Nhóm 9 Thảo Linh Thiện Quyên Water and Oceans Art

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Topic 1: Art

1.Revolutionary Art in America: Society and Artists

Noteworthy words & expressions:

- revolutionary art: nghệ thuật mang tính cải cách
- sycophancy(n): thói nịnh bợ, sự nịnh bợ
- the status quo: tình trạng hiện tại
- political struggles: cuộc chiến chính trị
- liberation(n): sự tự do, thời khắc được tự do
- instrumental(adj): có sự ảnh hưởng lớn
- in the wake of sth: xảy ra sau và là kết quả của điều gì đó
2. The government's investment in arts, music, and theatre is a waste of money.

Governments should invest these funds in public services instead.To what extent do you

agree with this statement?

=>It is often argued that the government should finance public services instead of spending its

budget on arts, music, and theatre. Although I agree that the government’s investments in

public services play a very important role, I think that proper funding of the arts sector is also

crucial for society.

On the one hand, the government should definitely allocate a large part of its budget on public

services. This economic sector determines the overall quality of life, ensuring that some basic

services, like schools, hospitals, and roads, are available to all citizens irrespective of their

income or social status. Public services satisfy the primary needs of the society and thus

need proper funding, while artists and musicians are not curing diseases or building houses, so

their role is secondary. For example, any country can live without music concerts, but the

absence of medicine will create significant problems. That’s why the government should

adequately finance public services in the first place.

On the other hand, arts, music, and theatre are not a waste of money, since they are an integral

part of society’s cultural and intellectual development and amusement. Firstly, art and
music draw people’s attention to diverse phenomena and represent the inward significance

of things. Quite often a single drawing, piece, or song can exhort myriads of people to

reconsider their attitude towards some situation. This way, art serves as a major source of

the nation’s personal and intellectual development. Moreover, visiting museums, watching

movies, and listening to music are common ways of relaxation and entertainment. Thus, the art

sector is also important for society and should not be neglected.

To conclude, though I agree that the government should allocate a large part of its budget on

such urgent needs of the society like public services, I think that arts, music, and theatre should

also be financed since they play an important role in people’s development and entertainment.

3. Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these

days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology

and business. Why do you think that is? What could be done to encourage more people

to take interest in arts?

One of the crucial parts of the cultural heritage across the world is art. But, unfortunately,

in this world of competition, only a few individuals are interested in the arts. The majority of

people concentrate on Science, technology, and business as they offer better job prospects.

However, this situation can be overcome if appropriate measures are taken to attract

youngsters towards artworks.

In the interconnected world, many people do not consider arts as an important subject. Instead,

they think that learning arts subjects may not help them professionally and monetarily, and

focusing on other subjects is the only gateway to success. To be more precise, art is usually

considered a hobby rather than an independent profession.

It is an acknowledged fact that art is the backbone of every culture, and absence of interest in

art will eventually lead to the decline of cultural heritage around the world. In order to avoid this

cultural ruin, it is immensely important to increase the awareness of art, and the governments
can revive interests in younger generations by constructing art galleries, organizing cultural

events, and maintaining museums. The government authorities should take the necessary steps

to bring alertness to artwork. This way, it will attract more individuals towards art, which will

help generate more revenue. Better financial prospects will boost and elevate the people to

pursue art as a passion and a career option.

To sum up, science, technology, and business are lucrative in terms of job prospects, but art

too can be a reliable source of livelihood. Thus, the government’s efforts can facilitate the

survival of art as it is the only way to keep our culture and traditions alive for future generations.

Noteworthy words & expressions:

- backbone(n): phần quan trọng nhất

- cultural ruin: sự lụi tàn văn hoá

- immensely(adv): khôn cùng

- revenue(n): tiền lời, tiền huê hồng

- lucrative(adj): mang lại nhiều tiền, lợi nhuận

4. Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore receive funds from the government

in order for them to continue with their work. To what extent do you agree?

