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San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII

Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program

Marielle E. Balili/ BSN II N23 March 23, 2022

1. A firefighter pulls a child from a burning building in order to save him. The firefighter doesn’t
get out in time

OBJECT: Pulling the child from the building

INTENT: To save a civilian
CIRCUMSTANCES: Firefighter, child, burning building, saving a life.

- This is a morally good act. The firefighter courageously rescued the child despite the
dangers of the fire. He is willing to sacrifice his own safety for the benefit of fulfilling his role
as a public servant. Although the situation was getting out of hand because he wasn’t able
to get out on time but his act alone have proven his morals and the will to offer help for
those who are In need. The intent of goodness was maintained.

2. A woman takes a prescription drug so that her body will induce an abortion

OBJECT: Taking prescription drug

INTENT: To induce abortion
CIRCUMSTANCES: Fetus, woman, prescription drugs, abortion.

- This is a morally misguided (bad) act. The woman intends to abort her baby. Abortion is
an immoral act that is known to be unacceptable in a society. Taking teratogen drugs may
both harm the mother and baby which puts the both of them at risk for complications and
more serious problems. The intent to induce abortion is making this act an act of evil.

3. A woman takes a prescription that will ease the pain of a medical procedure

OBJECT: Taking a prescription drug

INTENT: To alleviate the pain from a surgery
CIRCUMSTANCES: woman, prescription, medical procedure, pain.

- This is a morally good act. The woman’s intent of taking the drugs was to alleviate the
after effects of surgery. Her intent is clean and acceptable because her decisions is
beneficial for her recovery and wellbeing.

4. A person gets a plastic surgery because she thinks her nose is too big

OBJECT: Getting a plastic surgery

INTENT: To make enhancement/ changes on physical features
CIRCUMSTANCES: person, plastic surgery, big nose, enhancement of facial features.
San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII
Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program

- This is a morally good act. This person intends to make enhancement on his/her physical
features by undergoing the surgery. The act is done mainly for the goodness of the
individual because she felt uncomfortable of her current nose. Making enhancement are
one of the few key aspects of gaining confidence for many people in the modern era thus
making this person’s situation as a morally acceptable act.

5. A person gets a plastic surgery because he or she was born with a cleft palate.

OBJECT: Getting a plastic surgery

INTENT: To correct the abnormalities in the body
CIRCUMSTANCES: person, plastic surgery, cleft palate, correcting abnormal features of the

- This is a morally good act. This person intends to correct the abnormalities in his physical
appearance. Having a cleft palate is widely known to cause discomfort and is associated
with feeding problems and inability to speak clearly. By having the surgery, this person is
able to fix the negative effects of cleft palate.

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