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THE COPPERBELT UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & NATURAL SCIENCES \ FIRST-YEAR BIOLOGY TEST. " re . YY io OCTOBER 2012 ANSWER SHEET. Si [QA] Answer Q# | Answer Jor | 4 q| | 14 4G Cae 1s Pp / 3 eZ . Pera | 04) ot 4 17 AY os zy [oes as ay oe ey | 19 gt / o7 Te Y| a ee / [98 |-@ y 24 4 = td g| eae wl ay 23 =| / uy4y 24. | ef (2 (3 | 3s a } 13 Tey faeces Tt Les | — sa 40 odebu ic TIME: ‘One Hour ee ANSWER: ALL Questions using the ANSWER SHEET provided MARKS: Correct answer™ 4; Wrong answer= <1; Ido not know 0, NOTE: 1. Write your Names (Simame first), Computer Number and the Class Group (e.g. Group A, Group B, Group C or Group D) on the Answer Sheet provided, 2. DO NOT detach Ariswer Sheet from sheets bearing Question | to 25. a. Q2. @. 4. The sequence of DNA’s niicleotides that is concerned with a specific . determines a particular feature of the organism is described as 1, the enzyme function and the genome 2. the nucieus 5. Ido not know. 3. the nueleolus ‘The allele whose feature is fully expressed in the organism is said to be a dominant allele 2. arecessive allele 4, a dormant allele 5. Ldo not know: 3. a passive allele In genetic programmes involving the breeding of some desired erops gf-the process of mitosis ensures the segregation of alleles prior to the mating of two parental stocks A: the process of meiosis ensures the segregation of alleles prior to the mating of two parental stocks @kthe process of mitosis leads to the formation of hapioid gametes 4. the process of meiosis leads to the formation of diploid gametes 5. not know. In @ modern classification system the Domain Bacteria includes the following correct set of three organisms: : 1. the Coccus bacteria, Anabaena, and the RNA virus the Bacillus bacteria, Anabaena and Nosioc 3. the Spiriflum bacteria, the thermophiles and Anabaena > 4. the blue-green algae, the methanogens and Vibrio cholerae 5. Ido not know. : Qs. Q6. a7. Qs. 29. "he heterocysts, which are the clear enlarged cells found to occur at intervals along the (laments of the blue-green algae, are the sites known to be involved in 1. the synthesis of protein molecules 2. the synthesis of amino acids the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen to form nitrates 4. the breakdown of pr 5. [do not know. of protein molecules to release the nitrogen element to the environment All viruses possess the same basic structure of being comprised of 1. @core of nucleolus and surrounded by plasma membrane 2, a core of nucleolus aad surrounded by a protein coat 3, a core of nucteie acid and surrounded by plasma membrane A core of nucleic acid and surrounded by a protein coat 5. [0 not know. ‘The liver-flukes are s group of flatworms that can best be classified under the phylum knows as: 4 1. Annelida f Piayhsimintes 2 Catdaia 5. To nothin 3. Nematoda A group of invertebrates whose bodies poisess exoskeletons, have a well-developed head, thorax, abdomen and uniquely bear three pairs of legs, are members of the Class called: 1. Crustacea. — 3 Crabs, (yy #- lobubo, ff Capt) ZO Insecta Cate dh millones 3. Chiropoda + 4. Arachnida — Slermene tbo jt, (mden Ido not know. The viral pathogen that causes AIDS is classified as: ZF one of the Retroviruses whose genome is RNA 2. one of the Retroviruses whose genome is DNA. 3. merely one of the RNA viruses 4, merely one of the DNA viruses 5. Tdo not know. 10. Qu. an. as. us. Qis. As the female mosquito carrying malarial parasites feeds on lauman blood, f ++ Winjects Plasmodium in the form of merozoites into the human blood stream 2 injects Plasmodium inthe form of gametocytes into the human blood stream 7” Hinjects Plasmodium in the form of sporozoites into the human blood stream “ ingests Plasmodium in the form of sporozoites from the human blood stream 5. Ido not know. A group of fishes with a bony endoskeleton and the body equipped with air bladder is "classified under the Class called: Osteichthyes 4. Molusca Saw 2. Condrichthyes 5. Ido not know. 3. Agnatha 7 The lizard ean be described as: an endothermic animal characterised by ts skin bearing scales 2, an endothermic animal