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‫]‪Biology [3‬‬



‫‪Prepared by:‬‬

‫‪Dr: Mohammed Lashin‬‬

‫‪2023-2024‬‬ ‫‪Lecturer of Biology‬‬

‫تنشرها فتندم يوم ال ينفع الندم‬ ‫عزيزي الدارس اتك هللا ال‬
‫أنت مشترن لشخصن فمط هذا عهد بيني وبينن وهللا رليبن ‪,,,,,,,,‬‬
‫حموق النسخ محفوظة‪ ,00201157708770,,‬لن أحلل النسخ والتصوير‬

& homework part one.

1 ‫حموق النسخ محفوظة ولن أحلل النسخ والتصوير‬ 0592254101


Uni=mono=single=one ‫ احادي‬-‫واحد‬

Bi=di=double=two ‫ثنائي –اثنان‬

Multi=poly=more than one ‫متعدد‬- ‫عديد‬

Liver ‫ كبد‬,,,, hepatic ‫كبدي‬

Kidney ‫ كلي‬,,,, renal ‫كلوي‬

Heart ‫ قلب‬,,,, cardiac ‫قلبي‬

Brain ‫دماغ‬,,,, neuro ‫دماغي‬

Stomach ‫ معدة‬,,,,, gastric‫معدي‬

Lung ‫ رئة‬,,,,, pulmonary ‫رئوي‬

Blood ‫ الدم‬,,,,hema‫ دموي‬-‫خاص بالدم‬

Cell ‫ خلية‬,,,, cyto ‫خلوي‬

Pro =before ‫قبل‬

Eu=true ‫حقيقي‬

aqua,,,hydro,,,watery ‫خاص بالماء‬-‫=مائي‬

Lack,,,do not have,,,absence ‫غياب=عدم وجود=ال يحتوي علي=ينقصه‬

micro,,,small,,,tiny ‫ميكروسكوبي=دقيق=صغير جدا‬

macro,,,,large,,,,complex ‫كبير=معقد = مركب‬

philic =love ‫محب=يقترب‬

phobic=hate ‫يكره =يبتعد‬

ly=breaking down=bursting ‫يتحطم=يتكسر=ينفجر‬

shrink=shrivel,,,,,,crenation ‫ينكمش=يصغر‬


iso,,,, ‫متعادل‬ hypo ,,,,, ‫منخفض‬ hyper ,,,,,,‫مرتفع‬

2 ‫حموق النسخ محفوظة ولن أحلل النسخ والتصوير‬ 0592254101

What is a Cell?
Cell Theory
1. Every organism is composed of one or more cells.

2. The cell is the smallest unit having the properties of life.

3. All cells come from preexisting cells.

Basic cell features

- All cells are alike in three ways (All living cells have three things in common):
1- Plasma membrane. 2- DNA (genetic materials). 3- Cytoplasm.


-Cytoplasm is: everything between the plasma membrane and the region of DNA.

- Cytoplasm consists of a thick, jellylike fluid called the cytosol, and various other

-The chemical reactions occur in cells, and that cells contain and can pass on the
hereditary material DNA

- The living cell is one of the first levels of organization in nature.

- Cells of all complex organisms contain compartments called organelles.

- Cell organelles have specialized functions.

- From its size and shape to the structure of its parts, a cell is built to carry out life
functions efficiently.

- There are trillions of cells in your body, and each one is a highly organized bit of life.`

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Types of cells
- Depending on how they are organized internally cells are classified into two basic kinds;

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells Compared

Eukaryotic Prokaryotic

1- (yew-care-ee-ah-tik, 1-(pro-care-ee-ah-tik, meaning

“true nucleus”). “before the nucleus”)

2- Cells that have their 2- Nothing separates the

DNA inside a nucleus are cell’s DNA from other

called eukaryotic cells internal cell parts

3- Has many types of

organelles, including a 3- Lack true nucleus


Example Animal cell Bacterial cell

Plasma membrane have have

Region that contains DNA Have have

Cytoplasm Have have

Nucleus inside a membrane Have Do not have

-The nucleus is one of numerous organelles (“little organs”) in eukaryotic cells.

