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BIM-Enabled Infrastructure Asset Management Using

Information Containers and Semantic Web

Philipp Hagedorn 1; Liu Liu 2; Markus König, Dr.Eng. 3; Rade Hajdin, Ph.D., M.ASCE 4;
Tim Blumenfeld, Dr.Eng. 5; Markus Stöckner, Dr.Eng. 6; Maximilian Billmaier, Dr.Tech. 7;
Karl Grossauer, Dr.Tech. 8; and Kenneth Gavin, Ph.D. 9
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Abstract: The paper proposes a solution for a Building Information Modeling (BIM)-enabled Infrastructure Asset Management System (AMS)
for road owners. The approach provides asset managers with a strategy for the dynamic use of Information Containers for Linked Document
Delivery (ICDDs), considering the requirements of stakeholders across domains in the operational phase. The state of the art shows how in-
formation management can be carried out utilizing information containers employing Semantic Web technologies Resource Description Frame-
work (RDF), SPARQL, and R2RML. The key output is developing a web-based platform that implements ICDD containers for asset
management. Existing AMS are integrated by using SQL data mapped to RDF-based ontology data in the container. The use of existing
domain-specific ontologies for infrastructure in combination with the linkage of domain knowledge to a three-dimensional BIM model is a
step beyond the state of the art and practice in the construction industry. Linking inside the container allows for querying data across several
information models and ontology-based data to create stakeholder-specific data views. The approach was demonstrated in two use cases. The first
was related to the visual inspection of a concrete bridge. The detection of damage and the process of communicating the damage to a contractor
charged with the repair were described. The second use case was related to a road pavement and demonstrated how decision-making about
maintenance activities can be supported using cross-domain information containers. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0001051. This work
is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,

Introduction pavements across the globe are aging and are being subjected to
higher loads, faster speeds, and extreme weather impacts such as
There are several challenges facing asset managers and owners of floods, heat, and so forth, that can cause rapid deterioration. Asset
transportation infrastructure, such as road networks. Bridges and Management Systems (AMS) that store and allow for easy retrieval
of high-quality data are critical to managing risks and making in-
formed decisions. Recent developments in internet-of-things (IoT)
Research Assistant, Chair of Computing in Engineering, Dept. of Civil and sensor technologies provide an opportunity for asset managers
and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Universitaetsstrasse to move toward resilient networks and to make decisions that min-
150, Bochum 44801, Germany. ORCID:
imize cost and environmental impact. Efficient and safe transpor-
-243X. Email:
Research Assistant, Chair of Computing in Engineering, Dept. of Civil
tation infrastructure is the basic prerequisite for social progress.
and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Universitaetsstrasse Planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of infrastruc-
150, Bochum 44801, Germany (corresponding author). ORCID: https:// ture requires a significant commitment of both economic and hu- Email: man resources. AMS are used worldwide to estimate the required
Professor, Chair of Computing in Engineering, Dept. of Civil and maintenance measures for assets based on their current and future
Environmental Engineering, Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Universitaetsstrasse conditions and dependence on financial resources and objective cri-
150, Bochum 44801, Germany. ORCID: teria (Aktan et al. 2019). The ISO 55000ff standards (ISO 2014)
-7743. Email: provide an overarching multi-industry approach to asset manage-
President, Infrastructure Management Consultants GmbH, Bellerives- ment (AM). One of the critical aspects of AM required to make
trasse 209, Zurich 8008, Switzerland. ORCID:
good decisions is the evaluation of current conditions based on in-
-5453-1841. Email:
Project Engineer, Infrastructure Management Consultants GmbH,
spection and monitoring.
Landsknechtweg 28, Mannheim 68163, Germany. ORCID: https://orcid Although periodic inspections are ubiquitous in managing road
.org/0000-0002-3688-9687. Email: networks, the requirements and methods differ across agencies and
Managing Director, Steinbeis Transfer Center (IMV), Willy-Andreas- regions. Bridge inspection largely comprises visual assessment
Allee 19, Karlsruhe 76131, Germany. Email: combined with some simple basic measurement techniques. In cases
Project Engineer, iC consulenten, Schönbrunner Strasse 297, Vienna in which the results of inspections are not conclusive, in-depth in-
1120, Austria. Email: vestigation or even maintenance intervention can be triggered. To
Managing Partner, iC consulenten, Schönbrunner Strasse 297, Vienna collect data about road surfaces, high-speed measuring systems
1120, Austria. Email: have been used for about 20 years with laser technology and skid
Manager, InGEO Consulting, Bastiaanpoort 8, Delft 2611MC,
resistance measurement equipment. Based on the results of the in-
Netherlands. Email:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on January 27, 2022; approved on spections, suitable maintenance measures must be selected consid-
June 20, 2022; published online on September 29, 2022. Discussion period ering constraints regarding traffic, accidents, and environmental
open until February 28, 2023; separate discussions must be submitted for and natural hazards. The derivation of technical measures, as well
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Computing in Civil as their execution schedules, essentially is based on an analysis of
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0887-3801. the severity and extent of current and forecasted deterioration.

© ASCE 04022041-1 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

Bridge inspections are used to provide key input to AMS. Although the technical implementation, the concept and architecture of the
many deterioration mechanisms can develop suddenly (e.g., bridge system are presented. The implementation is demonstrated and
scour) or can be hidden (reinforcement deterioration), periodic vis- proven in two use cases. The challenges and limitations of the ap-
ual inspections are used to provide the majority of data. Given the proach are discussed. The paper is summarized, and the research
well-known limits of visual inspection, a range of nondestructive questions are answered in the section “Conclusion.”
testing (NDT) methods are available (Kušar et al. 2018). Visual
inspection and NDT can provide a snapshot of the condition assess-
ment of an asset. Background
For road pavements, condition data describing the surface con-
dition and, above all, data on the structural condition of the pavement This section provides an overview of the state of the art and the
are required. The condition data can be surveyed using established practice of infrastructure asset management, the application of BIM
image- and laser-based networkwide measurement methods, and for transportation infrastructure, linked building data (LBD), ontol-
then are assessed using an evaluation procedure. In addition, struc- ogies for AM, and the use of information containers for information
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tural measurement systems, such as the traffic speed deflectometer management.

