can characterise usable biomass potential for
evaluation criterion. Multiple runs are carried out to minimise the in-
power generation and/or heat source for various application.
fluence of random set starting points.

Fig. 3. Results cluster analysis small islands; clusters sorted by number of objects in descending order, right bottom: size of black circle represents mean values while
width of grey circle indicates standard deviation of this feature for each cluster.

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

2.2.2. Characterisation of wind and solar potential 4. Results

The cluster analysis method applied for the classification in terms of
wind potential, solar potential, and available area for RES installation is In the following the results of the analysis are presented according
identical to the method outlined in the previous section. The monthly to the islands’ size.
variation of wind and solar PV potential is incorporated to the input
variable for cluster analysis by dividing the mean power per square
4.1. Characterisation of very small islands
meter by their corresponding co-variance. The climate on each island is
independent from the number of inhabitants. Hence, in opposite to the
Very small islands make up of 41.8% of the 502 sample off-grid
previous approach, a first rough categorisation according to the island’s
islands. Twenty-one of these very small islands with recorded installed
size is not needed.
capacities have an average capacity of 100 kW and a maximum capacity
of 1.3 MW.
3. Case study
4.2. Characterisation of small islands
This work considers 502 off-grid Philippine islands, including 119
islands which are currently supplied with electricity by the NPC-SPUG The small islands make up of 44.2% of the sample off-grid islands.
[15] and 82 islands that are planned to be equipped with diesel gen- Based on 52 small islands with recorded installed capacities, this type of
erators according to the Philippine Department of Energy Missionary island has an average installed capacity of 400 kW with the maximum
Electrification Development Plan (DOE-MEDP) 2016–2020 [21]. The capacity being 1.3 MW. The energy system design for most of the small
sub-major islands, such as Alabat Island, Camiguin Island (province), islands is similar to very small islands with some variation due to dis-
Biliran Island, Guimaras Island, Samal Island, and Siargao Island—- tinct characteristics. Therefore, a cluster analysis is conducted to
which are currently connected via submarine power cables—are in- characterise these small islands in order to distinguish different attri-
cluded in this study because of the potential reliability issues, power butes. Fig. 3 shows four distinct clusters by clustering 202 small islands
transmission limitations, and possible infeasibility to increase line ca- with an average silhouette width of 0.64, indicating medium structure.
pacity. The major islands in the Philippines, such as Luzon Island, In total, 20 small islands are excluded from analysis as outliers; since
Mindanao Island, Panay Island, Negros Island, Leyte Island, Samar Is- they potentially provide unique cases for installing smart energy
land, Cebu Island and Bohol Island are considered as mainland since system, these islands are considered in further analyses (classified as
they are connected to three national electric grids. This work does not cluster SN).
consider neighbouring countries as mainland. Cluster S1 consists of 138 small islands with low remoteness, low

Fig. 4. Results cluster analysis medium islands; clusters sorted by number of objects in descending order, right bottom: size of black circle represents mean values
while width of grey circle indicates standard deviation of this feature for each cluster.

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

GDP per capita, low maximum elevation, and low agricultural waste. seasonality of electricity consumption is more pronounced due to the
These islands are very similar to very small islands but show higher influx of non-residents in peak months.
economic viability on adapting microgrid configuration. Cluster S2 Cluster M4 consists of 4 islands with moderate remoteness, low-
includes 26 small islands with high remoteness, moderate GDP per moderate GDP per capita, moderate elevation, and high agricultural
capita, moderate maximum elevation, and low agricultural waste. For waste. Cluster M5 condenses 3 islands with low remoteness, high GDP
this cluster a higher self-sufficiency of the energy system is required per capita, medium maximum elevation, and low agricultural waste. It
since imported resources are more expensive. Cluster S3 summarises 25 includes 2 touristic islands (Boracay Island and Panglao Island) with an
small islands with low remoteness, moderate GDP per capita, moderate expected seasonality of electricity consumption.
maximum elevation, and high agricultural waste. For the islands in this
cluster the agricultural waste can be used for power and heat genera- 4.4. Characterisation of big and very big islands
tion. Finally, cluster S4 consists of 13 small islands with low remote-
ness, high GDP per capita, moderate maximum elevation, and low The analysed dataset includes 12 big islands (cluster B) and one very
agricultural waste. big island (cluster VB). Except two, all islands are close to a mainland
grid, and therefore interconnections of both electric systems are pos-
4.3. Characterisation of medium islands sible.

