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A Research Proposal Presented by

The Senior High School Department of

Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for

Capstone Research

Grade 12-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics-EARTH

Alga, Andy Mae B.

Bagares, Ron Carlo
Barte, Jashmine A.
Caculba, Ethyl Mae C.
Estaño, Chris Angel Mae M.
Gementiza, Juliane T.
Pedoche, Emelie Francin
Rosauro, Erika Kyla S.

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for Capstone Research 12, this research entitled
submitted by Alga, Andy Mae B., Bagares, Ron Carlo, Barte, Jashmine A., Caculba, Ethyl Mae
C., Estaño, Chris Angel Mae M., Gementiza, Juliane T., Pedoche, Emelie Francin, Rosauro,
Erika Kyla S. Who is recommended for approval and acceptance.


Research Adviser


Science Teacher/Member

Science Teacher/Member

Science Teacher/Member

Science Teacher/Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Capstone Research 12


OIC – MOGCHS Senior High School

January 2022

This capstone research would not be possible without the kind support and help of many

individuals. We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude toward these people.




ABSTRACT (Next Semester)









Chapter I

The Problem


Statement of the Problem

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Definition of Terms

Chapter II

Related Review of Literature

Chapter III

Methodology and Procedure

Chapter IV

Result and Discussions

Chapter V




Chapter I


I. Introduction

MOGCHS senior high school learners often experience academic stress brought about by
attending classes and achieving the respective demands of each subject. This causes learners to
compromise their sleeping time in order to gain more hours of studying and doing schoolwork. However,
research has shown that the decline of mental performance throughout the day can be attributed to night-
time sleep deprivation.

According to Smith (2017) there are three types of sleep patterns that humans take on to fight the
effects of sleep deprivation. An individual who sleeps only once each day, often for 8 hours at night, has
a monophasic sleep pattern. A biphasic sleep pattern, also known as a siesta sleep pattern, is when a
person sleeps twice daily. A polyphasic sleep pattern is when a person sleeps for periods of time
throughout the day.

In a study by Shoen (2022) majority of people experience monophasic while some individuals
have biphasic or polyphasic sleep patterns in their natural sleep cycles. Various factors contribute to
sleep deprivation among individuals such as increased exposure to artificial light, particularly at night,
can lower melatonin levels and impair our ability to sleep.

In addition to social, behavioral, and environmental influences, the development of electric

lights, industry, and technology have an impact on both the quantity and quality of sleep. Longer
workdays, more shift work, late-night socializing, and access to technology all contributed to the modern
lifestyle's disruption of the natural sleep-wake cycle, increasing sleep deprivation as well as exhaustion,
tiredness, and excessive daytime sleepiness.

Sleep deprivation may also lead to various health problems. Interrupted sleep may affect
circadian rhythm, affect sleep homeostasis, and result in phase shift. By delaying the commencement of
nocturnal sleep, afternoon naps may shorten the length of time spent asleep at night. This raises the risk
of cardio-metabolic problems and poor sleep quality (Mohammed, 2020). Polyphasic sleep, also known
as segmented sleep which is the sleep schedule with three or more sleep phases each day might be an
indication of an Alzheimer's-related neurodegenerative disease or a sleep issue. People who have
irregular circadian rhythms wake up at arbitrary times. This condition is known as irregular sleep wake
rhythm disorder (Shoen, 2022).

This study intends to ascertain how sleep patterns specifically monophasic, biphasic, and
polyphasic pattern affect the academic performance and holistic health of grade 12 learners in MOGCHS
Senior High School. Additionally, it seeks to identify the factors why learners sleep in monophasic,
biphasic, or polyphasic cycles.

II. Statement of the Problem (Research Questions)

This study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Strand
1.2 Sleeping pattern
1.3 1st Semester average grade
2. What factors influence the sleeping patterns of grade 12 learners in MOGCHS Senior
High School in terms of:
2.1 Anxiety
2.2 Study habits
2.3 Part-time jobs
2.4 Usage of gadgets
2.5 Time management
2.6 Uncomfortable environment
3. How do sleeping patterns affect the academic performance of grade 12 learners?
4. Aside from academic performance, how does sleeping patterns affect a learner’s holistic
health specifically the mental, physical, and social aspect?