characterised by its skin bearing hairs ; Yon) an exothermic animal characterised by its skin bearing scales C. ECS? 4-an exothermic animal characterised by its skin bearing hairs To not know. ‘The genus Rhizopus, commonly referred to as the bread mold or nshima mold, is a member of a fumgal class known as: . Basidiomycetes 4, Oomycetes Zygomycetes 5. do not know. Ascomycetes ‘The fungus known as Aspergillus is characterized by bearing a kind of asexual spores not ~ enclosed in a sporangium, and hence such spores are termed: 1. the ascospores XK the conidiospores 2. the basidiospores 5S. Ido not know. 3. the zygospores ‘The genus Penicillium, which is the source of a medical drug called penicillin, of spores on the structure called bears its chain 1. the antheridiophore the ascus conidiophore 5. Ido not know. 3. the archegoniophore aie. a ant. us. ans. 20, / The algae called Spivogyra is best desoribed as 1m containing spirally-shaped chloroplasts in each cell 1. auniceliutes 2, amulticeliular filamentous form containing two star-shaped chloroplasts in each cell 3. a multicellular filamentous form containing spirally-shaped chloroplasts in each cell 4 multicellular thalloid form containing numerous star-shaped chloroplasts in each cell 3, Ido not know, Tissues of the moss sporophyte are known to be 1, oytologically diploid and eventually bearing diploi cytologically diploid and eventually bearing haploid spores spores 2, 3. cytologically haploid and eventuaily bearing haploid spores 4, cytologically haploid and eventually bearing diploid spores és J do not know. Marchamtia is a bryophyte commonly known as 1. a liverwort characterised by a thalloid plant body * 2. a liverwort characterised by a plant body differentiated into roots, stems and leaves 3. a homwort characterised by a thalloid plant body 4. a homwort characterised by bearing a horn-like structure containing spores 5. Tdo not know. ‘A soms is described as a structure that bears 1. 8 cluster of sporangia on the adaxial cide of the microphylls 2. cluster of sporangia on the adaxis! side of the megaphylis 3. a cluster of sporangia on the abaxial side of the leaves 4. a cluster of sporangia on the adaxial side of the leaves 5. Ido not know. Species of the genera Marsilea and Selaginella are described as being 1. heterosporous because they bear only one kind of spores 2. heterosporous because they bear two kinds of spores 3. homosporous because they bear one kind of spores. 4, homosporous because they bear two kinds of spores 5. Ido not know. Q21. Q22. 223, 25. ‘The life cycle of the true fern, which is commonly cultivated as an omamental plant called Nepvolepis exaltata,reveais that 4 gametophyte plan is initially nutritionally dependent on the aduit sporophyte plant 2. a young sporophyte plant is intially mutrtionally dependent on the protonema Young sporophyte plant is initially nutritionally dependent on the gametopliyte plait 2 young developing sporoplhyte fs nutritionally intependent from 5. Ido not know. ie gametophyte plant The seed plants are said to be evolutionary similar to 4. homosporous ferns because they also bear one kind of spores 2. homosporous ferns because they also bear two kinds of spores 3. _heterosporous ferns because they also bear one kind of spores 4. heterosporous ferns because they also bear two kinds of spores Ido not know, The gymnosperms whose growth form presents the appearance of being palm-like constitute a s70up of plants classified under the division called 1. Cycadophyta 4, Gnetophyta 2. Coniferophyta 5. Edo not know. 3. Giikegophyta Plant species under the genus Pinus are adapted to a physiological drought because the leaf * anatomy reveals the presence of a correct set of the following features as: 1. thin cuticle, epidermis and cortex. 2. epidermis, endodermis and mesophyll 3: thick cuticle, hypodermis and sunken stomata rh cortex, ring of vascular bundles and resin canals i Ido not know. In a fertile moss the spores are borne within a structure referred to as: 1. the antheridium 4, the basidium 2, the archegonium 5. Ido not know. 3. the capsule ENDOF TEST

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