Within the analysed data set, 57 islands are classified as medium 4.5. Characterisation of wind and solar potential
islands. In contrast to small islands, medium sized islands offer ten-
dentiously higher opportunities and potential for implementing DSM in Fig. 5 shows the generated 5 clusters on energy resource potential
trade and commerce sectors. Best results are found for 5 clusters and available area, with an average silhouette width of 0.5 indicating a
whereby two islands are excluded. The average silhouette width is 0.5. medium structure. Because of missing solar potential data, 11 out of
The results are shown in Fig. 4. 502 islands are excluded in the analysis.
Cluster M1 sums up 26 islands which are close to mainland with no Cluster E1 consists of 194 islands with relatively low wind and solar
specific attributes regarding their business sector. Conversely, cluster potential and moderate available area. Nevertheless, even low values
M2 condenses 12 remote, flat islands with medium GDP per capita. for solar power potentials relative to the other Philippine islands are
Cluster M3 includes 10 islands with low remoteness, low-moderate GDP high on a global scale [14]. As the available area for RES systems is high
per capita, moderate-high maximum elevation, and almost no agri- on these islands, ground based as well as rooftop solar are appropriate
cultural waste. Moreover, for the 3 touristic islands in this cluster, the solutions. Harnessing wind energy might not be economically viable for

Fig. 5. Results cluster analysis wind and solar potential; clusters sorted by number of objects in descending order, right bottom: size of black circle represents mean
values while width of grey circle indicates standard deviation of this feature for each cluster.

