Effective Communication

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1. What is your own definition of Communication?

For me, Communications is the exchange of information between two or more
individuals, where one can be the recipient of the other, and vice versa. In other terms,
communications can also be termed as a transaction between persons, and the medium
of their exchange is the information. Communication is where the message or
information passes to any medium/channel, and such communication can either be
verbal, non-verbal, and written. For me, communication can only be attained if both
parties have the meeting of the minds, or in other words, comes to a mutual

2. Why is effective communication important?

Effective communication is important for the reason that in such way, both parties,
the one who delivers the message/information and the recipient would be able to
understand each other. With effective communication, the delivery of the
message/information would have no delay nor misinterpretation/misunderstanding of
the said information. Effective communication would make the information more
relevant, creates no barriers between the giving and receiving parties. Such a way
would also constitute a better understanding of the communicated information. Effective
communication can also create a good relationship between the parties, and in such
ways, it would create no gap/boundaries between the communicating individuals.

3. How effective are you as a communicator?

If I would rate my effectiveness as a communicator from 1 to 10, it would be a 7 out
of 10. The reason is that I tend to go over such length to explain a topic and would
eventually make it less sensible to the recipient. I tend to over explain a subject making
it complicated. But nonetheless, I am still able to delivery/convey the message or
information to the recipient effectively.

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