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Mobile App Review Form

App Name

Which category does this app fall into? Name some of the competitor apps.
Category: Social media
Competitors: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

What is the purpose of this app? Which problems does it solve?

This app helps you text, call, facetime an to check up on your friends and you can post on your

Who is this app targeted towards?

This app is for 16 plus as you can add strangers and some children can be easily targeted.

How has this app been rated by others? Explain why you think this is based on the reviews.
Give a rating out of 5.
People give this app 4/5 out of 5 as some people love it and use it all the time.

Based on the UX and UI, how would you rate this app? Explain why.
Give a rating out of 5
This app is a rating of 3.5 out of 5 as it is not the best app and I do not really use it as well as its
glitchy and updates too much.

How could the user interface of this app be improved?

The layout can be improved if it didn’t have an advert to pay for snap as it used to be a free app
then also its glitchy and un-reliable.

How could the user experience of this app be improved?

Better layout and less photo placements.

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