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 What are the challanges they would face on Digital Technology Learning?
 What are the available Digital Technologies to the students?
 How Digital Technologies used to provide learning?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of these Dogital Technology to the teaching
learning process?
1. How often do you face challenges with digital technology in the classroom?
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Often
- Very Frequently

2. Specify the challenges you encounter when using digital technology in the classroom.

3. What digital technologies do students use for learning? (Check all that apply)
- Computers
- Tablets
- Smartphones
- Interactive Whiteboards
- Other (specify)

4. Are these digital technologies provided by the institution or brought by students?

- Provided by institution
- Brought by students

5. How are digital technologies currently used in your classroom for learning? (Check all that
- Online classes
- Educational apps
- Digital textbooks
- Virtual reality simulations
- Other (specify)

6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how effective are these digital technologies in enhancing learning? (1 =

not effective, 5 = very effective)

7. List the advantages you see in using digital technology for teaching and learning.
8. List the disadvantages you've observed when using digital technology for education.

9. Do the advantages of digital technology outweigh the disadvantages in teaching and learning?

10. Rate the overall impact of digital technology on the teaching and learning environment
(1 = very negative, 5 = very positive).

11. Has incorporating digital technology improved student engagement and participation in your
classroom? (Yes/No)

12. Does digital technology promote more interactive and student-centered learning? (Yes/No)

13. Have you received training for using digital technology in teaching? (Yes/No)

14. If trained, rate the effectiveness of the training (1 = not effective, 5 = very effective).

15. What are your expectations for the future of digital technology integration in classroom
learning? (Open-ended response)

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