(TSD) used to measure the bearing capacity of the pavement struc-
ture, have been developed in recent years for networkwide as- Transportation Asset Management
sessment of structural pavement condition (Pinkofsky and Jansen Transportation asset management is defined as “a strategic and sys-
2018). Complementary to this, related data on the layer structure tematic process of operating, maintaining, upgrading, and expand-
can be determined indirectly using ground penetrating radar (GPR) ing physical assets effectively throughout their lifecycle. It focuses
(Solla et al. 2021) or directly using boreholes. For application in on business and engineering practices for resource allocation and
an asset management system, these data have to be transferred to utilization, with the objective of better decision making based upon
a uniform spatial reference system to be able to determine the in- quality information and well defined objectives” (AASHTO 2013).
formation that is relevant for the road authorities, i.e., the expected In recent decades, infrastructure owners have moved towards stra-
remaining life span and the associated necessary maintenance mea- tegic AM, i.e., a systematic approach managing their infrastructure
sures of individual road sections, or networkwide financial require- assets to support long-term transportation infrastructure goals and
ment forecasts. Therefore, AMS requires substantial effort for data inform investment planning. Owners strive to optimize their limited
preparation, which can be reduced significantly with the procedure budgets and resources to adequately plan maintenance activities for
proposed in this paper with the application of the Building Infor- assets, thus maximizing the benefit and minimizing the necessity
mation Modeling (BIM) method. for reactive repairs or asset replacement. Furthermore, transporta-
BIM methods already are used successfully for planning and tion agencies are coming under increased pressure to provide more-
construction in building and infrastructure projects. The use of reliable and safer infrastructure, especially in the light of recent
BIM in the operation, inspection, and maintenance planning of road sudden failures such as the collapse of the Polcevera Viaduct in
infrastructure over its life cycle is a relatively new field (Parlikad Genoa in 2018 (Calvi et al. 2019). Many infrastructure owners have
and Catton 2018; Biswas et al. 2021), but it offers considerable legacy transportation networks; for example, the rail networks in
benefits for road authorities. Updating the asset to mirror observed Ireland (IRRS 2010) and the United Kingdom (UK) (Guler
deterioration and the effects of maintenance interventions is the 2013) were constructed in the nineteenth century, prior to the ad-
basis for AM. This work process can be improved with BIM, es- vent of modern engineering standards. In addition, transportation
pecially due to the precise geometric information. Therefore, four agencies have to handle increasing demand from customers, re-
research questions for using BIM for transportation infrastructure duced budgets, and greater challenges to deliver value for money
AMS are proposed and transparent processes for investments (PIARC 2017). To over-
1. How can data across the asset life cycle be described, updated, come these challenges, one aim of AM is to align and link processes
and processed in a flexible and efficient way based on open data so that all business units within an agency operate in a coordinated
standards? fashion (FHWA 2012). Within the framework of AM, reliable data
2. How do standardized information containers need to be prepared are needed to obtain information about the current condition of the
to provide data for transportation infrastructure operations? transportation infrastructure and, based on this, to predict its future
3. How can existing asset management systems (or databases) state. These data then serve as the basis for the decision-making
be connected to BIM models to enable consistent use of data process on the timing, scope, and costs of maintenance interventions
throughout the life cycle of an infrastructure asset? (Hajdin et al. 2019). AMS help to force this decision-making pro-
4. How must the technical system architecture be designed in order cess by supplying results of different case scenarios by comparing
to implement a BIM-based information portal for the transpor- several applied maintenance strategies.
tation infrastructure asset management?
To address these questions, this research provides a concept and
a prototype implementation of the BIM-enabled execution of AM Asset Management Systems
for transportation infrastructures using standardized information AMS for roads and bridges can be viewed as a cornerstone of the
containers implemented within a web-based platform. broader context of infrastructure asset management (Hajdin et al.
The paper is organized as follows. We first provide an over- 2019). These management systems use the results of data collection
view of AM tasks in the infrastructure domain, existing AMS, and processes, prediction models, a set of rules to determine interven-
the utilization of BIM in transportation infrastructure. A general tion options within maintenance planning, and functionality to gen-
overview of information management in BIM projects is provided, erate and evaluate projects and policies (Zimmerman and Ram
and the fundamental terminology and concepts are defined. The 2015). There are a variety of different AMS solutions on the mar-
research procedure is introduced in the section “Methodology.” ket. However, a common AMS consists of inventory, inspection,
Focusing on transportation infrastructure operation, the essential maintenance, and planning modules (Hajdin et al. 2019). One of
stakeholders, processes, and relevant data are presented in the sec- the key components of the management of assets is the inventory
tion “Process Analysis and Concept Development.” Supplementing and documentation related to all relevant assets (OECD 2001).

© ASCE 04022041-2 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

An inventory module includes administrative and technical asset surface layer into the design process using a framework developed
data (e.g., bridge and road IDs, geolocation, bridge type, and so in Dynamo. They stated that BIM enables the possibility to add
forth) and optional information such as photos of bridge elements or more analysis indicators and to consider the whole pavement layer,
pavements. An inspection module enhances the asset data according which can support the design more efficiently. The use of BIM and
to the inspection findings, i.e., ratings of the structural (e.g., deck, IFC also was investigated for planning future traffic technologies
piers, and abutments) and nonstructural (e.g., safety rail, pavement, such as intelligent transportation systems in order to provide a for-
and drainage system) elements. A forecast of condition deteriora- mal description of these systems for road networks and to use the
tion is the basis for estimating future maintenance. The final com- resulting IFC models for traffic simulations (Mirboland and Smarsly
ponent of an AMS is a planning module that enables the managing 2021). For asset management, a semantic description is essential for
agency to determine what maintenance and rehabilitation actions these future BIM applications, and formalization and standardiza-
should be taken given the current and predicted conditions of the tion of these road and bridge semantics are being discussed further.
pavement sections and bridges (Ismail et al. 2009). Several existing approaches have been proposed for BIM-based
asset management of transportation infrastructure. Because most
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infrastructure assets are existing objects, there is considerable po-