An artist’s livelihood depends upon the skillful display of their talents and mastery of the

creative arts, but they often struggle to make a modest living from it. This has invited discussion

about whether or not artists should receive financial aid from the government, which would

enable them to keep performing their art. Personally, I am of the opinion that the authorities

ought to directly fund the artisans to allow them to pursue their craft voluntarily and I will state

the reasons why it would be greatly beneficial.

Firstly, creative arts are the prime source of income for most artists. Throughout history, many

luminaries, such as Vincent Van Gogh and John Keats, have been in dire straits financially,

which culminated in tragically short creative lives. Had the government provided pecuniary aid,
the world would have been blessed with more of their creative masterpieces. A notable example

in this regard is Satyajit Ray, whose magnum opus, Panther Panchali, would probably never

have seen the light of day had the government not stepped in and provided him with the funds

he needed to complete his cinematic masterpiece.

Secondly, artists are the torchbearers when it comes to preserving a country or a region’s

cultural heritage and traditions. By aiding artists financially, the government would also be

helping to preserve the cultural legacy and historical customs, which maintain the cultural

identity of any place. Lastly, by funding artists, the government would help create jobs and

encourage other people to pursue art as their vocation. This would bring communities together

by involving them in preserving the arts, nurturing their cultural consciousness, and continuing

to capture the zeitgeist for years to come.

However, in opposition to the aforementioned views, government funding of the arts could be

better utilised to strengthen the infrastructure of the country by investing in sectors such as

healthcare, education, or social services. Furthermore, there are many non-profit organisations

which work to provide funding to artisans and showcase their works which, some opine,

reduces the necessity of government involvement.

In conclusion, the government ought to support creative pursuits by offering financial assistance

to artists, which would enable them to stop worrying about sustenance and continue creating

works of cultural significance. One can only hope that this strategy is adopted by governments

across the world, which would enthuse more people to go into the arts and establish

themselves as artists.

Noteworthy words and expressions:

- luminary(n): người xuất sắc

- dire straits: tình trạng vô cùng nghiêm trọng

- pecuniary(adj): liên quan đến tiền bạc

- magnum opus: công việc quản trọng nhất

- torchbearer: người đứng đầu, quan trọng nhất trong một nhóm, một t ổ ch ức

- vocation: tiếng gọi của cuộc đời, công việc cả đời

5. Museums and art galleries should concentrate on works that show history and

culture of their own country rather than works of the other parts in the world. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Museums and art galleries have played a major role in preserving and conveying
historical values for a long time. While many people suggest that they should focus
purely on displaying works that represent the nation’s culture and history, others with
contradicting views affirm that international works are also of great worth.
Personally, I think both viewpoints are equally valid.

On the one hand, there are reasons why it is believed that artifacts and works of
national value should be given priority. Firstly, museums and art galleries should be
places that honor indigenous history and culture. By going to these museums and
galleries, people will gain a deeper understanding of their nation, along with the
golden ages and hard times that the country has been through. The exhibitions
therefore serve an educational purpose as they instill patriotism and promote a
sense of national pride in the citizens of that country. Apart from that, such places
also help to preserve traditional and historical values. In the 21 st century, many
minority ethnic groups are in grave danger of losing their culture, and therefore, the
display of their works and artifacts will help to preserve their culture and the cultural
diversity of a nation.

On the other hand, showing international works of art has several merits. Works from
other parts of the world help to diversify the content of museums and art galleries.
Admittedly, even though the value of museums and art galleries cannot be denied,
their failure in adopting changes and updating collections has discouraged people
from visiting these places. For that reason, international works will add appeal and
aid museums and galleries in attracting more visitors. Furthermore, if museums
display international works, people will have more chance to gain knowledge and
insight into other cultures as well.

In conclusion, the ultimate goal of museums and galleries is to spread knowledge

and wonder far and wide. Therefore, my suggestion is that local artifacts and works
should be prioritized, while those of other nations can still be exhibited but in
separate museums and galleries.