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

this cluster. Cluster E2 consists of 116 islands with low available area 5.1. Very small islands
but with second-best conditions for wind power generation. Installation
of ground-based solar PV farms could be limited because of space re- For very small islands, the energy system matches the limits for this
strictions; therefore, floating solar PV and/or rooftop solar PV can be type of island defined in previous literature [20]. Their smart energy
deployed with the possibility of off-shore wind farms being economic- system design is dominated by the supply side (i.e. installation of ap-
ally viable. Rooftop solar PV and/or small wind systems could be also propriate RES and ESS). With regard to previous findings in [16] the
considered for residential and commercial sectors. Cluster E3 includes combination of solar PV and stationary batteries might be preferable.
95 islands with the highest wind potential in the Philippines combined For the configuration, Lee et al. suggests that the cost for a solar PV
with a moderate available area for the implementation of RES. Never- microgrid system is almost always less than a solar home system (SHS)
theless, wind potential is relatively low on a global scale [14]. Har- due to a significant cost reduction by having a shared storage scheme.
nessing wind energy might be more economically viable for this cluster; However, distribution cost is still a major factor in the design [39].
therefore, wind farms could be integrated into the PV-battery systems. Chaurey and Kandpal suggest for the case of India, microgrid config-
Seasonal energy storage technologies can be also integrated to hybrid uration might be more economically viable for areas with many in-
energy systems to interact with the higher variability of wind. However, habitants, dense population, and flat terrain while SHS configuration
this requires additional investments in ESS and conversion technolo- might be more economically viable for areas with less inhabitants,
gies. Cluster E4 and cluster E5 consist of 45 and 41 islands, respectively, sparsely populated, and rougher terrain [40]. Some of the very small
mostly located in the south Philippines with high solar potential and islands are densely populated with flat terrain, therefore microgrid
unviable wind potential. Cluster E4 has moderate available area which configuration might be more economically viable due to the expected
enables the use of ground-based solar PV farms. In contrast, the islands lower distribution and storage cost. However, the number of in-
in cluster E5 have low available area and therefore rooftop solar PV or habitants as well as their current and projected energy consumption
floating solar PV should be deployed. should be also factored into the design. As one example, Cobrador Is-
land (876 inhabitants, 12.95528 N, 121.06704 E) located in the central
Philippines between Marinduque Island and Romblon Island is ana-
4.6. Linking socio-economic and physical, and energy potential
lysed. Its energy system consists of 30 kWp rooftop solar PV, a 15 kW
diesel generator, and a 180 kWh lithium-ion battery currently operated
by Romblon Electric Cooperative (ROMELCO) and funded by the Asian
Table 2 shows 54 out of 84 possible combinations for sample off-
Development Bank (ADB) and Korea Energy Agency (KEA). This island
grid islands in the Philippines by combining the socio-economic (with 2
belongs to cluster VS-E3, which suggests high possibility of economic
outlier clusters) and physical attributes and energy potential attributes
viability for wind power on the one hand and low energy demand on
(with unknown potential clusters).
the other hand. In this case, wind power is not deployed most probably
The majority of the sample islands belong to clusters VS-E1, S1-E1,
due to difficult installation and higher LCOE for wind power relative to
VS-E3, S1-E3, and VS-E1, which accounts for more than 50% of the
solar PV.
sample islands. This result implies that most of the islands belong to
As discussed earlier, RES and ESS have a higher impact than DSM
very small and small islands capable of having solar PV-battery systems
especially for this type of island. However, the addition of productive
as the backbone for their electricity system with varying levels of fea-
use activities and/or infrastructures such as small ice-making plants
sibility for the incorporation of wind power generation. These islands
and/or cold storage facilities could be essential in supporting fishing
have moderate available area for ground installation of solar PV. For
activities on some islands. Most of these islands probably have a limited
small and very small islands, wind power is an inadequate solution
supply of potable water, and therefore, seawater reverse osmosis
because of limited energy demand. Solar home systems or microgrid
(SWRO) could be the appropriate desalination technology as it can be
configurations can be considered depending on the distribution cost to
economically feasible if coupled with solar PV and/or wind [41].
connect households. Most inhabitants living in these islands have low
However, the desalination cost is expected to be high due to the lower
GDP per capita, therefore, the techno-economic analysis is expected to
economies of scale and therefore not likely to be economically viable at
be LCOE-sensitive, especially in terms of interconnection with mainland
the moment without grant support or government subsidies [42].
grids since most of these islands are close to mainland. It is worth to
note that some off-grid islands have already installed diesel generators
(i.e. brownfield for energy systems project), while most small islands
have no electricity access at all (i.e. greenfield). Table 2
There is a significant number of islands belonging to clusters VS-E2, Off-grid island cluster analysis combination in the Philippines.
S1-E2, and M1-E2 which have no available area for ground-based in-
Energy potential cluster
stallation. Thus, floating solar PV with or without offshore wind tur-
bines can be deployed. The utilisation of wind energy is more appro- Socio-economic and physical E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 EN TOTAL
priate to medium and big islands. There are 11 sample off-grid islands cluster
that belong to cluster S3-E2, which have significant amounts of biomass
Very small (VS) 97 24 43 31 6 9 210
and at the same time low available area for ground-based installation of Small 1 (S1) 67 29 32 7 3 138
RES. These islands could integrate biomass power plants to their energy Small 2 (S2) 6 6 4 4 5 1 26
systems. Small 3 (S3) 5 11 3 5 1 25
Although most islands (approx. 85% of all islands) are considered as Small 4 (S4) 3 6 2 2 13
Medium 1 (M1) 7 10 6 3 26
very small and small, the majority of inhabitants (approx. 72%) live on Medium 2 (M2) 1 2 1 8 12
medium and big islands. Most big islands belong to cluster B-E2, in- Medium 3 (M3) 1 5 1 3 10
dicating that big islands offer solar as well as wind potential. Medium 4 (M4) 2 2 4
Medium 5 (M5) 1 1 1 3
Big (B) 3 7 2 12
5. Discussion and validation Very big (VB) 1 1
TOTAL 191 104 92 45 37 11 480
Small Outlier (SN) 3 11 3 3 20
In the following section the results are discussed. In this context,
Medium Outlier (MN) 1 1 2
islands from the dataset are taken as examples to validate the clustering GRAND TOTAL 194 116 95 45 41 11 502