III. Significance of the Study

The result of this study would be beneficial to the following:

Researcher/s- The findings of this investigation will help with sleep pattern studies. The
researcher will also know more about the ideal sleeping schedule.
Respondent/s- Their understanding of sleep patterns and how they impact their academic
performance, mental, social, and physical health will improve as a result of this study. Like the
researchers, they will have more knowledge about sleeping patterns and be able to select a
sleeping pattern that is right for them.

Co-student/s- Our fellow students will learn about different sleeping patterns and their
benefits and drawbacks. Additionally, they will be well-informed about sleeping patterns which
will guide them in choosing a pattern that suits their needs.

This study and its findings will benefit individuals of all levels in contributing to the
solution of this problem in order to have a

IV. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research study is conducted to determine the effects of sleeping patterns on academic
performance among grade 12 learners of MOGCHS Senior High School. It also seeks to determine the
contributing factors that lead to a student’s sleep patterns. Aside from academic performance, the
researchers would like to look into the effects of sleep patterns on mental, physical and social aspects;
taking into consideration that sleep deprivation can greatly affect not only the academic performance of
students but also their physical and mental health as well as how they relate to others. It will be carried
out specifically to describe the effects of sleeping patterns of grade 12 learners in MOGCHS Senior High

However, the other components of holistic health like emotional and intellectual aspects were
left out by the researchers due to its complexity and difficulty to measure. Even the mental aspect cannot
be measured and assessed since self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited; Diagnosis from medical
professionals are greatly needed in this aspects. Thus, the researchers created questionnaires from
various sources and studies that involved mental health and its effect among learners in order to have an
idea on how to go with the study specially in constructing the survey questionnaire.

This study will focus only on grade 12 learners in MOGCHS Senior High School covering all
the strands for the reason that researcher would like to discover how pressures and demands as a
graduating student affect sleeping patterns and the student’s overall health and well-being.
V. Definition of Terms (Terms with definition used in the study)

Biphasic Sleep- A biphasic sleep pattern is when someone sleeps twice per day, sometimes

referred to as a siesta sleeping pattern.

Circadian Rhythm - are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle.

Health - is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the

absence of disease or infirmity.

Holistic Development- the social, emotional, physical, mental, and intellectual growth of a


Mental Aspect- focuses on the development of your mind, such as the way you think and learn.

Monophasic Sleep- A monophasic sleep pattern is when an individual sleeps once per day,

typically for 8 or so hours a night.

Physical Aspect- The aim of personal development is to develop the physical aspect of a

person's physical well-being, which includes the ability to handle stress and prevent sickness and

diseases. Physical wellness consists of physical health, the need for physical activity, healthy foods,

sleep, and an ability to cope with stress.

Polyphasic Sleep- Polyphasic sleep schedules are marked by their short bursts of sleep

throughout the day and night.

Siesta- Short nap taken in early afternoon, often after the midday meal.

Sleeping Pattern- A sleep pattern, also known as a sleep-wake pattern, is a biological rhythm

that directs the body's rest and wake cycles.

Social Aspect- is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can

reach their full potential.

Chapter II


Related Literature in Local Setting

Sleep is a necessary process that allows your body and mind to recover so that you can wake up

feeling rejuvenated and aware. An appropriate amount of sleep each night can be ensured with the

support of a nutritious food and wholesome lifestyle choices. The 2016 Healthy Living Index Survey

found that Asia's highest rate of sleep loss is among Filipinos. Lack of sleep can have an impact on a

child's academic performance and may raise their chance of developing emotional issues like depression.

(Adlawan, 2021)

Teenagers ages 14 to 17 need 8 to 10 hours of sleep, whereas young adults ages 18 to 25 need

7-9 hours, according to the National Sleep Foundation (2015) and World Health Organization (WHO)

(2004). Sleep plays a significant role in learning. A person who has trouble sleeping may experience

both physical and mental problems. You probably had some trouble sleeping one night, which was

probably unpleasant but wasn't as bad as going a short while without eating. However, it is advised that

you seek counselling from a medical professional if the problems return over an extended period of time.

