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Department of Computing and Information System

Assignment: Fall 2022

Course Title: Web Development Essential
Course Code: CIS 121

A portfolio is a systematic aggregation of work samples from all of the learning domains. Work samples,
assessment activities, pictures, self-reflection, learning objectives, and other materials may be included in the
The first company in Bangladesh to write resumes and portfolios was Corporate Ask Ltd. Since 2018, the
business has offered content-based services for writing resumes, cover letters, Bdjobs profiles, and LinkedIn
profiles. They have experienced some issues recently. The CEO of this business believes that each employee
needs a personal profile for professional reasons. Then, he notifies all of the employees to make their profile
with minimum basic criteria of those profiles. The CEO has listed some table of contents:
● Introduce yourself
● Include some photos of yourself by adding a slider
● Educational Background in details
● Decide which experience to include
● Consider listing awards and accolades
● Add a few personal details (like CV, video resume, etc.)
● Skills and expertise
● Works or projects list
● Others
● Contact details including a mail procedure

In contrast, the BOAT Club plans to create and launch a few websites for its members. Each website lists the
interests of the club's members. Additionally, there are details with pictures and videos. Every website for a
member must display a unique pastime of that person along with a profile listing of other club members. They
also want to add sum menus for every website like: Home, News, Activities, Club Members and Sign-up
options for new members like following image:

The essential requirements for the employment profile of the Corporate Ask Ltd sector and BOAT Club are all
those that have been specified. Anyone may improve a website by adding a section that is more significant.
Consider yourself a worker in the Corporate Ask Ltd sector and a member of the BOAT Club as you respond to
the questions and carry out the tasks according to the guidelines. You have to design those two websites by
using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript only. Remember that both websites must be responsive according to the
user’s screen resolution.
Theory Part (Marks – 35)

Task 1 (Conceptual):

a) Draw wireframe diagrams for both the websites. [4]

b) Mention all the elements of HTML which are used in your profile. Describe those element details. [3]
c) How much selector are used in your two websites, listed them and identify the types of
every selector. [3]
Task 2 (Thinking and analyses):
a) Consider what ids and classes you need to employ on your website to make it more convenient. Mention
those ids and classes' tasks and consequences on your websites after that. [4]
b) A style sheet contains the specifications of a document's layout, such as the page size, margins, fonts,
and font sizes.
i. What type of style sheet are you used in your portfolio and BOAT Club website? Do you
think this styling process is the best and why? [3]
ii. Describe all layouts and these values and attributes according to your website. [7]
c) JavaScript, often abbreviated JS, is a programming language that is one of the core technologies of the
World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. Write down the impact of JavaScript on your two
websites. [6]
Task 3 (Implementation):
a) As a developer, what algorithm, or procedure, or planning you used in your portfolio and BOAT Club
website. What type of risk and challenges is faced during development? Discuss those in your own way.
b) How is your website unique from others? [2]

Lab Part (Marks – 25):

Task 1 (Design and Coding):
Design your two websites step by step. Write the necessary code for your development and try to use fewer files
for less complexity. The coding part must have a minimum of two files one for HTML and another for CSS (if
use javaScript then one for javaScript). Write the code and make two folders for two websites with the
necessary documents. [15]
Task 2 (Implementation):
Publish your websites in any server (suggested in GitHub/Herokuapp/Netlify), then make an accessible link. [5]
Task 3 (Evaluation):
No need to answer. This section depends on your creativity and uniqueness of your two websites. [5]

Submission Guidelines:
Your submission should be in the form of a single word-processed document (.doc or .docx)
that includes any necessary diagrams.
● The naming of the file as an example: 212-16-598.docx
● Marks will be deduced accordingly if any plagiarism of work is provided.

DEADLINE: 2nd December 2022

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