Noteworthy words and terms:

● conveying historical values: truyền tải giá trị lịch sử

● to be of great worth: có giá trị lớn
● indigenous history and culture: lịch sử và văn hoá bản xứ
● serve educational purposes: phục vụ mục đích giáo dục

● instill patriotism: truyền tải, thấm nhuần tình yêu nước

● promote a sense of national pride: củng cố lòng tự hào dân tộc

● in grave danger: gặp nguy hiểm

Technical terms:

1. An original idea: ý tưởng độc đáo

2. Arts and crafts: nền văn hóa phong phú
3. Abstract art: nghệ thuật thị giác
4. Aesthetics: mỹ học

5. Contemporary art: nghệ thuật trừu tượng

6. Performance art: nghệ thuật biểu diễn

7. Structural art: nghệ thuật cấu trúc
8. Modern art: nghệ thuật đương đại
9. Visual arts: nghệ thuật thị giác, nghệ thuật trực quan
10. Fine art: mỹ nghệ
11. Decorative art: nghệ thuật trang trí
12. Charcoal drawing: tranh vẽ bằng than chì

13. Oil painting: tranh sơn dầu

14. Acrylic painting: tranh sơn màu acrylic

15. Ink painting: tranh vẽ bằng mực

16. Digital painting: tranh vẽ trên máy tính
17. Portrait: tranh vẽ chân dung

18. Delicacies: cao lương mỹ vị

19. Sketching: vẽ phác họa

20. Pencil sketch: phác họa bằng bút chì
21. Engraving: tranh khắc

22. Graffiti: hình vẽ trên tường

23. Fresco: tranh tường

24. Gouache: tranh bột màu

25. Caricature: tranh biếm họa
26. Choreograph: dàn dựng

27. Renaissance: thời kỳ phục hưng

28. Realism: chủ nghĩa hiện thực

29. Romanticism: chủ nghĩa lãng mạn
30. Socialist realism: chủ nghĩa hiện thực xã hội chủ nghĩa
31. Surrealism: chủ nghĩa siêu thực
32. Symbolism: chủ nghĩa tượng trưng
33. Critical realism: chủ nghĩa hiện thực phê phán
34. Nauralism: chủ nghĩa tự nhiên
35. Classicalism: chủ nghĩa cổ diển
36. Impressionism: chủ nghĩa ấn tượng
Topic 2: Water and ocean

1.Nowadays, it is possible to move ocean creatures from their natural habitats at sea and

have them relocated in amusement parks for the purpose of people's recreation. Do you

think the advantages of this outweigh disadvantages? Explain your reasons and support

them with specific examples.

=> Nowadays, a large number of the sea creatures are moved from their natural habitats to

the entertainment parks as sea life centres and ocean parks, which has a great impact on the

lives of the creatures. From my point of view, the demerits are outweighing the merits and the

reasons for my inclination are articulated in the ensuing paragraphs.

To commence with, On the one hand, there is a plethora of disadvantages to move the animals

in the ocean parks. First and for most, in their early age, they are separated from their family

and mother to train them better to earn more money by giving thrilling performances, which will

create a huge impact on their growth and in the long run has become a reason for longevity

reduction. For example, Dolphin's average age is 20 years in natural habitats; while they live

only average 12 years in the amusement parks. Secondly, they have very less space to enjoy

their activity, they feel monotonous by living in a closed area, which affects their mental health.

Lastly, sometimes the new environment means the ocean parks are not suitable for their nature

and soul, that they might end up their lives at a very early stage, which becomes the reason for

unbalancing the food chain.

On the other hand, by placing the creatures in the entertainment parks boosts the economy of

the country by providing knowledge and entertainment for the children. Moreover, many times

the main reason for the transfer is the scientific research to flourish their life by providing them

the required nutritions and medicines to combat from chronic disease such as cancer. For

instance, the Asiatic lions are under the scientific study because of they are about to extinct,

and trials are going on to protect them and increase their population.
In conclusion, however there are certain advantages to move sea creatures from their natural

habitats by feeding them sufficient nutritions and medicines; the disadvantages are many as it

decreases their longevity and which greatly impact on the balance of the food chain and


Noteworthy words & expressions:

- plethora (n): tình trạng quá thừa thãi

- chronic: mãn tính, bám chặt

2.Pollution of rivers, lakes and seas is a major concern for people who seek to protect

the environment.What are the possible causes of water pollution, and what effects
does this have on animal life and human society?