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

5.2. Small islands small islands with some variations. Desalination through SWRO tech-
nology as flexible load in combination with RES might be techno-eco-
Regarding the remoteness indicator, it is clear that most of the small nomic feasible for islands in cluster S2 if there is no proper fresh water
islands (i.e. islands belonging to clusters S1, S3, and S4) are close to the supply available. This will avoid importation of potable water from
mainland, and therefore an interconnection of the island grid with the bigger islands. Desalination could also be part of the energy-water
mainland grid can be done as already implemented on some islands. nexus on islands in clusters S3 and S4 since it may have higher water
Bertheau and Cader provided a detailed discussion on the potential demand due to allocated agricultural and domestic use. It is expected to
interconnection opportunity of off-grid islands via submarine power have lower cost due to economies of scale [41]. Cluster S3 has sub-
cables in the Philippines, with cost comparison relative to renewable- stantial agricultural output and therefore the energy consumption of
based hybrid energy systems [38]. The feasibility of interconnection is the island is increased for agricultural processing into value-adding
highly dependent on the investment cost and energy demand. products. Moreover, islands in clusters S2, S3, and S4 show moderate to
Moreover, the design of smart energy systems on islands of cluster high GDP per capita. The DSM potentials in the business sectors of the
S1 could be similar to those of very small islands. In the following, the islands are limited due to the size of small islands despite the higher
power system of four islands are described deeper to underline and ratio of trade and commerce.
validate the findings:
5.3. Medium islands
- Diit Island (11.24446 N, 120.93433 E; 1,190 inhabitants) is located
in the western-central part of the Philippines in the Sulu Sea. Its Regarding the medium islands, two clusters with islands of low
energy system consists of 120 units of 30 W SHS provided by the remoteness can be found: M1 and M5. Especially for touristic islands in
non-government organisation to the inhabitants [43]. NPC-SPUG M5 interconnection to the mainland grid in combination with local RES
plans to install 60 kW diesel generator before 2020 based on the and ESS would be advantageous for: investment deferral, upgrading the
missionary electrification plan [36]. The island belongs to S1-E3, interconnection capacity, supporting its expected seasonal electricity
which suggest solar PV-battery combination with low GDP per ca- consumption, and self-generation. As one example, the touristic
pita and high viability of harnessing wind energy for the small is- Boracay Island (11.97083 N, 121.92545 E; 32587 inhabitants) situated
land. The deployment of SHS might be appropriate due to the low northwest of Panay Island in central Philippines currently operated by
GDP per capita and small size of the island. Aklan Electric Cooperative (AKELCO) is taken. The electricity of the
- Pamilacan Island (9.49275 N, 123.92377 E; 1,522 inhabitants) is island depends on 40 MW submarine power cable to the mainland grid.
situated south of Bohol Island in the central Philippines. This island No public diesel generator is available in the island, but big touristic
belongs to cluster S1-E1, which suggests solar PV-battery with low facilities have their own diesel generators. In the recent years Boracay
economic viability of wind power. Its energy system consists of Island has experienced power outages due to reliability issues with
40 kWp rooftop solar PV, a 136 kW diesel generator, and a 200 Ah electricity transmission and distribution which has had a high impact
battery storage operated by Bohol I Electric Cooperative (BOHECO on the islands economic activities [47,48]. A recent report deals with
I) [22,44]. the installation of a 10 MW/40 MWh lithium-ion phosphate battery-
- As another example, Panganan Island (10.21938 N, 124.03823 E; system to replace the capacity of the diesel peaking plant that is dedi-