BIM for Transportation Infrastructure tential for the integration of BIM into AM processes (Pocock et al.
BIM for the transportation infrastructure was analyzed extensively 2014; Chancey et al. 2017). Realistic representation of objects sig-
by Costin et al. (2018) by reviewing relevant literature to provide nificantly can improve the quality of decisions regarding mainte-
insights into the current topics, the state of the art in industry and nance measures. In addition, BIM enables an improvement of the
academia, and future challenges in this domain. They also reviewed existing methods of data acquisition and storage, through seamless
application and use cases of BIM in transportation infrastructure, information exchange over the entire life cycle of the road infra-
particularly transportation asset management, maintenance, inspec- structure. Currently, approaches are in the form of BIM pilot projects
tion, and data management. Costin et al. found a large number of (Jackson 2018), primarily considering planning and execution
current research papers on bridge and road infrastructure. Within phases and mimicking a “digital construction site” (Parlikad and
bridge management, Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) ap- Catton 2018). A particular issue noted is a lack of uniform specifi-
proaches cover the life-cycle aspects of bridges: planning, design, cations for data exchange between partners. A general description of
construction, and maintenance. Considering the use of BIM in pave- processes, data structures, and flows within national roads authority
ment design and planning implementation to date has been challeng- (NRAs) does not yet exist in a comprehensive and usable form for
ing, and the limitation of the industry foundation classes (IFC) data the application of the BIM method. This hampers the use of novel
model and a lack of standards was referred to in several studies. A data streams via technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles
review of the literature shows that data exchange between infra- (UAVs), e.g., drones and photogrammetry (Hajdin et al. 2018).
structure and BIM still is lacking a standardized neutral exchange
format. Thus, ontologies and Semantic Web technologies are an
Semantic Web and Linked Building Data
emerging trend to enrich the information with BIM and to increase
interoperability among stakeholders. Bazán et al. (2020) examined The Semantic Web integrates different internet resources and adds
road and bridge infrastructure management, and presented a set of a semantic layer describing the resource with additional metadata
use cases for optimized and sustainable infrastructure management. (Berners-Lee 2006). Therefore, ontologies are used to define a
In the design phase, BIM is used to a certain extent, but the lack of schema for the interpretation of metadata from these resources
semantics for geometric elements hinders the efficient use of BIM (Staab and Studer 2009). Ontologies determine the meaning of the
in successive phases. In use cases, Bazán et al. (2020) noted that metadata instances for a generic concept of machine-readable data
due to complexity, lack of appropriate software applications, and access. Furthermore, the semantic layer can be utilized to link data
missing standardized information exchanges, BIM is not yet imple- and resources across the World Wide Web using Semantic Web
mented widely for maintenance of infrastructure. technologies (Domingue 2011). This linkage is called linked data
In the design and planning phase, the parametric and algorithmic (Berners-Lee 2006). The Semantic Web technology stack consists
modeling of bridges was considered by Girardet and Boton (2021). of a layered set of technologies developed for use in Semantic Web
They improved the time for generating a 3D BIM model of a bridge environments and applications (Domingue 2011). Identifiers accord-
is reduced, and the geometric accuracy. Sacks et al. (2018) proposed ing to the uniform resource identifier (URI) syntax form the basis of
a BIM-integrated bridge inspection system. Their approach mainly each resource described. The exchange of data is performed using
involves capturing and collecting data for bridge inspection using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) (Cyganiak et al. 2014)
BIM with IFC standards. With the recommended information deliv- and the extended RDF schema (RDFS). Semantic Web data are
ery manual (IDM) as the documentation medium for data exchange structured using ontologies defined in the Web Ontology Language
and the developed model view definition (MVD) based on the IDM, (OWL) (Motik et al. 2012). These data can be serialized into,
the required bridge inspection data can be defined and validated e.g., RDF/Extensible Markup Language (XML) (Gandon and
using IFC entities and their spatial and semantic relationships. Schreiber 2014), Turtle (Beckett et al. 2014), or other syntaxes. To
Vignali et al. (2021) presented a case study of the application of query data in the structured format, the SPARQL Protocol and RDF
BIM for the design of road segments, including the utilization of Query Language (SPARQL) was developed, which as a query layer
three-dimensional (3D) parametrized modeling. The modeling ap- can process all defined vocabularies and search the data record on
proach is applied to several different road segment types, such as the basis of triple pattern matching (Harris and Seaborne 2013).
roundabouts, bicycle lanes, or railway underpasses. In practice, these For validation of RDF-based data, the Shapes and Constraint Lan-
different elements need to be modeled in various software applica- guage (SHACL) has been developed and extended (Knublauch and
tions. Collaboration between planners when designing these shared Kontokostas 2017). Linked data and Semantic Web technologies
spaces in transportation infrastructure, e.g., using the IFC data increasingly are being researched and applied in the architecture,
model, still is challenging due to missing interoperability. BIM for engineering, construction, owner, and operation (AECOO) sector
modeling road pavement was investigated by (Tang et al. 2020). (Pauwels et al. 2022). The development of ifcOWL as an exact rep-
They integrated the pavement structural analysis of the asphalt resentation of the IFC STEP formats in an OWL ontology can be

© ASCE 04022041-3 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

seen as a starting point for accessing building data in a Semantic project, several test ontologies were developed which are oriented
Web context (Beetz et al. 2009). Bonduel et al. (2018) implemented toward EUROTL and correspond to the respective national stan-
the conversion from IFC STEP to several construction ontologies as dards. One of these ontologies represents the German standard for
the IFC to Linked Building Data converter (IFC2LBD). Moreover, bridge condition assessment, which is referred to in this work as the
a central ontology for representing the topology of a building or a ASBING ontology.
structure was proposed by Rasmussen et al. (2017) as the Building
Topology Ontology (BOT). It represents the site, buildings, building Information Containers
stories, zones, building elements, and the spatial relationship be-
tween these entities. This ontology fulfills the minimal requirements Information management using BIM is specified in ISO 19650-1
to represent building data and to align with other ontologies that (ISO 2018). To exchange information between project stakehold-
extend the elements with domain-specific information (Schneider ers, information containers can be used. According to DIN SPEC
2019). 91391-2 (DIN 2019), an information container can provide meta-
data along with arbitrary information content. Thus, these standards
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and specifications do not provide the container definition and syn-

Ontologies for the Transportation tax itself. Therefore, in recent years research has investigated how
Infrastructure Domain to exchange interrelated BIM data in containers. Some approaches
are the Dutch standardized COINS container (Hoeber and Alsem
The number of published domain-specific ontologies for transpor-
2016), the multimodel or BIM-LV-container (Fuchs and Scherer
tation infrastructure has increased in the last few years. There are
2017), and the most recent Information Container for Linked
several domain ontologies that consider the inspection and main-
Document Delivery (ICDD) (ISO 2020). Extensions of the defined
tenance of bridges. Based on the BOT, a Bridge Topology Ontology
openCDE interface according to DIN SPEC 91391-2 (DIN 2019)
(BROT) as a core ontology for representing a bridge was developed
for specific container types, for example, using the ICDD (Höltgen
(Hamdan and Scherer 2020). It associates four additional ontologies
et al. 2021), were analyzed, conceptualized, and implemented. The
as an extension for modeling the bridge type, bridge components,
ICDD container utilizes Semantic Web technologies to provide
and building materials. With the Damage Topology Ontology (DOT)
metadata about the contained data, and the linking between these
(Hamdan et al. 2019), the damage representation can be linked
documents delivered within. The application of Semantic Web tech-
to bridge components defined in other ontologies, e.g., BROT
nologies enables an extendable structure of the container schema,
or BOT. The DOT provides an ontological basis for bridge inspec-
unique identification of objects, and independent localization of data
tion and damage detection. The Bridge Maintenance Ontology
for integration of distributed data (Hoeber and Alsem 2016). The
(BrMontology) is defined with a focus on condition assessment
data schema of this information container relies on three main
and maintenance planning without alignment of existing ontologies
ontologies for the structure of the container, the included linksets,
(Ren et al. 2019). It consists of classes considering the structure,
and further specialized human-interpretable link types based on the
material, hazards, and other events. Another ontology focusing on
Semantic Web technologies RDF and OWL (ISO 2020). The stan-
Concrete Bridge Rehabilitation Project Management (CBRPMO)
dard also provides a data validation approach using SHACL. The
was developed to model domain information during the rehabilita-
information container can host several types of documents inter-
tion procedures (Wu et al. 2021). For the area of road AM, a variety
nally or externally, all of which are identified uniquely using URIs.
of ontology developments mainly has focused on the operation and
Several approaches utilize the ICDD for validation (Hagedorn and
maintenance phase (Lei et al. 2021). For example, an important out-
König 2021) or for the integration into a common data environment
come of the European research project INTERLINK was the devel-
(CDE) (Karlapudi et al. 2021).
opment of the European Road Object Type Library (EUROTL)
(Luiten et al. 2018). This Object Type Library is available as the
EUROTL ontology, which provides classes and properties for mod- Methodology
eling infrastructure entities, actors, and operational activities and re-
uses concepts of the well-established Provenance Ontology Family Following the definition of the research questions, the research pro-
(PROV) (W3C 2013). An ontological basis for the management of cess consisted of three main steps (Fig. 1). The methodology used in
infrastructure information related to the requirements of European this paper follows the analysis, concept, implementation, and proof-
Road Directors has been provided. Within the scope of this research of-concept approach. Regarding the proposed research questions

1 3
Process analysis and concept development Use Case and Validation

Use Case 1
Identify workflow for Define task- and process- Conceptualize ICDD
transportation driven data flow for platform for workflow and
research questions
infrastructure operation information containers data management
Use Case 2

System architecture and implementation

Web-based platform for ICDD containers based on

BIM and Semantic Web technologies

Fig. 1. Methodology of the research process of this paper.

