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Highway, Poblacion Malita, Davao Occidental


Senior High School - Grade 11
Midterm Exam

I - Multiple Choice (40 points): Select/Write the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Refers to the capacity to understand, analyze and critique the media

a) Information Literacy c) Media
b) Media Literacy d) Literacy

2. What is the difference between media literacy and information literacy?

A. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a
variety of forms while information literacy is the ability to recognize when
information is needed, and to locate, evaluate and effectively communicate
information in its various forms.
B. Information literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety
of forms while media literacy is the ability to recognize when information is needed, and to
locate, evaluate and effectively communicate information in its various forms.
C. Media is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, and communicate while
information is a broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
D. Information is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, and communicate while
media is a broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

3. Refer to channels of communication that involve transmitting information in some way, shape or form to large numbers
of people
a) Print Media c) Mass Media
b) Media Effects d) New Media
4. Is concerned with giving people an understanding of the importance of media and other information providers.
a) Information Literacy c) Media and Information Literacy
b) Media Information Literacy d) Media Literacy
5. The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information
a) Communication c) Literacy
b) Information d) Technology
6. A communication which happens through word of mouth, spoken words, conversations and also any messages or
information are shared or exchanged between one another
a) Written Communication c) Oral Communication
b) Verbal Communication d) Non-Verbal Communication
7. Harry Potter Complete Series Boxed Set Collection
a) Print Media c) New Media
b) Broadcast Media d) Film/Cinema
8. Media experience is more interactive.
a) Print Media c) Social Media
b) New Media d) Traditional Media
9. A communication happens through any word written or often written sign which refers the languages uses in any medium
Non-Verbal Communication
a) Verbal Communication c) Non-Verbal Communication
b) Written Communication d) Oral Communication
10. Media that are interactive, incorporate two-way communication and involve some form of computing
a) Broadcast Media c) Film Media
b) New Media d) Print Media
11. The communication happens through verbally, vocally or through written words which express or convey the message to
a) Verbal Communication c) Non-Verbal Communication
b) Written Communication d) Oral Communication
12. The ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and communicate information
in its various formats.
a) Information Literacy c) Media
b) Media Literacy d) Literacy
13. Advertising is a form of advertising that uses physically media, such as magazines and newspapers, to reach consumers,
business customers and prospects.
a) Broadcast Media c) Film Media
b) New Media d) Print Media
14. The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use, and create information.
a) Information Literacy c) Technology Literacy
b) Communication Literacy d) Media Literacy
15. Ideas or statements that are often false or exaggerated.
a) Media c) Propaganda
b) Political d) Journalist
16. The exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding
a) Technology c) Information
b) Literacy d) Communication
17. Philippine Daily Inquirer news paper
a) Print Media c) New Media
b) Broadcast Media d) Film/Cinema3
18. Any communication without word of mouth, spoken words, conversation and written languages
a) Verbal Communication c) Non-Verbal Communication
b) Written Communication d) Oral Communication
19. Is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest possible audience.
a) Film Media c) Broadcast Media
b) New Media d) Print Media
20. ABS- CBN TV Patrol aired on channel 2
a) Print Media c) New Media
b) Broadcast Media d) Film/Cinema
21. Movie Classification Ratings: “PG” stands for
a) Parental Guide c) Parental Gamers
b) Parental Generation d) Parental Guidance
22. Data, knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction, signals or symbols
a) Technology c) Information
b) Literacy d) Communication
23. The means of communication, such as radio, television, magazines, or the internet are referred
to as:
a) Context c) Media
b) Interference d) Noise
24. The process of turning communication into thoughts is
a)Decoding c)Environment
b)Encoding d) Noise
25. The encoder of communication is the
a)Context c) Noise
b)Environment d) Source
26. When the receiver of your text message perceives your typing in all capitals as that you are
shouting or angry, the situation falls under.
a)Decoding c)Feedback
b)Encoding d) Context
27. The following are the positive effect of media to communication
a) Used as tools for sharing information, ideas, and messages
b) Great ways to connect with friends and families
c) Utilized to deceive confuse and misinform people
d) Source of entertainment
28. The following are the negative effect of social media to communication EXCEPT
a) Become sources of misinformation and fake news
b) Give confidence to the user to bully or harass individual
c) Promote identity stealing
d) Used as a means of teaching and learning in this new normal brought by COVID-19
29. The positive impact of information and technology to society are enumerated below, the one
that is not is:
a) Integral in democratic processes
b) Build communities
c) Strengthened civil society
d)Tool in insinuating chaos and war among countries and people
e) Contributed to economic welfare of the people.
30. This time a lot of items are being copied and uploaded on Facebook. Included are movies which
are not meant to be for free viewing. As responsible netizen, you must:
a) Tag or notify your friends so that they could also enjoy free viewing.
b) Report the matter to Facebook authorities
c) Download those and distribute to others
d) Just allow things to happen, anyway many are doing it.
31. With the recent disagreement of country’s leaders on “War on Drugs” and ‘Extrajudicial Killings’
a lot information is being fed in mass and social media. As a citizen, you must:
a) Be critical and investigative on the information are being fed
b) Be one-sided in accepting information
c) Contribute to the bullying and word wars on social media.
d) Produce malicious report against one of the personalities.
32. A good learner of today is:
a) Dependent so much on what the teacher is inputting.
b) Maximizes technology for learning
c) Plays online games while attending classes online.
d) Spends much time on social media
33. Which of the following is not an example of non-verbal communication?
a)Signs c) Oral
b)Body language d) Facial expression
34. The ability to recognize when information is needed and communicate information in its various
a)Information Literacy c) Media and Information Literacy
b)Technology literacy d) Empowerment technology
35. The ability to use digital technology and communication tools
a)Technology (Digital)Literacy c) Media Literacy
b)Information literacy d) Media and information Literacy
36. The Age when people discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and
tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
a) Industrial Age
b) Pre-Industrial Age
c) Electronic Age

37. All of the statements about traditional media are correct EXCEPT?

A. Media experience is limited.

B. Sense receptors are very specific.
C. Integrates all aspects of old media.
D. Existed before the advent of internet.

38. How did Facebook changed our lives in a good way?

A. We care less about our privacy.

B. Facebook changed the definition of friend.
C. Facebook has created online jobs and opportunities.
D. Facebook created negative effects on culture as well as in society

39. Video Games can also be considered as type of media. Why is it possible?

A. Because it affects human behavior like social media did.

B. Because it's been a means in which people are entertained.
C. Because video games has features that enable communication.
D. Because Millenials must be in a trend.

40. A media and information Literate individual is someone who:

A. thinks critically
B. thinks irrationally
C. thinks unethically
D. thinks immorally

God Bless!

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