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1. Accept (‫)قبول کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Accept

 Past Tense: Accepted

 Past Participle: Accepted

 Present Participle: Accepting

 Third Person Singular: Accepts

 Example: She accepted the job offer.

2. Act (‫)کام کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Act

 Past Tense: Acted

 Past Participle: Acted

 Present Participle: Acting

 Third Person Singular: Acts

 Example: The actor performed brilliantly.

3. Add (‫)شامل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Add

 Past Tense: Added

 Past Participle: Added

 Present Participle: Adding

 Third Person Singular: Adds

 Example: Please add sugar to your tea.

4. Admire (‫)تعریف کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Admire

 Past Tense: Admired

 Past Participle: Admired

 Present Participle: Admiring

 Third Person Singular: Admires

 Example: I admire your artwork.

5. Agree (‫)متفق ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Agree

 Past Tense: Agreed

 Past Participle: Agreed

 Present Participle: Agreeing

 Third Person Singular: Agrees

 Example: They finally agreed on a decision.

6. Answer (‫)جواب دینا‬:

 Base Form: Answer

 Past Tense: Answered

 Past Participle: Answered

 Present Participle: Answering

 Third Person Singular: Answers

 Example: He answered all the questions correctly.

7. Apologize (‫)معافی چاہنا‬:

 Base Form: Apologize

 Past Tense: Apologized

 Past Participle: Apologized

 Present Participle: Apologizing

 Third Person Singular: Apologizes

 Example: She had to apologize for her mistake.

8. Arrive (‫)پہنچنا‬:

 Base Form: Arrive

 Past Tense: Arrived

 Past Participle: Arrived

 Present Participle: Arriving

 Third Person Singular: Arrives

 Example: The train arrived on time.

9. Ask (‫)پوچھنا‬:

 Base Form: Ask

 Past Tense: Asked

 Past Participle: Asked

 Present Participle: Asking

 Third Person Singular: Asks

 Example: Can I ask you a question?

10. Bake (‫)پکانا‬:

 Base Form: Bake

 Past Tense: Baked

 Past Participle: Baked

 Present Participle: Baking

 Third Person Singular: Bakes

 Example: She baked a delicious cake.

11. Believe (‫)یقین کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Believe

 Past Tense: Believed

 Past Participle: Believed

 Present Participle: Believing

 Third Person Singular: Believes

 Example: I believe in your abilities.

12. Build (‫)تعمیر کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Build

 Past Tense: Built

 Past Participle: Built

 Present Participle: Building

 Third Person Singular: Builds

 Example: They built a new house.

13. Call (‫)بالنا یا پکارنا‬:

 Base Form: Call

 Past Tense: Called

 Past Participle: Called

 Present Participle: Calling

 Third Person Singular: Calls

 Example: I'll call you when I arrive.

14. Change (‫)تبدیل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Change

 Past Tense: Changed

 Past Participle: Changed

 Present Participle: Changing

 Third Person Singular: Changes

 Example: You need to change your password.

15. Clean (‫)صفا کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Clean

 Past Tense: Cleaned

 Past Participle: Cleaned

 Present Participle: Cleaning

 Third Person Singular: Cleans

 Example: She cleaned the house thoroughly.

16. Cook (‫)پکانا‬:

 Base Form: Cook

 Past Tense: Cooked

 Past Participle: Cooked

 Present Participle: Cooking

 Third Person Singular: Cooks

 Example: She cooked a delicious meal for us.

17. Dance (‫)رقص کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Dance

 Past Tense: Danced

 Past Participle: Danced

 Present Participle: Dancing

 Third Person Singular: Dances

 Example: They danced all night at the party.

18. Decide (‫)فیصلہ کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Decide

 Past Tense: Decided

 Past Participle: Decided

 Present Participle: Deciding

 Third Person Singular: Decides

 Example: We need to decide on a date for the meeting.

19. Drink (‫)پینا‬:

 Base Form: Drink

 Past Tense: Drank

 Past Participle: Drunk

 Present Participle: Drinking

 Third Person Singular: Drinks

 Example: I drank a glass of water.

20. Eat (‫)کھانا‬:

 Base Form: Eat

 Past Tense: Ate

 Past Participle: Eaten

 Present Participle: Eating

 Third Person Singular: Eats

 Example: They ate dinner at the restaurant.

21. Explain (‫)وضاحت دینا‬:

 Base Form: Explain

 Past Tense: Explained

 Past Participle: Explained

 Present Participle: Explaining

 Third Person Singular: Explains

 Example: Can you explain this concept to me?

