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SY 2023- 2024

Name: THE BOYS GROUP Date: ___________________ Score: ________

Name: Raphael Seo Grade: Nine Scores:

Project Name: Collaborating Subjects: Date of Submission:

SERVICE LEARNING Social Studies September 22, 2023



Amidst the dynamic landscape of the Philippines, our Grade 9 Service Learning Program takes on a
crucial role. In today's context, Philippine communities face a range of social, economic, and
environmental challenges. Issues such as unequal access to education, environmental
degradation, and limited resources continue to impact the lives of many. There is an evident need
for our service learning initiative to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world
application. By actively engaging with these challenges, our program not only equips grade 9
students with essential skills and a deeper understanding of their community, but also empowers
them to drive meaningful change and contribute to the well-being of Philippine society. Join us in
this impactful journey as we strive to create a brighter future for both our students and the
communities they serve.


Social Studies
● Foster community engagement and awareness of local issues among grade 9 students.
● Develop essential skills and nurture personal growth through hands-on service
● Cultivate sustainable impact and advocacy abilities for addressing community challenges.


Strand Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Conceptual Understanding, Procedural

Fluency, Strategic Competence, Adaptive Reasoning

Transdisciplinary Skills: Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking

Technological Skills: Building and Designing a Presentation, Digital Literacy, and Productivity


Come up with a service learning program project proposal following the guide below.
A. Community Assessment
- Conduct research to identify why there's a need for an initiative (tree planting and
calamity packages). Include relevant statistics and examples.
B. Project Goals and Objectives
- List the specific goals you aim to achieve with your project and the corresponding
objectives that will guide your efforts.
C. Target Audience
- Define the primary audience for your initiative – who will benefit the most from your
D. Project Approach ;)
- Describe how you plan to reach out to the community. Explain the rationale behind
your chosen approach (tree planting and calamity packages)
E. Project Timeline
- Create a timeline outlining key milestones, from planning and preparation to
execution and evaluation. Include approximate dates for each phase.
F. Resource Needs
- Identify the resources required for your project, such as materials, funding,
volunteers, and partnerships with local organizations.
G. Sustainability Plan
- Detail how you intend to ensure the longevity of your project's impact. Consider
aspects like follow-up activities, community engagement strategies, and continuous
H. Evaluation and Metrics
- Explain how you'll measure the success of your project. What specific metrics will
you use to assess the effectiveness of your educational initiative?
I. Conclusion
- Sum up the importance of your project and its potential to make a positive change in
the community.

Social Studies

Economic Resources: CO2 Emission Impact Analysis

● Problem Understanding
○ Demonstrates exceptional understanding of community
challenges with thorough research and compelling evidence. 5

● Project Goals and Objectives

○ Goals and objectives are clearly defined, specific, measurable, 5
achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

● Innovative Approach
○ Presents a highly creative and engaging approach that 5
effectively utilizes technology or innovative methods.

● Collaboration and Community Engagement

○ Demonstrates a comprehensive plan for involving community
members and establishing partnerships with local 5


1. What did you learn about your community's environmental challenges through your

I have learned that our community has a lot of problems that are until now, not fixed. I have
realized that there are a lot of organizations and groups that are trying to improve the
situation of the environment but they are not really having effective solutions and results
because there are more wastes and negative influences than how much they fix.
2. How did you incorporate 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking and collaboration, into
your project proposal?

The group used collaboration and information literacy skills to share, discuss and integrate
our ideas. Each group member had the initiative to research on this and we decided on the
best option using critical thinking. Through Adrian’s leadership skills, and the members’
ability to communicate well, we were able to accomplish the project proposal.

3. In what ways does your project proposal address the long-term sustainability of its impact
on the community?

The impact of the tree planting project will last for a very long time because trees grow as
the years go by. The bigger the trees, the better the benefits they provide to the

The occurence of disasters will continue whether we like it or not and that is why calamity
packages will always be helpful. Because having the calamity package ready will give people
bigger chances of survival when an emergency happens.

Create a visually appealing presentation slide that summarizes the key aspects of your proposal.
Be prepared to present your proposal to the class, highlighting the most critical points within a
5-minute time frame. Remember, your proposal should reflect a deep understanding of your
community's needs and demonstrate innovative thinking to create a sustainable and impactful
service learning project.

