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HQ Bristol & Gloucestershire Wing

4 Highcliffe Drive,



NACATC Windermere Camp – Joining Instructions

1. Introduction

Bristol & Gloucestershire Wing have been granted use of the National Air Cadets
Adventure Training Centre in Windermere for the week of Saturday 21st October –
Saturday 28th October 2023.

The centre will accommodate up to 30 cadets and up to 10 staff.

Cadets will be given the opportunity to take part in adventure training activities which
includes mountain walking climbing, paddle sports and mountain biking.

A nominal roll for the camp can be found at Annex A.

2. Finance

The cost for cadets will be £100. This includes transport, accommodation, activities and
equipment hire. A typical weeklong experience for teenagers tends to be approximately
£600 from commercial providers so this is very good value for money. Cadets who come
from low income families may be able to get support to reduce the camp costs, please
contact unit commanders to discuss further details.

A deposit of £25.00 needs to be made by Sunday 13th August 2023 to confirm your place
on camp. The remaining £75.00 balance needs to be paid by Sunday 1st October 2023.

Payment needs to be made to Wing HQ via Bank Transfer. Please put the payment
reference as Wind23Surname so the Wing Treasurer can cross reference payments
against the nominal roll. Details are as follows;

Bristol and Gloucestershire Wing ATC

Sort Code:30-98-29
Account number:01386955

Any of this fee not spent will be returned to the cadet at the end of camp. Cadets can also
bring spending money at their own risk.

3. Kit List

All cadets are to be kitted according to the list at Annex B. Any cadets who have a shortfall
in their kit should seek to remedy this before they attend. This is an Adventure Training
Camp, meaning that no uniform will be required. Cadets should ensure they have
appropriate kit to take part in active outdoor activities comfortably.

Camp Polo Shirts will be distributed upon arrival.

There are plans to have a Halloween party on the final night of camp so Halloween
Themed fancy dress is also optional.

4. Consent

All named cadets must submit a TG21 (and TG23 where appropriate) by email to no later than 1st October 2023.

If there are any changes to the Cadet’s medical circumstances, then a new form is to be
brought to the coach and handed in on boarding. The Camp Commandant and Centre
Staff must be advised of all medical conditions/dietary restrictions.

5. Valuables

Cadets need not bring expensive valuables to camp. Any valuables brought are done so at
their own risk. All cadets must bring a padlock to secure their personal locker.

6. Accommodation

Cadets will be accommodated in dormitory style rooms within the Cadet Centre. Cadets
are required to bring their own sleeping bags and pillow.

7. Transport

All cadets must travel to and from the camp via the coach provided, and are to wear
sensible civilian attire for the journey. All staff, with the exception of the Camp
Commandant, and those already agreed, must also travel on the coach and provide
appropriate supervision. It is important that all coach travellers be at the pick-up point at
least 10 minutes before the coach is due. It is equally important that cadets are collected
promptly at the end of the camp return journey by a parent/guardian. Transport plan can
be found in Annex C.

8. Behaviour and Standards

While this is a more laid back camp without uniform standards of behaviour are to remain
excellent. Further guidance on behaviours and standards expected will be given in the
arrival briefing. Inappropriate behaviour will lead to the cadet being asked to leave camp
and parents/guardians being asked to collect them.

9. Welfare

Hygiene is important for close quarter living.

Look after yourself and those around you.

All personnel are asked to be honest and open about any issues or problems experienced
at the camp. Small issues can become significant if not dealt with early and properly.
Parents/guardians are asked to contact the Camp Commandant in the first instance is they
have any concern whilst the cadet is away.

10. Classification and Mandatory Training

All Cadets must be at least First Class Cadets and all mandatory training (ie Climatic
Injuries) must be up to date.

Any questions or issues should be directed to the Camp Commandant in the first instance.


WO Ed Smart
Bristol & Gloucestershire Wing
Annexe A – Nominal Roll

Number Rank Full name Gender Squadron

1 Cadet Catherine Winter-Alsop Female 37

2 Sergeant Mai Williams Female 37
3 Cadet Florence Boyall Female 93
4 Cadet Darcy De Villiers Kuun Female 93
5 Sergeant Julian McGee Male 125
6 Corporal Ruben Pickering Male 125
7 Cadet Abigail Snow Female 125
8 Cadet Jayden davies-mann Male 181
9 Sergeant Alexander Palmer Male 181
10 Cadet Matthew Pennicard Male 186
11 Cadet Esme skatulla-emberson Female 186
12 Cadet Jack Chauhan Male 649
13 Corporal Austyn Cole Male 649
14 Sergeant Holly Kelynack Female 730
15 Cadet Dominic sherwood Male 785
16 Corporal Brandon McLaren Male 785
17 Corporal Connor Ellis Male 1245
18 Cadet Helen Haestier Female 1245
19 Cadet Harry Williams Male 1329
20 Cadet Allegra Whitaker Female 1329
21 Cadet Alice Ziglioli Female 1860
22 Corporal Declan Willliams Male 2124
23 Corporal Julia Pigas Female 2146
24 Cadet Nikita Drungilas Male 2152
25 Cadet Jessica chan Female 2152
26 Cadet Wiktoria Mazurek Female 2152
27 Corporal Catherine Ellis Female 2152
28 Cadet Hateejah Ikram Female 2322
29 Cadet Eve Jenkins Female 2509
30 Cadet Ralph Horton Male 1329DF
Annexe B – Kit List

The following items are to be taken by all personnel attending course.

DPM/MTP clothing is NOT permitted – DO NOT PACK

Item Tick box

Walking boots with suitable tread for mountain walking
4 x pairs of trousers suitable for mountain walking, mountain biking or
climbing (NO JEANS)
Old t-shirt, trousers and trainers for canoeing or wetsuit and wet shoes
(old trainers)
4 x t-shirts no garish or offensive slogans
4 x pairs of thick socks
4 x pairs of thin socks
Personal toiletries
3 x warm jumpers
Windproof jacket
Waterproof jacket and trousers
Sun hat, warm hat, gloves
Personal water bottle at least one litre in volume DO NOT FORGET THIS
Notebook and pen/pencil
Swimming kit
Personal spending money suggested max £30, money is for shopping,
snacks etc
Personal medication, clearly marked with cadet’s name (Please speak to
staff on arrival)
Civilian clothing for travel and evening wear
Rucksack for day walks – should have waist strap
3 x thick bin liners
Personal first aid kit, containing plasters for blister care
Survival bag (it may be possible to borrow one)
2 x towels
Halloween fancy dress (optional)
eDofE number if using the week as your Gold Residential (Only cadets
who have contacted WO Ed Smart on
prior to the commencement of the week will be permitted to use the week
towards their Duke of Edinburgh Award)
Annexe C – Transport Plan

Outbound – Holmeswood Coaches

Staff Contact for pickup Plt Off Chelsea Markham, 07713584083

07:00 – Coach Park, The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, BS34 5DG

93, 1860, 2124, 2146, 2152, 2509

07:40 – Officers Mess Car Park, Imjin Barrack, GL3 1HW

125, 181, 186, 649, 785, 1245, 1329, 1329DF, 2322

12:00 – Arrive at NACATC Windermere

Return – Holmeswood Coaches

10:00 – Depart NACATC Windermere

14:00 - Officers Mess Car Park, Imjin Barrack, GL3 1HW

125, 181, 186, 649, 785, 1245, 1329, 1329DF, 2322

14:00 - Coach Park, The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, BS34 5DG

93, 1860, 2124, 2146, 2152, 2509

Please note: return journey is approximate, Cadets will be instructed to contact parents
with more accurate timings once departed.

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