22. Fly (‫)پرواز کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Fly

 Past Tense: Flew

 Past Participle: Flown

 Present Participle: Flying

 Third Person Singular: Flies

 Example: Birds can fly in the sky.

23. Go (‫)جانا‬:

 Base Form: Go

 Past Tense: Went

 Past Participle: Gone

 Present Participle: Going

 Third Person Singular: Goes

 Example: We went to the beach last summer.

24. Happen (‫)واقع ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Happen

 Past Tense: Happened

 Past Participle: Happened

 Present Participle: Happening

 Third Person Singular: Happens

 Example: What happened at the meeting?

25. Imagine (‫)تصور کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Imagine

 Past Tense: Imagined

 Past Participle: Imagined

 Present Participle: Imagining

 Third Person Singular: Imagines

26. Jump (‫)کودنا‬:

 Base Form: Jump

 Past Tense: Jumped

 Past Participle: Jumped

 Present Participle: Jumping

 Third Person Singular: Jumps

 Example: The children jumped with joy.

27. Keep (‫)رکھنا‬:

 Base Form: Keep

 Past Tense: Kept

 Past Participle: Kept

 Present Participle: Keeping

 Third Person Singular: Keeps

 Example: Please keep this for safekeeping.

28. Laugh (‫)ہنسنا‬:

 Base Form: Laugh

 Past Tense: Laughed

 Past Participle: Laughed

 Present Participle: Laughing

 Third Person Singular: Laughs

 Example: Her joke made everyone laugh.

29. Listen (‫)سننا‬:

 Base Form: Listen

 Past Tense: Listened

 Past Participle: Listened

 Present Participle: Listening

 Third Person Singular: Listens

 Example: Please listen to what I have to say.

30. Move (‫)حرکت کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Move

 Past Tense: Moved

 Past Participle: Moved

 Present Participle: Moving

 Third Person Singular: Moves

 Example: We decided to move to a new city.

31. Need (‫)ضرورت ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Need

 Past Tense: Needed

 Past Participle: Needed

 Present Participle: Needing

 Third Person Singular: Needs

 Example: I need some assistance with this task.

32. Open (‫)کھولنا‬:

 Base Form: Open

 Past Tense: Opened

 Past Participle: Opened

 Present Participle: Opening

 Third Person Singular: Opens

 Example: He opened the door for us.

33. Paint (‫)پینٹ کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Paint

 Past Tense: Painted

 Past Participle: Painted

 Present Participle: Painting

 Third Person Singular: Paints

 Example: She painted a beautiful picture.

34. Read (‫)پڑھنا‬:

 Base Form: Read

 Past Tense: Read

 Past Participle: Read

 Present Participle: Reading

 Third Person Singular: Reads

 Example: I enjoy reading novels in my free time.

35. Sing (‫)گانا‬:

 Base Form: Sing

 Past Tense: Sang

 Past Participle: Sung

 Present Participle: Singing

 Third Person Singular: Sings

 Example: She sings beautifully.

36. Talk (‫)بات کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Talk

 Past Tense: Talked

 Past Participle: Talked

 Present Participle: Talking

 Third Person Singular: Talks

 Example: We talked for hours about our plans.

37. Understand (‫)سمجھنا‬:

 Base Form: Understand

 Past Tense: Understood

 Past Participle: Understood

 Present Participle: Understanding

 Third Person Singular: Understands

 Example: I finally understood the concept.

38. Visit (‫)دورہ کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Visit

 Past Tense: Visited

 Past Participle: Visited

 Present Participle: Visiting

 Third Person Singular: Visits

 Example: We plan to visit our relatives next weekend.

39. Wait (‫)انتظار کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Wait

 Past Tense: Waited

 Past Participle: Waited

 Present Participle: Waiting

 Third Person Singular: Waits

 Example: Please wait for me here.

40. X-ray (‫)ایکس رے کرانا‬:

 Base Form: X-ray

 Past Tense: X-rayed

 Past Participle: X-rayed

 Present Participle: X-raying

 Third Person Singular: X-rays

 Example: They had to x-ray my arm after the injury.

41. Yawn (‫)جانسنگھنا‬:

 Base Form: Yawn

 Past Tense: Yawned

 Past Participle: Yawned

 Present Participle: Yawning

 Third Person Singular: Yawns

 Example: He yawned because he was tired.