© ASCE 04022041-4 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

in this paper, the BIM-enabled infrastructure asset management use of ICDD for data acquisition, data exchange, and data integra-
approach is supported using information containers on a web-based tion with the existing database.
platform. Therefore, in Step 1 the process analysis of transportation In the last step, Step 3, two use cases relying on recurring rou-
asset operation is conducted. The process analysis identifies the tine engineer work for bridge and road infrastructure were demon-
general work process of recurring engineering and maintenance strated, validated, and discussed. The first use case incorporated a
tasks in the operation of transportation infrastructure modeled as visual bridge inspection in which data were acquired on-site and
an abstracted workflow. To define data exchange requirements, the transferred into the respective information container. The second
task- and process-driven data flow is analyzed, focusing on the im- use case comprised a pavement maintenance plan, for which infor-
plementation and use of standardized information containers. Fol- mation about the condition of the existing pavement was loaded
lowing these requirements, a web-based platform for working with from an external AMS and processed within the container for the
the standardized ICDD containers is conceptualized. The resulting maintenance plan. The use cases are discussed afterward.
concept for the ICDD platform employs the data management to
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realize the identified work processes and data flows. Process Analysis and Concept Development
The layered system architecture of the platform is presented and
the software implementation is conducted in Step 2. This software The overview of the general abstracted work process and data flow
architecture is a common architecture pattern, and was used in this in infrastructure asset management in Fig. 2 takes into account four
paper to provide an extendable and reusable implementation of the major aspects: the stakeholders, the processes, the data, and the en-
individual components. The resulting implementation enables the compassing web-based platform as the data management solution.

Stakeholders Processes Data


Plan asset management task Information

Manager group Container

Define task requirements Information

Delivery Manual

Prepare commissioning Requirement

Operational engineer group

Fulfills requirements?

No Yes

Approve work Delivery

Traffic authority

Internal / external organization

Receive order

Execute work Delivery
ICDD Infrastructure Asset Management Platform

open container / store transactions


database Retrieved datasets BIM model Documents Semantic data

Fig. 2. Overview of the involved stakeholders, the abstract work process, and generated data for the use of information containers in the ICDD
Infrastructure Asset Management Platform.

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J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

Asset management tasks usually are executed by a range of different paper, business process model and notation (BPMN) is used to for-
stakeholders. These tasks can be presented in an abstracted work malize the detailed process map for the use cases and to specify the
process considering the technical and data aspects. The retrieved content of the container for the exchange. The content of the container
and generated data can be identified for each process. The integra- then is described in terms of the data scope, data type, and the con-
tion of stakeholders, executed processes and generated data in Fig. 2 nection between the data or documents. In addition to the IDM, the
is defined herein as the general workflow. A web-based platform can necessary data and documents, i.e., the infrastructure and technical
enable data management integrated with existing asset management specifications for executing the task, are provided in a Requirement
databases. This section describes the general work process, the task- container for the commissioning preparation. This Requirement con-
and process-driven data flow, and the concept of an ICDD platform tainer is created once throughout the workflow and is supplemented
for infrastructure asset management. and handed over to stakeholders in each step. When the container is
handed over to further workflows steps, the status and suitability of
the container are changed accordingly. Thus, the whole workflow
Identifying the General Workflow in Infrastructure is documented within this container, and the history of changes
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Asset Management and details of the previous content can be tracked. In addition, the
The traffic authority is responsible for the AM to ensure safe and contractor’s works also are recorded in this container as requested
reliable infrastructure by employing the management group and the documents. The resulting Requirement container will be handed over
operational engineering group. The main technical tasks in infra- via the ICDD platform to the contractor by receiving the order.
structure asset management focus on inspection and on planning The contractor uses the Requirement container for retrieving the
and executing maintenance based on the condition of the infrastruc- technical documentation of the infrastructure and as a template for
ture. The abstracted work process is performed by several stakehold- capturing the requested data. Adding the requested information
ers (Fig. 2). First, the manager plans tasks based on the available from the contracted task into the Requirement container, this con-
infrastructure data. Engineers provide the technical requirements tainer is transitioned into a Delivery container. This transition im-
and data needs of the planned task related to national standards. plies that the contractor modifies the Requirement container with
Then the commissioning can be prepared. After contractors receive all information included as a template container and adds each
the order, they can execute the work and deliver the requested or piece of the required information into the container during the work
updated data back to the operating engineers. The engineers verify process. After successfully integrating the data, this container can
the quality of the work executed and data delivered against the re- be delivered to the operating engineers for approval. The same con-
quirements, and finally approve the work if the requirements are tainer is reused, and thus is only annotated with metadata (suitabil-
fulfilled. The data generated during the process are provided or ity and status) to embody the data flow in the overall workflow.
exchanged in the form of information containers. After delivering the required documents and information into
the container, it can be approved by the receiving operating engi-
neers. Certain data can be selected and integrated into the existing
Defining Task- and Process-Driven Data for relational database, which can be used for the review of the infra-
Information Containers structure information and as a basis for future maintenance tasks.
An information container can be used to bundle and link different This paper introduces two use cases to demonstrate the application
types of data and documents (ISO 2018). The generic structure of of the Asset information container for planning maintenance tasks
the containers consists of an index.rdf file and three predefined and to present the data exchange using Requirement container and
folders—Ontology resources, Payload documents, and Payload Delivery container for a bridge inspection. The use cases were real-
triples—that are distributed in a ZIP archive (ISO 2020). The in- ized by providing an ICDD platform implementation.
dex.rdf file describes the container and its contents, including the
respective metadata. The ontology resources folder is used to store Utilizing an ICDD Platform for Asset Information
employed ontologies. The mandatory container ontologies Con- Management
tainer.rdf, Linkset.rdf, and ExtendedLinkset.rdf according to ISO To facilitate sharing, exchange, and visualization of data between
21597-1 (ISO 2020), and ExtendedDocument.rdf according to different stakeholders in information containers, an information sys- (2021) must be included. These ontologies provide tem called ICDD Infrastructure Asset Management Platform is
the class and property definitions to specify and link documents implemented. To track the work process for a container concerning
within the container. Depending on the scope of the container, uti- information management, the platform enables setting the container
lized domain ontologies also are declared in this folder. The Payload status according to the ISO 19650-1 (ISO 2018) status codes and
documents folder is used to store all defined documents, e.g., 3D- workflows. The user access to the container can be determined de-
object models, images, reports, and so forth. The Payload triples pending on the relationship between the logged-in user role and
folder is used to store the links collected in the related linkset file the project. Functions for visualization, creation, manipulation, and
and to store all RDF-based data sets, which are instances of domain deletion of the container content are provided. Data querying within
ontologies. the container and data integration from an existing relational data-
In the work process depicted in Fig. 2, the data and the connec- base is implemented. A detailed description of the system architec-
tion between data and process are shown as containers and dashed ture of the proposed platform is presented in the following section.
lines, respectively. The manager can access and query the available
infrastructure data from existing relational databases connected to
the 3D-object model for task planning inside the Asset information System Architecture of the ICDD Platform
container. The planning data for a maintenance task can be col-
lected directly in the Asset information container by the asset man- The system architecture of the asset management platform is split
agers. The data exchange points and the related data scope are into five layers with different functional scopes (Fig. 3). The foun-
defined as a part of the task requirements. An information delivery dation is the data layer consisting of two data stores. The user
manual based on ISO 29481-1 (ISO 2016) can be used. The level of and project database is conceptualized as a relational database stor-
detail of the data exchanged at each point must be defined. In this ing users, projects, and the relation of projects to a container with

