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Music Video Name: HEROES – DAVID BOWIE.

Genre of song: Soft Rock

Purpose (what is the USP):

Visuals of the changes in the subjects, from weak in certain shots, and bigger
and more powerful in others, representing that freedom and fight back. Non
chronological, cinematic like timeline of the music video.
Targets a teenage/adolescent audience, all the aspects of growing up and the
problems, the changes that happen and what people at our age dream of/ long
Description of music video (blurb):
Follows a friend group of kids/teenagers growing up from their diverse
backgrounds, going through their respective problems and changes, but all share
the same dream of getting away from where they are and having their own
freedom to be them, however combatting the fear of growing up. They split up,
but few remain. So, they make that promise to stick together even through the
Type of Music Video and genre of song:
Narrative/Homage to the coming-of-age genre with references to films like
‘Stand by Me’ ‘The Breakfast Club’ and ‘Perks of being a Wallflower’ to go
with the nostalgic, soft rock, feel to the song. It will have an upbeat, longing
feel, with a use of a bright colour palette, and face-paced cuts to keep up with
the subjects of the video. Filmed in non-chronological order to keep up with the
pace of the song and how each subject does things in their own time.
Themes you want to explore:
Nostalgia, freedom, love, friendship, oppression, innocence and maturity.
Recording Space: Outdoors, city, countryside/suburbs/houses (indoors and out), train tracks,
Team Member(s): Gwen, Kyah, Ruby, Nic, Me.

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