42. Zoom (‫)زوم کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Zoom

 Past Tense: Zoomed

 Past Participle: Zoomed

 Present Participle: Zooming

 Third Person Singular: Zooms

 Example: The car zoomed down the highway.

43. Argue (‫)جھگڑنا‬:

 Base Form: Argue

 Past Tense: Argued

 Past Participle: Argued

 Present Participle: Arguing

 Third Person Singular: Argues

 Example: They often argue about politics.

44. Breathe (‫)سانس لینا‬:

 Base Form: Breathe

 Past Tense: Breathed

 Past Participle: Breathed

 Present Participle: Breathing

 Third Person Singular: Breathes

 Example: You should take a deep breath.

45. Climb (‫)چڑھنا‬:

 Base Form: Climb

 Past Tense: Climbed

 Past Participle: Climbed

 Present Participle: Climbing

 Third Person Singular: Climbs

 Example: They climbed the mountain together.

46. Drown (‫)ڈوبنا‬:

 Base Form: Drown

 Past Tense: Drowned

 Past Participle: Drowned

 Present Participle: Drowning

 Third Person Singular: Drowns

 Example: He nearly drowned in the deep water.

47. Earn (‫)کمانا‬:

 Base Form: Earn

 Past Tense: Earned

 Past Participle: Earned

 Present Participle: Earning

 Third Person Singular: Earns

 Example: She earns a good salary at her job.

48. Fight (‫)لڑائی کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Fight

 Past Tense: Fought

 Past Participle: Fought

 Present Participle: Fighting

 Third Person Singular: Fights

 Example: The two teams fought fiercely in the match.

49. Gather (‫)جمع کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Gather

 Past Tense: Gathered

 Past Participle: Gathered

 Present Participle: Gathering

 Third Person Singular: Gathers

 Example: Let's gather some information for the project.

50. Help (‫)مدد کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Help

 Past Tense: Helped

 Past Participle: Helped

 Present Participle: Helping

 Third Person Singular: Helps

 Example: Can you help me with this task?

51. Invent (‫)اختراع کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Invent

 Past Tense: Invented

 Past Participle: Invented

 Present Participle: Inventing

 Third Person Singular: Invents

 Example: Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

52. Jog (‫)جوگنا‬:

 Base Form: Jog

 Past Tense: Jogged

 Past Participle: Jogged

 Present Participle: Jogging

 Third Person Singular: Jogs

 Example: She likes to jog in the park every morning.

53. Illuminate (‫)روشن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Illuminate

 Past Tense: Illuminated

 Past Participle: Illuminated

 Present Participle: Illuminating

 Third Person Singular: Illuminates

 Example: The lanterns illuminated the garden beautifully.

54. Navigate (‫)راہ ڈھونڈنا‬:

 Base Form: Navigate

 Past Tense: Navigated

 Past Participle: Navigated

 Present Participle: Navigating

 Third Person Singular: Navigates

 Example: The captain navigated the ship through rough waters.

55. Organize (‫)منظم کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Organize

 Past Tense: Organized

 Past Participle: Organized

 Present Participle: Organizing

 Third Person Singular: Organizes

 Example: We need to organize the event efficiently.

56. Perceive (‫)جذب کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Perceive

 Past Tense: Perceived

 Past Participle: Perceived

 Present Participle: Perceiving

 Third Person Singular: Perceives

 Example: She perceived a change in his attitude.

57. Question (‫)سوال کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Question

 Past Tense: Questioned

 Past Participle: Questioned

 Present Participle: Questioning

 Third Person Singular: Questions

 Example: The journalist questioned the politician about the issue.

58. Recover (‫)بہتر ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Recover

 Past Tense: Recovered

 Past Participle: Recovered

 Present Participle: Recovering

 Third Person Singular: Recovers

 Example: He is recovering from a severe illness.

59. Simplify (‫)آسانی سے کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Simplify

 Past Tense: Simplified

 Past Participle: Simplified

 Present Participle: Simplifying

 Third Person Singular: Simplifies

 Example: The instructor simplified the complex concept for the students.

60. Transform (‫)تبدیل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Transform

 Past Tense: Transformed

 Past Participle: Transformed

 Present Participle: Transforming

 Third Person Singular: Transforms

61. Adapt (‫)ترتیب دینا‬:

 Base Form: Adapt

 Past Tense: Adapted

 Past Participle: Adapted

 Present Participle: Adapting

 Third Person Singular: Adapts

 Example: Animals often adapt to their surroundings for survival.