© ASCE 04022041-6 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

Presentation REST API Web User Interface
Layer DIN SPEC 91391-2 "ICDD Platform"

Unified Project Container

Container Content Validation
Authorization Linkset Query

Rules dotNetRDF
r2rml4net logies
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Logic Access Rights Management SHACL Processor

R2RML Processor RDF Triples
Container Processor dotNetRDF

IFC Processor SPARQL Processor

Data Access
Entity Framework Core ICDD Framework

Layer User and Project
Container Storage

Fig. 3. System architecture of the asset management platform.

additional metadata. The container storage is file-based storage, in 1192-2:2013 (BSI 2013) and indicates the use or type of informa-
which container payload and RDF-based data are deposited. The tion. A set of predefined labels from PAS 1192-2:2013 is imple-
data from the container storage is processed using the IIB.ICDD mented into the platform. These labels include coordination,
framework on the data access layer. This library provides the con- information, internal review, construction approval, manufacture,
tainer payload data at runtime and RDF-based data in in-memory Project Information Model (PIM) authorization, AIM authoriza-
triple stores for accessing, transacting, and querying data inside tion, costing, tender, contractor design, manufacture procurement,
containers. The framework handles ICDD containers that are valid construction, AM inspection, and AM maintenance. The suitabil-
according to ISO 21597-1 (ISO 2020). The transactions are referred ity is extended with another label, Requirements container, which
back to the file-based containers using writer classes for disposing specifies a container for modeling exchange information require-
of the in-memory triple stores and releasing memory resources. ments. Therein, requested documents can be added into the pay-
The service layer provides user-related data to implement a load, setting the property requested to true for this special
token-based authorization in the service layer. These tokens can document. These documents do not have a file stored in the pay-
be used by any web-based user interface. Together with the project load documents folder, but need to be filled by the receiving stake-
service, the access rights to projects and containers are assigned. holder after the suitability has changed. When the suitability has
Projects have members, and these members have access to the con- changed, documents can be supplied for the placeholder file meta-
tainers included in the projects, which in turn means that each con- data. The property requested then is set to false if the uploaded file
tainer is allocated to a project. matches the requested metadata for mime-type and file extension.
On the service layer, access to projects, containers, container meta- With this concept, links between payload documents also can be
data, contents of the container (as payload or RDF data sets), linksets, defined in the requirements container so that the files uploaded
and the querying and validating services are provided. At the infor- afterward are linked directly, as required by a client.
mation management level, the services provide project and container On the business logic layer of the system architecture, the data
management according to ISO 19650-1 (ISO 2018). The implemen- flow from the data access layer to the representation layer is man-
tation of this standard contributes to the successful implementation of aged, and input from the user interfaces in the representation layer
the asset information model (AIM). Thus, each container receives a is processed. Therefore, processors are implemented to fulfill cer-
status from the status codes (work in progress, shared, published, and tain tasks with input data and user interactions and provide the ap-
archived) of the standard. The archived status encompasses the jour- plication programming interface (API) and the user interface with
nal of changes in the container but does not allow any change of in- the required data. The processors access and distribute data to cli-
formation. However, each archived container can be updated to the ents throughout the services and the data access layer. Every proc-
next version, in which the status is work in progress, and changes can essor is related to the Container processor because all of them
be made in this version. The versions of containers are linked to each retrieve or send container-related data. Additionally, functionalities
other using the previous version predicate of the container description are provided for particular payload contents in containers. One of
defined by ISO 21597-1 (ISO 2020). The container claims additional these functions is the processing of IFC-based building models.
metadata as a set of recipients inherited from the project members, a Building models first are converted into a WebGL format to be
revision number, and suitability. The suitability is adapted from PAS shown within the web user interface afterward using the xBIM