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Most cells
-Organelles have a large
are compartments surface
or sacs. area compared to their volume

- A few cells—including the yolks of chicken eggs—can be seen with the unaided eye, but

most cells are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope.

- The relationship of surface to volume influences the size of cells.

- Here boxes represent cells.

1- If the linear dimensions of a box double, the volume increases 8 times but the surface area

increases only 4 times. As in the text example.

2- If the linear dimensions increase by 4 times, the volume is 64 times greater but the surface area is
only 16 times larger.

Note: Human cells come in many shapes and sizes.

EX: Human red blood cell is so tiny that you could line up 2,000 of them across your thumbnail.
- The surface-to-volume ratio is responsible for the small size of cells (This ratio is a physical

- Cell size is limited by surface area -to-volume ratio.

- Exchange materials in small cells is faster than larger ones.

- As the linear dimensions of a three-dimensional object increase, the volume of the object

increases faster than its surface area does.

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- In small cells random motions of molecules easily distribute materials.

- If a cell isn’t small, it likely is long and thin or has folds that increase its surface area relative
to its volume.

- The smaller or narrower or more frilly the cell, the more efficiently materials can cross its

surface and disperse inside it.

How do we see Cells?

- Microscopy is the use of microscopes, it has allowed us to learn a great deal about cells.
- Micrograph is a photograph of an image formed by a microscope.

Three different types of microscopes

1- A compound light microscope. 2- A scanning electron 3- A transmission
microscope. electron microscope.

- It has two or more glass lenses that bend - A beam of electrons is - Uses a magnetic field as
(refract) incoming light rays to form an enlarged directed back and forth across the “lens” that bends a
image of a specimen. a specimen thinly coated stream of electrons and
- the cell must be small or thin enough for light to with metal. focuses it into an image.
pass through.
- The metal emits some of its
- The cell parts must differ in color or optical own electrons, and then the
density from their surroundings. electron energy is converted

- Unfortunately, most cell parts are nearly colorless into an image of the
and they have about the same density, For this specimen’s surface on a
reason, before viewing cells through a light television screen.
microscope, cells often are treated with dyes that
- Most of the images have
react with some cell parts but not with others.
fantastic depth.
- Light microscopes only provide sharp images
when the diameter of the object being viewed is
magnified by 2,000 times or less.

- Used for live specimen.

6 ‫حموق النسخ محفوظة ولن أحلل النسخ والتصوير‬ 0592254101

Electron microscopes

- Use magnetic lenses to bend beams of electrons.

- They reveal smaller details than even the best light microscopes can.


1- Different types of microscopes reveal different kinds of details about cells or their parts.

2- Microscopy Use of a microscope to view objects, including cells, that are not visible to the
unaided eye.

3- Most cells can only be seen with a microscope.

The plasma Membrane: a double Layer of Lipids

-Membranes enclose eukaryotic cells and its organelles

The plasma membrane = Cell membrane

- Is the outer covering encloses the cell’s internal parts, so that cell activities can go on apart
from events that may be taking place outside the cell.

- Substances can enter or leave the cells by moving across the membrane.

-The plasma membrane controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

- The plasma membrane has many types of organelles, including a nucleus.

- Most molecules in cell membranes are phospholipids.

- A phospholipid has a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and two fatty acid tails, which are

hydrophobic (water-fearing).

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- In cell membranes, phospholipids organize into two layers with all the hydrophobic tails

sandwiched between all the heads.

- This heads-out, tails-in arrangement is called a lipid bilayer.

- All cell membranes have the lipid bilayer structure.

- The hydrophilic heads of the phospholipids are dissolved in the watery fluids inside and
outside cells.

-The plasma membrane encloses the cell and controls the movement of substances into and

out of it.