=> One of the most concern issues related to our surrounding is contaminated water

caused the human's variety of organization to the environment. There seem to be

two main causes involved, and a multi-sided damaging effect on people and the

biosphere, which we will discuss here.

Apparently, the main factor is the issue of emissions from cars, industries and other

human activities, leading to form these threatened atoms more serious and

complicated to prevent to some extent. In other words, these emissions contain

damaging pollutant particles, and particular area's free flow of water source is

tainted with these elements due to the lack of opportunity to distinguish drink

supplies from polluted range, as we are seeing in Eastern Europe today. These

countries are claiming that the accumulation system can be significant to contribute

protection project. The other major cause is that increasing dumping of waste

products, especially referred to non-recycled items such as computer chips, battery

and some locomotives can be controversial to global extent, meaning that there is

an exclusive anticipation that one nation's waste is influencing other's safety to

irrigation by the way that some harmful particles is moving directly without secure

through the atmosphere.

The reflex on an animal can be severe, especially for an endangered species by

threats such as poaching, habitat loss and food chain disruption which is itself

regarded as a contradictory act. This means that contaminated rainwater results to

dwindle the number of endangered animals, and thus called potential extinction, as

may indeed happen to the Asian tiger. Additionally, the response of the human life is

also distressing. Poisoning of drinking water can be a consequence of famine,

drought and lack of irrigation, affecting negatively the welfare of all of people,

especially for the very poorest in society as least resources to overcome.

To summarize, we see that emissions and dumping are the main origins of the

problem, and that the outcome on human and animals are exacerbated by

environmental or criminal problems.

Noteworthy words:

1. multi-sided: nhiều mặt

2. atom: nguyên tử

3. particle: phần tử

4. taint: làm hại

5. accumulation: sự chất đống

6. locomotive: đầu máy

7. welfare: phúc lợi

3. Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world.

Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global

problem.What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure

could governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?

=> One permanent concern for various governments around the globe is the water

resources. However, recent years have witnessed an ever-growing demand of fresh

water due to different forces. There are a number of solutions which should be

implemented by both the authorities and individuals to deal with this issue.

To begin with, it is undeniable that overpopulation is the major cause of increasing

demand of clean water. As a matter of fact, the global population has raised

significantly over the pass years. Therefore, it leads to an excessive need for clean

water. Another reason is the shortage of clean water sources due to

industrialization. In fact, a huge amount of polluted liquid is emitted into the aquatic

milieu by a large number of factories. As a consequence, the development in the

number of plants and is associated with a detrimental impact on the quality of

natural water.

Although it is a thorny problem, governments and individuals should make more

effort to contribute to preserve water and protect the aquatic environment. Firstly,

one solution that yields some promising outcomes is that the authorities should

establish the law enforcing environmental protection. By doing this, governments

can limit the amount of water released as well as control the quality of used water of

factories. Another way, which has a long-lasting effect, is that people should reduce

their water waste. In other words, by saving the domestic use of water, residents

can help to preserve water resources for other regions that have difficulties

accessing to clean water sources.

In conclusion, overpopulation and industrialization are two principal causes of

raising the demand for fresh water. The efforts of neither governments nor

individuals can be overlooked in order to create and combined and consolidated

impact on water preservation.

Noteworthy words:

1. milieu: môi trường, hoàn cảnh

2. thorny: gai góc

3. consolidate: củng cố

4. Some people think that people should be given the right to use freshwater
as they like. Others believe governments should strictly control the use of
freshwater. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Water scarcity has become a major problem in the modern day, which poses the question of
whether people should still have free access to fresh water. Although some people argue
that it is their right to use water as they choose, I believe it is more beneficial if there are
restrictions on water use.