62. Evaluate (‫)اندازہ لگانا‬:

 Base Form: Evaluate

 Past Tense: Evaluated

 Past Participle: Evaluated

 Present Participle: Evaluating

 Third Person Singular: Evaluates

 Example: The teacher evaluated the students' assignments.

63. Illuminate (‫)روشن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Illuminate

 Past Tense: Illuminated

 Past Participle: Illuminated

 Present Participle: Illuminating

 Third Person Singular: Illuminates

 Example: The fireworks illuminated the night sky.

64. Navigate (‫)راہ ڈھونڈنا‬:

 Base Form: Navigate

 Past Tense: Navigated

 Past Participle: Navigated

 Present Participle: Navigating

 Third Person Singular: Navigates

 Example: The pilot navigated the plane through turbulent weather.

65. Overcome (‫)کامیاب ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Overcome

 Past Tense: Overcame

 Past Participle: Overcome

 Present Participle: Overcoming

 Third Person Singular: Overcomes

 Example: She overcame her fear of public speaking.

66. Proclaim (‫)اعالن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Proclaim

 Past Tense: Proclaimed

 Past Participle: Proclaimed

 Present Participle: Proclaiming

 Third Person Singular: Proclaims

 Example: The leader proclaimed a new policy.

67. Question (‫)سوال کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Question

 Past Tense: Questioned

 Past Participle: Questioned

 Present Participle: Questioning

 Third Person Singular: Questions

 Example: The detective questioned the suspect.

68. Recover (‫)صحت یاب ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Recover

 Past Tense: Recovered

 Past Participle: Recovered

 Present Participle: Recovering

 Third Person Singular: Recovers

 Example: He recovered quickly after the surgery.

69. Simplify (‫)آسانی سے کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Simplify

 Past Tense: Simplified

 Past Participle: Simplified

 Present Participle: Simplifying

 Third Person Singular: Simplifies

 Example: The software was simplified for user-friendliness.

70. Transform (‫)تبدیل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Transform

 Past Tense: Transformed

 Past Participle: Transformed

 Present Participle: Transforming

 Third Person Singular: Transforms

 Example: The caterpillar transformed into a butterfly.

71. Cultivate (‫)زراعت کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Cultivate

 Past Tense: Cultivated

 Past Participle: Cultivated

 Present Participle: Cultivating

 Third Person Singular: Cultivates

 Example: Farmers cultivate crops to feed the nation.

72. Illuminate (‫)روشن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Illuminate

 Past Tense: Illuminated

 Past Participle: Illuminated

 Present Participle: Illuminating

 Third Person Singular: Illuminates

 Example: The chandeliers illuminated the grand hall.

73. Navigate (‫)راہ ڈھونڈنا‬:

 Base Form: Navigate

 Past Tense: Navigated

 Past Participle: Navigated

 Present Participle: Navigating

 Third Person Singular: Navigates

 Example: Sailors navigate the seas using navigational instruments.

74. Overcome (‫)کامیاب ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Overcome

 Past Tense: Overcame

 Past Participle: Overcome

 Present Participle: Overcoming

 Third Person Singular: Overcomes

 Example: With determination, you can overcome any obstacle.

75. Proclaim (‫)اعالن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Proclaim

 Past Tense: Proclaimed

 Past Participle: Proclaimed

 Present Participle: Proclaiming

 Third Person Singular: Proclaims

 Example: The king proclaimed a day of celebration.

76. Question (‫)سوال کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Question

 Past Tense: Questioned

 Past Participle: Questioned

 Present Participle: Questioning

 Third Person Singular: Questions

 Example: Journalists often question public figures.

77. Recover (‫)صحت یاب ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Recover

 Past Tense: Recovered

 Past Participle: Recovered

 Present Participle: Recovering

 Third Person Singular: Recovers

 Example: He worked hard to recover from the injury.

78. Simplify (‫)آسانی سے کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Simplify

 Past Tense: Simplified

 Past Participle: Simplified

 Present Participle: Simplifying

 Third Person Singular: Simplifies

 Example: The software was simplified for user convenience.

79. Transform (‫)تبدیل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Transform

 Past Tense: Transformed

 Past Participle: Transformed

 Present Participle: Transforming

 Third Person Singular: Transforms

 Example: The artist can transform a blank canvas into a masterpiece.

80. Weaken (‫)کمزور کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Weaken

 Past Tense: Weakened

 Past Participle: Weakened

 Present Participle: Weakening

 Third Person Singular: Weakens

 Example: Continuous stress can weaken the immune system.