According to a survey, the majority of Filipino youths, aged 15 to 18, slept for only four to six

hours at night throughout the pandemic. According to the report, 34.5% of people in this age bracket go

to bed at 3 a.m. or after the COVID-19 first emerged in March of last year. 32.7% of people go to bed at

1 a.m. to 2 a.m. the others begin to go to bed at 9:00 p.m. to 12 a.m. A total of 55 people responded to

the online survey. This year's study was carried out between February 17 and February 25. When asked

if they would claim that the epidemic had resulted in healthy sleeping patterns, 85.5% responded

negatively. Only 14.5% of respondents claimed to have a regular sleeping schedule (Philstar, 2021).
There are various reasons why someone might not get enough sleep, including working shifts,

meeting deadlines, being around noise, or being in an uncomfortably warm environment. According to

Baron (2019) Short-term and long-term memory loss, mood fluctuations, anxiety, sadness, difficulty

concentrating, weight gain, and other problems can be brought on by sleep deprivation, endangering

one's mental and physical health.

Related Literature in Foreign Setting

According to Gaines (2016) sleep is a crucial component of daily life. Sleep, according to

research, is a crucial component of what keeps the human mind active at the top of its game. It is

established that sleep Deprivation might result in poorer productivity and a lack of drive to go to work

and a drop in productivity relations. Considering cultural customs and due to the stresses of daily life,

many people think that sleep is an evening activity. However, research has indicated that polyphasic

sleepers are as effective or even superior to monophasic sleepers in the classroom (Porcú, 1997).

According to Yetman (2021) the results of medical research indicate that polyphasic sleep can affect

cognitive, physical, social, and mental health of a person.

Holistic Health

Holistic approach to health examines the totality of a person which comprise the mental, physical,

emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual aspects. According to WCSU it “includes the use of

traditional medical systems, mind-body-spirit interventions, manipulative and body-based approaches,

biological based therapies and energy therapies.”

According to Holland (2018) experiencing physical illness might make you nervous or depressed.

Your relationships and faith can improve your emotional and physical well-being. Understanding that

these factors impact your entire health is the foundation of holistic health. Holistic medical professionals

can assist you in enhancing your wellness.

It has been known that sleep deprivation greatly alters a person’s circadian rhythm, natural

biological process that regulates sleep-wake cycle. Changes in the rhythm might greatly affect all

functions and systems in the body. Thus, the researchers explored and searched related literature that

greatly show sleeping patterns can affect the person in a holistic way. Below are the following aspects

affected by sleeping patters:

Intellectual Aspect

Sleeping patterns has been linked to increased alertness and greater academic achievement,

according to earlier study. A person's performance may suffer long-term implications from even a slight

reduction in attention. This study highlights the connection between sleep hygiene and mental

performance. Polyphasic sleep has been found in studies to enhance human alertness and cognitive

function. Napping is one of the primary methods to raise attentiveness, according to Gaines (2014).

Another study found that because napping has beneficial benefits on the brain, it may help to lessen PMS


In a study conducted by (Hasan, Saeed, Atif, 2015) they found out that sleeping in two phases

matches the body’s instinctive circadian rhythm, hormonal regulation and memory creation. Sleep

allows synaptic molding to return by developing faster memory union. When such memory processing

is not present, memory keeping is reduced which can have an adverse effect on the academic

performance of students.

Physical Aspect

Lower cholesterol is a result of varied sleeping patterns and frequent free days or rest days while

negative impacts of sleep deprivation is higher degrees of insulin resistance, larger waist sizes, and

higher body mass index (BMI) which is based on height and weight, the BMI calculates an estimate of

body fat (Preidt, 2015).

Sleep deprivation is one of the risk factors for obesity, thus how well or poorly you sleep might

affect weight gain and reduction. Additionally, being overweight makes it difficult to sleep, which might

exacerbate the biochemical processes that support weight gain. Obese or overweight people can get

assistance to enhance their sleep and reduce the negative consequences that lack of sleep has on their

health. (Beccuti, Pannain, 2011)

Lack of sleep is linked to low levels of growth hormone and high levels of cortisol revealed by

Walker et al., (2013). Adults who don't get enough sleep exercise less, perhaps because they're tired

during the day. It has been demonstrated that those who get little sleep are more likely to choose high-

calorie items. Due to the significant physical and mental development occurring in children, they require

more sleep than adults. Children who lack sleep are more likely to gain weight or become fat. According

to research, people who have inconsistent sleep habits and get little to no sleep are most likely to have

negative health repercussions.