The plasma membrane is a mix of lipids and proteins

- The plasma membrane encloses a cell, but it isn’t a solid wall between a cell’s cytoplasm

and the fluid outside. If it were, needed substances couldn’t enter the cell and wastes

couldn’t leave it. Instead, the plasma membrane has a fluid quality, something like cooking oil.

- The membrane also is extremely thin.

- A thousand stacked like pancakes would

be about as thick as this page.

- Plasma membrane is lipid bilayer with its “sandwich” of phospholipids.

- This structure often is described as a “mosaic” of proteins and different kinds of lipids.

These include phospholipids, glycolipids.

- In the cells of humans and other animals, the lipid we call cholesterol.
- Plasma membrane proteins are embedded in the bilayer or attach to its outer or inner surface.

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What makes the membrane fluid ?
- A key factor is the movement of the molecules in it.

- Most phospholipids can spin on their long axis like a chicken on a rotisserie.

- They also move sideways and their tails flex. These movements help keep neighboring
molecules from packing into a solid layer.

Proteins in cell membranes carry out many functions

- The proteins that are embedded in or attached to a lipid bilayer carry out most of a cell
membrane’s functions

1- Many of these proteins are enzymes that speed chemical reactions in cells.

2- OTHER membrane proteins are receptors; they are like docks for signaling molecules,
such as hormones, that trigger changes in cell activities.

3- Recognition proteins that sit like flags on the surface of a cell are chemical “fingerprints”
that identify the cell as being of a specific type.

4- Transport proteins allow specific substances to move across the membrane.

5- Some are open channels through which substances move on their own, while others use
energy to actively move substances across.

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- A cell’s plasma membrane consists of lipids and proteins.
- Most of the lipids are phospholipids.
- Biologists refer to the membrane’s mix of lipids and proteins as a “mosaic.”

Cell membranes are selectively permeable.

The plasma membrane is “selective”;

a cell’s plasma membrane is a bilayer containing lipids and proteins. These molecules give the
membrane selective permeability.

- Selective Permeability means : They allow some substances but not others to enter and
leave a cell.

- They also control when a substance can cross and how much crosses at a given time.

- OR - Selective Permeability means : A property of the cell plasma membrane, in which

the membrane allows only certain substances to cross it.

- Lipids in the bilayer are mostly nonpolar, so they let small, nonpolar molecules such as

carbon dioxide and oxygen slip across.

- Water molecules are polar, but some can move through gaps that briefly open up in the bilayer.

-Ions and large polar molecules (such as the blood sugar glucose) cross the bilayer through

the interior of transport proteins.

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How does the plasma membrane’s structure relate to its function?
• The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer. It is a mix of various lipids and proteins and has a
fluid quality.
• Proteins of the bilayer carry out many of the membrane’s functions.
• The structure of the plasma membrane makes it selectively permeable. Some substances
can cross it but others cannot.

1- Cytoplasm: Contents of a cell between the outer plasma membrane and the nucleus.

2- Cytosol: Jellylike fluid portion of a cell’s cytoplasm.

3- Eukaryotic cell: Cell that has a nucleus containing its DNA.

4- Organelle: Any of the compartments and sacs in a cell.

5- Plasma membrane: Covering that encloses a cell’s internal parts.

6- Prokaryotic cell: Cell in which the DNA is not contained inside a nucleus; such as bacteria .