81. Acquire (‫)حاصل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Acquire

 Past Tense: Acquired

 Past Participle: Acquired

 Present Participle: Acquiring

 Third Person Singular: Acquires

 Example: He acquired a rare collection of antique books.

82. Benefit (‫)فائدہ اٹھانا‬:

 Base Form: Benefit

 Past Tense: Benefited

 Past Participle: Benefited

 Present Participle: Benefiting

 Third Person Singular: Benefits

 Example: Regular exercise benefits your health.

83. Collaborate (‫)متفق کام کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Collaborate

 Past Tense: Collaborated

 Past Participle: Collaborated

 Present Participle: Collaborating

 Third Person Singular: Collaborates

 Example: The two teams collaborated on a research project.

84. Deteriorate (‫)خراب ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Deteriorate

 Past Tense: Deteriorated

 Past Participle: Deteriorated

 Present Participle: Deteriorating

 Third Person Singular: Deteriorates

 Example: The condition of the building continued to deteriorate.

85. Enhance (‫)بڑھانا یا بنانا‬:

 Base Form: Enhance

 Past Tense: Enhanced

 Past Participle: Enhanced

 Present Participle: Enhancing

 Third Person Singular: Enhances

 Example: Adding spices can enhance the flavor of the dish.

86. Facilitate (‫)آسانی پیدا کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Facilitate

 Past Tense: Facilitated

 Past Participle: Facilitated

 Present Participle: Facilitating

 Third Person Singular: Facilitates

 Example: The new technology can facilitate communication.

87. Generate (‫)پیدا کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Generate

 Past Tense: Generated

 Past Participle: Generated

 Present Participle: Generating

 Third Person Singular: Generates

 Example: Solar panels can generate clean energy.

88. Hesitate (‫)رکنا یا تردید کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Hesitate

 Past Tense: Hesitated

 Past Participle: Hesitated

 Present Participle: Hesitating

 Third Person Singular: Hesitates

 Example: She hesitated before making a decision.

89. Illuminate (‫)روشن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Illuminate

 Past Tense: Illuminated

 Past Participle: Illuminated

 Present Participle: Illuminating

 Third Person Singular: Illuminates

 Example: The streetlights illuminated the path.

90. Juxtapose (‫)برابر رہنا‬:

 Base Form: Juxtapose

 Past Tense: Juxtaposed

 Past Participle: Juxtaposed

 Present Participle: Juxtaposing

 Third Person Singular: Juxtaposes

 Example: The artist juxtaposed contrasting colors in the painting.


91. Liberate (‫)آزاد کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Liberate

 Past Tense: Liberated

 Past Participle: Liberated

 Present Participle: Liberating

 Third Person Singular: Liberates

 Example: The soldiers worked to liberate the oppressed people.

92. Meditate (‫)تفکر کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Meditate

 Past Tense: Meditated

 Past Participle: Meditated

 Present Participle: Meditating

 Third Person Singular: Meditates

 Example: She meditates to find inner peace and clarity.

93. Navigate (‫)راہ ڈھونڈنا‬:

 Base Form: Navigate

 Past Tense: Navigated

 Past Participle: Navigated

 Present Participle: Navigating

 Third Person Singular: Navigates

 Example: The captain expertly navigated the ship through the storm.

94. Obliterate (‫)مٹا دینا‬:

 Base Form: Obliterate

 Past Tense: Obliterated

 Past Participle: Obliterated

 Present Participle: Obliterating

 Third Person Singular: Obliterates

 Example: The explosion nearly obliterated the old building.

95. Ponder (‫)غور کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Ponder

 Past Tense: Pondered

 Past Participle: Pondered

 Present Participle: Pondering

 Third Person Singular: Ponders

 Example: He sat by the lake, pondering the mysteries of life.

96. Qualify (‫)اہلیت حاصل کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Qualify

 Past Tense: Qualified

 Past Participle: Qualified

 Present Participle: Qualifying

 Third Person Singular: Qualifies

 Example: To get the job, you need to qualify through an interview.

97. Rejuvenate (‫)نیا زندگی دینا‬:

 Base Form: Rejuvenate

 Past Tense: Rejuvenated

 Past Participle: Rejuvenated

 Present Participle: Rejuvenating

 Third Person Singular: Rejuvenates

 Example: A relaxing vacation can rejuvenate your mind and body.