2,397 inhabitants) located in the central Philippines near Cebu cated to providing half of the capacity for the island [49].
Island is taken. The power system of the island consists of a The island belongs to cluster M5-E3, suggesting viability of solar PV-
45.36 kWp solar PV power plant with 118 units of 2 V/1800 Ah battery system with high economic viability for harnessing wind power.
lead-acid battery but currently not operational since 2011 due to For this case, installation of distributed rooftop PV on touristic facilities
low efficiency and inferior quality of solar PV and batteries [45]. coupled with the installed battery capacity within the island will po-
The island belongs to cluster S1-E1, which suggest solar PV-battery tentially solve the transmission and distribution issues, especially from
hybrid system with low economic viability of harnessing wind the submarine power cable. Although, the submarine power cable will
power. Hence, the classification is consistent since the population be expanded to 100 MW according to 2016 – 2040 Transmission
density enables microgrid system and supposedly operates as solar Development Plan [50]. Excess generation from solar PV can be
PV-battery-diesel hybrid system. transmitted to the main grid. Furthermore, solar thermal is one option
- Suluan Island (10.76285 N, 125.95661 E; 1,716 inhabitants) is si- to supply heat to the touristic facilities.
tuated south of Samar Island in the eastern side of the Philippines. Generally, DSM in trade and commerce is an appropriate solution to
Its energy system consists of 47 installed SHS distributed to the in- realise smart energy systems. In addition, touristic islands in clusters
habitants [43]. NPC-SPUG plans to install 140 kW diesel generators M3 and M5 enable the utilisation of RES like photovoltaics or solar
before 2020 based on the missionary electrification plan [36]. This thermal, CHP, and DSM in touristic facilities and their related water
island belongs to cluster S1-E2, in which solar PV and battery is the supply, e.g. wastewater treatment. High shares of the total energy
preferable smart energy system. The small population size coupled consumption of touristic facilities belongs to air conditioning, therefore
with low GDP per capita makes the SHS a suitable energy system for there is a huge potential for implementing energy efficiency measures.
rural electrification but usually the system is undersized due to price Larger hotels and resorts can harness solar air conditioning and sea-
pressure [46]. water air conditioning for their cooling loads, which can potentially
reduce electricity consumption for the island. Finally, already installed
Regarding further small islands, both clusters S3 and S4 have higher decentralised diesel generators can be converted to CHP or CCHP which
elevation compared to other small clusters, which might enable the use can run flexible in times of no electricity generation [3].
of (micro) PHS as energy storage and/or pico-hydropower for power In opposite, the islands classified in clusters M2 and M4 show high
generation if both are techno-economically feasible. Otherwise, che- remoteness. Particularly for these islands, the cost for realising inter-
mical ESS such as PtG or H2 can be used for seasonal energy storage in connection through grid extension would be high. Thus, decentralised
the future. However, these technologies will incur high investment cost smart energy systems based on RES and ESS could be more appropriate.
currently which might not be economically viable for these islands Similar to cluster S2, a higher self-sufficiency of energy system must be
considering the population. Cluster S4 islands, which are characterised realised since resource imports would be more expensive. Furthermore,
by substantial trade and commerce activities, could highly benefit with islands of cluster M4 show biomass potential. The analysis of the power
the interconnection to the main grid. system of Romblon Island underlines the opportunities in this field.
The same DSM approach for very small islands can be applied for Romblon Island (12.54199 N, 122.28914 E; 35,499 inhabitants) is