© ASCE 04022041-7 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

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Web UI module. In parallel, the IFC model is processed to retrieve internal stakeholders using the information container. The second
the spatial hierarchy of the IFC model and the property sets from use case demonstrates a pavement maintenance plan based on the
the IFC objects to be accessible for the user. Moreover, IFC models current condition of road sections. The pavement condition data
can be converted into RDF-based data sets within the platform us- are stored in an existing asset management database and retrieved
ing the IFCtoLBD converter provided by Bonduel et al. (2018). to create a maintenance plan by the asset manager. Using the in-
To establish the connectivity with existing AMS, a connector to formation container, the data from the relational database are in-
relational database systems was designed and integrated. This con- tegrated and linked with the object model of the asset. Based on
nector enables the access of AM data from other systems within the SPARQL queries, the asset manager determines the road sections
container context, creates links between IFC models, documents, for the maintenance plan by querying the critical condition within
and AM data, and performs queries on an integrated data set. To the container.
enable the exchange of containers between stakeholders during op-
eration workflows, data from an existing asset management sys-
tem are selected from the external systems based on the defined Use Case 1: Visual Bridge Inspection
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mapping. These are converted into RDF to be queryable within the In this use case, the condition of bridge elements is assessed using
container context, and then stored in the container for exchange. the German guideline ASBING. The detected damage of an element
To realize this connector, first, the container schema is supple- is recorded with an image related to the respective IFC object. An
mented with a subtyping of the ct:ExternalDocument class from IDM is defined for data exchange between different stakeholders in
ISO 21597-1 (ISO 2020). The specialized class is denoted exdoc: the inspection process. Fig. 4 shows a BPMN diagram. This formali-
ExternalDatabase and documented in an extension ontology for zation of processes within the scope of IDM particularly supports
ICDD containers ( 2021). The external database understanding complex workflows of BIM model exchanges be-
class provides the necessary information to connect a container to tween several stakeholders. The process typically contains detailed
a MSSQL or other database specifying a connection string. To re- tasks for each stakeholder and the respective data exchange points.
trieve data from the relational database, the R2RML mapping lan- In this case, the process has just two data exchanges using the in-
guage (Das et al. 2012) is utilized. R2RML is well researched and formation container. The container content must be defined as an
defines either automatically generated basic mapping algorithms or exchange requirements model for each data exchange. The opera-
creates user-defined mappings (Hazber et al. 2016). In the platform tion engineer prepares the commissioning of the inspection with the
concept, both basic mapping of the full database and the user-defined necessary documents concerning the bridge structure. This informa-
mappings are envisaged. Therefore, the exdoc:ExternalDatabase tion is collected in the ER1_requirement_container. The contractor
class can have zero or one mapping file attached using the database uses this container as a template, and changes its name to ER2_
Mapping object, which references a mapping file stored inside the delivery_container with status “Work in progress” and changes
container as a ct:Document individual and provided in a RDF-based the suitability from “Suitable for requirement” to “Suitable for in-
syntax. If no mapping file is defined, basic mapping is executed. In spection.” These changes can be realized simply on the ICDD plat-
either case, the resulting generated RDF triples are stored within a form. Then, the inspection information as required can be added into
payload triples file and can be accessed using SPARQL or SHACL. the ER2_delivery_container. As a result, the ER2_delivery_
User-defined R2RML mappings are defined according to the W3C container with the aggregated data is delivered. The operation en-
recommendation (Das et al. 2012). The R2RML-based retrieval of gineer verifies the deliverables against the technical and exchange
RDF data from relational databases in the platform context is per- requirements. The verified information can be filtered by the engi-
formed using the r2rml4net NuGet package. neer for specific tasks, e.g., maintenance planning.
On the presentation layer, two possible user interfaces are imple- The configuration of the requirement container and the delivery
mented. A representational state transfer (REST) API is provided, container related to the use case is displayed in Fig. 5. Regarding
which conforms to the DIN SPEC 91391-2 (DIN 2019) specifica- the type and the usage of the data, the documents are stored in the
tions. Höltgen et al. (2021) demonstrated the API for the management three container folders as defined in the ICDD standard. In
of ICDD containers, contents, and linksets. Moreover, the web user addition to the ontologies required by ISO 21597 and the ICDD
interface provides a graphical user interface for all provided function- platform, the domain-specific ontologies also are considered in the
alities in the business layer and service layer. Additionally, the web folder Ontology resources for executing RDFS reasoning in the
user interface is equipped with an IFC viewer that becomes the start- container to further process the data with SPARQL and SHACL.
ing point for creating queries in the container related to selected IFC For the use case, the container employs three existing domain ontol-
objects without the user needing much prior knowledge of SPARQL. ogies for capturing semantic data (Fig. 6).
Both representations are secured using token-based authentication In addition to the structure model BridgeModel.ifc for a BIM-
and access the same data sources so that users can work in the same enabled inspection, the operation engineer provides the prede-
project or container in several client applications. fined document templates [REQ]DamagePlacement.ifc and [REQ]
Overall, the layered architecture allows for extensibility, which DamageImage.jpg with the requested attribute as placeholders in
enables different clients and front ends to be combined with each ER1_requirement_container. Using the requested attribute, the infor-
other on the basis of the REST API provided, and thus to be usable mation requirements can be defined digitally, fulfilling the process of
from any client software or even different AMS. information delivery and information approval both in practice and
for the ideal process according to ISO 19650. The contractor can
use the container template to deliver information and complete the
Use Cases ER2_delivery_container. The required documents for the damage
description can be uploaded into the container. If more damages
To visualize, exchange, and integrate AM data for inspection and were captured, all related documents should be uploaded regard-
maintenance based on the proposed ICDD platform, this section in- ing the requirements of the defined template files in the Payload
troduces two use cases. The first use case simulates a visual bridge documents folder.
inspection by an external contractor. The focus is on creating, col- Semantic data are captured in Turtle files in the Payloads triples
lecting, and exchanging the relevant data between the external and folder according to the defined domain ontologies. Links between

© ASCE 04022041-8 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

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Collect inspection Deliver inspection
Perform inspection
Platform data with ICDD result

ER1_ ER2_

requirement_ delivery_
container container
Operational engineer

Request the
Prepare the No
Request inspection Check result result
commissioning improvement
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Traffic authority

fulfills requirement? Yes Select relevant
Object Model /

Model AMS

Fig. 4. Process diagram of the visual bridge inspection with data exchange.

Fig. 5. Content of the requirement and delivery containers for the visual bridge inspection.

Fig. 6. Domain ontologies and related semantic data as payload triples.

IFC elements, images, and semantic data are specified in RDF files clarifies which data are associated with each other. These data form
as so-called linksets. All linkset files included in the two containers the connective elements that are contained as components or instan-
are summarized in Fig. 7, providing the link description and the ces in the aforementioned documents. They then are linked using
document containing the linked elements. The link description the link type Directed1toNLink that defines a direction via exactly

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J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

Fig. 7. Linkset files and the related link description.
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one from-link element and a set of to-link elements defined by the mapping rules for exporting data between relational databases
ISO 21597-2. and RDF-based payload triples are defined in the R2RML mapping
language. The alignment between attributes of the Condition table
and the classes and properties of the EUROTL ontology is defined as
Use Case 2: Pavement Maintenance Plan shown in Fig. 9.
This use case demonstrates how decision-making can be supported To generate the container for this use case in Step 5, all contents
with the help of cross-domain information containers. Steps 1–7 in are provided in Fig. 10. When the relational database is registered
Fig. 8 show the establishment of an information container with as the payload document RIDatabase using the extdoc:External
available data from an existing asset management database linked DatabaseLink class and the mapping rule is declared as RIDatabase.
to road object models and the generation of an appropriate main- mappings.ttl and referred to the database link, the condition data
tenance plan. Step 1 defines the scope of the generated information can be integrated automatically into the container as payload triples
container. For example, an asset manager can use the information RIDatabase.instances.ttl using the defined mapping. The connec-
container to request the current condition of pavement road sections tion of lane sections from the database to respective IFC elements
linked to the respective elements in a 3D model. Based on the re- is created and stored in the linkset file Ls_ifc_RIDatabase.rdf.
sult, they can plan the maintenance based on the geometry of the To query and filter the relevant data to create the maintenance plan,
affected elements and the historical pavement data from the data- the SPARQL query language can be used, and queries can be ex-
base considering time planning and cost estimation of the mainte- ecuted in the platform on the aggregated container data as Step 6. By
nance work to be executed. reviewing the query result, the asset manager generates the main-
A relational database RoadInformationDatabase (RIDatabase) is tenance program, for example, for the queried road sections in criti-
cal surface conditions, and incorporates the respective data into the
set up consisting of seven database tables based on the German
information container in Step 7. These data are collected in the
NWSIB database for state-specific road maintenance. It contains
Maintenance.instances.ttl file. These instances of the planned pro-
four main information components: road section data, construction
gram also are linked with the related IFC elements. The links then
project data in connection with the road network information, in-
are recorded in the linkset file Ls_ifc_maintenance.rdf. As the last
spection data in connection with the condition information, and the
step, Step 8, the asset manager can import the relevant result back to
maintenance plan in connection with the planned pavement works.
the original database, an approach for which was introduced by Liu
The pavement condition assessment with four key indicators (fric-
et al. (2022) and which will be implemented into the platform in the
tion, evenness, rut depth, and crack width) available from the Con- future.
dition table (Fig. 9) is the focused of Step 2. These condition data
are recorded as instances of an appropriate domain ontology. In the
same manner, the data of the maintenance plan must be acquired Validation
using a domain ontology regarding the database table the Mainte-
nanceplan table of the RIDatabase. Considering both aspects, the Using the web user interface of the ICDD platform, stakeholders can
EUROTL ontology is employed to capture the numerical values of create, edit, view, and delete container contents using the applied
the condition and the planned maintenance data as Step 3. In Step 4, functions as shown in Fig. 11. The user interface includes three main

Domain Mapping
ontology rules Information

(3) Select
domain ontology

(1) Define (4) Define mapping (5) Generate ICDD (6) Query (7) Integrate (8) Import data
use case rules container existing data new data into database

(2) Identify
related DB-data


Fig. 8. Process diagram of the maintenance plan creation using information container.