Mental Aspect

According to Maquet (2000) most people are personally aware of how sleep impacts their mental

health. In spite of this, there is a reason why someone in a poor mood is said to have "woken up on the

wrong side of the bed." Poor sleep can contribute to the onset and escalation of mental health issues, and

it can also make it harder to get a good night's sleep when you have mental health illnesses. There is

compelling evidence to suggest that enhancing sleep can improve mental health and contribute to the

treatment of psychiatric diseases.

The conventional wisdom that said sleep issues were a sign of mental health issues is now being

challenged. According to research, sleep-related brain activity has a significant impact on one's

emotional and mental well-being. Lack of sleep, particularly REM sleep, makes it easier for the brain to

integrate emotional data (Walker, 2019).

Anxiety disorders are thought to affect 25% of youths and 20% of adults. 90% of American

veterans have PTSD, which has been associated with insomnia. People who are already at a high risk for

anxiety can become anxious as a result of poor sleep. Depression is a form of mood disorder

characterized by emotions of sadness or hopelessness, affects around 300 million individuals worldwide.

Insomnia symptoms are present in about 75% of depressed persons, and many sad people also experience

excessive daytime sleepiness. A growing body of research indicates that sleep deprivation may cause or

worsen depression.. (Bernert et al., 2015).

Biphasic may help people cope with insomnia (Block, 2022). When people who are suffering

from insomnia learn that humans long woke up in the middle of the night, it can help them feel less

anxious about their own condition. And when their anxiety goes down, their sleep is more likely to


Social Aspect

According to Anwar (2018) people who are sleep deprived are less likely to interact with others

and tend to avoid close contact, much like those who are socially anxious. Loss of sleep also reduced

activity in parts of the brain that ordinarily promote social interaction. The results are the first to

demonstrate a causal link between sleep loss and social isolation. The public health crisis of loneliness

may be significantly exacerbated by loneliness. One's chance of dying increases by more than 45% when

they are alone, according to research.

Additionally, according to Block (2022) shaking up your sleep schedule may disrupt the current

dynamic within your social circle. For example, going to bed earlier might require spending fewer nights

out with friends, while napping in the afternoon might cause conflicts in your office. These social

ramifications often get in the way of people’s efforts to transition to a new sleep schedule.
Chapter III


Research Design
Descriptive research design will be utilized in conducting the study. This method is used in order
to determine the effects of three (3) sleeping patterns namely monophasic, biphasic, and polyphasic sleep
on the intellectual, mental, physical, and social aspects of grade 12 learners in MOGCHS Senior High
School. Descriptive research is a type of research design that aims to systematically obtain information
to describe a phenomenon, situation, or population. More specifically, it helps to answer the what, when,
where, and how questions regarding the research problem rather than the why.
The study aims to determine the effects of sleeping patterns on grade 12 SHS students specifically
on their holistic health. Four aspects were identified by learners as indicators of holistic health such as
intellectual aspect represented by their academic performance, mental, physical, and social aspects. In
general, it seeks to examine how graduating students are handling the pressures and demands of life
while growing and maturing as a person

Research Respondents
The respondents of the study are official enrollees of MOGCHS Senior High School for the
school year 2022-2023, in which one hundred (100) out of five hundred two (502) grade 12 senior high
school learners were selected to participate in the survey for this study.
The sampling procedure used in this study was stratified random sampling. In this procedure, the
researchers only used 10% of the overall population of the whole grade 12 students of MOGCHS SHS.
From that, an equal number of respondents were randomly selected from strands HUMSS, GAS, ABM,
and STEM. The sampling procedure was commenced as soon as the conduct of research was approved
by the senior high school principal.