A. Community Assessment
The state of the world's forests right now is getting worse and worse. Between the years
1990-2020, the world has lost 420 million hectares of forests including a lot of trees
because of deforestation. The current state of global deforestation is 31% or 4.06 billion
hectares of the earth’s surface is covered with forests and only about 18% of land with
forests is protected from deforestation. A southeast Asian country that is located to the
west of the Pacific Ocean called the Philippines has lost 62.9 kha of natural forests which
also gave another by-product which is emitting CO2. The Philippines is responsible for 52%
of deforestation between 2001 and 2022. From 2002 to 2020 the Philippines lost more
forest than it gained, and a lot of forests were also disturbed. A specific place in the
Philippines that had the highest deforestation was Palawan, they had lost about 202 kha
compared to the average loss which is 17.6 kha. It is incredibly high. To prevent this from
getting worse we must plant more trees, why? Trees help in decreasing global warming and
climate change as it absorbs CO2, trees can also increase wind speeds and can make the
air around us cooler. We must also plant trees for Mother Nature and our environment.
Calamities happen everywhere in the world and it’s natural but countries that are located in
the Pacific Ring of Fire often experience much more calamities. A country called the
Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and is prone to calamities such as erupting
volcanoes, typhoons, earthquakes, and much more. There are around 20 typhoons that hit
the Philippines every year and each time it keeps on getting stronger which results in more
damage to the society and environment. Typhoon Haiyan known as super typhoon Yolanda,
is the strongest typhoon among the top 10 in the Philippines which has caused a death toll
of 6,300 people, 26,000 injuries, and 95.5 billion pesos worth of damage. This doesn’t even
include the injuries and the worth of damage from other calamities such as volcanoes,
earthquakes, and much more. To help people who have suffered from these calamities we
give out calamity packages. It is a package containing basic needs that aid to help people to
survive the calamities that hit them.

Calamity packages are from the word calamity, which is the serious or major catastrophe or
disaster that we are currently facing. It is a package containing basic needs for people who
suffer from calamities around the world.

B. Project Goals and Objectives (You can add more if you want)
Our goal for this project is to be able to plant as many trees as possible so our environment
would be a much better place. Our specific goal would depend on how much funds we would
get during the school year since the funds that we collected would be used to buy the
materials to plant trees, meaning we would be planting as many trees as possible from our
collected funds. Another specific goal would be to help in lessening the amount of CO2 as
when we plant more trees we would be absorbing CO2 and emitting oxygen instead for us
humans. The corresponding objectives that we have would be to sell stuff to get as many
funds as possible first so that we can use that to buy materials for our tree planting project.

For calamity packages, our main goal is to have the ability to be prepared to provide
packages that consist of the needs to survive for the people who are suffering from
calamities. Our specific goal for this project would depend on how much funds we would be
able to collect during the year since the amount of needs we would buy for the packages
would depend on the funds we collected. Another specific goal is to help the society since
the Philippines is included in the Pacific Ring of Fire, calamities would be more likely to
happen. We want to be able to help the society survive these disasters.

C. Target Audience
Our target audience for tree planting is the environment and society of the Philippines. The
environment benefits from tree planting since trees planted will make our air better, have
more oxygen for us, and the environment better and it also lessen CO2 which causes other
big problems that are global warming and climate change. Society benefits from this as well
since we humans will have better air to breathe in and there will be less air pollution for the
society. We humans won’t complain anymore that it’s so hot since if we lessen CO2
emissions we would be able to lessen global warming.

Our primary target audience for calamity packages is the society and people of the
Philippines since the Philippines is most likely to get hit with disasters such as typhoons
due to the reason that it is in the Pacific Ring of Fire. The people can benefit from this
calamity packages project since to this day in the Philippines unemployment is slowly
increasing. This means they don't have income to buy their needs and necessities for
everyday life and when during disasters.

D. Project Approach (Describe how you will reach out to the community)KENS PART
The importance of this tree planting project is that trees offer numerous benefits to the
environment and the planet as a whole. The trees absorb the carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and store it in them, these trees act as natural air filters, and they remove the
pollution in the air, improving overall air quality. Trees provide habitat and food for different
kinds of animals, planting these trees will improve our ecosystem and can create
biodiversity. This tree planting project can not just potentially help us humans but the
plants and animals around us. How we plan to start this project is by inviting the other
people/ peers to come and help for a good cause.

The importance of calamity packages are that these packages are designed to help and aid
those that have suffered due to recent events. The calamity packages we are trying to
create are to benefit the whole of the community, these packages contain essential
supplies and supporting services, such as; Food and water, clothes, medicine/health care,
livelihood support, and some temporary housing. How we think this can truly help the
community especially in the Philippines is that the recent typhoons have hit the urban areas
pretty hard, and these people that have suffered because of these typhoons do not have
the means to help themselves. That is why we want to make these little packages to try and
help for the better. Our way of giving these packages can start by approaching the urban
areas first and handing them.

E. Project Timeline
Our 1st milestone planning would be in the 1st quarter from September 4, 2023
- September 22, 2023. The planning part is where we would be planning about how we
would get funds, what's our goal/objective, how would we do it etc, basically planning about
how both projects would go.

Our 2nd milestone is collecting funds from October 9 - December 20. The funding part is
also an important part of this project because we wouldn't be able to do the project itself
without funds. At this milestone of collecting funds, we would be selling stuff or doing
something to make funds (More explained in resource needs). Between October 27, 2023
or 26, 2023 - November 7, 2023, there might be a pause to collect funds since that is a
semestral break but we might also sell during the semestral break outside of school.
Our 3rd milestone would be thinking about where we should plant the trees and who we
should give the calamity packages. December 21, 2023 - January 8, 2023 (During Christmas

Our 4th milestone is the tree planting project which will begin on January 8, 2023 - March 3,
2023. The 3rd milestone would all be about the execution of the project where we would be
planting tree saplings in a certain area as much as we can based on how much funds we
have collected during the 2nd milestone.