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eurotl:Lane prov:value


eurotl:hasCondition prov:atLocation

rdfs:range rdfs:range

eurotl: schema:minValue
LocationByCoordinates schema:maxValue

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Ontology Class
eurotl:Condition prov:value
Object Property DataTypeProperty

Fig. 9. Overview of the proposed mapping between the condition table of the RIDatabase and the respective classes of the EUROTL ontology.

components for the interaction between the user and the system.
In the Explorer component, the structure of the container is pre-
sented. The document content is represented in the Content compo-
nent, e.g., the elements and structure of an IFC model, images, or
RDF-based triples. Domain ontologies, RDF-based triples, docu-
ments, and linkset files can be added to the container from the nav-
igation bar. SPARQL queries can be executed on the entire container
data. The output of the results is provided as a table or in the stand-
ardized SPARQL Query Results JSON Format. In the Properties/
IFC viewer component, the user can switch between the metadata
of documents and the integrated IFC viewer, which provides loading
multiple models combined into a federated model and selecting
elements directly per partial model.

Use Case 1: Visual Bridge Inspection

For the BIM-enabled bridge visual inspection, the IFC model of a
Fig. 10. Content of the information container for the pavement
concrete road bridge is used that contains two bearing axes built
maintenance plan.
with a foundation and abutment walls. The structure and traffic load

Fig. 11. Interface of ICDD platform comprising the example container ER2_Delivery_Container for the visual bridge inspection use case.

© ASCE 04022041-11 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

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N IFC Object Model


S bot:Building bot:Element rdfs: prov:Activity prov:Organization
rdfs:domain rdfs:range rdfs:domain rdfs:range
bot:hasElement eurotl:
brot:Bridge prov:wasAssociatedWith

1 Links of Ls_element_inspection.rdf


Instances from Elements.instances.ttl


Instances from
substructure Inspection2020

1 Links of Ls_ifc_element.rdf elements: elements: elements:
crossBeamWest crossBeamMiddle crossBeamEast

elements: elements: EngineerOfficBridge
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mainBeamNorth mainBeamSouth

elements: elements:
abutmentWest abutmentEast Ontology Class Object Property

elements: elements: 1
foundationWest foundationEast Links related to
linkset file

Fig. 12. The relationship between the bridge model and instanced in ER1_Requirement_Container.

are carried by a grid consisting of two main beams and three cross In addition, a virtual layer over the pavement structure in the lon-
beams. The bridge substructure elements described previously are gitudinal direction was defined with element lengths of 100 m as a
considered to demonstrate the visual bridge inspection use case. homogeneous section for the condition assessment.
The topological representations of structure elements are described The condition data for the 100 m homogeneous sections are
using BOT as shown in Fig. 12. The whole bridge structure was recorded in the RIDatabase with the numerical values of friction,
typed both as a bot:Building and a brot:Bridge to be able to use the evenness, rut depth, and crack width. The database is connected to
generic topology hierarchy from BOT and to provide a more spe- the information container as a payload document (Fig. 13). The
cific classification of the structure using BROT explicitly. Further mapping rules RIDatabase.mappings.ttl are defined using EUROTL
classifications of BOT individuals can be inferred through the to export the data from the database into the container. Fig. 14 shows
alignment between BOT and BROT as provided by Hamdan and an example of R2RML mapping rules for converting the data of
Scherer (2020). The metadata of the inspection with the execution column crackwidth from condition table of the RIdatabase into in-
year and the assigned contractor are collected as instances of stances of the class eurotl:condition with the related pavement sec-
classes from the ontologies EUROTL and PROV. The links defined tion as a spatial object. Fig. 15 shows the imported data set of one
in the use case description are created between these instances and pavement section represented in triples as a result. The whole onto-
the elements of the IFC model. logical data are captured as triples in the RIDatabase.instances.ttl,
The contractor collects the condition of the nine elements defined which then are linked with the homogeneous section of the IFC
as BOT instances. Based on the German ASBING ontology, each model.
element possesses three condition grades considering traffic safety, Combined with the IFC model, the stakeholder can select
stability, and durability on a scale from 0 (no influence) to 4 (re- the pavement sections with critical values of the condition indi-
newal is to be initiated). In this inspection use case, all elements of cators. Based on the query result, the pavement sections requiring
the substructure are assessed as having no influence on traffic safety maintenance can be determined. The recommended work, year,
and Grade 1 or 2 for stability and durability without the relevant and cost are recorded in the maintenance plan linked to the sec-
need of maintenance, until the main beam at the south side has dam- tions. Fig. 16 demonstrates a query to filter the sections with
age such as concrete cracking or spalling. It then receives a Grade 3 a value of crack width of more than 3 mm through the SPARQL
for both conditions and needs to be maintained shortly. The re- query. As a result, the two end sections between 800 and 1,000 m
spective damage will be captured within the IFC model Damage- are returned and highlighted in the IFC model (Fig. 13). After
Placement.ifc for the localization and in an image DamageImage. a review of the IFC model, the maintenance plan can be made
jpg for visual assessment afterward. The IFC elements that are in a for the related sections with the required information using
Stability grade 3 state can be selected as shown in the IFC viewer in EUROTL.
Fig. 11 and linked to create a maintenance plan. Moreover, the
model with the damage location is shown in the IFC viewer.
Use Case 2: Pavement Maintenance Plan
When using BIM for infrastructure operations, practical engineering
For planning the pavement maintenance based on the BIM model, a challenges must be overcome. BIM still is not adopted widely in the
limited road section with a length of approximately 1,000 m was transportation infrastructure domain. BIM models mostly are cre-
modeled. This road model contains only one direction and one lane ated during the design and construction phase but are not carried
without a terrain model. The underlying alignment of the road was forward to the operational phase to maintain the existing physical
built from an alignment element straight line. Because the current assets (Bazán et al. 2020). Thus, it is demanding to bridge the gap
export of ifcAlignment in IFC 4x3 is not provided in the modeling between current engineering practice and the optimal BIM usage
application, the model was exported in IFC 4 without alignment over the asset life cycle. Moreover, it is difficult to establish tech-
elements. The road cross section consists of four layers: asphalt nologies such as BIM model servers and RDF triple stores adjacent
surface course, asphalt base course, base layer, and antifrost layer. to existing organizational AMS, even if using BIM delivers more

© ASCE 04022041-12 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

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Fig. 13. ICDD platform with the query result as a table and the filtered pavement sections highlighted in the IFC viewer.

Fig. 14. RIDatabase.mappings.ttl.