Research Instrument
The study will make use of a questionnaire as the research instrument. The statements in the
questionnaire consists of three (3) main portions: the demographic profile, factors influencing sleeping
patterns, and effects of sleeping patterns on holistic health namely intellectual, mental, physical and
social. In addition, to guarantee that the respondents understood the questionnaires' general instructions,
the contents were based on Dörnyei's (2003) advice. This allowed respondents to conduct their own
research and answer the questionnaire honestly and without fear, which is crucial, according to
Intaraprasert (2000). This includes stressing that there is no right or wrong answer, asking for honest
answers, promising secrecy, and expressing gratitude while also outlining the study's objective,
significance, and the organization in charge of carrying it out.

Statistical Treatment
The researchers will present the results of the study through the use of descriptive analysis in
which trends and relationships among variables are represented in a clear, concise and simple manner.
Specifically, when describing the proportion of students who sleep in monophasic, biphasic,
or polyphasic cycles, frequency counts and percentages were employed. Since survey questionnaires
were in the form of google forms, ready-made graphs and illustrations are utilized by the researchers in
interpreting the relationship among variables.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will write a letter to the principal of Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive
High School Senior High School to seek consent and approval to conduct the study. Once approved, a
survey questionnaire using Google form will be distributed to the select grade 12 learners with a goal of
obtaining one hundred responses coming from the four academic tracks' namely Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Math (STEM), Accounting Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS), General Academic Strand (GAS). The link will be sent online to the representative
of each section to ensure the randomness of samples.

To obtain the intended quantity and quality of responses, the researchers themselves rigorously
adhered to the sample plan during the process. Multiple statistical tests will be conducted after the data
was gathered using Google forms to see whether sleeping patterns had a significant impact on grade 12
learners of MOGCH Senior High School in terms of their holistic development specifically on their
academic performance, physical, mental, and social health.

Distribution of Respondents among Grade 12 Learners in MOGCHS Senior High School

Class Total Population Sample Population

Sections Male Female Total Male Female Total
Bill Gates 29 21 50 5 5 10

Zuckerberg 28 21 49 5 5 10

Francesca 16 14 30 5 5 10

Earth 30 26 56 5 5 10

Karl Marx 29 35 64 5 5 10

Max 40 30 70 5 5 10

Jupiter 34 32 66 5 5 10

Henry Sy 23 24 47 5 5 10

Phil Knight 25 25 50 5 5 10

Michel Phelps 24 6 30 5 5 10

Total 254 228 502 50 50 100


Beccuti, G., & Pannain, S. (2011). Sleep and obesity. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and
metabolic care, 14(4), 402–41

Greer, S. M., Goldstein, A. N., & Walker, M. P. (2013). The impact of sleep deprivation on food desire
in the human brain. Nature communications, 4,

Maquet P. (2000). Sleep on it!. Nature neuroscience, 3(12), 1235–123

Walker, M. P., & van der Helm, E. (2009). Overnight therapy? The role of sleep in emotional brain
processing. Psychological bulletin, 135(5), 731–

Bernert, R. A., Kim, J. S., Iwata, N. G., & Perlis, M. L. (2015). Sleep disturbances as an evidence-
based suicide risk factor. Current psychiatry reports, 17(3),

Holland (2018) what is Holistic Health care anyway?


Mohammed (2020) Sleep Patterns and Quality in Omani Adult

Shoen (2022) Biphasic Sleep: What It Is and How It Works


Gaines K. Sleepless in America: Burning the Candle at Both Ends? At What Cost?. Urol Nurs [serial
online]. 2016;36(3):109-110. Ipswich, MA. Accessed September 29, 2016.

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Gaines K. 2014. A few thoughts: Get outside, slow down, take a nap, and don't forget to breathe.
Urologic Nursing 34(2):61-

Smith, L. M. (2017, September 15). What is biphasic and polyphasic sleep? Hhhhh

Gabriela Baron, December 19, 2019


Yetman, Daniel (January 11, 2021) What is polyphasic sleep? And is it safe?

Pacheco, Danielle (2021, August 12). Polyphasic Sleep schedule.

hhhhhhhh %20stay%20sharph

Philstar September 18, 2021

teenagers-losing-sleep- hhhhh during-pandemic-student-thesis-shows

Zamubec Alomar C. Adlawan August 22, 2021

ix-zamboanga-peninsula/5846-sleep- hhhhhhdeprivations-health-effects-on-people-s-

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