98. Synchronize (‫)ہموار کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Synchronize

 Past Tense: Synchronized

 Past Participle: Synchronized

 Present Participle: Synchronizing

 Third Person Singular: Synchronizes

 Example: The dancers synchronized their movements perfectly.

99. Terminate (‫)ختم کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Terminate

 Past Tense: Terminated

 Past Participle: Terminated

 Present Participle: Terminating

 Third Person Singular: Terminates

 Example: The contract was terminated due to breach of terms.

100. Utilize (‫)استعمال کرنا‬: - Base Form: Utilize - Past Tense: Utilized - Past Participle: Utilized -
Present Participle: Utilizing - Third Person Singular: Utilizes - Example: It's essential to utilize
your resources effectively.

101. Venture (‫)مؤقف‬:

 Base Form: Venture

 Past Tense: Ventured

 Past Participle: Ventured

 Present Participle: Venturing

 Third Person Singular: Ventures

 Example: They decided to venture into the unknown wilderness.

102. Wander (‫)آوارہ گردی کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Wander

 Past Tense: Wandered

 Past Participle: Wandered

 Present Participle: Wandering

 Third Person Singular: Wanders

 Example: He loved to wander through the scenic countryside.

103. Xerox (‫)زیروکس کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Xerox

 Past Tense: Xeroxed

 Past Participle: Xeroxed

 Present Participle: Xeroxing

 Third Person Singular: Xeroxes

 Example: Make a xerox copy of the document.

104. Yearn (‫)تڑپنا یا چاہنا‬:

 Base Form: Yearn

 Past Tense: Yearned

 Past Participle: Yearned

 Present Participle: Yearning

 Third Person Singular: Yearns

 Example: She yearns for a life filled with adventure.

105. Zest (‫)زیسٹ‬:

 Base Form: Zest

 Past Tense: Zested

 Past Participle: Zested

 Present Participle: Zesting

 Third Person Singular: Zests

 Example: The chef zested a lemon to add flavor to the dish.

106. Abandon (‫)ترک کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Abandon

 Past Tense: Abandoned

 Past Participle: Abandoned

 Present Participle: Abandoning

 Third Person Singular: Abandons

 Example: He decided to abandon the old project.

107. Befuddle (‫)حیران کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Befuddle

 Past Tense: Befuddled

 Past Participle: Befuddled

 Present Participle: Befuddling

 Third Person Singular: Befuddles

 Example: His confusing explanation befuddled everyone.

108. Cultivate (‫)زراعت کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Cultivate

 Past Tense: Cultivated

 Past Participle: Cultivated

 Present Participle: Cultivating

 Third Person Singular: Cultivates

 Example: Farmers cultivate various crops throughout the year.

109. Delineate (‫)تصویر بنانا‬:

 Base Form: Delineate

 Past Tense: Delineated

 Past Participle: Delineated

 Present Participle: Delineating

 Third Person Singular: Delineates

 Example: The artist delineated the scene with intricate details.

110. Eradicate (‫)ختم کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Eradicate

 Past Tense: Eradicated

 Past Participle: Eradicated

 Present Participle: Eradicating

 Third Person Singular: Eradicates

 Example: Efforts are being made to eradicate diseases.

111. Flourish (‫)ترقی کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Flourish

 Past Tense: Flourished

 Past Participle: Flourished

 Present Participle: Flourishing

 Third Person Singular: Flourishes

 Example: The business began to flourish in the international market.

112. Galvanize (‫)جذب کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Galvanize

 Past Tense: Galvanized

 Past Participle: Galvanized

 Present Participle: Galvanizing

 Third Person Singular: Galvanizes

 Example: The speech by the leader galvanized the audience into action.
113. Harbor (‫)مانند ہونا‬:

 Base Form: Harbor

 Past Tense: Harbored

 Past Participle: Harbored

 Present Participle: Harboring

 Third Person Singular: Harbors

 Example: She harbored dreams of becoming an astronaut.

114. Illuminate (‫)روشن کرنا‬:

 Base Form: Illuminate

 Past Tense: Illuminated

 Past Participle: Illuminated

 Present Participle: Illuminating

 Third Person Singular: Illuminates

 Example: The fireworks illuminated the night sky.

115. Juxtapose (‫)برابر رہنا‬:

 Base Form: Juxtapose

 Past Tense: Juxtaposed

 Past Participle: Juxtaposed

 Present Participle: Juxtaposing

 Third Person Singular: Juxtaposes

 Example: The artist juxtaposed contrasting colors in the painting.

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