Fig. 15. RIDatabase.instances.ttl.

added value for the organization. On the other hand, it is challenging storage of the BIM model and allow the linkage with further data as
to establish a relation between the vast amounts of existing data, a first step. The asset manager can create information containers
especially road network data, the BIM model, and related data syn- regarding the defined workflows without influencing the existing
chronously. Therefore, the use of information containers based on AMS. After the advanced system for combining BIM and intercon-
Semantic Web technologies can provide a solution for the temporary nected RDF data in a RDF triple store is established, the information

© ASCE 04022041-13 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

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Fig. 16. Querying road sections with crack widths larger than 3.00 mm using SPARQL.
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container can be used for the data exchange and data visualization Using the developed solution, aggregated data from different
to overcome the difficulty of accessing the database as an external domains also can be made usable for other cross-domain use cases,
stakeholder. e.g., to perform combined maintenance for a road section and sev-
Therefore, the most important benefit of the information con- eral bridges on the network together in one or more federated con-
tainer is to provide an open standardized data exchange format, in tainers. This is especially useful to align the competencies and
which data content also can be verified using the SHACL rule lan- responsibilities of different planners from different disciplines.
guage. The data exchange and the demand for a standardized data Moreover, this paper shows how the reuse of established domain
model still is one important impediment to BIM adoption in trans- ontologies can be beneficial for AM and also can provide a com-
portation infrastructure (Costin et al. 2018). The presented ICDD mon basis for cross-country and cross-language AM. In addition,
platform facilitates the creation, manipulation, and exchange of condition assessment rule sets for asset information containers can
ICDD-conform information containers between different stake- be developed using the SHACL rule language. By combining rules
holders in a project or asset context. Relevant standards have been with regularly updated data sets, e.g., through inspections or in-
incorporated into the platform. The generic data structure of the tegration of data from existing relational databases, the presented
information container makes the collection and linkage of extended ICDD platform can function as an up-to-date dashboard for mon-
information and documents with different types outside the BIM itoring infrastructure conditions, as shown in Use case 2.
model possible.
Even so, the generic concept requires a mapping of original data
structures into ontologies (as shown with the IFC model converted Conclusion
into LBD). Beyond a certain point, one single ontology is not able to
This paper shows the use of information containers, Semantic Web
cover all aspects of a data model, so alignments between ontologies
technologies, and domain-related ontologies as schemas in a web-
need to be defined and terminology has to be added. Although a
based platform for infrastructure asset management. A concept and
large number of central, general ontologies for AEC have been es-
a methodical approach were developed, and a web-based platform
tablished, there is a lack of a comprehensive overview of existing
was implemented, demonstrated, and validated in two different use
ontologies, their application, and interfaces with other ontologies.
cases. The investigated use cases are related to common activities
Based on the implemented ICDD concept, information contain-
of visual bridge inspection and road pavement maintenance plan-
ers also can be used for different life-cycle phases. Especially for
ning. Existing ontologies from the AM domain were reviewed and
the construction phase, in which the BIM model is established and used in ICDD containers in the proposed ICDD platform. Existing
the amount of information and documents increases intensively, AMS and their relational databases were considered in the ap-
providing a structured data package without restrictions on the data proach and connected to the information container. Thus, the infor-
type can improve the digitization of the construction documenta- mation container can access and evaluate data from the database
tion. At the end of a construction project, the as-built model with within a container and can be linked to IFC models and instances of
related information and documents can be handed over as a whole ontology data to provide a cross-domain queryable AIM. SPARQL
data package, which also simplifies the data integration into the queries can be executed on an aggregated data set of the container in
AMS. However, the use of ICDD information containers as a data an in-memory triple store. In the use cases, these SPARQL queries
structure and an exchange medium is only an intermediate step for were utilized to retrieve road sections or bridge elements that relate to
overcoming the file-based data exchange issues and establishing areas of interest for inspection or maintenance (e.g., damaged sec-
the vision of a fully remote access of linked building data in triple tions). The results of this paper answer the aforementioned research
stores, as proposed by Pauwels et al. (2022). The platform develop- questions.
ment prototype presented here offers the possibility that users can Information containers are suitable for describing, updating, and
generate queries and rules and execute these on containers for their processing data across the asset life cycle in a flexible and efficient
purposes. The creation of SPARQL queries on LBD requires knowl- way. The use of information containers for the management of PIM
edge of the syntax and semantics of the query language on the one and AIM is predetermined by standardization (ISO 2018). Informa-
hand and the queried data set on the other hand. This knowledge tion containers support information delivery according to IDM.
cannot be assumed for application in the engineering context. Query They also entail the systematic assembling, structuring, and ex-
templates and rule sets must be prepared accordingly and filled with change of data, which facilitates data management for transportation
parameters, e.g., from the IFC model, so that efficient use is possible. infrastructure operational activities combined with the BIM model.
Although the platform already allows the storage and import/export In this research, ICDD containers according to ISO 21597-1 (ISO
of SPARQL queries, as well as the creation of SHACL shapes in a 2020) were used to maintain IFC models and accompanying hetero-
knowledge base, the major challenge is actually creating this content geneous asset data, which were linked together inside these contain-
according to requirements for the application domains. ers using Semantic Web technologies. These technologies enable

© ASCE 04022041-14 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022041

the container for extension and usage of dynamic data schemes with information containers, an automatic generation of the relationships
domain-specific ontologies. between entities in these domain-specific models is necessary and
To examine how standardized information containers need to needs to be researched further to increase the automation for this.
be prepared, a process analysis and an analysis of the data exchange Finally, the connection to sensors and other measuring devices that
during infrastructure maintenance operations were conducted. As produce regular time-dependent data must be made usable in infor-
a result, a workflow including stakeholders, processes, and data mation containers automatically. Research in this direction, par-
flow was described in this paper. In use cases, these processes were ticularly concerning infrastructure digital twins, can lead to several
modeled as BPMN diagrams according to the IDM framework. interesting topics for the further development of this concept.
The respective data exchange points in the workflow were iden-
tified. Container templates are provided for the handovers in the
two use cases. These container templates also include require- Data Availability Statement
ments, which can be configured as placeholder files for the receiv-
ing stakeholders. The suitability and status of the containers are Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the study
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declared for the process steps and are tracked throughout the work- are available in a repository or online in accordance with funder data
flow. These annotations are used to compose Asset information retention policies. The data generated for this paper is provided by
containers, Requirements containers, and Delivery containers. Hagedorn et al. (2022).
Considering the challenge of connecting existing asset man-
agement systems to BIM models, we demonstrated that an existing
database can be embedded in a container. An extension of the con- Acknowledgments
tainer schema is presented to allow setting up the connection to a
relational database. The content of the database can be integrated The authors gratefully acknowledge CEDR (Conference of Eur-
into the container using the R2RML specification for converting all opean Directors of Roads) and FFG (Austrian Research Promo-
database entries or a subset of database entries defined by R2RML tion Agency) for funding this research. The authors thank the
mappings. These mappings can convert data from the database into consortia of the projects AMSFree and BIM4AMS for their col-
RDF data using domain-specific ontologies so that these entries can laboration on the research of BIM-based AM concepts for roads
be linked to the IFC model afterward. The import of specific data and bridges.
from the database was demonstrated in Use case 2. In addition, the
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