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1. Every living organism must have ____.

a- at least one cell b- a nucleus c- a cell wall d- mitochondria e- oxygen

2. A prokaryotic cell has all of the following EXCEPT ____.
a- a plasma membrane b- DNA c- cytoplasm
d- a nucleus inside a membrane e- ribosomes
3. What major factor limits cell size?
a- The rate at which it can process nutrients b- The rate at which it can remove wastes
c- The size of the nucleus d- The surface area to volume ratio e- The size of the plasma membrane
4. The plasma membrane is composed of ____.
a- water and salts b- proteins c- nucleic acids
d- primarily phospholipids e- proteins and carbohydrates
5. The term eukaryotic means ____.
a- having many nuclei b- before the nucleus c- having a true nucleus
d- not having a nucleus e- not having DNA
6. In what portion of a eukaryotic cell is the majority of DNA isolated?
a- nucleus b- mitochondria c- vesicles d- cytoplasm e- lysosome
7. A photograph formed using a microscope is called a(n) ____.
a- spectrograph b- x-ray c- stereograph d- micrograph e- microphoto
8. What type of microscope uses magnetic lenses to bend beams of electrons?
a- compound microscope b- confocal microscope c- scanning electron microscope
d- transmission electron microscope e- light microscope
9. What factor of the plasma membrane provides fluidity?
a- The arrangements of carbohydrates b- The movements of the phospholipids
c- The arrangement of proteins d- The interaction of glycolipids with water
e- The enzymatic activity of membrane proteins
10. Which portion of the plasma membrane carries out most of the membrane’s specific functions?
a- proteins b- lipids c- carbohydrates d- glycolipids e- phospholipids
11. What term refers to the ability of a cell membrane to regulate which molecules can enter and exit the cell?
a- transport selection b- osmosis c- cell recognition d- selective permeability e- fluidity
12. Which particle is able to freely cross the plasma membrane?
a- Na+ b- Cl- c- oxygen d- glucose e- amino acids
13. The cell membrane mix of lipids and proteins is referred to as a(n) ____.
a- mixture b- compound c- suspension d- permeability e- mosaic

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14-Cells contain molecules that can copy or read the genetic instructions DNA carries.
a-True b-False

15-Cells are classified into two basic kinds depending on:

a-cell size b-presence of plasma membrane
c-structure of their membranes d-how they are organized internally e- all of
these 16- A desire to understand cells led early biologists to develop:
a- slide filament theory
b-lock and key model
c- the cell theory
17-Organelles are :
a-compartments b-sacs c-both of these
18-human red blood cell is so tiny that you could line up 2,000 of them across your thumbnail.
a-True b-False
19-If the linear dimensions of a three dimensional object increase:
a- the volume of the object decrease faster than its surface area does
b- the volume of the object increases faster than its surface area does
c- the surface area of the object increases faster than its volume does
d-the cell size decrease
e-both b and d are correct
20-random motions of molecules easily distribute materials in: a-large cells b- small cells c-independent 8-
membranes enclose a eukaryotic cell and its organelles.
a-True b-False
21-plasma membrane proteins are:
a- embedded in the bilayer.
b-attach to its outer or inner surface.
c- embedded in the bilayer or attach to its outer or inner surface
d-none of these
22- A key factor that makes the membrane fluid?
a- spin of phospholipids on their long axis.
b- phospholipids move sideways and their tails flex.
c- movement of phospholipid keep neighboring molecules from packing into a solid layer.
d- all of these are correct
23- Transport proteins in the plasma membrane are:
a-nonspecific proteins b- specific proteins c- both of these
24-Some transporter proteins in plasma membrane can form open channels through which substances move on
their own.
13 ‫حموق النسخ محفوظة ولن أحلل النسخ والتصوير‬ 0592254101
25-which of the following molecules cross the phospholipid bilayer through the interior of transport proteins:
a- oxygen and glucose
b-carbon dioxide
c-ions and glucose
d-only ions
e- Abu-Basel and you only can cross with the god help
26-DNA contains instructions for building a cell’s proteins.
a-True b-False
27- proteins in the cell determine a cell’s structure and function.
a-True b-False
28-proteins that span both bilayers of nuclear envelop perform which of the following function(s):
a-receptors b- transporters.
c-form nuclear pores d- all of these
29-receptor and transporter proteins in nuclear envelop are:
a-attached proteins
b-embedded proteins
c- both of these
d-Abu-Basel lovers

30-01 -9-8 ‫اسئلة عن الصور الموجودة صفحات‬


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