Our 5th milestone would be giving out calamity packages which will begin on March 11, 2023
- May 18, 2023. The 4th milestone would be focusing on giving calamity packages to those
who need help where the amount of calamity packages would also still depend on how
much funds we have collected during the 2nd milestone.

Our 6th milestone would be looking if the projects were a success and if it is a success we
would be counting or estimating how many trees were planted and how many people we
were able to help. This would be important to see if our project helped the community. May
4, 2023 - May 7, 2023 (before SLC and recognition day).

F. Resource Needs
For both projects, tree planting and calamity packages. The way to get funds would be the
same. We will first gather enough funds to buy the required materials for the projects. As a
group, we have thought about the required needs for both tree planting and calamity
package projects. For tree planting, we would need trees or seeds to plant, shovel, water,
etc. For calamity packages the required things included in the packages would be the needs
of a person to survive such as food, blanket, vitamins etc. As for how we would collect and
gather enough funds, we planned as a group to sell consumables like chocolate/biscuits,
popcorn and, etc, toys (lato- lato), and drinks like buko shake. Our group has also planned
some other ideas that aren't selling stuff, instead we would be having a jar that has designs
of deforestation, where people can donate. An anonymous jar where you will be able to
write an anonymous note, where we will read it out loud at the end of us selling something,
this will most likely be free or a low price for people to be entertained. Last but not least is
making a canva poster that will be asking for people to donate leftover items like
newspapers, school supplies and things that people don’t use anymore (Night bazaar). We
could sell the items collected to a junk shop. The products being sold would be mainly
focused on students who are both in grade school and high school as both grade school
and high school likes food and drinks and toys especially lato-lato. Popcorn would have
different flavors for students to pick from while the chocolates/biscuits being sold would be
changing brands and flavors every week/month. The grade 9 batch will be using different
ways to collect funds. As for our group, we would be selling products such as consumables,
toys, and drinks. While we would also be asking for donations, and be doing entertainment
activities to gather people’s attention. This will happen every onsite class, before class
starts, during break and lunchtime, and if ever we have time also during dismissals. NOTE:
Some could be changed even after planning is done.

G. Sustainability Plan
Even after doing both projects, we could still continue to do this in our own little way and for
other people to join us in doing it. The 1st way that we can do after doing both activities is to
spread this to the community by setting up a facebook page where we would post videos of
our activities about tree planting and giving calamity packages for others to see. Posting
about what is tree planting and calamity packages would give more information as well as
education to the community which can help them engage on this topic even more. This
would convince other people to try to do it in their own little way. The 2nd way that we can
do this is for us to donate to other projects that are related to the 2 projects we did, which
are tree planting and calamity packages. The 3rd way is to do and manage a mini project in
summer. After the school year ends both of the projects will already be done before we can
do a mini project in the summer, where we could use leftover funds or personal funds to
provide for our project. It would be doing the same thing as we are doing right now but now
much smaller.

H. Evaluation and Metrics (Rapahel’s part)

The evaluation and metrics that we are going to use to measure the success of our project
is to see if the trees that we planted actually grew and became how we wanted it to be. We
will have to be making sure that the trees survived, they are in good condition and are
looking to grow healthily. To be specific, we are going to be looking at how many of the trees
actually grew, we also have to check the branches of the trees because healthy trees have
an absence of dead or broken branches. To further nurture the trees, we are going to water
the trees and take care of them.

For the calamity packages if they become a significant help to our recipients it shows us
that our work was successfully done good influence to society. We will be making sure that
the things that are going to be in the packages are in good condition so that whenever
people are in an emergency, it could work as a real life saving kit. We will be interviewing the
people who have received and have used the package, we will ask them how useful was the
kit for them. We will also ask for suggestions and comments about the things that should be
improved to further develop the efficiency, helpfulness and reach of our help to the

I. Conclusion (Nam’s part)

In conclusion, planting trees and giving out calamity packages is important as they play an
important role in our environment and community. However, as deforestation happens more
often nowadays, it has shown a huge impact on our life and our surroundings, including
climate change, severe amounts of calamities, and much more. These events could affect
us in many ways such as decrease in natural resources, more intense damage to our
environment, and even death. Therefore, it is important for us to commit to this program. By
harnessing the collective power of our community, we will be able to gather as much funds
as possible for us to plant as many trees as possible and to give calamity packages. After
committing the program, we will be able to help the environment and the community to be a
better place by reducing the amount of production of CO2 emissions, aid people in surviving
after a calamity hits them, and provide a home for the animals such as birds and other
species of animal that needs trees in order for them to live. Planting trees and giving out
calamity packages will result in a better environment and a better community. Let’s start
planting trees and giving out calamity packages, for mother nature and our community!

Customized Link of the Presentation:


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