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

situated in the central Philippines. The island’s power system consists industries. Assuming that groundwater and surface water is insufficient
primarily of a 5.2 MW diesel power plant and power barge providing for these islands, desalination cost are expected to be low and SWRO
power for the whole island for 24 h operated by ROMELCO. A 900 kW can be used as flexible load within the electricity system. Due to their
wind farm is currently under construction, financed by the Japanese size and populations, it can be assumed that traffic on big and very big
Ministry of the Environment to augment the growing electricity con- islands is higher than on the other observed islands and therefore these
sumption [51]. According to the missionary electrification plan the is- islands offer a significant V2G potential. Road traffic in the Philippines
land has 2 MW biomass potential [21]. Romblon belongs to cluster M4- is generally lower than in European countries but it is projected to in-
E2, which suggest economic viability of harnessing wind power, which crease in the future and with that, it is also crucial to develop and
is consistent with the proposed system. For comparison, Cobrador Is- promote an electric-based land and marine mass transport system.
land adopted solar PV-diesel-battery hybrid while Romblon Island will Therefore, linking the energy and transport sectors through V2G might
adopt wind-diesel hybrid system, even though these islands are near to be a cornerstone of future smart energy systems, especially on big and
each other. A wind farm might be more appropriate for Romblon Island very big islands comparable to findings for further islands [8,55].
rather than a solar PV park with the same installed capacity because of Mindoro Island (12.95528 N, 121.06704 E; 1348345 inhabitants)
its rough terrain and considering that there is less available area on the consists of two provinces (Occidental Mindoro and Oriental Mindoro)
island. The cluster also suggest that a biomass power plant could be located in the north-central Philippines. Their energy system consists of
integrated in the energy system of the island, which is consistent since a diesel-fired generators, bunker-fired generators, and run-of-river hy-
MW scale biomass potential is identified. dropower plants with a total installed capacity of 127.345 MW [22].
The analysed island cases suggest that wind power is more appro- The island has the highest population of all sample islands and belongs
priate to medium and big islands than to small islands. This can be to cluster VB-E2. Due to its low remoteness and high population, there
underlined by analysing Batan Island (20.41920 N, 121.96778 E; is a high viability for mainland grid interconnection [56]. According to
26,619 inhabitants). The island is situated in the northern side of the the 2016 – 2040 Transmission Development Plan, the island is planned
Philippines and belongs to cluster M3-E2, which suggest possibility of to be connected to the Luzon grid in 2021 (300 MW) and to Panay Is-
economic viability of wind power. Its energy system used to have a land with no definite year (300 MW) in order to have access to bulk
2.7 MW wind power plant, but is not in use since 2006 due to storm generation from Luzon Island and Panay Island and to export excess
damage with no target date for recommissioning [52]. Currently, a electricity generation [50]. There are plans to install hydropower [57],
3.118 MW NPC-SPUG diesel generator is used to power the whole is- wind [58], and geothermal power plants [59] on the island. The clus-
land for 24 h by Batanes Electric Cooperative (BATANELCO). The tering is partly consistent, since its high maximum elevation provides
classification is consistent since a wind farm is already installed, sup- the possibility of hydropower generation, the viability of interconnec-
posedly indicating viability of harnessing wind energy in MW scale tion, and viability of wind power. The DSM can be applied in Puerto
operating as a wind-diesel hybrid system. Furthermore, the islands Galera, which has significant tourism industries and is located north of
belonging to cluster M3 show similar opportunities to those of cluster Mindoro Island, by harnessing solar air conditioning and seawater air
S3 and S4. The high elevation might enable the use of (micro) PHS and conditioning for their cooling loads and thus potentially reducing
small-scale hydropower, if they are techno-economically feasible. electricity consumption.
If local sources of groundwater and surface water are insufficient,
desalinating water in combination with solar PV and/or wind might be 6. Conclusion
techno-economical feasible due to economies of scale. The desalination
cost would be further lowered if these islands have access to brackish The main objective of this work is to characterise the off-grid
water since the energy requirements for brackish water desalination are Philippine islands by means of cluster analysis to enable fast design of
lower than seawater desalination. Furthermore, delivering water to smart energy systems and simple transfer of proven energy concepts. To
higher areas for clusters M3, M4, M5 with substantial inhabitants will this end, 502 sample off-grid islands are categorised and analysed based
require additional energy requirements on the one hand but offers on socio-economic, physical, and energy potential parameters. For
possibilities for DSM through flexible operated pumps in the water socio-economic and physical analysis, the sample islands are sorted into
supply system conversely. five groups according to population size. Furthermore, small and
medium islands are classified in detail using cluster methods. The re-
5.4. Big and very big islands sults underline that similarities between islands are not only found
between neighbouring islands, and thus classification from a higher
Big and very big islands show wider opportunities for implementing point of view is meaningful. Furthermore, the classification highlights
smart energy systems. Due to their size, the islands offer more possible that many different parameters describing socio-economic, physical and
sites for RES on the one hand. On the other hand, the aggregation of climatic characteristics determine the appropriate smart energy system
wind power to one point is limited for big islands. This can be shown by design.
the example of the energy system of Guimaras Island (10.57313 N, Most of the sample islands are either very small or small islands
122.61242 E; 180871 inhabitants). The island province is located in the with no specific characterisation of energy demands which would en-
central Philippines between Panay Island and Negros Island. The island able demand side management potential. For these types of islands,
belongs to cluster B-E1, which suggests that the island has a low pos- either simple hybrid systems and combinations of renewable energy
sibility of economic viability of wind energy. Nevertheless, the energy and energy storage systems, or grid connection to main islands for non-
system of the island consists of a wind-diesel hybrid system with remote islands with significant population size and demand are ap-
3.4 MW diesel power plant and 54 MW wind farm, with plans to expand propriate energy system designs.
the installed wind farm capacity to 94 MW by 2020 [53]. The excess In general, solar is the most adequate renewable energy source on
generation is passed to Panay Island. almost all Philippine islands, even if some islands show relatively low
All analysed big islands show significant elevation levels which potentials or high restrictions in space. Wind resources are only avail-
enable the implementation of (micro) PHS, hydro power and DSM in able on some islands in varying degrees of feasibility. Combining both
the water supply sector. More detailed information on the specific in- the physical and socio-economic characterisation and the energy po-
dustries is necessary for a more in-depth estimation of DSM in business tential characterisation, for the majority of sample islands solar pho-
sectors of big islands. On some of the islands major malls and tourism tovoltaic-battery systems be can considered an appropriate backbone
activities can be found [25,26]. Some have mining activities [54] while for the energy systems with varying feasibility of wind power.
others are dominated by agriculture, fishing, and food processing Furthermore, the study shows an inhomogeneity for the economy of

H. Meschede, et al. Applied Energy 251 (2019) 113290

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