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Bristol & Gloucestershire Wing

4 Highliffe Drive

01452 722931


Reference: WHQ/60/CMP/23/0003


RAF Shawbury is home to No.1. Flying Training School,The Central Flying School(Helicopters)
and The Defence College of Air and Space Operations.

1. The cadets and staff named at Annex A will attend Summer Camp at RAF Shawbury from
Saturday 29 July 2023 to Saturday 5 August 20232. The Camp Commandant is Squadron Leader
Kevin Lawday who can be contacted prior to and during the camp as follows:

Mobile: 07966241730

2. These instructions must be read carefully. Anything not understood should be addressed to
the Camp Comdt early.

3. Uniform and clothing. All cadets are to be kitted according to the list at Annex B. Any
cadets who have a shortfall in their kit or uniform should seek to remedy that before they attend. It
is unlikely that the host station will provide spare.

4. Identification. All uniformed staff are required to carry and display their ID Card whilst on the
station. Non-uniformed staff must bring photographic ID and then obtain an “unescorted” pass
from the pass office. All cadets MUST have either the F3882 app with a photo or a F3822 with
photograph inside. All relevant F3822 sections must be completed correctly so as not to
unnecessarily hinder the cadet taking part in any activities. F3822s will be checked at the coach –
No 3822 = No travel. Civilian instructors are to have suitable photographic ID such as a driving
licence or passport to enable the issue of a temporary station pass.

5. Consent. All named cadets must submit a TG21 (and TG23 where appropriate) preferably
via email to , no later than the 30th June. If there are any
changes to the cadet’s medical circumstances, then a new form is to be brought to the
coach and handed in on boarding. The Camp Commandant and Station Medical Centre must
be advised of all medical conditions/dietary restrictions. Similarly, if cadets are in receipt of free
school meals and this is not made clear on the TG21 then they must bring an updated copy and
hand in on the coach. All staff must bring their consent/medical forms with them to the camp and
hand in on the coach if not already sent to Wing HQ.

6. Flying Forms. There is flying on the programme. Cadets will need to submit a completed
AVMED1 form.via email to no later than the 30th June. These
last for 3 months from date of signing. Sqn OCs are asked to act early in case any cadets require
further medical clearance and use of Form F6424.
7. NOK Contact Details. Please provide on the TG21 form contact details for where the next of
kin will be for the duration of the camp. Home telephone numbers only work when NOK are at
home that week.

8. Cost & other monies. All cadets need to pay £85 for the cost of the camp (including messing
& other levies) to Wing HQ via Bank transfer to:
Bristol and Gloucestershire Wing ATC
Sort Code:30-98-29
Account number:01386955
No later than the 30th June
Please put ‘Camp wk2’ and the Cadets name and initial in the reference section when making the
payment so the Wing Treasurer can cross reference the payments against the nominal roll. Any of
this fee not spent will be returned to the cadet at the end of the camp. Cadets can also bring up to
£40 own spending money at their own risk.

9. Valuables. Cadets need not bring expensive valuables to camp. Any valuables brought are
done so at their own risk. All cadets must bring a padlock to secure their personal locker.

10. Transport. All cadets must travel to and from the camp via the coach provided, and are to
wear sensible civilian attire for the journey. All staff, with the exception of the Camp
Commandant ,and those already agreed, must also travel on the coach and provide appropriate
supervision. It is important that all coach travellers be at the pick-up point at least 10 minutes
before the coach is due. It is equally important that cadets are collected promptly at the end of
the camp return journey by a parent/ guardian. Coach details can be found at Annex C.

11. Accommodation. Cadets will be accommodated in tents in the sports hangar.Staff will be
accommodated either in blocks or respective messes. Cadets and staff are required to bring their
own sleeping bags.

12. Behaviour and standards. Standards of dress and behaviour are to be exemplary. Further
guidance on behaviours and standards expected will be given in the arrival briefing. Inappropriate
behaviour will lead to the cadet being asked to leave camp and parents/guardians being asked to
collect them.

13. Welfare.

a. Hygiene is important for close quarters living.

b. Look after yourself and those around you.
c. All personnel are asked to be honest and open about any issues or problems
experienced at the camp. Small issues can become significant if not dealt with early
and properly.
d. Parents/guardians are asked to contact the Camp Commandant in the first instance
if they have any concerns whilst the cadet is away.

14. Phones and cameras. A briefing about photographs will be given on arrival at RAF
Shawbury. Mobile phones should only be used by cadets during out of hours at the
accommodation and will be turned off. Some parts of the station require mobile phones to be
switched off.