On the one hand, proponents of the idea that people should be able to freely use water often
state several reasons. Firstly, it is not always people's fault that water is wasted. In some
countries, bureaucracy, mismanagement and corruption are the main factors that jeopardize
water supply. Therefore, it is unjustifiable to force people into saving resources that they do
not waste in the first place. Secondly, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure that its
citizens have access to fresh water. The government should use taxpayers' money to
promote sustainable water management and improve the sewage system, allowing them to
supply and recycle water in a way that meets current needs without affecting future

On the other hand, other people believe that water shortages will become more severe
without government intervention. A large number of people still think that fresh water is an
unlimited natural resource. Setting maximum limits for water consumption or punishing those
who overuse water would surely raise people's awareness of the dire consequences of
abusing water resources, thereby discouraging them from misusing water. In addition, only
the government has a deep understanding of its current water situation. Therefore, only they
can take action accordingly to prevent drought and other emergencies that water shortages
can cause.

In conclusion, although household water use might not be the main culprit of water
shortages, I firmly believe that the government should control and regulate the water supply
in order to encourage efficient water use and protect the country from disaster.

Noteworthy words and terms:

1. poses the question of something: đặt ra câu hỏi về điều gì đó:

2. bureaucracy, mismanagement and corruption: quan liêu, quản lý yếu kém và
tham nhũng
3. jeopardize: gây nguy hiểm
4. force somebody into doing something: buộc ai đó làm điều gì đó
5. have access to something: có quyền truy cập vào một cái gì đó
6. government intervention: sự can thiệp của chính phủ
7. an unlimited natural resource: một nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên không giới
8. raise people's awareness of the dire consequences of something: nâng cao
nhận thức của mọi người về hậu quả nghiêm trọng của một cái gì đó
9. have a deep understanding of something: hiểu biết sâu sắc về điều gì đó
10. be the main culprit of something: thủ phạm chính của một cái gì đó

5. A serious problem affecting countries right across the globe is the lack of
water for drinking, washing and other household uses. Why do many
countries face water shortages, and what could be done to alleviate the
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge and experiences. You should write at least 250 words.
In today’s world, countries are increasingly facing severe lack of water for their
daily usage. A continuous rise of global warming is the root causing behind this
scarcity; however, self-awareness regarding environmentally hazardous activities
can address this issue effectively. I am going to elucidate the idea in detail.

Our reckless chemical usage is resulting in increased global warming which is one of
the major reasons behind the household water shortage. We are constantly
introducing air polluting chemicals, such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides and applying heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead
along with pesticide and herbicide. All these compounds work in synergy with each
other and heavily release carbon dioxide in the air. These thoughtless activities are
severely raising global warming which is causing increased temperature, abnormal
climate cycle, irregular rainfalls, and droughts in various regions. As a result, people
are increasingly suffering from the lack of water to meet their minimum household
However, properly maintaining the disposal of non-biodegradable items at
individual level could be a smart measure to curb this issue. This would improve the
environment by boosting the efficient recycling of plastics and metals. In fact, large
amounts of pollution could be easily controlled if each citizen contributes towards
maintaining a low emission atmosphere and restricts the usage of hazardous
chemical compounds. For instance, most of Europe's environment has no pollution,
as numerous citizens have opted for automobiles running on green fuels, and they
have controlled the usage of polluting elements. Therefore, it is about the mindset of
the people that needs to be transformed to save the environment which eventually
determines our freshwater availability.
In conclusion, excessive global warming causes a lack of water in many
countries. However, practicing environmentally friendly activities at an individual level
can effectively reduce this impact.

Noteworthy words and terms:

● elucidate: làm sáng tỏ

● work in synergy with : đồng vận với, điều phối với
● thoughtless: vô tư lự
● climate cycle: chu kỳ khí hậu
● meet the needs: đáp ứng nhu cầu
● biodegradable: có thể bị vi khuẩn làm cho thối rữa
● non-biodegradable: không phân hủy sinh học
● curb: kiềm chế, nén lại
● opt for something: chọn lựa

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