15. Classification and mandatory training. All cadets must be at least First class cadets and all
mandatory training e.g Climatic injuries must be up to date.

16. Polp Shirts-If not noted on the SMS activity please inform the Camp Comdt of your Polo shirt
size no later than the 30th June
17. If you have any queries, please contact the Camp Commandant in the first instance using the
telephone or email given above. Please leave a message if prompted to do so..

K Lawday




Plt Off SLATER 2152
Plt Off MARKHAM 93
WO MANN 2152

Cadets Rank Surname Initials Gender Unit TG Form Payment

1. Cdt Suthar S F 37
2. Cdt Davey M F 125
3. Sgt McGee J M 125
4. Cdt Mukherjee R F 181
5. Cdt Abbott P F 186
6. Cdt Hovells J M 649
7. Cpl Watkins B M 1329
8. Cpl Kerry R M 1329DF
9. Cdt Silcock Z F 1329DF
10. Cdt Thatcher W M 1446
11. Cdt Harper-Rich C M 1860
12. Cdt Jessop R F 1860
13. Cpl Regan H F 2002
14. Cdt Tape H M 2002
15. Cdt Chmielewski J M 2124
16. Sgt Farquhar I F 2124
17. Cdt Ahmeti L M 2146
18. Cdt Martin A F 2322
19. Cdt Forder C F 2392
20. Cdt Saljan A F 2392
21. FS Bodenham C F 2419
22. Cdt Mhungu T M 2442
23. Cdt Cook J M 2467
24. Cdt Loveder O M 2509


Item Number required Tick when

No 1 (Light Blue) Shirt 1
Working/Dark Blue Shirt 2 minimum
Uniform Skirt and Trousers/slacks (female) 1 of each
Uniform Trousers (male) 1
Uniform Tie 1
Uniform Jumper 1
Uniform Black Shoes 1
Black Socks Weeks worth
Tights As required
Jeltex Jacket (Waterproof Jacket) 1
Beret 1
Brassard 1
PCS/CS95 Shirt 1
PCS/CS95 Jacket 1
Olive Green T-Shirt 1
PCS/CS95 Trousers 1
Combat ‘Black’ Boots (not walking boots)
1 pair
Combat ‘Brown’ Boots allowed if PCS worn
PCS/CS95 Waterproof Jacket (if possible) 1
Shoe cleaning kit
Sports Kit which includes:
a) Tracksuit trousers/ Shorts/ T Shirt/ Jumper
b) Trainers – non-marking
c) Swimming Trunks/Costume (one piece for females)
d) Towel (extra)
As required, ;Long
Appropriate Civilian Clothes to wear in the evenings e.g. Jeans/ T-Shirt/
trousers e.g jeans will be
Jumper/ underwear etc and shoes
required for mealtimes.
Underwear Weeks worth
Night wear e.g. pyjamas (no en-suite accommodation for cadets or staff)
As required
Hangar gets cold at night.
Civilian Waterproof/ Jacket 1
Sleeping Bag 1
Pillow 1
Wash Kit(toiletries) 1
Towel 1
Alarm clock and Watch (not to rely on your mobile phone) 1 of each
Spending money £40 maximum
Sun Block and Insect Repellent 1 of each
Sunglasses 1 pair
Water bottle 1
3822 or 3822 app (Up to date and with photograph) 1
Personal First Aid Kit 1
Medication As required
Notepad and pencil/pen 1 of each
Strong Bin bags (a bag to put wet kit/ dirty washing etc) As required
Coat Hangers 2 minimum
Day sack/ small rucksack 1
Padlock and keys 2 keys
Torch and spare batteries 1
Holdall or suitcase 1
Phone charger 1

1. Cadets will travel in Civilian Clothes and will have in their “hand luggage/day sack” their 3822 (with
photo) if they don’t have the app and a new TG form if their medical circumstances have changed since
submitting the previous one.
2. The transport times may change slightly please ensure that you check cadet portal for any
updates in the week leading up to the camp..

If you have any issues finding the picking up point or are running late please call the respective
member of staff for your pick up point.
Cadets should report to Plt Off Markham-07713 584083
1115hrs- The Coach Park, The Mall ,Cribbs Causeway ,Bristol, BS34 5DG
1205hrs- Officers Mess Car Park, Imjin Barracks, GL3 1HW
1400hrs-RAF Shawbury, SY4 4DZ


1130hrs-RAF Shawbury,SY4 4DZ

1325hrs-Officers Mess Car Park, Imjin Barracks, GL3 1HW
1415hrs- The Coach Park, The Mall,Cribbs Causeway,Bristol, BS34 5DG

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